
listen to the pronunciation of space
الإنجليزية - التركية

Uzayda hiç kimse senin çığlığını duyamaz. - In space, no one can hear you scream.

Uzayı işgâl edeceğimiz ve Ay'a yolculuk yapacağımız gün yakında gelecek. - The day will soon come when we will conquer space and travel to the moon.

{i} açıklık

Sen ve senin önündeki araç arasında yeterli açıklık olmalı. - There must be enough space between you and the car in front of you.

{i} mekân

Bu mekanın kutsallığı mutlaktır. - The sanctity of this space is absolute.

{i} boşluk

Bu cümlenin ilk harfinin başında kaldırılması gereken bir boşluk var. - There is a blank space in front of the first letter of this sentence that should be removed.

Her cümleden sonra bir çift boşluk bırakın. - Leave a double space after each sentence.

{i} ara

Tom arabasını park yerinden çıkardı. - Tom backed his car out of the parking space.

Satırlar arasında bir boşluk bırak. - Leave a space between the lines.

fasıla bırakmak
{i} mesafe

Bir takım yıldızındaki bireysel yıldızlar birbirlerine çok yakın görünebilir fakat aslında onlar uzayda büyük mesafelerle ayrılabilir ve birbirleriyle hiç gerçek bağlantısı yoktur. - The individual stars in a constellation may appear to be very close to each other, but in fact they can be separated by huge distances in space and have no real connection to each other at all.

Yer çekimi etkisi her nesneden uzaya doğru her yönde ve sonsuz bir mesafede uzanır. - The effect of gravity extends from each object out into space in all directions, and for an infinite distance.

(Dilbilim,Teknik) uzam
(Bilgisayar) ara tuşu
(Bilgisayar) ara çubuğu

Uzay yürüyüşleri genellikle işe bağlı olarak, beş ve sekiz saat arasında sürer. - Spacewalks usually last between five and eight hours, depending on the job.

Hava atomları ve molekülleri sürekli egzosferden uzaya kaçmaktadır. - Air atoms and molecules are constantly escaping to space from the exosphere.

aralıklara bölmek

Sınırsız Alana Sahip Ol Şimdi! - Get Unlimited Space Now!

Hemen hemen tüm sanal bellek uygulamaları bir uygulama programının sanal adres alanını sayfalara böler; bir sayfa bitişik sanal bellek adreslerinden oluşan bir bloktur. - Almost all implementations of virtual memory divide the virtual address space of an application program into pages; a page is a block of contiguous virtual memory addresses.


Her zaman benim yerime park etmenden bıktım. - I'm sick and tired of you always parking in my space.

Geometri uzay bilimi ise, zaman bilimi nedir? - If geometry is the science of space, what is the science of time?

aralık bırakmak

Amerika'da hapishanede mahkumlar için ayrılan yer mahkumlara yeterli değildir.Bu yüzden hapishaneler çok kalabalıktır. - In the U.S., there are more prisoners than there is jail space for them. So the prisons are overcrowded.

Tom Mary'ye onun yerine park ettiği için kızgındı. - Tom was angry at Mary because she parked in his space.

aralıklı dizmek

Yer yokluğu yüzünden bu sorunu atlamak zorunda kaldım. - I had to leave out this problem for lack of space.

(Tıp) Ara, aralık, mesafe, boşluk, spatium
aralık koymak
{f} boşluk bırakmak
ara ver/aralıklı diz
{i} mesafe: in the space of ten miles on millik
boşluk,v.boşluk bırak: n.boşluk
{i} yer, alan: parking space park yeri. Is there space for our display? Sergimize yer var mı?
{i} feza
{f} ara vermek
{i} uzaklık
{i} reklâm süresi [tv]
{f} espas koymak
(Askeri) DEPOLAMA SAHASI: Bak. "storage space"
(Bilgisayar) space
(Askeri) depolama sahası
reklâm süresi
(yeri, arazisi) bağışlanmış
space shuttle
uzay mekiği

Benim hala uzay mekiği patlamasıyla ilgili canlı anılarım var. - I still have vivid memories of the explosion of the space shuttle.

Astronot uzay mekiğinde birçok deneyler yapmak zorunda kaldı. - The astronaut had to conduct many experiments in the space shuttle.

space bar
(Bilgisayar) ara tuşu
space behind
space code
boşluk kodu
space line
space probe
(Askeri) uzay araştırma aracı
space age
uzay çağı
space bar
aralık çubuğu
space bar
aralık tuşu
space bar
espas tuşu
space capsule
uzay kapsülü
space character
boşluk karakteri
space charge
uzay yükü
space current
boşluk akımı
space factor
uzay faktörü
space flight
uzay uçuşu
space group
uzay kümesi
space group
ara türküm
space heater
uzay ısıtıcısı
space heater
space laboratory
uzay laboratuarı
space lattice
uzay kafesi
space platform
uzay platformu
space probe
uzay araştırması
space station
uzay istasyonu

Babylon 5 uzay istasyonunda, Delenn bir Minbari elçisidir. - In the Babylon 5 space station, Delenn is a Minbari ambassador.

