تعريف sleep في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- The state of reduced consciousness during which a human or animal rests in a daily rhythm
We need to conduct an overnight sleep test to diagnose your sleep problem.
- to spin on its axis with no other perceptible motion
When a top is sleeping, it is spinning but not precessing.
- To accommodate in beds
This caravan can sleep up to four people.
- An act or instance of sleeping
I’m just going to have a quick sleep.
- A substance found in the corner of the eyes after waking, whether real or a figurative objectification of sleep (in the sense of reduced consciousness)
Wipe the sleep from your eyes.
- To rest in a state of reduced consciousness
You should sleep 8 hours a day.
- {n} repose, slumber, rest, ease, quiet, death
- {v} to suspend the mental powers by rest
- a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended; "he didn't get enough sleep last night"; "calm as a child in dreamless slumber"
- Slept
I never slept that night.
- I didn't sleep at all that night.
- Sleep is the natural state of rest in which your eyes are closed, your body is inactive, and your mind does not think. They were exhausted from lack of sleep Try and get some sleep Be quiet and go to sleep Often he would have bad dreams and cry out in his sleep
- A sleep is a period of sleeping. I think he may be ready for a sleep soon
- wait
- If a sick or injured animal is put to sleep, it is killed by a vet in a way that does not cause it pain. I'm going take the dog down to the vet's and have her put to sleep. = put down
- be asleep be able to accommodate for sleeping; "This tent sleeps six people
- To be, or appear to be, in repose; to be quiet; to be unemployed, unused, or unagitated; to rest; to lie dormant; as, a question sleeps for the present; the law sleeps
- euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb); "she was laid to rest beside her husband"; "they had to put their family pet to sleep"
- a period of time spent sleeping; "he felt better after a little sleep"; "there wasn't time for a nap"
- In the Tradition different sort of dreamstates are indicated: lucid dreams, dreamless sleep, the sleep of assimilation, the sleep of Alifa, the sleep of Avasha, the rest of Arcana, etc All these states signify states which are only understood by initiates because they correspond with exactly those degrees of Initiation one can not divulge
- A word often used in connection with hypnosis, but natural sleep is not the same as a hypnotic 'sleep'
- be asleep
- To be careless, inattentive, or uncouncerned; not to be vigilant; to live thoughtlessly
- To take rest by a suspension of the voluntary exercise of the powers of the body and mind, and an apathy of the organs of sense; to slumber
- To be dead; to lie in the grave
- A natural and healthy, but temporary and periodical, suspension of the functions of the organs of sense, as well as of those of the voluntary and rational soul; that state of the animal in which there is a lessened acuteness of sensory perception, a confusion of ideas, and a loss of mental control, followed by a more or less unconscious state
- wait for a given period
- a torpid state resembling sleep a period of time spent sleeping; "he felt better after a little sleep"; "there wasn't time for a nap"
- be able to accommodate for sleeping; "This tent sleeps six people"
- To give sleep to; to furnish with accomodations for sleeping; to lodge
- The state in which a thread completely suspends execution until another thread signals it that there is work to do
- suspend execution for interval
- If a building or room sleeps a particular number of people, it has beds for that number of people. The villa sleeps 10 and costs £530 per person for two weeks. see also sleeping
- Blue Tourmaline, Moonstone, Peridot
- {f} be in a state of sleep, fall asleep, slumber; enter into or be in a state that resembles sleep; be inattentive, be inactive; accommodate, provide with a place to sleep; be in the repose of death
- noun - A drug Sleep is the only known drug that has the ability to make you want more with the less you take And if you get none of it, you want it very badly If you deny your addiction to sleep, the withdrawal sequence includes dozing off, smacking into things, lack of attention, and getting hit by parked cars
- {i} unconscious state entered into by the body for the purpose of rest and rejuvenation (in humans and animals); period of rest; inactive state; repose of death; closing of leaves and petals at night
- a torpid state resembling sleep
- When you sleep, you rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body inactive. During the car journey, the baby slept a pool surrounded by sleeping sunbathers
- of Sleep
Tom said that he wanted to buy a couple of sleeping bags.
