(Astronomi) Kızıl cin; Fırtına bulutlarının üstünde ve yaklaşık 95km seviyesinde yıldırım esnasında, nötr azot moleküllerden geçen elektrik akımı sonucu birkaç milisaniyede oluşan, kırmızımsı-turuncu renkte parlak, plazma benzeri parıltılar
(Askeri) Tek motorlu, denizaltı savunma harbi de icra edebilen, personel/yük nakli ve hava/deniz kurtarma harekatında kullanılmak üzere dizayn edilen hafif ikmal helikopteri
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
تعريف sprite في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
An electrical discharge that occurs high above the cumulonimbus cloud of an active thunderstorm
Electrical discharges that occur high above the cumulonimbus cloud of an active thunderstorm.[1]
This is a general name for a fairy, although it is not usually used for fairies that are connected to the earth (like gnomes or dwarves) That's why in Pixie Tricks, I use the word sprite to describe fairies with wings Sprites can either be good or bad
In fairy stories and legends, a sprite is a small, magic creature which lives near water. a type of sweet, clear, not alcoholic drink with bubbles that has a lemon and lime taste. a fairy (esprit, from spiritus; SPIRIT)
A static sprite is a - possibly large - still image, describing panoramic background
Red sprites are recently discovered and still poorly understood optical flashes seen dancing at altitudes of 30 to 90 kilometers above thunderstorms Cousins to lightning bolts, red sprites occur near the edge of the atmosphere and have been glimpsed by astronauts from orbit What ever their cause, the red sprite flashes usually last only tenths to hundredths of a second and characteristically take on shapes which researchers describe as columns, fingers, trees, or carrots This dramatic, garishly colored image was captured with a low-light level camera on 2001 June 7 It shows what appears to be a "burning tree" above the National Cheng Kung University campus in Tainan City, Taiwan but the burning tree is actually a fleeting red sprite 300 kilometers away
A programmable, movable, high-resolution graphic image Also called a Movable Object Block (MOB)
A weak reddish flash of light at heights of 60 to 90 km associated with thunderstorm electrical activity
A transformation that rotates a piece of geometry, usually textured, so that it always faces the eyepoint
Several 2D graphics images of one object or character for each of it's possible positions and states The game engine displays the correct image based on the object's or characters position
An arbitrary-shaped bitmap that may be moved without applications having to redraw the underlying screen Typically used for pointer cursors and for animated figures in games
In computer graphics, a small image that can be moved independently of other images in the background Sprites are drawn within a block of pixels that can be manipulated as a unit within a computer's video memory so that they seem to move rapidly across the screen Sprites are used extensively in video arcade games and animation sequences
(Astronomi) Red sprites appear as luminous reddish-orange, plasma-like flashes, that occur above thunderstorms into atmosphere about 95km altitude. They occur when there is an electrical discharge on neutral nitrogen molecules in a lightning storm
atmospheric electricity (lasting 10 msec) appearing as globular flashes of red (pink to blood-red) light rising to heights of 60 miles (sometimes seen together with elves)