Kosh, Babylon 5 uzay istasyonunda Vorlon büyükelçisidir. - Kosh is a Vorlon ambassador in the Babylon 5 space station.

space telescope
uzay teleskobu
space vehicle
uzay aracı
space walk
uzay yürüyüşü
space wave
uzay dalgası
space borne
uzay kaynaklı
space camp
Uzay kampı
space capsule
uydu kapsülü
space charge region
Elektrik yükü olmayan bölge
space cushion
takip mesafesi
space diagonal
Cisim köşegeni
space frame
(Mimarlık) uzay kafes
space freighter
Uzay gemisi
space group
ara grup, uzay kümesi
space line
enterlin, anterlin
space list
boşluk listesi, boş yer dizelgesi
space mission
(Teknoloji) Uzay uçuşu
space odyssey
Uzay Macerası
space of
space out
Dikkati dağılıp başka düşüncelere dalıp gitmek
space out
space out
İlgisini kaybetmek, dalgınlaşmak


space pollution
uzay kirliliği
space probes
uzay sondaları
space suppression
boşluk bastırma, boşluk yazdirmama
space to
space velocity
alan hızı
Space & Missile Defense Command (Army)
(Askeri) Uzay ve Füze Savunma Komutanlığı (Kara Kuvvetleri)
Space Air Forces
(Askeri) Uzay Hava Kuvvetleri
Space Weather Squadron
(Askeri) Uzay Meteoroloji Fibi
space age
(Askeri) UZAY ÇAĞI: İnsanların, araçları veya füzeleri uzaya fırlatmak için nispeten güç kazandıkları tarih çağı
space assignment
(Askeri) YER TAHSİSİ: Müşterek Ulaştırma Kuruluna yer tahsisi için başvurmadan içinde bulunduğu ay için Departmanların/ Servislerin belirli ihtiyaçlarını kısmen veya tamamen karşılayan, Departman ve Servislere ilgili ulaştırma işletme makamı tarafından yapılan tahsis
space bar
ara çubuğu ara tuşu
space bar
Boşluk Çubuğu
space beep
(Bilgisayar) uzay bip
space biology
(Askeri) UZAY BİYOLOJİSİ: Arz atmosferi dışındaki organizmanın incelenmesi. Yalnız uzay çevre şartları veya uzay uçuşlarının insan üzerindeki etkisi söz konusu olduğu zaman "space medicine" terimi kullanılır. Bak. "aero-space medicine", "aviation medicine" ve "biomedicine"
space busy
(Bilgisayar) uzay meşgul
space cabin
(Askeri) uzay kabini
space cabin
(Askeri) UZAY KABİNİ: Uzay uçuşlarında kullanılmaya mahsus basınçlı, normal ısıda kabin
space capsule
(Askeri) UZAY KAPSÜLÜ: Uzayda bir deneme veya çalışma yapmaya mahsus bir kapsül
space charter
(Askeri) YER TAHSİS ANLAŞMASI: Hükümetle armatör arasında yapılmış ve belirli fit küplük nakliyat sahasının, sefer tahsis emirleriyle, belirli limanlara yolculuklar için faydalanılmasını sağlayan bir anlaşma
space code
bosluk kodu
space communication
uzay iletisimi
space control agency
(Askeri) PERSONEL BİNDİRME KOORDİNASYON KISMI: Ulaştırma sınıfında bir teşkili çeşitli limanlara giden gemilerdeki personel yerlerini, kontrol ve ihtiyaca göre, koordine etmekle görevlidir
space defense
(Askeri) UZAY SAVUNMASI: Uzayda bulunan araçların (füzeler dahil) düşmanca hareketlerinin etkisini azaltmak veya yok etmek için alınmış bütün tedbirler. Bak. "aerospace defense"
space diversity
uzam cesitlemesi
space division
uzam bolusumu
space division matrix
(Askeri) uzay tümeni matrisi
space division switching
uzam bolusumlu anahtarlama
space division switching group
(Askeri) uzay tümeni bağlantı grubu
space division switching matrix
(Askeri) uzay tümeni bağlantı matrisi
space environment
(Askeri) UZAY ÇEVRE ŞARTLARI: Araç veya canlıların uzaya girdikleri zaman karşılaştıkları şartlar
space equivalence
(Askeri) UZAY EŞDEĞERLİĞİ: Atmosfer dahilinde, fiilen dış atmosferdekine benzer şartlar içinde bulunma hali
