تعريف sex في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- Either of two main divisions (either female or male) into which many organisms can be placed, according to reproductive function or organs
The abnormality is found in both sexes.
- Genitalia; a penis or vagina
- The distinguishing property, quality, or assemblage of properties by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions; the set of properties by which male is distinguished from female
The researchers divided the subjects by sex.
- Women; womankind
She was fond of him, too, for he had a remarkable gentleness and courtesy in his dealings with women. He disliked and distrusted the sex, but he was always a chivalrous opponent.
- To have sex with
OK, so I'm sexin' her, right, and all I can think of is this other girl.
- Sexual intercourse; the act of sexual intercourse
We had sex in the back seat.
- To determine the biological sex of an animal
It is not easy to sex lizards.
- {n} the distinction betwixt male and female
- The capability in plants of fertilizing or of being fertilized; as, staminate and pistillate flowers are of opposite sexes
- If two people have sex, they perform the act of sex. Have you ever thought about having sex with someone other than your husband?. to find out whether an animal is male or female. Sum of features by which a member of a plant or animal species can be placed into one of two complementary reproductive groups, male or female. In both plants and animals, sex is determined by the reproductive cells (gametes) produced by the organism. The male produces sperm cells, and the female produces egg cells. Males and females may or may not have apparent structural differences, but they always have functional, hormonal, and chromosomal differences. Patterns of behaviour, sometimes elaborate, may also distinguish the sexes in some species. See also reproductive behaviour
- Either of two main divisions (either male or female) into which many organisms can be placed, according to reproductive function or organs
- all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses; "he wanted a better sex life"; "the film contained no sex or violence"
- six
- The sex of a person or animal is their characteristic of being either male or female. She continually failed to gain promotion because of her sex The new technique has been used to identify the sex of foetuses. = gender
- {f} identify the sex of, determine sex of something; excite, arouse the sexual desires; turn on, arouse in a sexual manner; sex up, make something or someone more appealing or stimulating from a sexual standpoint
- Women, womankind
- tell the sex (of young chickens)
- Sex is the physical activity by which people can produce young. He was very open in his attitudes about sex We have a very active sex life
- stimulate sexually; "This movie usually arouses the male audience"
- {i} gender, quality of being male or female; sexual intercourse, coitus
- the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; "she didn't want to know the sex of the foetus" all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses; "he wanted a better sex life"; "the film contained no sex or violence" either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided; "the war between the sexes" tell the sex (of young chickens)
- The act of sexual intercourse
- A combining form meaning six; as, sexdigitism; sexennial
- Ah, that made your eyes light up, didn't it?? There's no other reason I put that word in here than to just test a theory about how people react when they see it Come on admit it you're disappointed with the definition now, aren't you?
- identifies the biological differences between women and men
- either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided; "the war between the sexes"
- The two sexes are the two groups, male and female, into which people and animals are divided according to the function they have in producing young. an entertainment star who appeals to all ages and both sexes. differences between the sexes. see also fair sex, opposite sex, same-sex, single-sex
- One of the two divisions of organic beings formed on the distinction of male and female
- activities associated with sexual intercourse; "they had sex in the back seat"
- {s} of or pertaining to sexual matters; of or relating to sex; of or pertaining to the sexes
- 1 Male 2 Female
- the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles; "she didn't want to know the sex of the foetus"
- The gender of a person at the time of the report
- One of the groups founded on this distinction
- six, sext, sixth, sexten, sixteen
- Indicates the sex of the employee Values
- The distinguishing peculiarity of male or female in both animals and plants; the physical difference between male and female; the assemblage of properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female
- cooch
- sex act
- Any act involving sexual stimulation
- sex acts
- plural form of sex act
- sex aid
- any object or device that is primarily used in facilitating human sexual pleasure
- sex and shopping
- a genre of popular fiction in which characters with an affluent lifestyle have frequent explicit sexual encounters
- sex appeal
- Sexual attractiveness
He may be as thick as a plank, but he sure has some sex appeal.
