
listen to the pronunciation of soweit
ألمانية - التركية
-diği kadar; -diğine göre
{zo'vay} -diği kadar
(Gramer) -diği kadar; -eceği kadar
diği kadar
soweit sein
hazır olmak
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف soweit في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

as far as
kadarıyla, -e göre: as far as I can see gördüğüm kadarıyla. as far as I'm concerned bana göre
as far as

Bildiğim kadarıyla, o gelmeyecek. - As far as I know, he won't come.

Hatırladığım kadarıyla, o onu söylemedi. - As far as I remember, he didn't say that.

so far as

Bildiğim kadarıyla, o hâlâ bekâr. - So far as I know, she is still unmarried.

O, bildiğim kadarıyla, güvenilir bir arkadaştır. - He is, so far as I know, a reliable friend.

thus far
şimdiye kadar; bu zamana kadar; o zamana kadar; buraya kadar; oraya kadar
as far as
olduğu kadar

Arabayı yarışa sokma.Biz mümkün olduğu kadar onu uzağa götürteceğiz. - Don't race the car. We want to make it go as far as possible.

so far as
bir dereceye kadar
thus far
o zamana kadar
thus far
oraya kadar
thus far
bu zamana kadar
as far as
prep.kadarıyla: ıf.kadarıyla
insofar as
-diği kadar
insofar as
thus far
buraya kadar
as far as

Varoluşumuzu olabildiğince kabul etmeliyiz. - We must accept our existence as far as possible.

so far as
olduğu sürece
so far as
-diği derecede/kadar

insofar as (or that), to the extent that, to such an extent.

as far as
bir dereceye kadar
as far as

Arabayı yarışa sokma.Biz mümkün olduğu kadar onu uzağa götürteceğiz. - Don't race the car. We want to make it go as far as possible.

Hatırladığım kadarıyla, o onu söylemedi. - As far as I remember, he didn't say that.

insofar as
-diği derecede/kadar
thus far
bu dereceye kadar
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
thus far
to the extent as/that
insofar as
so far as

So far as I know, he used to be a good student. - Soweit ich weiß, war er ein guter Schüler.

He went so far as to call me a fool. - Er ging soweit, mich einen Idioten zu nennen.

as far as
far as
Soweit ich das in Erfahrung bringen konnte, …
From what I was able to glean, …
Soweit ich das mitbekommen habe, wenn es gerade keine Bildstörungen gab, war die
From what I was able to glean when there wasn't visual noise on the screen, the telecast was pretty interesting
Soweit ich das überblicke, ist er mit seiner neuen Stelle zufrieden.
As far/near as I can tell, he is happy at his new job
Soweit ich mich erinnere, hat sie gesagt, dass sie zu viert kommen.
From what I recall/recollect, she said four of them were coming
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, bin ich ihm nur einmal begegnet.
To the best of my recollection, I only met him once
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, bin ich zu einer Besprechung noch nie zu spät gek
As far as I can remember, I've never been late to a meeting
Soweit ich weiß …
As far as I can gather …
soweit Artikel 30 nicht etwas anderes bestimmt
except to the extent that Article 30 provides otherwise
soweit anwendbar
to the extent applicable
soweit das praktisch durchführbar ist
so far as is reasonably practicable
soweit ersichtlich (aus etwas)
as far as can be seen (from something)
soweit es in die Zuständigkeit des Gremiums fällt
to the extent that the body has competence
soweit es mich angeht
as far as I'm concerned /AFAIC/
soweit ich das beurteilen kann
to the best of my knowledge /TTBOMK/
soweit ich das überblicke
as far as I can see /AFAICS/
soweit ich mich erinnere
as far as I recall /AFAIR/
soweit ich mich erinnere
as far as I remember
soweit ich sagen kann
as far as I can tell /AFAICT/
soweit ich sehe
as far as I can tell
soweit ich weiß
as far as I know /AFAIK/
soweit ich weiß
to my knowledge
soweit sein (Person)
to have reached that point / stage (of a person)
soweit sein (Person)
to be ready
soweit sein (erwarteter Zeitpunkt)
to have arrived (expected moment)
soweit zutreffend
to the extent applicable
soweit sein
as far as his
Sofern und soweit Bestimmungen dieser Vereinbarung …
If and to the extent that any provisions of this Agreement …
Bald ist es soweit und …
The time is coming soon when …
Der Patient ist soweit genesen, dass er wieder aufstehen und sich bewegen kann.
The patient has recovered to the extent that he can get up and move around
Der Sommer neigt sich dem Ende zu, aber noch ist es nicht soweit.
Summer comes to an end, but not just yet
Die Angelegenheit ist soweit gediehen, dass …
The affair has now reached such a point that …
Die Durchführungsverordnung bleibt in Kraft, soweit ihr Bestimmungen dieses Gese
The implementing regulation will remain in force, in so far as it does not conflict with provisions of this Act
Endlich habe ich ihn soweit, dass er ja sagt.
I've finally got him to say yes
Es dürfte bald soweit sein.
It's likely/liable to happen soon
Gestern war es soweit.
Yesterday was the big day
Ich bin gleich soweit.
I'm nearly there. / I'll be ready any minute now
Ich melde mich wieder wenn es soweit ist.
I'll get back to you nearer the time
Ich möchte es nicht soweit kommen lassen.
I don't want it to reach that stage
Ich verlasse mich auf dich, dass du mir Bescheid sagst, wenn es soweit ist.
I rely on you to let me know when the time has come
Nach monatelangem Training ist es jetzt endlich soweit.
After months of training the moment has finally arrived
Seid Ihr soweit?
Are you ready to start?
Wann wird es soweit sein?
When will that point arrive / be (reached)?
Wenn es dann soweit ist, …
At that point / stage, …
Wenn wir dann soweit sind, …
Once we have reached that point / stage …
jdn. soweit bringen, dass er …
to get somebody to something / to do something