su anlamına önek

listen to the pronunciation of su anlamına önek
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) hydro
electrical power supply; specifically : electrical power provided by a utility (as a publicly-owned one)

I won't have lights until my house gets the hydro turned on.

hydroelectric power
A spa
A hydro- aëroplane
Hydrostatic testing of a scuba tank performed to verify tank integrity
A combining form of hydrogen, indicating hydrogen as an ingredient, as hydrochloric; or a reduction product obtained by hydrogen, as hydroquinone
{i} spa, establishment which offers mineral-water health cures; hydropathic establishment (place which offers hydropathic treatment)
Of or pertaining to electricity
prefix denoting water, in excess
A combining form from Gr
1) A type of generating station or power or energy output in which the prime mover is driven by water power 2) Short for hydroelectric power
A prefix meaning produced by or derived from water or the movement of water, as in hydroelectricity
The prefix denoting water or hydrogen
&?;, &?;, water (see Hydra)
Hydrostatic testing for tank integrity
electricity; usually specifically from the domestic electrical power supply
su anlamına önek