
listen to the pronunciation of statistics
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} istatistik

İstatistikler her zaman bütün hikayeyi anlatmaz. - Statistics don't always tell the whole story.

İstatistikler kolayca yanlış yorumlanabilir. - Statistics are easy to misinterpret.

statisticistatistiğestatistician istatistik uzmanı

İstatistikler lehimizde. - The statistics are in our favor.

İstatistikler her zaman bütün hikayeyi anlatmaz. - Statistics don't always tell the whole story.

istatistik ilmi
{i} istatistik bilimi
(Tıp) İstatistik ilmi
(Ticaret) istatistik, sayıbilim
(Hukuk) istatistikler
state ınstitute of statistics
(Ticaret) devlet istatistik enstitüsü
state institute of statistics
Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü (DİE)
stellar statistics
(Astronomi) yıldızlar istatistiği

İstatistikler bizim yaşam standardımızın yüksek olduğunu gösteriyor. - The statistics show that our standard of living is high.

İstatistikler her zaman bütün hikayeyi anlatmaz. - Statistics don't always tell the whole story.

produce statistics
istatistik yapmak
robust statistics
sağlam istatistikler
vital statistics
(Tıp) yaşam istatistikleri
financial statistics
mali istatistikler
medical statistics
quantum statistics
kuvantum istatistiği
annual statistics
Yıllık istatistik
circulation statistics
sirkülasyon istatistikleri
claim statistics
hasar istatistiği
descriptive statistics
tanımlayıcı istatistik
housing statistics
konut istatistiği
inferential statistics
(İstatistik) Örneklem gruplarından elde edilen bulgulardan hareketle araştırma ev­reninin bütününü bağlayıcı genellemeler yapmak için kullanı­lan istatistiksel yöntem ve teknikler toplamı
office for national statistics
İngiltere milli istatistik bürosu
probability and statistics
(İstatistik) İhtimal ve istatistik
the statistics
transport statistics
nakliye istatistikleri
Bayesian statistics
Bayes istatistigi
bureau of vital statistics
(isim)fus dairesi, nüfus memurluğu
bureau of vital statistics
nüfus memurluğu
bureau of vital statistics
nüfus dairesi
criminal statistics
suçlu istatistikleri
descriptive statistics
betimleyici istatistikler
document statistics
Belge istatistikleri
educational statistics
(Eğitim) eğitim istatistikleri
fishery statistics
(Denizbilim) balıkçılık istatistikleri
fleet statistics
(Denizbilim) filo istatistiği
inductive statistics
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tümevarımsal istatistik
international statistics
(Ticaret) uluslararası istatistikler
nomenclature of units for territorial statistics
(Avrupa Birliği) (NUTS) İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflandırması
quantum statistics
kuantum istatistiği
{i} istatistik bilimi

Onun raporunda sunulan istatistiki veriler hareketin sıklığını tahmin etmede bizim için çok faydalı. - The statistical data presented in her paper is of great use for us in estimating the frequency of the movement.