space fixed reference
(Askeri) UZAY SABİT REFERANSI: Uzayda mevki tayininde, Arz olaylarına bağlı olmayan belirli bir istikametteki bir referans sistemi
space flight
(isim) uzay uçuşu
space heater
portatif radyatör
space heater
portatif soba
space heater
space invariance
uzamda de¤ismezlik
space laboratory
(Askeri) UZAY LABORATUARI: Arz atmosferi yukarı bölgeleri veya uzaydaki şartlar hakkında bilgi elde etmek için kullanılan kıymetlendirme ve ölçme aletleri, kayıt teçhizatı, telsiz gönderme teçhizatı ve diğer ilgili aletleri taşıyan bir uzay aracı. İçinde insan bulunabilir
space liaison officer
(Askeri) uzay irtibat subayı
space list
boşluk listesi
space list
boş yer dizelgesi
space medicine
(Askeri) UZAY TABABETİ: Bak. "space biology"
space motion
(Fizik) uzayda hareket
space move
(Bilgisayar) uzay taşı
space out
{f} aralık yapmak
space out
{f} boşluk bırakmak
space out
{f} ara vermek
space out
{f} espas koymak
space parity
boşluk eşliği
space platform
(Askeri) UZAY PLATFORMU: Uzayda üzerinde yaşanabilir bir üs olarak imali düşünülen, hem bilimsel hem askeri maksatlara elverişli büyük bir uydu. Halen teklif edilen uzay platformlarında barınma tesisleri, personel ve eşyayı diğer uzay araçlarına veya bu araçlardan platforma aktarma vasıtaları, bilimsel aletler, silah sistemleri, kontrollü atmosfer ve muhabere tesisleri bulunacaktır
space probe
uzaydan bilgi gönderen uydu
space probe
(Askeri) UZAY ARAŞTIRMA ARACI: Üzerindeki aletlerle tespit ettiği şartlar hakkında yeni bilgiler elde etmek üzere (bazen bir uzay cismi yakınına) roket gücüyle gönderilen arz uydusu veya deneme küresine benzer aletli bir araç
space propulsion
(Askeri) UZAYDA SEVK: Bir aracın uzayda sevki
space quick
(Spor) araya kısa
space race
uzay yarışı
space rake
(İnşaat) (aralıklı) tırmık
space requirement
hacim ihtiyacı
space requirement
alan gereksinimi
space research
uzay araştırması
space rocket
(Askeri) UZAY ROKETİ: Arz atmosferi üstündeki uzay veya bazı metinlerde kullanılan şekliyle, Arzın etkili atmosferi üstüne ulaşmak üzere imal edilen bir roket aracı
space satellites
(Askeri) UZAY UYDULARI: Arz, ay ve diğer bir uzay cismi yörüngesindeki insan yapısı bir uydu
space saver
az yer kaplayan eşya
space saving
az yer kaplayan
space simulators
(Askeri) UZAY TAKLİDİ ODACIKLAR: Sıkıca tecrit edilebilen kapalı odacıklar veya kabinler. Bu odacıklarda, insan veya hayvan süjeleri, suni olarak korunan kabin ortamında ve uzay araçlarındakilere mümkün olduğu kadar yakın (ağırlıksızlık ve gerçek kozmit radyasyon hariç) şartlar altında, tam bir tecrit durumunda, yerde incelemek mümkündür
space station
(Askeri) UZAY İSTASYONU: Yörüngeye yerleştirilen ve üzerinde ilerde uzay yolculukları veya uzay keşifleri yapılabilecek olan bir tesis
space suit
uzay elbisesi
space support team
(Askeri) uzay destek timi
space tactical awareness brief
(Askeri) uzay taktik bilgilendirme brifingi
space time
yer ve zaman kavramları ile ilgili
space track
(Askeri) uzay izlemesi
space track
(Askeri) RADAR SİSTEMİ: Kuzey Amerika Hava Savunma Komutanlığı Muharebe harekat merkezi kompleksindeki hesaplama ve analiz merkezine bağlanmış optik ve radyometrik sensörlerden oluşan, dünyevi radar sistemi. Görevi, dünya yörüngesindeki bütün suni cisimleri tespit, izlemek, kaydetmektir. NORAD Tespit ve İzleme Sisteminin Hava Kuvvetlerine ait kısmıdır. Bak. "Spadats", "Spasur"
space travel
uzay yolculuğu

