
listen to the pronunciation of shipping
الإنجليزية - التركية

Tom evini nakliye konteynırlarından inşa etti. - Tom built his house out of shipping containers.

Sami bir nakliye konteynırında yaşıyordu. - Sami lived in a shipping container.

{i} siparişi alıp gönderme
{i} taşıma
{i} gönderme
{i} ticaret filosu
(Askeri) Sevkiyat
(Askeri) DENİZ NAKLİYATI: Personel veya yük ya da her ikisinin birlikte taşımasında kullanılan gemilere toplu olarak uygulanan, çok defa tipi tahsis edildiği iş veya kuvveti belirtmek için değişik şekillerde kullanılan terim
{i} gemi trafiği
yük nakletme
gemi nakliye/ticaret filo
{f} gönder

Biz ücretsiz gönderim sunuyoruz. - We offer free shipping.

Yarın askerler gönderiliyor. - The soldiers are shipping off tomorrow.

(Ticaret) sevketme
{i} filo
(Ticaret) yükleme
bir memlekete veya limana ait bütün gemiler
shipping company nakliye şirketi
gemi ile taşıma
shipping bill manifesto
shipping room işyerinde paketleme ve sevkıyat dairesi
{i} tonaj
{i} nakliyat, nakliye, taşıma
{i} gemi

Gemi Panama Kanalından geçti. - The ship went through the Panama Canal.

Bu gemi okyanus yolculuğu için uygun değil. - This ship is not fit for an ocean voyage.

