Traditionally the third of the four seasons, when deciduous trees lose their leaves; typically regarded as being from September 21 to December 20 in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and the months of March, April and May in the Southern Hemisphere
Traditionally the third of the four seasons, when deciduous trees lose their leaves; typically regarded as being from September 21 to December 20 in the northern hemisphere and from March 21 to June 20 in the southern hemisphere
Astronomically, it begins in the northern temperate zone at the autumnal equinox, about September 23, and ends at the winter solstice, about December 23; but in popular language, autumn, in America, comprises September, October, and November
Autumn is the season between summer and winter when the weather becomes cooler and the leaves fall off the trees. the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler (autumnus)
He is come to his autumn, i e to be hanged, to his "fall " A pun on the plan of "turning a man off" by dropping the plank on which he stands The drop is the "leaf," and autumn is called the "fall," or "fall of the leaf "
" Astronomically, it begins in the northern temperate zone at the autumnal equinox, about September 23, and ends at the winter solstice, about December 23; but in popular language, autumn, in America, comprises September, October, and November