Uzay yolculuğu artık bir hayal değil. - Space travel is no longer a dream.

Yakın gelecekte uzay yolculuğu artık sadece bir hayal olmayacak. - In the near future, space travel will no longer be just a dream.

space vehicle
(isim) uzay aracı
space walk
uzayda yürüyüş
space warfare
(Askeri) UZAY HARBİ: Uzaydan arz hedeflerine veya uzaydaki hedeflere karşı silah kullanılarak sevk ve idare edilen harp
space writer
(isim) gazetede yazısının uzunluğuna göre para alan yazar
space writer
{i} gazetede yazısının uzunluğuna göre para alan yazar
(Sanat) mekan 
ara halkası
space frame
uzay çatı
space shuttle
(Askeri) uzay dolmuşu
ara parçası
(Otomotiv) ara pul
ara çubuğu
(Otomotiv) ara halka
ara parça
(Otomotiv) ara boru
(Otomotiv) ara burç
(Otomotiv) halka
{f} ayır
ara levhası
aralıklı dizme
aralık bırakma
space out
(deyim) dalmak

Birinci sınıf öğrencileri kompozisyon yazdıklarında, kelimeler arasında boşluklar bırakmaları gerekmiyor mu? - When first year students write compositions, shouldn't they leave spaces between words?

aralık koyarak
(Nükleer Bilimler) aralayıcı
{i} aralık tuşu
{i} espas tuşu
aralık bırakma,n.aralık: v.aralık koy: prep.aralık k
ara ver/aralıklı diz
{i} ara

Tom her zaman derse ara veriyor. - Tom is always spacing out in class.