shipping loan
Yüzdürülen kredi, vadesi uzatılan kredi
shipping business
shipping document
(Askeri) gönderme belgesi
shipping law
(Ticaret) deniz hukuku
shipping note
(Ticaret) sevkıyat bildirisi
shipping order
(Ticaret) ordinosu
shipping order
(Askeri) gönderme emri
shipping order
(Askeri) yükleme emri
shipping agent
gemicilik şirketi
shipping agent
deniz nakliyecisi
shipping bill
shipping bill
sevk belgesi
shipping clerk
yükleme memuru
shipping clerk
gemi katibi
shipping company
deniz nakliyat şirketi
shipping company
gemicilik şirketi
shipping order
sevkıyat emri
shipping room
nakliyat dairesi
Shipping Address
Teslimat adresi
shipping advice
Gönderme (yollama) ihbarı, sevk ihbarı
shipping box
kutu nakliye
shipping date
tarih nakliye
shipping label
Kargo etiketi
shipping lane
şeritli nakliye
shipping line
(Gemicilik) Gemicilik şirketi
shipping magnate
denizcilik armatörü
shipping mark
nakliye işaretikargo işareti
shipping price
Kargo ücreti
shipping request form
Sevk irsaliyesi
shipping accident
(Askeri) vapur sefer kazası
shipping advice
(Ticaret) sevkiyat talimatı
shipping agent
nakliyeci, nakliyatçı
shipping agent
shipping and handling fee
taşıma ücreti
shipping articles
gemi çalışma koşulları
shipping articles
gemi personelinin kaptanla yaptığı anlaşma
shipping cart
(Ticaret) gemi kartı
shipping charge
nakliye, nakliye ücreti; navlun
shipping charges
(Ticaret) yükleme giderleri
shipping charges
(Ticaret) yükleme masrafları
shipping clerk
bir şirketin ambalaj ve nakliyat işlerine bakan kimse
shipping company
nakliyat şirketi
shipping control
(Askeri) DENİZ ULAŞTIRMA KONTROLU: İlgili ulaştırma kontrol anlaşmalarına göre, bütün müttefik ve tarafsız devlet gemilerinin konvoy teşkili, ulaştırma planlaması, rapor etme ve rota değiştirme hususlarıyla ilgili bütün konular. Gemilerin genel anlamda kullanılması ve tahsisi liman içi hareketler, yükleme ve boşaltma vs. gibi başka makamların görevlerini teşkil eden hususlarda bilgi sahibi olmayı içine almaz. İlgili olmakla beraber, deniz komutanlarının ayrı görevleri arasında bulunan kontrol ve refakat kuvvetlerinin tahsisi, kullanılması, harekatı ve taktik usullere vukuf ve bunlar üzerinde kontrol icrası, gemi kontrol hizmeti dışında kalır
shipping control
(Askeri) deniz ulaştırma kontrolü
shipping control teams; single channel transponder
(Askeri) sevkıyat kontrol timleri; tek kanallı verici
shipping costs
(Askeri) taşıma masrafları
shipping data
shipping designator
(Askeri) GÖNDERME KOD ADRESİ: Belirli bir denizaşırı üs, liman veya bölgeye tahsis edilen kod kelimesi, yalnız ilgili denizaşırı bölgelere yapılan sevkiyat için bir adres olarak kullanılır. Kod kelimesi genelde 4 hat olup gönderici makamın adresini belirtmek üzere bir rakam eklenebilir
shipping designator
(Askeri) gönderme kod adresi
shipping document
(Askeri) GÖNDERME BELGESİ, SEVKİYAT BELGESİ: Bak. "Department of the Army Shipping Document", "material inspection and receiving report"
shipping firm
(Ticaret) deniz nakliyat firması
shipping forecast
deniz hava raporu
shipping insurance
