
listen to the pronunciation of someone
الإنجليزية - التركية

Birisinin kapıyı çaldığını duydum. - I heard someone knock on the door.

Birisi onun kolundan tuttuğunda o korkudan çığlık attı. - She screamed with horror as someone took hold of her arm.

bir kimse

O, şüpheleneceğin bir kimse değildi. - He wasn't someone you'd suspect.

Bugün belirli bir kimse müthiş kırılgan oluyor. - A certain someone is being awfully fragile today.


Birisi bana içtiğin her sigara ömründen yedi dakika alır dedi. - Someone told me that every cigarette you smoke takes seven minutes away from your life.

Sen yaşayabileceğin herhangi biriyle evlenme - sen onsuz yaşayamayacağın kişiyle evlen. - You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without.


Neden kimse Tom'a yardım etmedi? - Why didn't someone help Tom?

Birinin kafasından neler geçtiğini kimse kesin olarak bilemez. - No one ever really knows what's going through someone else's head.

önemli kimse

Banka ona 500 dolar ödünç verdi. - The bank lent her 500 dollars.

Banka ona 500 dolar ödünç verdi. - The bank loaned her 500 dollars.


Ona söyleyecek hiçbir şeyim yok. - I've got nothing to say to him.

Banka ona 500 dolar ödünç verdi. - The bank lent him 500 dollars.

(İnşaat) şu

Karlarla örtülü şu dağa bak. - Look at that mountain which is covered with snow.

Bu bir ev, şu ise camidir. - This is a house and that is a mosque.


Artık seni sevmiyorum. - I don't love you anymore.

Seni anlamak gerçekten çok zor. - Understanding you is really very hard.


Tazelik bizim önceliğimizdir. - Freshness is our top priority.

Bizim ana dilimiz Japoncadır. - Our native language is Japanese.


Onun bir gün birisi olacağından eminim. - I'm sure he's going to be somebody someday.

Merdivenlerden yukarı gelen birisi var. - There's somebody coming up the stairs.


Siz insanları anlamıyorum. - I do not understand you.

Merhaba, siz Bay Ogawa mısınız? - Hello, are you Mr Ogawa?

{i} biri

Biri onu küvette boğmuştu. - Somebody had drowned her in the bathtub.

Olabildiğince tuhaf, o ölü olduğu söylenilen biriyle karşılaştı. - As strange as it may be, he met with somebody who is said to be dead.

bu yüzden
someone else

İşi o kabul etmezse, başkası eder. - If he doesn't accept the job, someone else will.

İş için başkasını tuttular. - They hired someone else for the job.

someone else
başka biri, bir başkası
someone else's
someone else
bir başkası

Bazen bir başkasının duygularına zarar vermemek için yalan söyleriz. - Sometimes we lie to keep from hurting someone else's feelings.

Benim anadilim bir başkası için yabancı dildir. - My native language is a foreign language for someone else.

someone cant make out...
Birisi cant çıkarmak
someone to whom private matters are confided
Birine kime özel konular vardır sır
someone who cleanses by scouring
ovma tarafından temizler kimse
someone who enlists workers to join a union
bir sendikaya üye işçilerin kargaşa kimse
someone who is easily taken advantage of
kolayca avantaj alınır kimse
someone who makes or sells illegal liquor
yapar veya yasadışı içki satan kimse
someone with a promising future
umut verici bir gelecek kimse ile
someone with a shaved head
bir tıraş kafa kimse ile
someone with ginger hair
zencefil saçlı biri
someone's ken
bir kişinin bilgi alanı
someone's man
adamı olmak
sober someone up
birini ayıltmak
So long as someone or something ailing is alive, there is hope for recovery
çıkmadık candan ümit kesilmez
bağlaç ki

Onun favori beyzbol takımı Devler'dir, fakat o Aslanlar'ı da seviyor. - His favorite baseball team is the Giants, but he also likes the Lions.

Onun kız arkadaşı Japon. - His girlfriend is Japanese.


Beni öldürmekle tehdit ettiler bu yüzden cüzdanımı onlara verdim. - They threatened to kill me so I gave them up my wallet.

Nagasaki çevresinde onlara rehberlik edebilmem için kadınla birlikte gittim. - I went with the women so that I could guide them around Nagasaki.

conj. şu
{z} (çoğ. those)

Onlardan herhangi birini seçebilirsin. - You may choose any of them.

Dima bir gecede 25 adamla yattı ve sonra onları öldürdü. - Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them.


Geçen sene Bayan Kato sizin öğretmeniniz miydi? - Was Ms. Kato your teacher last year?

Ben dün sizin babanıza rastladım. - I ran into your father yesterday.

{s} (çoğ. these) bu
bu kadar

Ver onu. Sahip olduğunun hepsi bu kadar mı? - Hand it over. That's all you've got?

Bugünlük bu kadar yeter. - That's enough for today!

(İnşaat) benim N
eril onun
(sıfat) öteki

Keşke onunla gidebilseydim. - I regret that I couldn't go with her.

Keşke o zaman bütün hikayeyi bana anlatsaydın! - If only you had told me the whole story at that time!

(bağlaç) şu, o, ki, diye, için

Bazen büyük babam kendi başına bırakıldığında, kendi kendine konuşur. - Sometimes my grandfather talks to himself when left alone.

Kendi kendine şöyle dedi: Bu operasyon başarıyla sonuçlanacak mı? - He said to himself, Will this operation result in success?


Tom asla ağzını birşeyi şikayet etmeden açmaz. - Tom never opens his mouth without complaining about something.

Bu öğleden sonra Tom'un birşeyler yapmasına yardım edeceğim. - I'm going to help Tom do something this afternoon.


Onların konuşmaları devam etti. - Their conversation went on.

Onların erkek çocuğunun adı John. - Their son's name is John.