(Nükleer Bilimler) aralamak
boşluk Aralık bırakma
(Tekstil) açıklık ( aralık-ara )
aralıklarla düzenleme
kelime arası print
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
One of the five basic elements
A gap between written or printed letters, numbers, characters, or lines; a blank

In digital text, a character representing a space ( ).

The state of mind one is in when daydreaming
The volume beyond the Kármán line that lies 100km above mean sea level of the Earth
One's personal freedom to think or be oneself
A piece of metal type used to separate words, cast lower than other type so as not to take ink, especially one that is narrower than one en (compare quad)

Other larger spaces – known as quads – were used to space out lines.

An area or volume of sufficient size to accommodate a person or thing
A while
A set of points, each of which is uniquely specified by a set of coordinates; the number of coordinates specifying a point and the number of mutually perpendicular axes along which the coordinates lie are the same, and that is the number of dimensions of the space
To be separated to a distance

The cities are evenly spaced.

To roam, walk, wander

But she as Fayes are wont, in priuie place / Did spend her dayes, and lov'd in forests wyld to space.

The volume beyond the atmosphere of planets that consists of a relative vacuum
To eject into outer space. Usually without a space suit

The captain spaced the traitors.

Space occupied by or intended for a person or thing
The intervening contents of a volume
a generalized construct or set, the members of which have certain properties in common; often used in combination with the name of a particular mathematician
{i} universe; outer space; empty area, gap; place, area; interval; period of time; personal freedom, freedom to express oneself
{f} divide into spaces, set some distance apart, separate by spaces, leave spaces
{n} local extension, distance, room, time
Quantity of time; an interval between two points of time; duration; time
Walk; track; path; course
The part of the universe lying outside of the limits of the Earth's atmosphere More generally, the volume in which all spatial bodies move
If a place gives a feeling of space, it gives an impression of being large and open. Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms
the 3-d continuous expanse and of the matter contained within
the interval between two times; "the distance from birth to death"; "it all happened in the space of 10 minutes"
A space of time is a period of time. They've come a long way in a short space of time
If you give someone space to think about something or to develop as a person, you allow them the time and freedom to do this. You need space to think everything over = room
The area between all of the bodies in the universe It is not empty! It contains magnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, gases, dust and other particles
spatium = [Latin] space Space or Outer Space are the seemingly empty places (vacuum) between planets and stars Space is not really empty, but the material in space is so dilute that it is hard to detect it Space looks black A particular camera or detector cannot observe all kinds of radiation (such as all colors of light, infrared and ultraviolet radiation, radio waves, and X rays), so if a bright object happens not to emit radiation of the kinds that the camera can detect, then the picture looks like a picture of outer space
The lighter element of a bar code usually formed by the background between bars
If you space a series of things, you arrange them so that they are not all together but have gaps or intervals of time between them. Women once again are having fewer children and spacing them further apart His voice was angry and he spaced the words for emphasis. Space out means the same as space. He talks quite slowly and spaces his words out I was spacing out the seedlings into divided trays + spacing spac·ing Generous spacing gives healthier trees and better crops. see also spacing, airspace, breathing space, outer space, personal space
place at intervals; "Space the interviews so that you have some time between the different candidates"
The lighter (or most reflectant) element of a bar code usually formed by the background between the bars
Most minimally, any film displays a two-dimensional graphic space, the flat composition of the image In films which depict recognizable objects, figures, and locales, a three-dimensional space is represented as well At any moment, three-dimensional space may be directly depicted, as onscreen space, or suggested, as offscreen space In narrative film, we can also distinguish between story space, the locale of the totality of the action (whether shown or not), and plot space, the locales visibly and audibly represented in the scenes
One of the five elements of movement Refers to where the body is moving, which may be described in terms of: directionforward, backward, sideways, diagonal, up, down pathway (e g , zigzag, curved, spiral, circle, straight) focus (e g , direction body is facing, eye focus direction) levelhigh, medium, low (e g , on floor, kneeling, elevation) planehorizontal, vertical, sagittal personal space and general spacehow little, how much; around the body, within available space
In a GIS context this means position on the earth's surface Its meaning is very similar to location
Extension, considered independently of anything which it may contain; that which makes extended objects conceivable and possible
You use space to refer to an area that is empty or available. The area can be any size. For example, you can refer to a large area outside as a large open space or to a small area between two objects as a small space. Under the plan, bits of open space -- fields, golf-course borders and small parks -- will be preserved. cutting down yet more trees to make space for houses I had plenty of space to write and sew The space underneath could be used as a storage area List in the spaces below the specific changes you have made
The character generated by hitting the space bar on the keyboard
A piece of type used to separate words
The unlimited area which extends in all directions and within which all things exist It involves use of level, pathway, shape, positive and negative space, general and personal space, size, focus, and direction
The second and third elements are either in SPF, in which case the width (resp height) of the drawn object is left blank, or numbers X and Y, in which case a space X units wide and Y high is reserved within the object being drawn
Space is the whole area within which everything exists. The physical universe is finite in space and time
To walk; to rove; to roam
Mathematics A set of elements or points satisfying specified geometric postulates: non-Euclidean space The infinite extension of the three-dimensional field in which all matter exists
The lighter (or most reflecting) element of a bar code usually formed by the background between the bars
Space is the area beyond the Earth's atmosphere, where the stars and planets are. The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space. launching satellites into space. outer space
place at intervals; "Space the interviews so that you have some time between the different candidates
The amount of space for a topic to be discussed in a document is the number of pages available to discuss the topic. We can't promise to publish a reply as space is limited
a blank area; "write your name in the space provided"
A quantity or portion of extension; distance from one thing to another; an interval between any two or more objects; as, the space between two stars or two hills; the sound was heard for the space of a mile
three-dimensional realm dependent on the presence of matter in which the Universe partially exists
The distance or interval between words or letters in the lines, or between lines, as in books
a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing; "he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet"
Ones personal freedom to think or be oneself
the expanse in which the Solar System, stars, and galaxies exist
To arrange or adjust the spaces in or between; as, to space words, lines, or letters
A space is a particular frame of reference for an object Specifically, it defines the transformations that are applied to an object to put it into the frame of reference
One of the intervals, or open places, between the lines of the staff
High reflectance feature of a recording layer representing data that can be sensed by an optical system
an empty area (usually bounded in some way between things); "the architect left space in front of the building"; "they stopped at an open space in the jungle"; "the space between his teeth"
A gap between written characters; blank
(printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words
one of the sides of the Universe's hologram, which makes it possible for the Universe and its parts to evolve - to be in different states and interact with other evolving objects inside the Universe The other side of the Universe's hologram is time Space has such a multi-matrix structure, when one matrix is put inside the other
one of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff; "the spaces are the notes F-A-C-E"
the unlimited expanse in which everything is located; "they tested his ability to locate objects in space" a blank area; "write your name in the space provided" a blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing; "he said the space is the most important character in the alphabet" one of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff; "the spaces are the notes F-A-C-E" an area reserved for some particular purpose; "the laboratory's floor space" an empty area (usually bounded in some way between things); "the architect left space in front of the building"; "they stopped at an open space in the jungle"; "the space between his teeth" place at intervals; "Space the interviews so that you have some time between the different candidates
an area reserved for some particular purpose; "the laboratory's floor space"
If you are staring into space, you are looking straight in front of you, without actually looking at anything in particular, for example because you are thinking or because you are feeling shocked. He just sat in the dressing-room staring into space. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Euclidean space European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. European Space Agency ESA Hubble Space Telescope inner product space International Space Station space contraction metric space space exploration space frame space shuttle Space Transportation System STS space station space time vector space
A short time; a while
An element of dance, relating to the area through which one moves
Space Shuttle
The reusable winged orbiter itself
Space Shuttle
A space transportation system developed by NASA consisting of a reusable winged orbiter, a set of recoverable booster rockets, and a fuel tank
space age
an item or technology that embodies the Zeitgeist of the space age by appearing futuristic or modern
space age
The period from the about the time of the launch of Sputnik in 1957 to the present day, during which man ventured into space
space alien
An extraterrestrial being; a visitor from outer space