(Ticaret) sevkiyat sigortası
shipping labels
sevkiyat etiketleri
shipping lane
(Askeri) nakliye rotası
shipping lane
(Askeri) NAKLİYE ROTASI: İki kalkış/varış noktası arasındaki deniz ticaretinin genel akışını belirtmek için kullanılan terim
shipping master
(Ticaret) deniz komiseri
shipping movement policy
(Askeri) TİCARİ DENİZ ULAŞTIRMA SİYASETİ: Bütün ticari gemilerin harbin ilk günlerindeki sevk ve idaresiyle ilgili askeri komite dokümanlarında belirtilen prensip
shipping officer
(Askeri) gönderme subayı
shipping officer
(Askeri) yükleme subayı
shipping officer
(Askeri) GÖNDERME SUBAYI, YÜKLEME SUBAYI: Devlet mallarının yüklenmesinden ve sevkıyatından sorumlu olan subay
shipping order
(Askeri) GÖNDERME EMRİ; YÜKLEME EMRİ: Bak. "shipment order"
shipping papers
(Çevre) nakil kağıtları
shipping papers
(Ticaret) sevk evrakı
shipping permit
(Ticaret) yükleme ruhsatı
shipping permit
(Ticaret) sevkiyat ruhsatı
shipping point
(Ticaret) sevk yeri
shipping point
(Ticaret) sevkıyatın yapıldığı yer
shipping policies
(Askeri) nakliye politikaları
shipping policies
(Askeri) taşıma politikaları
shipping port
(Ticaret) yükleme limanı
shipping protection
(Otomotiv) sevkiyat koruma
shipping receipt
(Askeri) yükleme konşimentosu
shipping report
(Ticaret) gönderme raporu
shipping room
(Ticaret) ambalaj odası
shipping room
sevkiyat bölümü
shipping sample
sevk edilecek numune
shipping season
(Ticaret) sevkiyat mevsimi
shipping terms
(Ticaret) sevkiyat şartları
shipping ticket
(Askeri) GÖNDERME BELGESİ: İkmal maddeleri sevkiyatı ile gönderilen form. Bu form, hem bir fatura, hem de makbuz vazifesi görür. Bu formun esas vazifesi, ikmal maddeleri saymanlığını bir saymandan diğerine geçirmektir
shipping time
(Askeri) GÖNDERME SÜRESİ: Malzemenin ikmali yapan faaliyet merkezinden gönderilmesi ile isteği yapan faaliyet merkezi tarafından alınması arasında geçen süre
shipping ton
(Ticaret) sevkiyat tonu
shipping turnaround cycle
(Askeri) GEMİ TAM SEFER SÜRESİ: Bak. "turnaround cycle"
shipping turnaround cycle
(Askeri) gemi tam sefer süresi
shipping way
gemi yolu
shipping way
gemi ulaşım yolu
{f} gemiye bindirmek
{f} gemi ile yollamak
{i} tekne

Büyük gemi bir balıkçı teknesine çarptı. - The big ship rammed a fishing boat.

yükleme yapmak
follow up shipping
(Askeri) takviye kademesi
overseas shipping
Denizaşırı taşımacılık
(Politika, Siyaset) postalamak
bir şeyi gemiyle yollamak
(Askeri) gemiyle yollamak
(Askeri) gemi ile göndermek
shipping mark
(Askeri) kargo işareti
shipping mark
(Askeri) nakliye işareti
chamber of shipping
armatörler birliği
coastwise shipping
gemiye yüklemek
(kimise bir yere) yollamak
(mal) yollamak
gemiye tayfa olarak almak/girmek
büyük uçak ya da uzay gemisi
uzay aracı

Uzay aracı yakında aya ulaşacak. - The space ship will get to the moon soon.

gemiyle taşımak/göndermek
{f} gemiyle yolla

Tom ve Mary balayıları için İtalya yakınında vapurla seyahate çıktılar fakat gemi battı ve Tom kamarasında boğuldu. - Tom and Mary went on a cruise near Italy for their honeymoon, but the ship sank and Tom was drowned in his cabin.