Onun ailesi ile ilgili hiçbir şey bilmiyorum. - I don't know anything about her family.

Onun görünümünü çekici bulurum. - I find her appearance attractive.

pek âlâ
bu kadar

Hiç bu kadar erken kalkmadım. - I've never woken up this early.

Bu kadar uzun bir zamandan sonra bu şarkıyı İşitmek gerçekten eski zamanları geri getiriyor. - Hearing this song after so long really brings back the old times.

{s} öteki

Bu araba ötekinden daha iyi bir çalışmaya sahip. - This car has a better performance than that one.

act towards someone
Davranmak, muamele etmek
bring something home to someone
Birinin birşeyi anlamasını sağlama, farkettirmek
do someone a power of good
Birinin kendini iyi hissetmesini sağlamak
fall in love with someone
Birine aşık olmak
fancy someone
Birisinden hoşlanmak
give someone a wide berth
Birinden uzak durmak, yaklaşmamak
give three cheers for someone
Ödüllendirmek, mükafatlandırmak
keep pace with someone
Birine ayak uydurrmak
lose faith in someone
Birine karşı inancını yitirmek
make a monkey out of someone
(Ev ile ilgili) Birisi ile dalga geçmek, alay etmek, kafa bulmak, maymun etmek, maymuna çevirmek
make friends with someone
Biriyile arkadaş olmak
play someone against someone else
Birini başka birine karşı doldurmak
put someone in an awkward position
Birini zor duruma sokmak
sponge off someone
Birinden otlakçılık yapmak
storm on someone
Birine aniden kızmak
talk someone into something
Birini birşeye inandırmak, birini birşeye ikna etmek
talk someone out of something
Birini birşeyden caydırmak, birini birşeyden vazgeçirmek
back someone up
(deyim) gelistirmek icin ilaveler yapmak
back someone up
arkasında olmak
bring someone down
(deyim) (Deyimler) düşmesine neden olmak
check someone out
(deyim) araştırmak

Emi kendine yeni bir elbise ısmarladı. - Emi ordered herself a new dress.

Kız bayıldı, fakat biz onun yüzüne su döktüğümüzde o kendine geldi. - The girl fainted, but she came to when we threw water on her face.


Aşk onu rüyalarında görmektir. - Love is seeing her in your dreams.

Onu sevip sevmediğini bilmiyorum. - I don't know whether you like her or not.

dişil onun
{z} dişil onu; ona; ondan; onun: He loves her. Onu seviyor. He looked at her. Ona baktı. They hated her. Ondan nefret ettiler. It pleased

Ben, o kızın kendisine yeni bir görünüm vermek için saçını kestiğini düşünüyorum. - I think that girl cut her hair to give herself a new look.

Mary gerçekten harika. O benim için harika bir yemek pişirdi ve bulaşıkları bile kendisi yıkadı. - Mary is really great. She cooked a wonderful meal for me and even washed the dishes herself.


Bu eski madeni paraları ondan aldım. - I got these old coins from her.

Herkes ondan iyi şekilde bahseder. - Everybody speaks well of her.

dişil onu

Onunla kahve dükkanında buluşmaya söz verdi. - She promised to meet him at the coffee shop.

Kızı onunla her yere gitmeye hevesli. - His daughter is eager to go with him anywhere.


Kendisine HAYIR dedi. Yüksek sesle EVET dedi. - He said NO to himself. He said YES aloud.

O, çocuklarını kendi etrafına topladı. - He gathered his children around him.

lend someone a hand
(deyim) birine el vermek
{z} benim. ünlem O, ...! (Hayret belirtmek için kullanılır.): My, my, how nice you look! O, bu ne güzellik böyle!
bundan dolayı,conn.bu yüzden: adj.çok: adv.bu yüzden
bir kimse

Tom Mary'den yiyecek bir şey alabilmesi için biraz para istedi. - Tom asked Mary for some money so he could buy something to eat.

Köpeğini besleyecek bir şey almak için biraz paraya ihtiyacı vardı. - She needed some money to buy something to feed her dog.

stand someone up
(Dilbilim) birisini ekmek

Allah'a inanan kim böyle bir şey yapardı? - Who that believes in God would do such a thing?

Onun böyle güzel bir teklifi reddetmesine şaşırdım. - I am surprised that she refused such a good offer.

{z} o, şu: Did you see that? Onu gördün mü? This is a verbena and that's a lantana. Bu mineçiçeği, o da ağaçminesi. After That cat has been up to O kedi yine marifetini göstermiş

O, geçen yıl o şirket için çalışmaya başladı. - He began to work for that company last year.

Coca-Cola'nın üretildiği ilk yıllarda, o kokain içeriyordu. 1914'te, kokain bir uyuşturucu olarak gruplandırıldı ve sonra Coca-Cola'nın üretimi için kokain yerine kafein kullandılar. - In the first years that Coca-Cola was produced, it contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a narcotic, after which they used caffeine instead of cocaine in the production of Coca-Cola.


Herkes işitebilsin diye lütfen yüksek sesle oku. - Please read it aloud so that everyone can hear.

Kilo alacağı korkusuyla diyet yapıyor. - She is on a diet for fear that she will put on weight.


Onlar parlak renkli kurbağalar olduğunu söylüyorlar fakat ben onları asla görmedim. - They say there are bright-colored frogs, but I've never seen them.

Takımımız beyzbolda onları 5-0 mağlup etti. - Our team defeated them by 5-0 at baseball.


Bu kitabı sana vereceğim. - I will give you this book.

Sana küçük bir şey getirdim. - I've brought you a little something.

zam onunki
vay be!
million years
Aman! Olur şey değil Hayret!
vay canına!
vay be
bunun için

Neden parka falan gitmiyoruz? - Why don't we go to the park or something?