What would be the first question to ask a space alien newly arrived on planet Earth?.

space aliens
plural form of space alien
space attenuation
The loss of energy of a signal (due to absorption, dispersion etc) as it travels through a medium; measured in decibels
space bar
A key, in the shape of a bar, near the bottom of a keyboard, that generates a space character when pressed
space bars
plural form of space bar
space biology
Any of various biological sciences that deal with living things in a space environment
space blanket
A blanket made of a plastic material covered with a reflective metal agent; designed to reduce heat loss from a person's body following trauma
space cadet
One who forgets, daydreams, or otherwise is distracted from reality more often than most
space cadet
One who deals with reality in a way consistent with being under the influence of (or "spaced out on") drugs
space cadets
plural form of space cadet
space cake
A cake made with marijuana as one of the ingredients
space cakes
plural form of space cake
space capsule
A vehicle (or a compartment of a vehicle) designed to transport, and provide life support for people in space, and during reentry through the Earth's atmosphere
space case
An insane person who has little grip on reality
space cases
plural form of space case
space centrode
The path traced by the instantaneous centre of a rotating three-dimensional body moving relative to an inertial frame of reference
space charge
The localized excess electric charge in a specific volume; especially such a negative charge
space charges
plural form of space charge
space cloth
Any woven material, used for the screening and sieving of solids, having a specified space between strands
space communication
Communication between space vehicles, or between such vehicles and a base on Earth, the Moon or other planet, especially when using high-frequency radio waves
space complexity
A measure of the amount of space, or memory required by an algorithm to solve a given decision problem
space curve
any curve in three-dimensional space; includes any plane curve as a subset
space debris
All the objects in orbit around the Earth that were created by human activity, but now have no useful purpose
space defence
Alternative spelling of space defense
space defense
Any defensive measure against an attack by missiles etc while in space
space defenses
plural form of space defense
space docking
The act of two spacecraft docking
space elevator
a hypothetical cable, connecting ground with space, which includes an elevator used to lift payloads or people into orbit
space environment
The environment encountered by living creatures (and vehicles) in space; especially a lack of atmosphere and gravity
space exploration
Investigation of interplanetary or interstellar space, its properties, biology and the bodies that exist within it
space explorations
plural form of space exploration
space factor
The ratio of the volume occupied by the wire in the winding, or the iron in the core, to the total volume of the winding or the core
space fixed reference
An independent reference system of positioning points in space
space flight
Flight into, from or through space
space flight
A voyage in space
space flights
plural form of space flight
space frame
A three-dimensional truss, often of steel, forming a rigid, stable structure
space group
The set of all symmetry operations that can be applied to a given crystal without changing it
space guidance
The guidance operations needed to launch a spacecraft into orbit or space, navigate in space, and return to Earth or some other body
space heater
A portable heating appliance used to warm an area or room
space heating
Heating of rooms within buildings
space hopper
A toy; consisting of an large inflated rubber ball, upon which one bounces
space hoppers
plural form of space hopper
space invader
A hostile alien from outer space
space invaders
plural form of space invader
space junk
space debris
space lattice
A crystal lattice
space medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the effects of space travel on human beings
space mission
A journey, by a manned or unmanned vehicle, into space for a specific reason (normally to gather scientific data)
space motion
The real or apparent motion of a star etc. through space
space navigation
The determination of the three-dimensional position and velocity of a spacecraft (relative to a frame of reference)
space opera
A subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that utilises serialisation
space opera
A subgenre of speculative fiction or science fiction that emphasizes space travel, romantic adventure, and larger-than-life characters often set against vast exotic settings. Used initially as a derogatory term
space out
To position (objects, people etc.) at regular intervals with a calculated space between them
space out
To become distracted or disoriented; to lose attention or focus

It is easy to daydream (i.e. space out) when you try to read anything uninteresting, so this often does not bode well for college students who need to read large sections of insipid textbooks as part of a required assignment.

space perception
The awareness of the position, size, form, distance, and direction of an object, or of oneself
space permeability
The ratio of magnetic induction to magnetizing force in a vacuum
space polar coordinate
Any of a system of coordinates by which a point is located in space by its distance from a pole, the angle between the polar axis and its radius vector, and its longitude
space power system
Any assemblage of equipment used to generate, store and distribute electrical power onboard a satellite or spacecraft
space probe
An unmanned space vehicle designed to voyage beyond Earth orbit
space probes
plural form of space probe
space processing
The utilization of low gravity and/or high vacuum to carry out various processes in space
space quadrature
A difference of a quarter of a wavelength between the spatial positions of two corresponding points in a wave
space quantization
The quantization of one or more components of the angular momentum of a system
space race
The informal competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to launch unmanned satellites, send people into space and land them on the Moon
space reconnaissance
The reconnaissance of the surface of a planet from an orbiting spacecraft
space reddening
The reddening of the light from distant stars because of selective absorption and scattering by interstellar dust
space request
a parameter (in some file systems) that specifies the storage space required for a new file
space requests
plural form of space request
space research
Any form of research that takes place in space, or concerns any aspect of space or space travel
space rock
A subgenre of rock music, characterised by long psychedelic instrumental passages
space rocket
a rocket vehicle capable of reaching space (typically from the ground)
space satellite
A manned or unmanned vehicle designed to orbit the Earth
space science
Any scientific discipline concerned with the study of phenomena occurring in space, or with space flight
space ships
plural form of space ship
space shuttle
Any vehicle capable of repeatedly travelling between destinations in outer space carrying people or cargo
space shuttle
Any vehicle capable of travelling repeatedly between the Earth's surface and outer space carrying people or cargo
space shuttles
plural form of space shuttle
space sickness
motion sickness caused by the weightlessness of space flight
space simulator
Any device that attempts to simulate the environment of space, especially one used to test components of space vehicles
space station
a manned artificial satellite designed for long-term habitation, research etc
space stations
plural form of space station
space suit
A system of protective and pressurized clothing, together with environmental equipment, worn by astronauts when in space
space suppression
The suppression of the normal advancement of paper in a printer after printing a line of text
space technology
The application of science and engineering to the exploration and utilization of outer space
space technology
Any particular scientific or engineering discipline used in this field
space tourism
space travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes
space travel
travel through space in order to visit and explore other worlds
space velocities
plural form of space velocity
space velocity
The velocity of a star relative to the Sun
space walk
Any activity performed by an astronaut outside of a space vehicle in space
space wave
The component of an electromagnetic wave (especially a radio wave) that travels directly from transmitter to receiver without being reflected
space weapon
Any weapon that travels through space to a target either in space, in the atmosphere or on the ground
space weather
Any phenomena in space that may have an effect on space vehicles or astronauts, especially solar flare activity and variations in the ionosphere
space writer
A journalist or other writer who is paid according to the column inches of his copy
space writers
plural form of space writer
of, or relating to the space age
space-filling curve
a curve whose range contains the entire 2-dimensional unit square (or the 3-dimensional unit cube)
space-filling curves
plural form of space-filling curve
space-filling model
A type of three-dimensional molecular model, where the atoms are represented by spheres whose radii are proportional to the radii of the atoms, and whose center-to-center distances are proportional to the distances between the atomic nuclei, all in the same scale
Attributive form of space station, noun
Attributive form of space travel, noun

a space-travel expert.

