Özel efektler mükemmel. - The special effects are excellent.
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
تعريف special effect في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
An effect technique used in film, television, and entertainment industry to create effects that cannot be achieved by normal means, and when creating the effect by normal means is prohibitively expensive. Special effects are also used to enhance previously filmed elements, by digitally adding, removing, and enhancing objects within the scene
an effect used to produce scenes that cannot be achieved by normal techniques (especially on film)
In film, special effects are unusual pictures or sounds that are created by using special techniques. a Hollywood horror film with special effects that are not for the nervous. A visual effect added to a movie or a taped television show during processing. Often used in the plural. an unusual image or sound that has been produced artificially to be used in a film or television programme
A general term for various photographic manipulations that create illusory spatial relations in the shot, such as superimposition, a matte shot, and rear projection
A general term for various photographic manipulations that create fictitious spatial relations in the shot, such as superimposition, matte shots, and rear projection
Atmosphere Effects - check the complete listing under the SPECIAL EFFECTS MENU - Movie Special Effects Products - Magic Apparatuses - Indoor Pyro - Outdoor Pyro - Propane Applications - Aerial Fireworks - Special Effects to Compliment Action - Smoke & Fog Atmosphere Effects - Weaponry - Weapons - Non-Guns
Responsible for the trickery of making movies Some of the duties of the special effects team include making miniatures for explosions, rear screen projection, blue screen with the background to be put in later by a computer, squibs (miniature explosions, i e a gunshot), so on and so forth
Artificial visual or mechanical effects introduced into a movie or television show. The earliest special effects were created through special camera lenses or through tricks such as projecting a moving background behind the actors. Greater flexibility came with the development of the optical printer, which made it possible to combine separate pieces of film and replace part of an image, thus allowing for effects such as characters flying through the air. Special effects have also been created mechanically on the set through the use of devices such as wires, explosives, and puppets and by building miniature models to simulate epic scenes such as battles. The growing use of computer animation and computer-generated imagery has produced increasingly elaborate and realistic visual effects. Though each movie studio formerly had its own special-effects department, effects are now created by private companies such as George Lucas's Industrial Light and Magic, formed to provide the revolutionary effects seen in Star Wars (1977) and later movies