- Tom said he wanted to buy a couple of sleeping bags.
Tom said he wanted to buy a couple of sleeping bags.
- Tom said that he wanted to buy a couple of sleeping bags.
- If you say that you didn't lose any sleep over something, you mean that you did not worry about it at all. I didn't lose too much sleep over that investigation
- to sleep rough: see rough. Natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored. Humans normally sleep at night, whereas nocturnal species sleep during the day. The average human sleep requirement is about 7.5 hours. Sleep is divided into two main types, REM (rapid-eye-movement) and NREM (non-REM); each recurs cyclically several times during a normal period of sleep. REM sleep is characterized by increased neuronal activity of the forebrain and midbrain, by depressed muscle tone, and by dreaming (see dream), rapid eye movements, and vascular congestion of the sex organs. NREM sleep is divided into four stages, the last of which is the deep, restorative, quiet sleep commonly associated with "a good night's rest." See also insomnia, narcolepsy
- If you are trying to make a decision and you say that you will sleep on it, you mean that you will delay making a decision on it until the following day, so you have time to think about it
- To be slumbering in; followed by a cognate object; as, to sleep a dreamless sleep
- If you cannot get to sleep, you are unable to sleep. I can't get to sleep with all that singing
- a state marked by lessened consciousness, lessened movement of the skeletal muscles, and slowed-down metabolism
- obdormition
- eye gum
- roost
- dormant
- zs
- shuteye
- sleep apnea
- Brief interruptions of breathing during sleep
- sleep apnoea
- Alternative form of sleep apnea
- sleep around
- To have numerous sexual partners
- sleep debt
- The cumulative effect of not getting enough sleep
- sleep deprivation
- The condition of forcibly (by someone else, or by a sleep disorder) being kept awake, to the point of noticeably lower alertness. A dangerous amount of sleep deprivation can cause fatal vehicular accidents
- sleep disorder
- A medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal
- sleep disorders
- plural form of sleep disorder
- sleep in
- To sleep late; to go on sleeping past one's customary or planned hour
On a rainy Saturday, after a busy week at work, he closed the curtains and decided to sleep in.
- sleep like a baby
- To sleep very well, especially peacefully
- sleep like a log
- To sleep heavily, long and without disturbance
- sleep mode
- the state of a computer system (especially a laptop), in which the screen and hard drive are switched off, and the only task running monitors external activity (such as a key press) which restores the system to its active state
- sleep off
- To get rid of (a pain, illness, condition) by sleeping
On the other hand, drugs with drowsiness as a side-effect (eg certain types of analgesia, antidepressants) are best administered in the evening so that patients can sleep off the effect and be alert the following day.
- sleep on
- To consider after a period of sleep, implying a decision will be made the next day
- sleep on it
- To postpone a decision until the following day to avoid making a hasty choice
- sleep over
- to spend the night as a guest in someone's home
- sleep paralysis
- The normal paralysis of the body that occurs during REM sleep
- sleep paralysis
- A situation where a person is not fully awake, and although conscious of their surroundings, unable to move or speak, often accompanied by feelings of terror
- sleep schedule
- A pattern of sleeping and waking; especially a regular pattern of sleeping and waking designed to promote health
- sleep together
- To be intimate with another person in the same bed
- sleep together
- To have sex with
- sleep under the same bridge
- a critique of a law where circumstances are ignored
- sleep under the same bridge
- To be formally, but not actually, equal under the law
The equally enforced prohibition not to sleep under the same bridge does not signify the reign of equlaity but rather its opposite for those without homes.
- sleep with
- To share a bed or bedroom with
My daughter has to sleep with her teddy bear or she gets scared.
- sleep with
- To have sexual intercourse with
Derek's a lovely guy, but I would never sleep with him.
- sleep with the fishes
- To be killed and have one's body disposed off in the sea or other body of water
- sleep-debt
- Attributive form of sleep debt
sleep-debt ramifications.