Space debris
Space debris, also known as orbital debris, space junk, and space waste, is the collection of defunct objects in orbit around Earth. This includes everything from spent rocket stages, old satellites, fragments from disintegration, erosion, and collisions
space junk
Space debris, also known as orbital debris, space junk, and space waste, is the collection of defunct objects in orbit around Earth. This includes everything from spent rocket stages, old satellites, fragments from disintegration, erosion, and collisions
space waste
Space debris, also known as orbital debris, space junk, and space waste, is the collection of defunct objects in orbit around Earth. This includes everything from spent rocket stages, old satellites, fragments from disintegration, erosion, and collisions
space charge
An electric charge distributed throughout a three-dimensional region
space charge region
In semiconductor physics, the depletion region, also called depletion layer or depletion zone, as well as the junction region or the space charge region is an insulating region within a conductive, doped semiconductor material where the charge carriers have diffused away or have been swept away by an electric field
space delimited
(Bilgisayar) Kelime arası boşlukları sınırlandırılmış olan
space diagonal
In a rectangular box or a magic cube, the four space diagonals (also called triagonals or volume diagonals) are the lines that go from a corner of the box or cube, through the center of the box or cube, to the opposite corner
space frame
(Mimarlık) A three-dimensional structural framework designed to withstand loads applied at any point
space frame
(Mimarlık) A space frame is a truss-like, lightweight rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. Space frames usually utilize a multidirectional span, and are often used to accomplish long spans with few supports. They derive their strength from the inherent rigidity of the triangular frame; flexing loads (bending moments) are transmitted as tension and compression loads along the length of each strut
space out
Become inattentive, distracted, or mentally remote

He spaced out halfway through the lecture.