Bir pizza falan sipariş edebiliriz. - We could order a pizza or something.

{i} önemli bir şey

Mary'yi gördüğüm her seferde, ondan yeni ve önemli bir şey öğreniyorum. - Each time I see Mary, I learn something new and important from her.

Önemli bir şey biliyor gibi görünüyor. - She seems to know something important.

in that mademki
O that
amerika birleşik devletleri
bir parça şey
Patch someone through
(Telefon santrali) Birini birine bağlamak
be no skin off someone's nose
(deyim) umurunda olmamak
be no skin off someone's nose
(deyim) birisinin umurunda olmamak
believe in someone
birine güvenmek
believe someone guilty
suçlu olduğuna inanmak
bend someone's ear
(deyim) birinin kulağını bükmek
bid someone farewell
birine veda etmek
bite someone's head off
(deyim) birinin yüzüne bağırmak
bite someone's head off
(deyim) birini bozmak
bite someone's nose off
birine ters cevap vermek
bother someone
parazit yapmak
bring someone to book
(deyim) hesap sormak
bring someone to forefront
gözönüne almak
bring someone to justice
adalete teslim etmek
bundle someone off
birini apar topar göndermek
bundle someone up
(deyim) birini sarıp sarmalamak
butter someone up
(deyim) birine yağ çekmek
cheer someone up
birini neşelendirmek
cling to someone for support
dört elle sarılmak
compel someone to think
düşünmeye zorlamak
consider someone enemy
birini düşman saymak
consider someone responsible
birini sorumlu tutmak
crown someone king
krala tacını giydirmek
crown someone king
kral yapmak
crown someone king
kral etmek
cut someone deep
(Ev ile ilgili) Birini duygusal olarak derinden incitmek
cut someone down
birini öldürmek
cut someone off
birinin yolunu kesmek
deem someone responsible
sorumlu tutmak
drive someone out of his mind
çileden çıkarmak
ease someone out
(deyim) yol vermek
excuse someone or something
mazur görmek
expect someone to understand
anlayışına güvenmek
expect someone to understand
anlayışına sığınmak
extend someone's condolences
(Askeri) taziyelerini sunmak
fend someone off
kendini savunmak
fend someone off
kendini müdafa etmek
fill in for someone
(deyim) birinin yerini doldurmak
find someone
(Bilgisayar) birini bul
fix someone's wagon
(deyim) hakkından gelmek
fling in someone's face
(deyim) yüzüne vurmak
fling in someone's teeth
(deyim) yüzüne vurmak
follow in someone's footsteps
bir kimsenin izinde olmak
follow in someone's footsteps
(deyim) birinin izinden gitmek
follow in someone's footsteps
(deyim) birinin izinde yürümek
follow in someone's footsteps
(deyim) birini kendine örnek almak
follow in someone's tracks
(deyim) birinin izinde yürümek
follow someone
birini takip etmek
follow someone
birisinin arkasından gitmek
follow someone closely
yakın takibe almak
follow someone's advice
birinin sözünü dinlemek
follow the lead of someone
birinin ardından gitmek
fortune smile on someone
talih yüzüne gülmek
get on someone's nerves
(deyim) sinirine dokunmak
give someone a leg up
(deyim) arka çıkmak
give someone a leg up
(deyim) birine yardım etmek
give someone cold shoulder
(Ev ile ilgili) Birine karşı soğuk davranmak
grip someone's imagination
alıp götürmek
guide (someone)
yol göstermek
hang on someone's every word
can kulağıyla dinlemek
help someone out
birine yardım etmek

Ona kendi odamı gösterdim. - I showed her my room.

Kız bayıldı, fakat biz onun yüzüne su döktüğümüzde o kendine geldi. - The girl fainted, but she came to when we threw water on her face.

hire someone
işe yerleştirmek
eril onunki
humble someone's pride
birinin kibrini kırmak
hurt someone's pride
birinin gururunu kırmak
ignore someone
pas vermemek
inquire after someone
halini hatırını sormak
inquire after someone
birini sormak
invite someone in
birini buyur etmek
invite someone in
birini içeriye davet etmek
invite someone to interview
mülakata çağırmak
ebe (oyunda)
(Bilgisayar) bilişim
ebe (oyunlarda)
cinsel ilişki
keep someone guessing
Birini merak hâlinde burakmak
keep someone up
yatmasına engel olmak
keep up with someone
geri kalmamak, uymak
kick someone out
birini kapı dışarı etmek
kick someone out
birini işten çıkarmak
kidnap someone
adam kaldırmak
knock someone out
yere yıkmak (birini)
knock someone's block off
(deyim) sopalamak
lend someone a helping hand
birine yardım elini uzatmak
let someone down
hayal kırıklığına uğratmak
let someone down
hüsrana uğratmak
التركية - التركية

تعريف someone في التركية التركية القاموس.

(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Bütün, hep, tamamen
Tekil isimlere tamlayan görevinde getirilerek birer birer olarak, "...-in hepsi" anlamını verir: "Bir hafta, her gece çalışmak suretiyle hikâyesini bitirdi."- H. E. Adıvar
(Osmanlı Dönemi) VAKŞ
(Osmanlı Dönemi) RUH
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Arslan yatağı
Duygu: "Birisi duygularına, hislerine kulak verir, öteki hile ve desise seslerine ..."- B. Felek
Sezgi, sezme
Duyu. Sezgi, sezme
Terbiyesiz kimse
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Meşelik
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Deveye ârız olan susuzluk hastalığı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kürtçede: Temel, esas
Tekil isimlere tamlayan görevinde getirilerek birer birer olarak, "...-in hepsi" anlamını verir
Bina temeli
Eskiden, Bingazi ve Trablusgarp'tan alınan bir çeşit vergi
Derinlemesine eşilen ve duvar örülen çukur
Köpek: "İt ürür, kervan yürür."- Atasözü
Değersiz, terbiyesiz kimse
Değersiz, terbiyesiz kimse: "Babaları da zaten itin biri."- H. Taner
Koyun, kuzu gibi hayvanların çıkardığı ses
Evrenin tasarlandığı gibi işlemesini sağlayan kutsal kurallar ve düzenlemeler
Koyun, kuzu gibi hayvanların çıkardığı ses: "Kara koyun kuzular kuzulamaz / Me deme."- F. H. Dağlarca
Eylemleri olumsuz yapmakta kullanılan ek
Türk alfabesinin on altıncı harfinin adı, okunuşu
Antimon elementinin simgesi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
some person

Is someone there?.