- sleep with the fishes
- (Ev ile ilgili) Be killed and have one's body disposed off in the sea or other body of water
- sleep a wink
- (deyim) (not sleep a wink) To not sleep at all
1. I was so excited last night. I didn't sleep a wink.
2. I didn't get a wink of sleep on the plane.
- sleep debt
- Sleep debt is the cumulative effect of not getting enough sleep
- sleep with someone
- 1. Share a bed with someone.2. Euph. Copulate with someone
- sleep apnea
- Obstruction of breathing by the palate, tongue and/or nose during sleep; also called obstructive sleep apnea
- sleep apnea
- apnea that occurs during sleep
- sleep apnea
- a condition in which a person momentarily stops breathing during sleep Measured by times per hour to determine severity Also called apnea
- sleep apnea
- cessation of breathing for 10 or more seconds during sleep
- sleep apnea
- A group of potentially lethal disorders in which breathing recurrently stops during sleep for long enough to cause measurable blood deoxygenation
- sleep apnea
- The sudden interruption of breathing during sleep (p 169)
- sleep apnea
- Periodic cessation of breathing during sleep Normally a harmless event but in patient with impaired cardiovascular systems, sleep apnea may lead to death See Also Apnea
- sleep apnea
- A temporary suspension of breathing occurring repeatedly during sleep that often affects overweight people or those having an obstruction in the breathing tract, an abnormally small throat opening, or a neurological disorder
- sleep apnea
- A condition in which the patient has short periods of not breathing during sleep
- sleep apnea
- Apnea is the medical term for "stopping breathing " Many obese people have difficulty breathing when they sleep The fatty tissues in the pharynx and neck can compress the airway and block it When this occurs, the body's carbon dioxide levels rise to uncomfortable and unsafe levels This may cause you to wake up many times throughout the night For this reason, patients with sleep apnea sleep very poorly, and wake up in the morning still feeling tired They remain tired throughout the day, sometimes falling asleep in the middle of a conversation or while driving Sleep apnea may be relieved by using a CPAP or BiPAP device at night These are breathing assist devices that are worn over the face to help with breathing at night time After weight loss surgery, sleep apnea usually gets much better Most patients who needed to use CPAP or BiPAP machines before surgery are able to stop using them within several months after surgery
- sleep apnea
- A sleep disorder characterized by periods when breathing temporarily stops; the person is momentarily unable to move respiratory muscles or maintain an air flow through the nose and mouth
- sleep apnea
- a sleep disorder in which a person's breathing stops in intervals that may last from 10 seconds to a minute or longer When an apneic event occurs, air exchange may be impaired
- sleep apnea
- a sleep disorder characterized by periods when breathing stops during sleep and person must awaken briefly to breathe; major symptoms are excessive daytime sleepiness and loud snoring
- sleep around
- have sex with multiple partners, be sexually promiscuous (Slang)
- sleep away
- pass time sleeping
- sleep disorder
- condition of chronically disturbed sleep, abnormal sleeping patterns, constant problem regarding sleeping
- sleep disorder
- a disturbance of the normal sleep pattern
- sleep in
- sleep later than usual or customary; "On Sundays, I sleep in"
- sleep in
- sleep at one's workplace; sleep later than usual
- sleep in
- live in the house where one works; "our babysitter lives in, as it is too far to commute for her"
- sleep late
- sleep later than usual or customary; "On Sundays, I sleep in
- sleep learning
- {i} hypnopedia, learning while asleep (by listening to recordings, etc.); process of providing information into the brain while a person is sleeping
- sleep like a baby
- sleep soundly, sleep peacefully
- sleep like a log
- sleep soundly, sleep deeply that one cannot be disturbed
- sleep like a top
- sleep deeply, sleep soundly
- sleep mode
- This is a setting on your computer which allows reduced power consumption while the computer is not in use (but still turned on)
- sleep mode
- "Green" computers have a mode that allows them to shut down and reduce power to (suspend) the monitor or hard drive (or the whole computer) when the keyboard, mouse or hard drive have been inactive for a set period of time Settings are in CMOS setup and sometimes Desktop/Properties