space sickness
Motion sickness caused by sustained weightlessness during space flight, usually accompanied by disturbance of the inner ear
space–time convergence
Time–space compression (also known as space–time convergence) is a term used to describe processes that seem to accelerate the experience of time and reduce the significance of distance during a given historical moment
Space Needle
the Space Needle a tall tower (185 metres) which is the most famous building in Seattle, Washington State, US, and which is sometimes used in pictures to represent Seattle
Space Odyssey
science fiction movie based on the book written by Arthur C. Clark
Space Shuttle Columbia
{i} first space shuttle in NASA's orbital fleet which was launched on April 12th 1981 and lost on its 28th mission on February 1st 2003 with all its crew on board when it disintegrated during atmospheric re-entry
Space Shuttle Endeavour
{i} 5th and most complex final operational NASA space shuttle that was built
Space Transportation System
formally Space Transportation System (STS) Partially reusable rocket-launched vehicle developed by NASA to go into Earth orbit, transport people and cargo between Earth and orbiting spacecraft, and glide to a runway landing on Earth. The first flight of a space shuttle into orbit took place in 1981. The shuttle consists of a winged orbiter that carries crew and cargo; an expendable external tank of liquid fuel and oxidizer for the orbiter's three main rocket engines; and two large, reusable solid-propellant booster rockets. The orbiter lifts off vertically like an expendable launch vehicle but makes an unpowered descent similar to a glider. Each orbiter was designed to be reused up to 100 times. For manipulating cargo and other materials outside the orbiter, astronauts use a remotely controlled robot arm or exit the orbiter wearing spacesuits. On some missions, the shuttle carries a European-built pressurized research facility called Spacelab in its cargo bay. Between 1981 and 1985, four shuttle orbiters were put into service: Columbia (the first in orbit), Challenger, Discovery, and Atlantis. Challenger exploded in 1986 during launch, killing all seven astronauts aboard; it was replaced in 1992 by Endeavour. From 1995 to 1998, NASA conducted shuttle missions to the Russian space station Mir to prepare for the construction of the International Space Station (ISS). Beginning in 1998, the shuttle was used extensively to ferry components, supplies, and crews to the ISS. In 2003 Columbia disintegrated while returning from a space mission, claiming the lives of its seven-person crew
Space Transportation System STS
formally Space Transportation System (STS) Partially reusable rocket-launched vehicle developed by NASA to go into Earth orbit, transport people and cargo between Earth and orbiting spacecraft, and glide to a runway landing on Earth. The first flight of a space shuttle into orbit took place in 1981. The shuttle consists of a winged orbiter that carries crew and cargo; an expendable external tank of liquid fuel and oxidizer for the orbiter's three main rocket engines; and two large, reusable solid-propellant booster rockets. The orbiter lifts off vertically like an expendable launch vehicle but makes an unpowered descent similar to a glider. Each orbiter was designed to be reused up to 100 times. For manipulating cargo and other materials outside the orbiter, astronauts use a remotely controlled robot arm or exit the orbiter wearing spacesuits. On some missions, the shuttle carries a European-built pressurized research facility called Spacelab in its cargo bay. Between 1981 and 1985, four shuttle orbiters were put into service: Columbia (the first in orbit), Challenger, Discovery, and Atlantis. Challenger exploded in 1986 during launch, killing all seven astronauts aboard; it was replaced in 1992 by Endeavour. From 1995 to 1998, NASA conducted shuttle missions to the Russian space station Mir to prepare for the construction of the International Space Station (ISS). Beginning in 1998, the shuttle was used extensively to ferry components, supplies, and crews to the ISS. In 2003 Columbia disintegrated while returning from a space mission, claiming the lives of its seven-person crew
space age
the age beginning with the first space travel; from 1957 to the present
space age
The space age is the present period in the history of the world, when travel in space has become possible
space age
You use space-age to describe something that is very modern and makes you think of the technology of the space age. a space-age tower of steel and glass. = futuristic
space bar
keyboard button used for creating a blank space
space bar
the bar-shaped typewriter key that introduces spaces when used
space bar
A bar or key, in a typewriter or typesetting machine, used for spacing between letters
space bar
A bar at the bottom of the keyboard of a typewriter or computer that when pressed down introduces a horizontal space into text, as between words. the wide key at the bottom of a computer keyboard or typewriter that you press to make a space
space cadet
someone who forgets things, does not pay attention, and often behaves strangely
space cadet
someone who seems unable to respond appropriately to reality (as if under the influence of some narcotic drug)
space capsule
A vehicle or compartment of a vehicle designed to transport, protect, and support humans or animals in outer space or at very high altitudes in Earth's atmosphere. the part of a spacecraft that carries people into space to obtain information and then comes back to Earth
space capsule
a spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space
space charge
The excess of electrons or ions in a given volume
space colony
place where human beings can live in outer space
space exploration
Investigation of the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere by means of manned and unmanned spacecraft. Study of the use of rockets for spaceflight began early in the 20th century. Germany's research on rocket propulsion in the 1930s led to development of the V-2 missile. After World War II, the U.S. and the Soviet Union, with the aid of relocated German scientists, competed in the "space race," making substantial progress in high-altitude rocket technology (see staged rocket). Both launched their first satellites (see Sputnik; Explorer) in the late 1950s (followed by other satellites and unmanned lunar probes) and their first manned space vehicles (see Vostok; Mercury) in 1961. A succession of longer and more complex manned space missions followed, most notably the U.S. Apollo program, including the first manned lunar landing in 1969, and the Soviet Soyuz and Salyut missions. Beginning in the 1960s, U.S. and Soviet scientists also launched unmanned deep-space probes for studies of the planets and other solar system objects (see Pioneer; Venera; Viking; Voyager; Galileo), and Earth-orbiting astronomical observatories (see, for example, Hubble Space Telescope), which permitted observation of cosmic objects from above the filtering and distorting effects of Earth's atmosphere. In the 1970s and '80s the Soviet Union concentrated on the development of space stations for scientific research and military reconnaissance (see Salyut; Mir). After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia continued its space program, but on a reduced basis owing to economic constraints. In 1973 the U.S. launched its own space station (see Skylab), and since the mid 1970s it has devoted much of its manned space efforts to the space shuttle program and, more recently, to developing the International Space Station in collaboration with Russia and other countries
space flight
A space flight is a trip into space. She made her first and only space flight last September. Flight beyond the atmosphere of Earth
space frame
Three-dimensional truss based on the rigidity of the triangle and composed of linear elements subject only to compression or tension. Its simplest spatial unit is a tetrahedron having four joints and six members. A space frame forms a very strong, thick, flexible structural fabric that can be used horizontally or bent to a variety of shapes. The beauty of its open latticework web of lightweight tubular diagonals is only surpassed by its structural purity. R. Buckminster Fuller used this technology for some of his Dymaxion projects; in his Union Tank Car warehouse, Baton Rouge, La. (1958), a space frame reinforces an enormous geodesic dome
space heater
heater consisting of a self-contained (usually portable) unit to warm a room
space heater
An appliance that warms a small area, such as one room, typically by radiant electric heat
space helmet
a helmet worn by astronauts while in outer space
space lattice
a 3-dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms or molecules or ions composing a crystal
space limitation
setting a fixed number of seats, setting limits on area, setting a limit on the space allocated for a reply
space mailman
communications satellite
space medicine
The medical science that is concerned with the biological, physiological, and psychological effects of space flight on humans
space medicine
field of aviation medicine that deals with the effects of space on humans who fly to space
space medicine
the branch of medicine concerned with the effects of space flight on human beings
space out
{f} stare in a fixed manner at nothing in particular, be "miles away
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Bilgisayar) space