Ground shipping
Karayolu taşımacılığı/nakliyesi
coastal shipping
(Denizcilik) Kıyı taşımacılığı
drop shipping
damla nakliye
drop shipping
Bir ürünü toptancıdan ucuza düşürüp, toptancıdan alıcıya göndertme
liner shipping
layner taşımacılığı
National Communications System; naval control of shipping; net control station
(Askeri) Milli Muhabere Sistemi; deniz ulaştırmasına deniz kuvvetleri kontrolü; şebeke kontrol istasyonu
National Security Agency; national shipping authority; North Atlantic Treaty Org
(Askeri) ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Ajansı; milli deniz ulaştırma makamı
administrative shipping
(Askeri) İDARİ DENİZ NAKLİYATI/ULAŞTIRMASI: Yükleme noktasından varış noktasına birlik ve yük taşıyabilen, ancak kuruluşunda bulunmayan personel ve/veya teçhizat (örnek: yükleme ve boşaltma müteahhidi, vinçler, şatlar, tekneler). olmadan yükleme ve boşaltma yapılamayan; ve destek gemileriyle yapılan nakliye. Ayrıca bakınız: "administrative loading", "administrative movement"
administrative shipping
(Askeri) idari deniz nakliyatı
administrative shipping
(Askeri) idari deniz ulaştırması
amphibious shipping
(Askeri) AMFİBİ GEMİLER: Amfibi hücum harekatında çıkarma kuvvetlerini nakletmek, çıkarmak ve desteklemek üzere özel olarak tasarlanmış ve amfibi hedef bölgesinde dışardan yardım alınmaksızın donanma personeli tarafından yükleme ve boşaltma kapasitesini haiz donanmanın kuruluşunda bulunan gemiler
area evacuation of shipping
(Askeri) GEMİLERİN BÖLGE TAHLİYESİ: Ticari gemilerin, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı kontrolu altında, tehdit altındaki genel bir bölgeden daha emin mahallere intikali. Ayrıca bakınız: "part evacuation of shipping"
assault shipping
(Askeri) HÜCUM ÇIKARMA GEMİLERİ: Amfibi özel görev kuvvetine tahsis edilen ve kıtaları, araçları, malzeme ve ikmal maddelerini hedef bölgesine taşımak ve direkt veya -açıkta bulunan çıkarma araçlarına, çıkarma gemilerine yada helikopterlere aktarmak suretiyle- indirekt olarak plajlara boşaltmak maksadıyla kullanılan gemiler
centralized receiving and shipping point
(Askeri) merkezi kabul ve gönderme noktası
coastal shipping
kabotaj taşımacılığı
defense shipping authority
(Askeri) SAVUNMA DENİZ ULAŞTIRMA MAKAMI: Ortak bir çabayı en etkili bir şekilde müttefik limanlar arasında desteklemekle görevlendirilen ticaret gemilerinin kullanılmasından sorumlu olan ve savaş zamanında teşkil edilen NATO sivil savaş zamanı grubu
factory shipping
fabrika nakliye
national shipping administration
(Askeri) MİLLİ GEMİCİLİK İDARESİ: Barış zamanında gemilerinin idaresi için her bir ülkede bulunan teşkilat. Ayrıca bakınız: "national shipping authority"
national shipping authority
(Askeri) MİLLİ GEMİCİLİK MAKAMI: Her bir müttefik hükümette, ticaret gemilerinin savaş zamanındaki yönetiminden sorumlu bulunan teşkilat
naval control of shipping
(Askeri) deniz nakliyatının kontrolü
naval control of shipping
(Askeri) DENİZ ULAŞTIRMASININ KONTROLÜ: Müttefik ticaret gemilerinin hareketinin, yollarının, bildirilmesinin, konvoy teşkilatının ve taktik saptırmasının donanma makamları tarafından sevk ve idaresi veya kontrolü. NAVAL CONTROL OF SHIPPING LIAISON OFFICER: DENİZ ULAŞTIRMA KONTROL İRTİBAT SUBAYI: Müttefik bir deniz sevkiyat kontrol teşkilatının karargahında göreve atanmış bir deniz subayı
naval control of shipping officer
(Askeri) DENİZ ULAŞTIRMA KONTROL SUBAYI: Harekat kontrol makamının direktiflerine tabi olarak, bir liman veya üs içinde veya dışında ticari gemi konvoylarını teşkil etmek; böyle konvoyların, bağımsız olarak seyreden ticaret ve hastane gemilerinin ulaştırma yollarını ve hareketlerini kontrol ve koordine etmekle görevlendirilen bir deniz subayı
naval control of shipping organization
(Askeri) DENİZ ULAŞTIRMA KONTROL TEŞKİLATI: Savaş zamanı ticaret gemilerinin hareketlerinin kontrolü ve onların korunmasını temin etmek amacıyla Deniz Harekat Başkanlığının sorumluluğunu yerine getiren Deniz Kuvvetleri içindeki bir teşkilat
naval control of shipping organization
(Askeri) deniz ulaştırmasına deniz kuvvetleri kontrolü teşkilatı
naval coordination and protection of shipping
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri deniz nakliyesi koordinasyonu ve koruması
order and shipping time
(Askeri) SİPARİŞ VE NAKLİYE SÜRESİ: Belirli bir faaliyet için stok bütünleme işlemlerinin başlamasıyla bu işlemler sonunda malzemenin bu faaliyet merkezine ulaşması arasında geçen zaman. Sipariş ve nakliye süresi yalnızca ikmal sistemi içindeki malzemeler için kullanılır ve, sipariş süresi (order time) ve nakliye süresi (shipping time) olmak üzere birbirinden farklı kısımlardan oluşur. Ayrıca bakınız: "level of supply", "order time" ve "shipping time"
port evacuation of shipping
(Askeri) TİCARİ GEMİLERİN LİMAN TAHLİYESİ: Ticari gemilerin, tehdit altındaki bir limandan kendi korunmaları için başka bir limana intikali. Bak. "area evacuation of shipping"
receiving and shipping space
(Askeri) TESELLÜM VE SEVKİYAT YERİ: İkmal maddelerinin kabul ve sevki için ayrılan gayri safi depolama sahası
receiving and shipping space
(Askeri) teslim alma ve sevkiyat yeri
{f} nakletmek
{f} kürekleri içeri almak
gemi hizmetine almak
{i} uzay gemisi