trimmed statistics
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kırpılmış istatistik
vital statistics
doğum ve ölüm istatistikleri
vital statistics
sağlık ile ilgili istatistikler
vital statistics
(isim)fus istatistikleri, sağlık ile ilgili istatistikler, vücut ölçüleri
vital statistics
vücut ölçüleri
vital statistics
nüfus istatistikleri
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
plural form of statistic
A systematic collection of data on measurements or observations, often related to demographic information such as population counts, incomes, population counts at different ages, etc
A mathematical science concerned with data collection, presentation, analysis, and interpretation
{n} a statement or view of the civil condition of a people
the daily count of "Items In" or documents added to the collection and "Items Out" or documents removed from the collection Statistics are recorded on the Daily Statistics Sheet
We give you a choice of using MKStats1 0, MKStats 2 1, or Analog to track your web usage statistics such as what domains are accessing your web site, how many "hits" you are getting, how much data is being transferred and more In addition, We give you direct access to your raw log files so you can analyze your statistics with other more full-featured programs Available with plans: Professional, Corporate, Commercial
a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters
There are many tools available for analysis of web site traffic Logging needs to be enabled on your web server to record visits These log files are then analyzed by software such as Webtrends or Analog and reports are generated Analysis of web site traffic is not an exact science, and there are those who feel Web Usage Statistics Are (Worse Than) Meaningless (http: //www cranfield ac uk/docs/stats/)
The vendors system is not yet set up to email stats to the libraries, but they can fax them The libraries can either email their requests to: onlinehelp@mopna com or registrar@mopna com, or they can go to the Groves site and fill out a form at the url below http: //www e-grove com/groveart/statisticsform htm Please include your fax # Statistics for a month become available after the 5th of the following month and the vendor can provide statistics for the past 1, 2, and 6 months Back to top of page
A systematic collection of data on measurements or observations, often related to demographic information such as population counts, incomes, population counts at different ages, etc. Some local governments have (or had) a Department of Vital Statistics
Globastat: Country rankings and World Statistics Amazing stats!
the scientific study of numerical data based on natural phenomena
plural of statistic
the science concerned wit the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data [9] Statistical inference - the process of drawing conclusions about unknown characteristics of a population from which data were taken [9] Statistical process control (SPC) - a methodology for monitoring a process to identify special causes of variation and signal the need to take corrective action when appropriate [12] Statistical quality control (SQC) - the application of statistical methods for controlling quality [1]
A program that tracks information either by input of a form (like a guestbook) or by monitoring information about the users that visit (ie: name, location, age, IP address, etc...) back to top
that area of mathematics dealing with data analysis and probability theory; results of such analysis
Français : Études statistiques Deutsch : Auswertung Statistik Time-based Transmodel Company area, defined as the collection of data from Operational control, travel surveys or passenger enquiries to provide feedback of system performance to management See also : Management information
We give you a number of choices for automatic tracking of your Web usage statistics Such as what domains are accessing your Web site, how many "hits" you are getting, how much data is being transferred and more In addition, we give you direct access to your raw log files so you can analyze your statistics with other more full-featured programs
A branch of mathematics dealing the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data; or, a collection of quantitative data
{i} branch of mathematics that deals with the collection and interpretation of numerical information
Branch of mathematics dealing with gathering, analyzing, and making inferences from data. Originally associated with government data (e.g., census data), the subject now has applications in all the sciences. Statistical tools not only summarize past data through such indicators as the mean (see mean, median, and mode) and the standard deviation but can predict future events using frequency distribution functions. Statistics provides ways to design efficient experiments that eliminate time-consuming trial and error. Double-blind tests for polls, intelligence and aptitude tests, and medical, biological, and industrial experiments all benefit from statistical methods and theories. The results of all of them serve as predictors of future performance, though reliability varies. See also estimation, hypothesis testing, least squares method, probability theory, regression
The mathematical procedure to describe probabilities and the random or non-random distribution of matter or occurrence of events
Classified facts respecting the condition of the people in a state, their health, their longevity, domestic economy, arts, property, and political strength, their resources, the state of the country, etc
the quantitative methodology for collecting, classifying presenting and analyzing numerical data
is a collection of methods for collecting, organizing, summarizing, analyzing and interpreting data, and drawing conclusions based on these
A branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of numerical data; a collection of quantitative data
or respecting any particular class or interest; especially, those facts which can be stated in numbers, or in tables of numbers, or in any tabular and classified arrangement
A branch of math dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data; A collection of quantitative data
A series of mathematical theorems to aid in the analysis of data by attaching significances to results
"Descriptive: involves the tabulation, depicting, and describing collections of data Inferential: a formalized body of techniques characteristically involving attempts to infer the properties of a large collection of data from inspection of a sample of the collection " (Gias: & Stanley 1970)
Statistics are produced from data The dictionary definition of "statistics" refers to numeric indicators of nations Popular usage of the term points to numeric summaries that condense information, or numbers that are used to make comparisons, or numbers that portray relationships or associations The term statistics also refers a formal discipline of study The field of statistics is the science of generalization Built upon theories of probability and inference, statistics support the making of broad generalizations from a smaller number of specific observations
Success rate and various other statistics regarding the Shands Transplant Center at UF are available from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients at ustransplant org
The science which has to do with the collection and classification of certain facts respecting the condition of the people in a state
A field that involves the tabulating, depicting and describing of data sets; a formalized body of techniques characteristically involving attempts to infer the properties of a large collection of data from inspection of a sample of the collection
Raw logs files establishing the amount of hits that were incurred on a site
statistics and probability
branch of mathematics which deals with the methodical collection of data and forming conclusions from the data
applied statistics
Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics
defense-independent pitching statistics
A measure of a pitcher's effectiveness based only on plays that do not involve fielders. Originally included only hit-by-pitch, walks, strikeouts, and home runs allowed, but more recently incorporates fly ball percentage, ground ball percentage, and line drive percentage
descriptive statistics
A branch of statistics dealing with summarization and description of collections of data—data sets, including the concepts of arithmetic mean, median, mode, and quantile
inferential statistics
A branch of statistics studying statistical inference—drawing conclusions about a population from a random sample drawn from it, or, more generally, about a random process from its observed behavior during a finite period of time
mathematical statistics
The study of statistics from a purely mathematical standpoint, using probability theory, measure theory, linear algebra and analysis
A quantity calculated from the data in a sample, which characterises an important aspect in the sample (such as mean or standard deviation)
A person, or personal event, reduced to being an item of statistical information