- sex attack
- An act of sexual assault
- sex change
- A sexual reassignment surgery (SRS)
- sex changes
- plural form of sex change
- sex chromosome
- either of a pair of chromosomes (in most animals and plants) whose combination determines the sexual characteristics of an individual
- sex chromosomes
- plural form of sex chromosome
- sex comedy
- A genre of comedy film with sexual content or themes
- sex drive
- the strong motivational tendency or instinct of animals to have sexual intercourse, without which the species would not survive
- sex drives
- plural form of sex drive
- sex economy
- The Reichian theory, progressing from Freudian psychoanalysis, of the energy household of the human organism
- sex economy
- The way in which society regulates, promotes, or hinders gratification of the sexual needs. (A variant meaning also defined by Reich)
- sex education
- Education about human sexual anatomy, reproduction, and intercourse and other human sexual behavior
- sex kitten
- A woman who is both sexually desirable and sexually active
- sex kittens
- plural form of sex kitten
- sex life
- (Can we clean up() this sense?) The frequency and quality of one's sexual encounters
Since I starting shaving my legs and having a shower, my sex life has vastly improved!.
- sex lives
- plural form of sex life
- sex machine
- Any machine that is used for sexual pleasure
- sex machine
- Someone with considerable sexual prowess
- sex machines
- plural form of sex machine
- sex objects
- plural form of sex object
- sex offender
- Somebody who has committed a crime of a sexual nature
- sex offenders
- plural form of sex offender
- sex on a stick
- A person or persons considered to be very sexually attractive
What’d Jill-June say?” / “That he’s sex on a stick. / Sara smiled at the understatement.
- sex on legs
- A person or persons considered to be very sexually attractive
She thinks he is sex on legs.
- sex on the beach
- a cocktail containing vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice and orange juice
- sex organ
- An organ used in sexual reproduction
- sex organs
- plural form of sex organ
- sex play
- Play of a sexual nature between children
Descriptions of sex play among children are very scarce indeed.
- sex position
- The position of two or more lovers for sexual intercourse
- sex positions
- plural form of sex position
- sex reassignment surgery
- Any surgical procedure that adjusts genitalia and other physical sex characteristics in order to achieve a (usually normative) result, typically employed by transsexuals and sometimes the intersex to achieve anatomy conforming to their gender identities. Abbreviation: SRS
- sex scene
- A segment in a movie or television program in which characters engage in simulated or real sexual activity
- sex scenes
- plural form of sex scene
- sex shop
- a shop that sells sex toys, erotic lingerie, pornography etc
- sex shops
- plural form of sex shop
- sex slave
- a person who is forced into prostitution and denied freedom of movement
- sex slaves
- plural form of sex slave
- sex symbol
- A person that embodies the sexual ideals of a mass audience
In the 50's and 60's Marilyn Monroe was considered a sex symbol.
- sex symbols
- plural form of sex symbol
- sex tape
- A video recording of a sex act, especially one starring a celebrity
- sex tapes
- plural form of sex tape
- sex tourism
- Travel for the purpose of sexual intercourse with prostitutes
- sex toy
- any object or device that is primarily used in facilitating human sexual pleasure
- sex toys
- plural form of sex toy
- sex up
- To make more sexually attractive
Enrique Iglesias' sexed-up music video may have been nixed.
- sex up
- To take part in sexual acts with
I wanna sex you up!.
- sex up
- To arouse somebody sexually
Get spanked: it'll sex you up!.
- sex up
- To enhance in terms of fashionable appeal
How do I sex up my 3000?.
- sex up
- To sensationalize
Australian defence adviser 'sacked for refusing to sex up WMD reports'.
- sex worker
- A person who supplies sexual services for money
- sex workers
- plural form of sex worker
- sex, lies and videotape
- The controversy surrounding a political scandal
Whatever the media promote and the chorus chants, whatever dapples dinner tables, this is not a mundane story of sex, lies and videotape.
- sex-life
- Attributive form of sex life, noun
That sex-life update was TMI!.
- sex-plus
- Having as factors a person's gender and some other factor related to that gender
the latter can perhaps be protected either by including the employee's private life among the grounds of prohibited discrimination, or under the ground of sex, as a sex-plus situation.
