(Askeri) STANDARTLAŞMIŞ MAMUL MADDE: Aynı veya eşit teknik şartları bulunan şartnamelere uygun bir mamul madde. NATO standartlaşmış mamul maddeleri bir NATO Kod numarası ile belirlenir
means that for each datum the mean is subtracted and the result divided by the standard deviation The result is that all variables have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
TEST: a measure that has been piloted (usually on a large sample, representing different types of respondents) and for which interpretive data, such as norms, reliability, and validity coefficients have been provided; has been administered to a large group of examinees from a target population, often more than 1000 persons, and has been analyzed and normed for use with other samples from that population
scaled by subtracting the mean and then dividing by the standard deviation: "The data were standardized so that the rainfall anomalies at one station and season could be readily compared with those of other stations and seasons "
stand·ard·ize standardizes standardizing standardized in BRIT, also use standardise To standardize things means to change them so that they all have the same features. There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer + standardization stand·ardi·za·tion the standardisation of working hours in Community countries. to make all the things of one particular type the same as each other