By dying from an overdose, he became just another statistic.

A single item in a statistical study
vital statistics
plural form of vital statistic
vital statistics
The size of a woman's bust, waist and hips, normally measured in inches
vital statistics
A concise piece of trivia on a subject, sometimes in table format
vital statistics
Statistics of births, marriages and deaths
office for national statistics
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the United Kingdom government department charged with the collection and publication of statistics related to the economy, population and society of the United Kingdom at national and local levels. For historical reasons, it incorporates the General Register Office so is also responsible for the registration of births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales
paired sample statistics
(İstatistik) In statistics, a sample is a subset of a population. Typically, the population is very large, making a census or a complete enumeration of all the values in the population impractical or impossible. The sample represents a subset of manageable size. Samples are collected and statistics are calculated from the samples so that one can make inferences or extrapolations from the sample to the population. This process of collecting information from a sample is referred to as sampling
Bose-Einstein statistics
One of two possible ways (the other is Fermi-Dirac statistics) in which a collection of indistinguishable particles may occupy a set of available discrete energy states. The gathering of particles in the same state, which is characteristic of particles that obey Bose-Einstein statistics, accounts for the cohesive streaming of laser light and the frictionless creeping of superfluid helium (see superfluidity). The theory of this behaviour was developed in 1924-25 by Satyendra Nath Bose (1894-1974) and Albert Einstein. Bose-Einstein statistics apply only to those particles, called bosons, which have integer values of spin and so do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle
Bureau of Labor Statistics
U.S. government agency which collects data about the U.S. economy and labor market and publishes statistical analyses for the general public, BLS
Central Bureau of Statistics
government office which keeps statistical records of various types
Fermi-Dirac statistics
In quantum mechanics, one of two possible ways (the other being Bose-Einstein statistics) in which a system of indistinguishable particles can be distributed among a set of energy states. Each available discrete state can be occupied by only one particle. This exclusiveness accounts for the structure of atoms, in which electrons remain in separate states rather than collapsing into a common state. It also accounts for some aspects of electrical conductivity. This theory of statistical behaviour was developed first by Enrico Fermi and then by P.A.M. Dirac (1926-27). The statistics apply only to particles such as electrons that have half-integer values of spin; the particles are called fermions
applied statistics
statistics which are obtained from a concrete source, statistics which are not based on theory
bose-einstein statistics
(physics) statistical law obeyed by a system of particles whose wave function is not changed when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle does not apply)
bureau of justice statistics
the agency in the Department of Justice that is the primary source of criminal justice statistics for federal and local policymakers
fermi-dirac statistics
(physics) law obeyed by a systems of particles whose wave function changes when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle applies)
inductive statistics
The branch of statistics that deals with generalizations, predictions, estimations, and decisions from data initially presented
inferential statistics
deal with making inferences from samples to whole populations
inferential statistics
Procedures and measures used to make inferences about population characteristics from samples drawn from that population The process of hypothesis testing is part of inferential statistics
inferential statistics
Procedures employed to arrive at broader generalizations or inferences from sample data to populations
inferential statistics
Statistics used to determine whether changes in a dependent variable are caused by an independent variable
inferential statistics
refers to statistics used to make conclusions or generalizations about populations based on samples including the shared characteristics, similarities, differences, and patterns of responses
inferential statistics
Mathematical analyses that move beyond mere description of research data to make inferences about the larger population from which the sample was drawn
inferential statistics
That branch of statistics that involves drawing inferences about parameters of the population(s) from which you have sampled
inferential statistics
statistics that are used to determine how likely it is that results that are obtained are not due to chance
inferential statistics
Data about a sample are used make judgments (inferences) about a population
inferential statistics
Statistical test that makes generalizations about a population based of the numeric information obtained from a sample based on the laws of probability
inferential statistics
Techniques used to draw conclusions from data
inferential statistics
Techniques that use sample data to draw general conclusions about populations
inferential statistics