A partially specified but unnamed person

The someones under discussion were eventually arrested.

If you say that a person is someone or somebody in a particular kind of work or in a particular place, you mean that they are considered to be important in that kind of work or in that place. `Before she came around,' she says, `I was somebody in this town'. be someone to be or feel important
{i} person, human, human being
pron. some person, somebody
a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
You use someone or somebody to refer to a person without saying exactly who you mean. Her father was shot by someone trying to rob his small retail store I need someone to help me If somebody asks me how my diet is going, I say, `Fine'
someone else
Some other person
The possessive adjective for someone
someone is
someone has
someone's bad books
(deyim) Meaning: To be in disgrace or out of favour. Origin: Originally black books, which is where a list of people of disrepute were kept
someone else
{i} somebody else, some other person
someone is to blame
someone is responsible, someone must be held accountable
sock it to someone
(Slang) hit someone hard; harshly criticize someone
I knew someone when
Used upon hearing of a success of an acquaintance, often ironically for minor successes

Well, congratulations. On the speech, everything. She stood up straighter and forced a smile. I can always say I knew him when..

Medical examiner, or coroner
Montreal Exchange, a futures and derivatives exchange (formerly also a stock exchange)
Maine, a state of the United States of America
Middle English
Motor Yacht - diesel-driven yacht
傻屄 literally "stupid pussy"
season best (this season's personal best)
The statistic reporting the number of stolen bases
apple of someone's eye
A favourite, a particular preference, or a loved one; the object of somebody's affections

Sara was never the same after losing her daughter, the apple of her eye.

at someone's service
Fully available to help or to be of use to someone, or some organisation

John will be at our service for the duration of the visit.

at someone's service
By way of introduction on first meeting another person

James Bond. At your service.

beat someone's brains out
To beat someone very severely
behind someone's back
Without somebody's knowledge; secretly

The employees talked about their boss behind his back.

bite someone's head off
To severely berate someone
blow smoke up someone's ass
Alternative form of blow smoke
blow someone out of the water
To trounce; to defeat someone thoroughly, at a game or in battle

With a garden hose, you can blow your opponent out of the water, if he only has a squirt gun.

blow someone's mind
To astonish someone, to flabbergast someone
break someone's heart
To cause a person to feel grief or sadness

Baby you're not that kind.

breathe down someone's neck
To follow or supervise someone too closely, making it uncomfortable for them

My boss never lets me get on with my work. He's always breathing down my neck and checking up on me.

bring someone to book
To penalise someone for a punishable offence

The perpetrators of this atrocity must be brought to book.

burst someone's bubble
To disillusion; to disabuse someone of a false notion or rationalization that has grown comfortable

I hate to burst his bubble, but he is going to be disappointed if he tries that idea.

bust a cap in someone's ass
Alternative form of pop a cap in someone's ass
buy someone out
To purchase someone's property (particularly real estate) or someone's share of a property, partnership, company, etc
buy someone out
To close someone's contract by paying him or her a sum of money, the terms of which are often stated in the contract itself
call someone's bluff
To take action on the basis that another person is bluffing
carry someone's water
To do someone's bidding; to serve someone's interests
cat got someone's tongue
Why are you not saying anything?

Why don't you tell me that secret? Cat got your tongue?.

catch someone napping
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catch someone's eye
To capture someone's attention
clean someone's clock
To defeat decisively, in a physical fight or other competition or negotiation

The heavily-tattooed Perez never recovered, getting nailed with flush head shots before a clean-up left hook cleaned his clock.

clear someone's name
To prove innocence of a person previously considered or suspected to be guilty
come to someone's rescue
To rescue (or save) someone from further harm
cover someone's ass
To make preparations or take precautions to ensure that a person is not blamed or punished for his or her conduct

Killian kept the files because he was trying to cover his ass, Via said. He was always worried something would come back on him..

cramp someone's style
to restrict someone's free actions, or to give the impression of such

I don't want my Mum to go to the party - she'd really cramp my style.

creep someone out
To make uncomfortable or afraid

That janitor who's always talking about blood creeps me out.

cross someone's palm
To give money to a person, especially as a bribe or as an inducement to perform a service

After crossing his palm with a donation, I felt entitled at least to ask where he was from.

cross someone's palm with silver
Alternative form of cross someone's palm
cross someone's path
To meet by chance

None of the sportsmen who have crossed my path have made as great an impact on me as Bob.

cry someone a river
To try to obtain the sympathy of another person by complaining or sniveling

Port Authority Transit should cry me a river. Before raising fares it should cut an unnecessary expense.

cry someone a river
To weep profusely or excessively in the presence of another person

It is rather shaming to be quite so wet over nothing in particular, but at least Fielding does it too. He cries gallons over slow-motion bits at the ends of films, especially Gladiator, and begins to worship Roman values, then Italian footballers kissing in slo-mo to the strains of Nessun Dorma. Sniffle, sniffle. And QPR being relegated in 1996. He can cry you a river over that one, and over a darling little clump of daffodils growing by the traffic island.