O güzel bir uzay gemisi. - That's a nice space ship.

(bir şeyi) (bir nakliyat aracıyla) göndermek, yollamak: Haven't you shipped that order yet? O siparişi
{f} tayfa olmak
{f} 1. (bir şeyi) (bir nakliyat aracıyla) göndermek, yollamak: Haven't you shipped that order yet? O siparişi
kürek veya dümeni yerine takmak
üç direkli ve her direkte seren ile yan yelkenleri olan gemi
{f} tayfa olarak almak
gemiye binm
i. gemi; vapur. f
{f} su almak (gemi)
{f} gemiye binmek

Bu gemiye binmek için izin alabilir miyim? - May I have permission to board this ship?

{f} yerine takmak
(Askeri) GEMİ: Kürek ve benzeri şeylere ihtiyaç duymadan kendi makinesi ile hareket eden ve seyrüsefer için kullanılan herhangi bir tekne
theater shipping document
united states controlled shipping
(Askeri) ABD KONTROLÜNDEKİ DENİZ ULAŞTIRMASI: ABD bayrağı altındaki ve "ABD'nin yani milli bir seferberlik zamanında ABD hizmetine verebileceği beklenen gemilerle yapılan deniz ulaştırması
vendor's shipping document
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Present participle of ship
The body of ships belonging to one nation, port or industry
The transportation of goods
Passage or transport on a ship
{n} vessels for navigation, a passage
vessels, generally; tonnage
Shipping is the transport of cargo as a business, especially on ships. the international shipping industry The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping
The process of rating and manifesting parcels that are then tendered to a carrier for delivery
Tell us where and how you want your rolls shipped Once they are on the truck, we bless the vehicle and the driver at no extra cost
the commercial enterprise of transporting goods and materials
The laws relating to all kinds of boats (except those moved by oars) The laws concern property, crew, safety on board, transportation of goods and passengers, wrecks, harbours, etc
Relating to, or concerned in, the forwarding of goods; as, a shipping clerk
Many shipping options are available so that ShopSite merchants can either more accurately pass shipping costs along to the customers, or simplify shipping charges, depending on their marketing strategy
The act of one who, or of that which, ships; as, the shipping of flour to Liverpool
The dollar cost of sending the items to the winning bidders I prefer to use exact dollar figures and enclose a refund of overage
Cost Tracking
The collective body of ships in one place, or belonging to one port, country, etc
You can refer to ships as shipping when considering them as a group. They sent naval forces to protect merchant shipping. Transporting of goods and passengers by water. Early civilizations, which arose by waterways, depended on watercraft for transport. The Egyptians were probably the first to use seagoing vessels ( 1500 BC); the Phoenicians, Cretans, Greeks, and Romans also all relied on waterways. In Asia, Chinese ships equipped with multiple masts and a rudder were making sea voyages by AD 200; from as early as the 4th century BC the Chinese also relied heavily on internal waterways to transport food to their large cities (see Grand Canal). Japan, too mountainous to rely on roads for mass transport, also relied on internal and coastal waterways for shipping from early in its history. The spice trade was a great stimulus to shipping trade; Arabians were sailing to the spice islands before the Christian era and European merchant marines grew up largely because of it. The tea trade had a similar effect, as did the discovery of gold in the New World. From the 17th to the 19th century, the slave trade was a major feature of Atlantic shipping. The U.S. and England were the ascendant shipping nations in the 19th century; Germany, Norway, Japan, The Netherlands, and France joined them in the early 20th century, with Greece dominating the industry by the century's end. Transoceanic shipping remains a vital part of the world economy. Many U.S. merchant ships are registered in a third nation to avoid heavy taxes. See also British East India Co.; Dutch East India Co.; French East India Co
Actions necessary to deliver material to a freight carrier for movement to a Consignee The function of recording, reporting, and sending merchandise to the consumer
You can refer to the amount of money that you pay to a company to transport cargo as shipping. It is $39.95 plus $3 shipping
The focal point for this dictionary is the Packlist Detail is presented down to the delivery schedule Information is also available about the bill of lading
the business of transporting goods
conveyance provided by the ships belonging to one country or industry
{i} business of sending or transporting cargo; sea voyage (Archaic)
-the process of removing materials from stock and transporting them to a customer or other facility
Relating to ships, their ownership, transfer, or employment; as, shiping concerns
Preparing and sending the complete package of mortgage documents to the investor
shipping fever
A severe inflammation of the lungs of cattle, caused by a bacterium of the genus Pasteurella, sometimes seen following the stress of transport to market under poor conditions
shipping line
(Gemicilik) A shipping line is a business that operates ships
shipping clerk
an employee who ships and receives goods
shipping agent
one who deals with shipping objects overseas
shipping agent
the agent of a shipowner
shipping bill
document listing information about cargo and shipping charges
shipping charges
cost of shipping packages or cargo, freight charges
shipping clerk
dispatcher on a boat
shipping clerk
One who is employed to prepare, pack, receive, or record shipments of goods
shipping clerk
an employee who ships and receives goods
shipping company
ship company that deals with conveying goods and/or passengers overseas
shipping company
a company that provides shipping services
shipping fever
Any of various diseases contracted by cattle or other animals during shipping or similarly stressful events, especially one caused by bacteria of the genus Pasteurella, characterized by fever and coughing
shipping fever
a deadly form of septicemia in cattle and sheep; involves high fever and pneumonia; contracted under conditions of exposure or exhaustion (as often happens when the animals are shipped to market)
shipping forecast
a radio broadcast that says what the weather will be like at sea
shipping lane
an officially approved path of travel that ships must follow
shipping note
In the case of free goods the shipping notes are the receiving note, addressed by the shipper to the chief officer of the vessel, requesting him to receive on board specified goods, and a receipt for the mate to sign, on receiving whose signature it is called the mate's receipt, and is surrendered by the shipper for the bills of lading
shipping note
A document used in shipping goods by sea
shipping office
the office of a shipping agent; an office where seamen are hired
shipping room
a room where goods are packaged and shipped
shipping room
room where deliveries are collected before shipping
shipping time
The time elapsing between the shipping of materiel by the supplying activity and receipt of materiel by the requiring activity See also order and shipping time (Ref 1)
shipping time
Approximate number of days required for production of a list order
shipping time
An estimated number of days that an item ordered will take in transit to the customer
shipping tycoon
wealthy business man that made much of his fortune from shipping goods overseas
drop shipping
Present participle of drop ship
To take in (water) over the sides of a vessel

We were shipping so much water I was sure we would capsize.

