so long as we're still here …

listen to the pronunciation of so long as we're still here …
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف so long as we're still here … في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

so long as
so long as
-mek şartıyla
so long as

Elinden geleni yaptığın sürece sana yardım edeceğim. - I'll help you so long as you do your best.

Yaşadığım sürece nezaketini asla unutmayacağım. - I will never forget your kindness so long as I live.

so long as
-mek koşuluyla
so long as

Altıdan sonra olmak şartıyla herhangi bir zamanda olur. - Any time will do so long as it is after six.

so long as
so long as
Sürece We will stay so long as you need us
so long as
Madem, için So long as you're driving into town, why not give me a ride? 3
so long as

Saçları yere ulaşacak kadar uzundu. - Her hair was so long as to reach the floor.

Üç kişi, onlardan ikisi ölene kadar bir sırrı saklayabilir. - Three people can keep a secret so long as two of them are dead.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف so long as we're still here … في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

so long as
Depending upon some condition or requirement; provided that; if, assuming; as long as

I don't mind if he stays there, so long as he cleans up after himself when he's done.

so long as
while -; with the condition that -
so long as we're still here …