curl someone's hair
To frighten, dismay, or excite someone thoroughly

Yanking open the door to the bathroom, I was greeted with a stink foul enough to curl my hair.

cut someone some slack
To make allowances for someone, and not treat a failure severely
darken someone's doorstep
to enter somebody else's home uninvited
do someone dirt
Alternative form of do someone dirty
do someone dirty
To deliberately treat someone in an unfair or harmful manner

She was cheating on him—doing him dirty.

do someone proud
To cause someone to feel pride, admiration, or satisfaction

I was absolutely delighted with the way we competed and the players did me proud.

do someone's head in
To frustrate, irritate or disturb someone

Please stop reading the name of every sign we came across, it's doing my head in!.

drink someone under the table
To drink more alcohol than (someone)

She had class, but she could drink most of the guys under the table.

drive someone crazy
to cause to be infatuated
drive someone crazy
to cause insanity onto someone
drive someone crazy
to annoy or irritate
drive someone up the wall
To make a person very angry or bored; to infuriate

There is nothing and no one that's going to shut him up. That's what makes Tucker funny. It's also what can drive you up the wall about him. - , 1998.

eat from someone's hand
Alternative form of eat out of someone's hand
eat out of someone's hand
To behave in a docile, submissive way towards somebody

Violetta is well aware of all this and goes out of her way to charm him. . . . He eats out of her hand and would not notice is she fed him rocks.

eat someone out of house and home
To consume such a portion of one's store of food that little is left for the owner

or I will ride thee o' nights like the mare.

eat someone's dust
To get one to be on a losing end
eat someone's dust
To be outrun

You better move fast before you eat his dust.

fill someone's shoes
To do (somebody's) job; to perform or assume (somebody's) role

I don't think anyone could ever fill her shoes, doing all she does.

fix someone's wagon
To cause injury, distress, or inconvenience to someone, especially as punishment or as a comeuppance

According to Mr Breeden, Lord Black said that the libel laws in the UK and Canada would permit him to sue and indicated he would go after the houses of board members. . . . He was going to fix their wagon good, said Mr Breeden.

follow in someone's footsteps
To follow the same path as someone
force someone's hand
Bring about a situation which necessitates an agent to act, often causing a plan to be executed prematurely
fuck someone off
To snub

As for her boss, she decided to fuck him off instead of meet with him under such unjustifiable circumstances.

fuck someone off
To annoy someone greatly; to piss someone off
fuck someone over
to exploit somebody in a way which result in an advantage to oneself, at the cost of the other party gaining a considerable disadvantage

He really fucked me over when he sold me that car for $3,000.

get in someone's hair
To hinder someone or interfere with their actions
get in someone's hair
To annoy someone
get inside someone's pants
To have sex with (someone), especially for the first time
get into someone's pants
To have sex with

My groupie has been trying to get into my pants for ages. Maybe one day I’ll give in to her demands.

get off someone's back
To cease pestering or criticizing someone, i.e. to leave them alone
get on someone's last nerve
Alternative form of get on someone's nerves
get on someone's wick
to annoy or upset someone, usually by repeated disagreeable actions

His silly questions are really getting on my wick.

get someone's back up
To annoy a person either deliberately or inadvertently

Telling someone that her child can and should be doing better and not offering some solutions immediately gets my back up.

get someone's goat
To annoy, infuriate, bother, or incense

It really gets my goat when inconsiderate people litter.

get someone's number
Alternative form of have someone's number
get up someone's nose
To annoy someone; to get on somebody's nerves
give someone a big head
To flatter someone excessively; to overpraise someone, usually resulting in them becoming proud, arrogant or conceited

Please stop telling me how smart I am - you'll give me a big head!.

give someone five
To slap someone's hand
give someone grief
To hassle, abuse

Fred was giving me grief over the money I owed him.

give someone grief
To cause pain

Her elbow has been giving her grief.

give someone his head
To allow (someone) to act without constraint: to give (someone) free rein
give someone the chair
To execute a person by means of the electric chair

Joseph O'Dell, convicted of a brutal rape and murder, was sentenced to death after a Virginia prosecutor told the jury that if they didn't give him the chair, he'd one day get out and be free to kill again.

give someone the creeps
To give someone a feeling of uneasiness or mild fright

Walking through the graveyard late at night gave me the creeps.

give someone the eye
To show flirtatious signs with one's eyes

I saw him giving me the eye as soon as I entered the room.

give someone the shits
to annoy or frustrate someone

Can you stop sending me text messages at two in the morning? You're giving me the shits!.

give someone what for
To punish; to rebuke

'e gived 'em up, an' repented somethin' horrid — there still bein' the buns to come — but Miss Soapy she gave 'im what- for-proper, she did!.

go over someone's head
To take up an issue with another person's boss or other superior rather than beginning or continuing to deal with the original person

She went over his head and took her complaint directly to the president of the company.

go to someone's head
To strongly affect a person, especially to the detriment of their senses or mental faculties

For I am a man of many sorrows. Yet there is no necessity for me to sit sobbing and sighing in someone else's house. Unremitting grief is tiresome and I'm afraid some of your maids or you yourself might lose patience with me and conclude it was the wine that had gone to my head and released this flood of tears.

go with someone
to date someone regularly and exclusively

The junior high boy shyly asked the girl he had a crush on, Will you go with me? To which she replied, Yes, I'll go with you..

go with someone
to accompany someone to a given place

Mother asked the teen-aged boy, Would you please go with your little brother to the park to play?.

grease someone's palm
To bribe a person

We arrived at Almaty Airport, and from the moment the customs officer made it obvious in his fractured English that our entrance would be made easier if we greased his palm, we realised that all our Anglo-Saxon assumptions about how societies are run were not very relevant here.

hand someone his head
This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}
harden someone's heart
To make someone more resistant to something