One use of statistics is to be able to make inferences or judgments about a larger population based on the data collected from a small sample drawn from the population Exit polling used during elections to determine how the population of voters voted is an example of the use of inferential statistics A key component of inferential statistics is the calculation of statistical significance of a research finding
nonparametric statistics
the branch of statistics dealing with variables without making assumptions about the form or the parameters of their distribution
Statistics are facts which are obtained from analysing information expressed in numbers, for example information about the number of times that something happens. Official statistics show real wages declining by 24% There are no reliable statistics for the number of deaths in the battle. see also vital statistics = figure
A mathematical function of a set of measurements, typically used to summarize a data set or to estimate unknown parameters The mean, the standard deviation, the correlation coefficient, and the slope of a regression line are examples of statistics
Anything that can be computed entirely from the properties of a sample of data The term is most often used for population parameters such as the sample mean and sample standard deviation, although minimum and vaximum values and histograms are also statistics
{i} numerical fact
a datum that can be represented numerically
{s} of or pertaining to statistics
A statistic is a quantity that is calculated from a sample of data It is used to give information about unknown parameter values in the corresponding population For example, the average of the data in a sample is used to give information about the overall average in the population from which that sample was drawn
a measurable characteristic of a sample
the measurement of a parameter derived from a sample
Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information that is expressed in numbers. a professor of Mathematical Statistics
any of several characteristics of a sample
A measure computed from a sample Compare parameter A statistic is the value of the characteristic under study derived from a sample
A measurement of a variable of interest which is subject to random variation
the number that results from manipulating raw data according to a specified procedure; associated with samples (See parameter )
Displays the seat statistics of the current flight
A characteristic that describes a sample
Alternative spelling of statistical
A numerical quantity calculated from observations in a sample
Anything that can be calculated from a sample of data The most common use of the word is for summary measures such as the sample mean and sample standard deviation, although graphical displays such as histograms are also statistics When referring to the population mean or standard deviation, the term parameter is used Another use of the term statistics is to describe two broad categories of data analysis: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Descriptive statistics involves numerical or graphical summaries of data Inferential statistics allows one to use sample statistics to make statements about population parameters
Samples produce statistics which are numerical estimates of a population's parameters A sample more or less represents a population The better the representation, the more one can rely on the statistics as being low error estimates of the population parameters Student research papers review sample statistics from primary sources to produce valid and reliable conclusions about their topic
(Stat) = The basic qualities that all people possess These are basic measurements of how strong, smart, and good-looking you are
Of or pertaining to statistics; as, statistical knowledge, statistical tabulation
A quantity calculated from the data in a sample, which chracterises an important aspect in the sample (such as mean or standard deviation)
A statistic is a quantity that is calculated from a sample of data It is used to give information about unknown values in the corresponding population For example, the average of the data in a sample is used to give information about the overall average in the population from which that sample was drawn
vital statistics
Public records of births, marriages, deaths, and disease, kept by a state, city, or other government subdivision under a statutory provision [SAA]
vital statistics
data relating to births and deaths and health and diseases and marriages
vital statistics
Systematically tabulated information about births, marriages, divorces, and deaths, based on registration of these vital events
vital statistics
Someone's vital statistics, especially a woman's, are the measurements of their body at certain points, for example at their chest, waist, and hips. Statistics concerning the important events in human life, such as births, deaths, marriages, and migrations
vital statistics
Specific information and records pertaining to marriage, births, deaths, health and demography
vital statistics
The vital statistics of a population are statistics such as the number of births, deaths, or marriages which take place in it
vital statistics
*: Statistics concerning the important events in human life such as the number of births, deaths, marriages, migrations, etc within a population



    التركية النطق





    /stəˈtəstəks/ /stəˈtɪstɪks/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    () From German Statistik, from New Latin statisticum (“of the state”) and Italian statista (“statesman", "politician”). Statistik introduced by Gottfried Achenwall (1749), originally designated the analysis of data about the state.


    ... survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics about ...
    ... in data analysis and statistics, the vast majority ...