- sleep mode
- Allows the user to conserve battery power when the phone is waiting for a call (network and subscription dependent feature -- not available in all areas)
- sleep mode
- Allows reduction in the amount of power consumed by the computer while it is not in use
- sleep mode
- Refer ZZ mode
- sleep mode
- An energy-saving mode of operation in which all unnecessary components are shut down Once "awakened", the computer returns almost immediately to its former operating status
- sleep mode
- A mode of operation where the Neuron Chip suspends in a low-power state The Neuron Chip wakes up upon service pin activation, or optionally, upon I/O or communications channel activity
- sleep off
- get rid of by sleeping; "sleep off a hangover"
- sleep off
- get rid of by sleeping; "sleep off a hangover
- sleep off
- If you sleep off the effects of too much travelling, drink, or food, you recover from it by sleeping. It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag They had been up all night and were sleeping it off
- sleep off
- relieve (drunkenness) by sleep
- sleep on it
- think about something for a while before coming up with a decision
- sleep on the bed one has made
- accept the consequences of one's actions, accept the situation that one has created
- sleep one's life away
- waste time sleeping, sleep when one could be doing productive things
- sleep out
- stay overnight somewhere other than at home
- sleep out
- work in a house where one does not live; "our cook lives out; he can easily commute from his home"
- sleep over
- stay overnight; "The boy's friends were allowed to sleep over after the birthday party"
- sleep over
- If someone, especially a child, sleeps over in a place such as a friend's home, they stay there for one night. She said his friends could sleep over in the big room downstairs
- sleep research laboratory
- laboratory at the Technion where scientists research the field of sleep and dreams
- sleep soundly
- have a deep sleep
- sleep talking
- uttering speech while asleep
- sleep terror disorder
- a disorder of sleep characterized by a dream of terrifying dimensions far worse than a typical nightmare; they occur during NREM sleep
- sleep the sleep of the just
- sleep deeply, sleep soundly
- sleep tight!
- good night!, sweet dreams!
- sleep together
- If two people are sleeping together, they are having a sexual relationship, but are not usually married to each other. I'm pretty sure they slept together before they were married
- sleep with
- have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
- sleep with
- If you sleep with someone, you have sex with them. He was old enough to sleep with a girl and make her pregnant
- sleep with one eye open
- sleep but remain on guard, remain alert for danger
- sleep with one's fathers
- sleep with one's ancestors
- sleep-learning
- teaching during sleep (as by suing recordings to teach a foreign language to someone who is asleep)
- slow-wave sleep
- {i} recurring period of deep and usually dreamless sleep totaling 5 or 6 hours a night recognized by slow brain waves
- REM sleep
- The stage of sleep during which most brain activity and dreams occur, characterised by rapid eye movement (REM)
- beauty sleep
- Extra sleep or a special nap
I know I ought to be taking a beauty sleep, she thought, so I'll be all fresh and fine for the evening..
- beauty sleep
- Sleep before midnight, on the belief that early sleep hours conduce to health and beauty.John Stephen Farmer and William Ernest Henley, Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present (1890), p. 159
But eager as Kate was for her beauty sleep, the light burned late in her room.
- beauty-sleep
- Alternative spelling of beauty sleep
- dead sleep
- The first sleep of the night in a biphasic sleep pattern
Until the close of the early modern era, Western Europeans on most evenings experienced two major intervals of sleep bridged by up to an hour or more of quiet wakefulness. The initial interval of slumber was usually referred to as “first sleep,” or, less often, “first nap” or “dead sleep.”.
- deep sleep
- State of sleep from which it is difficult to wake
- deep sleep
- : Artificially induced hibernation in humans for the purpose of long distance travel
- deep-sleep
- Attributive form of deep sleep, noun
His deep-sleep moaning rather disturbed me.
- dog sleep
- A shallow sleep; a pretended sleep. Dogs seem to sleep with "one eye open."