And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.

have a word in someone's ear
To speak to someone in private
have a word in someone's ear
When you get a moment I'd like to have a word in your ear
have got someone's back
To be prepared and willing to support or defend (someone)
have someone by the short hairs
To have someone in a difficult situation in which he or she is without alternatives and can be controlled

The Saudis know that as long as we consume 7 billion barrels per year (4 billion of them imported from abroad), they have us by the short hairs.

have someone's back
To be prepared and willing to support or defend (someone)
have someone's guts for garters
To reprimand severely

If you go out and play and get your clothes dirty, I'll have your guts for garters!.

have someone's hide
To punish or subdue someone

Why doesn't The St. Petersburg Times scrape together $30 million and purchase football's Tampa Bay Buccaneers? Then, when I tell John McKay how to coach, he'd listen or I'd have his hide.

have someone's number
To understand a person's character, capabilities, or situation

Llodra, a doubles specialist who is ranked 38 in singles, was charging to the net at every opportunity and played some brilliant shots but Murray seemed to have his number at that stage.

The form of she used after a preposition or as the object of a verb; that woman, that ship, etc

The lady with the green feathers in her hat. A big Gainsborough hat. I am quite sure it was Miss Hartuff..

Belonging to her

This is her book.

he when used after a preposition or as the object of a verb

She treated him for a cold (direct object).

That which belongs to him; the possessive case of he, used without a following noun

The decision was his to live with.

Used erroneously in place of ’s after a noun, especially a masculine noun ending in s, to express the possessive case

Ahab his mark for Ahab's mark.

Belonging to him

This is his book.

hit someone for six
Be affected in a devastating way by some unexpected news

When I heard about the accident, it hit me for six.

hit someone for six
To hit another person very hard

When he swore at me again, I couldn't hold back. So, I hit him for six.

hold over someone's head
To harp on; to remind continuously (especially of a misstep or defeat)

I get one parking ticket and he holds it over my head for six months.

hold someone's feet to the fire
To maintain personal, social, political, or legal pressure on someone in order to induce him or her to comply with one's desires; to hold someone accountable for his or her actions

He kept tabs on presidents, monitored members of Congress, held bureaucrats' feet to the fire.

hook someone up
To supply someone with goods or services

Hey man, can you hook me up with some weed?.

hurt someone's feelings
To offend or hurt someone
in someone's shoes
in someone's situation

I wouldn't personally repose much trust in that boon companion of yours who contributes the humorous element, Dr Mulligan, as a guide, philosopher and friend if I were in your shoes.

in someone's wheelhouse
Matching a person's interests or abilities well

But the subject matter was right in his wheelhouse — politics and all the moving parts.

most fashionable

With Hit Girl, Moretz is this year's It Girl, alternately sweet, savage and scary.

The impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder for a delayed subject, or less commonly, object. (known as the dummy pronoun)

He saw to it that everyone would vote for him.

Used to refer to oneself when identifying oneself, often on the phone, but not limited to this situation

It's me. John.

The person or people who chase and try to catch the other players in the playground game of tag

In the next game, Adam and Tom will be it….

The game of tag itself

Let's play it at breaktime.

The impersonal pronoun, used without referent as the subject of an impersonal verb or statement. (known as the dummy pronoun or weather it)

It’s lonely without you.

The third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a non-human entity, to an inanimate thing with no or unknown sex or gender

Take each day as it comes.

The third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a human entity of unknown sex or gender

She took the baby and held it in her arms.

jolly someone along
To make someone happy or compliant, as by encouragement or flattery

When there was a shipping delay, the salesman jollied the purchasing agent along to keep him from canceling the order.

jump someone's bones
to have sex
jumped someone's bones
Simple past tense and past participle of jump someone's bones
jumping someone's bones
Present participle of jump someone's bones
jumps someone's bones
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jump someone's bones
keep someone company
To remain with or accompany someone, especially to make them feel more comfortable with a certain situation

I'm a bit nervous, could you keep me company while I wait for my blind date to arrive?.

keep someone in the dark
To deliberately not tell someone details about something
keep someone in the loop
To furnish someone with sufficient relevant information and include them in the decision-making process
keep someone on ice
to keep someone uninformed or uncontacted
kick someone when they are down
To make things worse for someone who is going through a difficult time
kiss the ground someone walks on
To praise someone highly

Yes ; they cross themselves, bow down their heads level with their heels, kiss your feet, grovel on the very ground, and kiss the earth you walk on.

knock someone's socks off
To impress greatly; amaze; stun

You wouldn't expect teenagers to sing opera, but these kids will knock your socks off.

know someone from Adam
To know or recognise someone at all

Well, he said, do you know me from Adam?.

lead someone down the garden path
To deceive, hoodwink

'It was thought that the early origins of the idiom was founded on the tendency for one village to marry off their unsuccessful brides to unknowing bachelors. The superstition of the groom not being able to see his veiled bride until the marriage proclamation had been made was widely practiced. To that end the bride remained veiled throughout the ceremony. When the veil was lifted, the groom would learn that he had been married to a stranger. Many ceremonies took place in private gardens and as such the tendency to deceive with intent had evolved to the idiom of leading someone down the garden path.'.

leave someone in the lurch
To abandon somebody; especially, to abandon somebody and leave him or her in a difficult situation

He left me in the lurch and I had to finish the whole project by myself.

let someone have it
To attack someone with great force

At dawn we really let 'em have it with a 30 minute artillery barrage.

let someone have it
To verbally assail someone

When I came home, he let me have it for wrecking the car.

light someone's fire
To excite, to turn on

He’d prowled Houston’s titty bars for more than a decade, and he’d found the one woman who really lit his fire.

make someone cry
To willfully cause someone to cry, usually after berating or yelling at him/her intensely

The young woman's boss was stern and old-school, and he was out to make her cry after refusing to tolerate her mistakes.

make someone's day
To make someone happy or to be a source of satisfaction

Thank you for the unexpected gift. It really made my day.

make someone's hair curl
Alternative form of curl someone's hair
make someone's skin crawl
To disturb or bother; to frighten or disgust

The sound of fingernails on a chalkboard just makes my skin crawl.

make someone's teeth itch
To bother or unsettle a person; to put someone on edge

The squeaking won’t do any harm, but if it makes your teeth itch, oil the hinge.

