We need the receipt Mr Smith signed.
- Nous avons besoin de la facture signée par M. Smith.
The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries.
- Le Premier Ministre a signé un accord commercial entre les deux pays.
It wasn't until they tried to subtract 3 from 1 that the elementary school students realized they needed signed numbers.
The signed check could be cashed.
Using a flashlight, the policeman signaled the car to stop.
- À l'aide d'une lampe-torche, le policier fit signe à la voiture de s'arrêter.
I'll raise my hand as a signal.
- Je lèverai ma main pour faire signe.
He beckoned me to follow him.
- Il me fit signe de le suivre.
Tom beckoned me to come in.
- Tom me fit signe d'entrer.
What do these markings mean?
- Que signifient ces signes ?
To have doubts about oneself is the first sign of intelligence.
- Douter de soi est le premier signe d'intelligence.
Spenser's sarcastic and joking remarks are often misinterpreted as signs of ambivalence and often taken too seriously.
- Les remarques sarcastiques et de plaisanterie de Spenser sont souvent mal interprétées comme signes d'ambivalence et souvent prises trop au sérieux.