- go to sleep
- To fall asleep
Go to sleep at the same hour every night.
- go to sleep
- An expression used to dismiss an extremely foolish statement, or to dismiss somebody that one does not feel like talking to
Mom, I was wondering... can I get a tattoo? Go to sleep!.
- goes to sleep
- Third-person singular simple present indicative form of go to sleep
- going to sleep
- Present participle of go to sleep
- gone to sleep
- Past participle of go to sleep
- how can you sleep at night
- A rhetorical question, used to tell someone that they should feel guilty about something
- morning sleep
- The second sleep of the night in a biphasic sleep pattern
Until the close of the early modern era, Western Europeans on most evenings experienced two major intervals of sleep bridged by up to an hour or more of quiet wakefulness. The succeeding interval of slumber was called “second” or “morning” sleep.
- put to sleep
- to kill an animal in order to end suffering, often with an injection; see euthanasia
- put to sleep
- to give a general anesthetic prior to surgery
- put to sleep
- to cause (someone) to doze off, as through boring (him)
- put to sleep
- to help (someone) to bed
- sleeping
- asleep
Tom isn't still asleep, is he?
- Tom isn't still sleeping, is he?
Be quiet. Tom is still asleep.
- Be quiet. Tom is still sleeping.
- sleeping
- used for sleep; used to produce sleep
- sleepless
- Characterized by an absence of sleep
I spent a sleepless night worrying about the exams.
- the big sleep
- Death
- went to sleep
- Simple past of go to sleep
- you made your bed, now sleep in it
- A moralizing rejection said to someone looking for an easy out, especially of a situation they put themselves into
- sleeplessness
- insomnia
- sleeplessly
- without sleeping
- sleeping
- the suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate the state of being asleep
- sleeping
- {n} the act of taking rest in sleep, sleep
- sleepless
- {a} wanting or void of sleep, watchful
- not sleep a wink
- (deyim) Not sleep at all
- Sleeplessness
- insomnolence
- Slept
- slep
I only slept for three hours.
- I slept only three hours.
I wonder if Tom has ever slept on a park bench.
- I wonder whether Tom has ever slept on a park bench.
- sleep tight
- good night!, sweet dreams!
- sleeping
- the state of being asleep
- sleeping
- {s} napping; of sleep; causing sleep
- sleeping
- quiet and inactive restfulness
- sleeping
- {i} state of being asleep, slumbering
- sleeping
- You use sleeping to describe places where people sleep or things concerned with where people sleep. On the top floor we have sleeping quarters for women and children. see also sleep
- sleeping
- the state or act of being asleep
- sleeping
- present participle of sleep
- sleeping
- the suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate
- sleeping
- from Sleep
- sleeping
- lying with head on paws as if sleeping
- sleeping
- dreambound
- sleepless
- Someone who is sleepless is unable to sleep. A sleepless baby can seem to bring little reward
- sleepless
- experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness; "insomniac old people"; "insomniac nights"; "lay sleepless all night"; "twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights"- Shakespeare
- sleepless
- Having no rest; perpetually agitated
- sleepless
- A sleepless night is one during which you do not sleep. I have sleepless nights worrying about her
- sleepless
- without having the eyes closed or covered by the eyelids; "to an eye like mine, a lidless watcher of the public weal"- Alfred Tennyson
- sleepless
- {s} without sleep; wakeful, insomniac, restless
- sleepless
- Having no sleep; wakeful
- sleepless
- wakeful
- sleeplessly
- without sleep; in a sleepless manner; "he was lying in bed sleeplessly
- sleeplessly
- In a sleepless manner
- sleeplessness
- The property of being sleepless
- sleeplessness
- a temporary state in which you are unable (or unwilling) to sleep
- sleeplessness
- {i} lack of sleep; alertness, insomnia
- sleeps
- plural of sleep
- sleeps
- third-person singular of sleep
- slept
- Slept is the past tense and past participle of sleep. Past tense and past participle of sleep. the past tense and past participle of sleep
- slept
- of Sleep
- slept
- past of sleep