To send a parcel or container to a recipient (by any means of transport)
A vessel which travels through any medium other than across land, such as an airship or spaceship
To be a fan or promote a certain ship
To send by water-borne transport
A sailing vessel with three square-rigged masts
A water-borne vessel larger than a boat
A fictional romantic relationship between two persons, either real of themselves fictional
{n} a vessel with three masts, square rigged
{v} to put on board a ship, send, transport
drop shipping
Drop shipping is a supply chain management technique in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers customer orders and shipment details to wholesalers, who then ship the goods directly to the customer . The retailers make their profit on the difference between the wholesale and retail price
advanced shipping notification
(Ticaret) (ASN) A message, usually sent through EDI, from a vendor to a customer at the time of the vendor shipment that notifies the customer of the order, item and quantity information. Some customers may refuse receipt or penalize the vendor if the ASN is not communicated at shipment time or within a specified time frame
Pay; reward
A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense
travel by ship
If people or things are shipped somewhere, they are sent there on a ship or by some other means of transport. Food is being shipped to drought-stricken Southern Africa. see also shipping. Large floating vessel capable of crossing open waters. The term formerly was applied to sailing vessels with three or more masts; today it usually denotes a vessel of more than 500 tons' (450 metric tons') displacement. The largest ships today are enormous oil tankers, some of which are 500,000 tons (450,000 metric tons) deadweight. Other specialized ships (containerships) carry general freight in standardized containers that can be easily loaded, unloaded, and transferred. See also battleship, brig, clipper ship, corvette, dhow, frigate, junk, longship, ocean liner, schooner, yacht. Viking ship clipper ship ship money ship of the line
1 (noun) A large seagoing vessel 2 (verb) To transport
a vessel with three or more masts
A seagoing vessel greater than 150' in length Used for luxury cruises, import and export
Specifically, a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts (a mainmast, a foremast, and a mizzenmast), each of which is composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, and square-rigged on all masts
from the Old English scip, the generic name for sea-going vessels (as opposed to boats) Originally ships were personified as masculine but by the sixteenth century almost universally expressed as as feminine
By extension, in commercial usage, to commit to any conveyance for transportation to a distance; as, to ship freight by railroad
go on board
Any large seagoing vessel
Hence, to send away; to get rid of
To embark on a ship
To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation; to send by water
{f} send, dispatch; transport by ship (or airplane, truck, etc.); put on board a ship; embark, board a ship; travel on a ship; work on a ship
{i} large vessel made for sailing on the sea; aircraft, spacecraft
a vessel that carries passengers or freight place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel" travel by ship hire for work on a ship
a vessel that carries passengers or freight place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"
To receive on board ship; as, to ship a sea
See Illustation in Appendix
A vessel which travels through any medum other than across land
travel by ship hire for work on a ship
A larger vessel usually used for ocean travel According to Webster’s, a sailing vessel usually having a bowsprit and three masts each composed of a lower mast, a top mast, and a topgallant mast Also, a vessel that is able to carry a "boat" on board
(n) a boat back to WebQuest
To put in its place; as, to ship the tiller or rudder
A suffix denoting state, office, dignity, profession, or art; as in lordship, friendship, chancellorship, stewardship, horsemanship
To engage to serve on board of a vessel; as, to ship on a man-of- war
transport commercially
hire for work on a ship
a vessel that carries passengers or freight
Mouse's name for her ship RB: 2
To engage or secure for service on board of a ship; as, to ship seamen
State Health Insurance Assistance Program
includes a barge, lighter, hulk or other vessel
A ship is a large boat which carries passengers or cargo. Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure We went by ship over to America. merchant ships
Properly, a vessel large enough to have three masts Most "fishing ships" were smaller than this, usually with two masts
means a sea-going vessel and includes a sailing vessel
A large, water-borne vessel, in contrast to a boat
place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"