As the complement of the copula (“be”, “is”)

It wasn't me.

As the object of a preposition

Come with me.

As the direct object of a verb

Can you hear me?.

As the subject of a verb, used with and

Me and my friends played a game.

Preceding a noun, marking ownership

Wilfred Owen (1893–1918), The Letter - And give us back me cigarette!.

As a reflexive direct object of a verb
As the subject of a verb, used without and
As a reflexive indirect object of a verb; the ethical dative
As the indirect object of a verb

He gave me this.

mop the floor with someone
To trounce or defeat thoroughly or in a humiliating manner

She moppped the floor with her opponent, defeating him 68 to 2.

music to someone's ears
Some good news; a spoken expression or a sound which is pleasing; a welcome remark or information

We should aim for a lower ambition, Dannatt said. . . . Not what you might call music to his boss's ears.

Belonging to me

I recognised him because he had attended my school.

none of someone's business
A matter that someone is not entitled to be involved in or informed about

He asked what I was talking to Sam about. I told him it was none of his business.

one could be someone's parent
Said to emphasize age disparity of a couple, usually to express disapproval and imply the possibility of choosing a partner with closer age
belonging to one
Belonging to us; of us

Paying no attention to Lizzy, Mrs. Gibson began calling out our names in alphabetical order.

Of, from, or belonging to the nation, region, or language of the speaker

Thirdly, I continue to attempt to interdigitate the taxa in our flora with taxa of the remainder of the world.

used before a person's name to indicate that the person is in one's family, or is a very close friend

I'm going to see our Terry for tea.

out to get someone
deliberately causing another person problems

The supervisor keeps telling me off. He’s out to get me.

pick someone's brain
To seek information from someone knowledgeable; to ask questions of someone

After I spent a couple of hours picking his brain, his scheme started to make sense.

piss in someone's pocket
To say flattering or fawning things to a person in the hope of gaining favour with them. This is often found in the negative, denying that one's words are meant as flattery

Everyone will piss in your pocket when they think you are going to be the next big thing.

piss on someone's bonfire
To disappoint
play someone like a fiddle
To manipulate (a person) skilfully

He played you like a fiddle.

pop a cap in someone's ass
To shoot someone with a gun

I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you heard it, that meant your ass. I never gave much thought to what it meant. I just thought it was some cold-blooded shit to say to a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice.

pop someone's cherry
To deflower someone
pull someone down a peg
To lower someone's high self-opinion

She longed to pull him down a peg or two.

put hair on someone's chest
Alternative form of put hair on somebody's chest
put oneself in someone's shoes
To try to look at a situation from a different point of view; as if one were the other person. To empathise

If you could just put yourself in his shoes for a moment, perhaps you would understand why it is not as easy as you seem to think.

put someone down as
to assume someone has a particular character from very little information

I put him down as ignorant, but then discovered he is, in fact, a university professor!.

put someone in mind of
To remind someone of; to inspire a mental image or awareness of; to cause thoughts concerning

With this weekend's whack of snow, Torontonians will be put in mind of last year's chaos.

put someone's back up
To annoy someone deliberately

You really put her back up there, John.

put the shits up someone
To scare someone, or give them a fright

He would put the shits up me by phoning me in the middle of the night.

put words in someone's mouth
To imply or state that has said a thing; to erect a straw man
putty in someone's fingers
Alternative form of putty in someone's hands
putty in someone's hands
One who is readily manipulated or controlled by another person

e clocks on at 8.30 pm with the opening guitar notes of his most famous song, ‘Purple Rain’. Everyone is instantly putty in his hands.

putty in the hands of someone
Alternative form of putty in someone's hands
queer someone's pitch
To make a task more difficult for the speaker
rain on someone's parade
To disappoint or discourage someone

I hate to rain on your parade, but lots of people have tried that strategy and it hasn't worked yet.

raise someone's consciousness
To increase a person's awareness of, and often sympathy for, an issue, cause, or condition

Raised in an Old Left family, I was taught about male chauvinism and thought I knew something about it, but at the beginning of feminism's Second Wave in the 1970's, I concluded that I needed to raise my consciousness.

raise someone's hackles
To anger someone

Every time I hear him talk, he just raises my hackles.

rattle someone's cage
to demand attention; to nag, nudge, or remind

Nobody has corrected the problem yet, so it's time to rattle their cage.

read someone's mind
To guess or deduce what someone is thinking
ride someone's ass
to find fault with someone, to constantly criticise

If he doesn't quit riding my ass over this dumb shit, I'm gonna punch him right in his face.

right up someone's alley
Alternative form of up someone's alley
ring someone's bell
To physically traumatize someone with a strong blow, especially a concussive blow to the head

Redman took Kenny Lofton's left shoulder on his jaw and saw every color of the rainbow but teal. That sent me down. I was kinda dizzy, Redman said . . . You take a shot like that, it's going to ring your bell a bit..

rub salt in someone's wounds
To make a painful situation even worse (even with the best of intentions)

John already feels guilty for what he did to you. Don't rub salt into his wounds.

run someone through
To stab someone completely through the torso, usually with a sword (typically used as a threat)
run someone through
To inform or educate someone, typically of a new concept or a concept particular to an organization or industry
run someone through
To train someone, typically of a particular task
significant other
save someone's bacon
to prevent an undesirable occurrence
save someone's bacon
To save someone's life

the tide being fortunately in our favour, we reached the Saint Vincent in good time, going up the accommodation ladder on the port side, which, as you know, is devoted to the use of the lower deck portion of the crew, just as Eight Bells struck. Ha, my lads, cried the Jaunty, who stood by the entry-port, you've just saved your bacon!.

save someone's skin
To save someone's life
save someone's skin
to prevent an undesirable occurrence
see someone through
To suffice for a time

Two full bags should be enough to see the family through.

التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف someone في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.


She goes running every morning. - O her sabah koşmaya gider.

Don't worry, everything will be OK. - Üzülmeyin, her şey düzelecek.


Music that doesn't transmit feelings, images, thoughts, or memories is just background noise. - Hisleri, görüntüleri, düşünceleri ya da anıları iletmeyen müzik sadece arka fon gürültüsüdür.

I'm feeling a lot better. - Çok daha iyi hissediyorum.


I have a prickling sensation in my left eye. - Benim sol gözümde bir karıncalanma hissi var.

I can't feel anything in my left foot; there's no sensation at all. - Ben sol ayağımda bir şey hissedemiyorum; hiç duygu yok.


The police officer on duty sensed an elderly man coming up behind him. - Görevli memur arkasından yaşlı bir adamın geldiğini hissetti.

She must have sensed something odd. - Garip bir şey hissetmiş olmalı.

{i} feel

I'm feeling better today. - Bugün kendimi daha iyi hissediyorum.

Mary has nobody to talk with, but she doesn't feel lonely. - Mary'nin konuşacak hiç kimsesi yok fakat o kendini yalnız hissetmiyor.


Can you see anything in there? - Orada herhangi bir şey görebiliyor musun?

Open an image and select an image layout. Click Open for opening an image. Click Quit for quitting the program. Image Layout feature allows you to view in any layout. - Bir resim açın ve bir resim düzeni seçin. Bir resim açmak için Aça tıklatın. Programdan çıkmak için Çıkışı tıklatın. Resim Düzeni özelliği herhangi bir düzende göstermenize olanak tanır.

(Askeri) each

The president appointed each man to the post. - Genel müdür her bir adamı görevine atadı.

Brush your teeth after each meal. - Her yemekten sonra dişlerini fırçala.


All that glitters is not gold. - Parlayan her şey altın değildir.

Bill is honest all the time. - Bill her zaman dürüsttür.


Pandas spend at least 12 hours each day eating bamboo. - Pandalar her gün en az 12 saati bambu yiyerek geçirirler.

Tom came into the living room, not wearing any pants. - Tom herhangi bir pantolon giymeden oturma odasına girdi.


How many omnivorous children are patients in hospital? - Hastanede her şeyi yiyen kaç çocuk hasta var?

Tom is omnilingual. He can speak every language on Earth. - Tom omnilingualdir. O, Dünya'daki her dili konuşabilir.


If we let our reasoning power be overshadowed by our emotions, we would be barking up the wrong tree all the time. - Muhakeme gücümüzün hislerimiz tarafından gölgelenmesine izin verirsek her zaman yanlış ağaca havluyor oluruz.

It's okay to feel emotions. - Duyguları hissetmek iyidir.

{i} mind

You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without. - Sen yaşayabileceğin herhangi biriyle evlenme - sen onsuz yaşayamayacağın kişiyle evlen.

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. - Her şahsın dinlenmeye, eğlenmeye, bilhassa çalışma müddetinin makul surette sınırlandırılmasına ve muayyen devrelerde ücretli tatillere hakkı vardır.

{f} thrust
{i} sense
every single

I think about that every single day. - Her gün onu düşünürüm.

One should take good care of every single thing. - Biri her şeye iyi bakmalı.

(Bilgisayar) recur every
(Bilgisayar) refresh every
(Bilgisayar) for all

The law is equal for all. - Kanun herkes için aynıdır.

That dispute has been settled once and for all. - O tartışma bir zamanlar karara bağlandı ve herkes için.

(Bilgisayar) start every

Either way will lead you to the station. - Her iki yol da seni istasyona götürecektir.

I don't like either of them. - Ben, onlardan herhangi birini sevmiyorum.


Do you believe in extrasensory perception? - Altıncı hisse inanıyor musun?


I wonder if I should trust my instincts. - Hislerime güvenmem gerekip gerekmediğini merak ediyorum.

(Kimya) symbol of antimony

I'll do whatever you want me to do. - Ben senin yapmamı istediğin her şeyi yapacağım.

Whatever has a beginning also has an end. - Her yokuşun bir de inişi vardır.


His parents helped whoever asked for their help. - Onun ebeveynleri yardımlarını isteyen herkese yardım etti.

Whoever comes will be welcomed. - Her gelen sıcak karşılanacak.


Tom couldn't help but feel sentimental. - Tom duygusal hissetmekten kendini alamadı.

cutaneous sensation
{f} jog
dig into
{f} shove
{f} pushing
Baa. Sheep's bleat, the sound a sheep makes
(abbr. for subay) mil. Off. (Officer)
every; each
feeling; emotion; sensation; sense
a sense (one of the five senses)
(a) feeling; (an) emotion
sensation, feeling
vulg. son of a bitch, bastard
dog; blackguard, scoundrel, cur, rascal, rogue, bastard, son of a bitch/gun
{i} senses



    التركية النطق



    anybody, anyone, somebody


    /ˈsəmˌwən/ /ˈsʌmˌwʌn/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ -(")w&n ] (pronoun.) 14th century. some + one

    رصف المشتركة

    someone else


    ... It was driven by a desire that someone find what you knew to ...
    ... i had to say this because someone told me your attorney from the experts are f ...