- sex appeal
- Someone's sex appeal is their sexual attractiveness. She still has the energy and sex appeal of a woman less than half her age. the quality of being sexually attractive
- sex cell
- Gamete; a mature male or female germ cell usually possessing a haploid chromosome set and capable of initiating formation of a new diploid individual by fusion with a gamete of the opposite sex
- sex maniac
- Someone who always wants to have sex and thinks about it too much
- sex maniac
- Seks delisi, sürekli seks isteyen ya da düşünen kişi
- sex segregation
- Sex segregation is the separation of people according to their sex
- sex sprain
- A minor injury brought on by particularly enthusiastic sexual activity
- sex up
- (deyim) Give erotic character to or make more interesting, eroticize
- sex-typing
- (Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) (Sociology & Psychology) stereotyping people according to the characteristics or behaviour considered typical of their sex
- Sex Discrimination Act
- a British law passed in 1975 to prevent sex discrimination (=unfair treatment of someone because of their sex) , especially in employment and education
- Sex Pistols
- a British punk band who were popular in the mid-1970s and greatly influenced the punk style of clothes and music. Their members included Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious. They deliberately shocked people with their violent behaviour, swearing, and lack of respect for the British royal family. Their records include Anarchy in the UK, and the album Never Mind the Bollocks - Here's the Sex Pistols
- Sex on the Beach
- {i} cocktail made with vodka mixed with peach schnapps and cranberry juice and orange juice
- sex act
- the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur
- sex aid
- A sex aid is an object or piece of equipment that is designed to make sex easier or more enjoyable
- sex aids
- different items used for enhancing and giving variety to sex
- sex appeal
- attractiveness to the opposite sex
- sex appeal
- physical charm and sexual radiance that attracts members of the opposite sex
- sex ascription
- sexual orientation (heterosexual or homosexual)
- sex bomb
- sex kitten: a young woman who is thought to have sex appeal
- sex cell
- A germ cell or gamete
- sex change
- a change in a person's physical sexual characteristics (as by surgery and hormone treatments)
- sex change
- The modification of a person's biological sex characteristics, by surgery and hormone treatment, to approximate those of the opposite sex. a medical operation or treatment which changes someone's body so that they look like someone of the other sex
- sex characteristic
- those characteristics (both anatomical and psychological) that are strongly associated with one sex relative to the other
- sex characteristic
- {i} distinguishing anatomical and psychological traits strongly connected with a person's sex relative to the other
- sex chromatin
- chromatin found only in female cells; "the presence or absence of sex chromatin in cells obtained by amniocentesis makes it possible to determine the sex of a fetus
- sex chromosome
- Either of a pair of chromosomes, usually designated X or Y, in the germ cells of most animals and some plants, that combine to determine the sex and sex-linked characteristics of an individual, with XX resulting in a female and XY in a male in mammals. Either of a pair of chromosomes that determine whether an individual is male or female. The sex chromosomes of mammals are designated X and Y; in humans, they constitute one pair of the total 23 pairs of chromosomes. Individuals possessing two X chromosomes (XX) are female; those having one X and one Y chromosome (XY) are male. The X chromosome is larger and carries more genetic information than the Y. Traits controlled only by genes found on the X chromosome (e.g., hemophilia, red-green colour blindness) are said to be sex-linked. Sex-linked traits occur far more frequently in males than in females, since a male inheriting an allele for a recessive (see recessiveness) trait on the X chromosome lacks a corresponding allele on the Y chromosome that might counteract its effects. Several disorders are associated with an abnormal number of sex chromosomes, including Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome
- sex chromosome
- {i} chromosome that determines the sex of a creature
- sex chromosome
- (genetics) a chromosome that determines the sex of an individual; "mammals normally have two sex chromosomes
- sex crime
- A crime, such as rape, molestation, or sexual abuse, involving illegal or coerced sexual activity.sex criminal n
- sex crime
- any illegal activity of a sexual nature (such as rape, molestation, sexual harassment, child pornography, etc.)
- sex discrimination
- discriminating against someone because of their gender
- sex discrimination
- treating people unfairly because they are women, or because they are men
- sex drive
- someone's ability or need to have sex regularly
- sex drive
- a physiological need for sexual activity; "testosterone is responsible for the male sex drive
- sex drive
- a physiological need for sexual activity; "testosterone is responsible for the male sex drive"
- sex education
- Sex education is education in schools on the subject of sexual activity and sexual relationships. when young people are taught about sex, especially at school
- sex education
- instruction on topics related to human sexuality and reproduction (e.g. anatomy, birth control, etc.)
- sex factor
- A bacterial plasmid that enables one bacterium to donate its genetic material to another bacterium by conjugation, resulting in genetic recombination. Also called fertility factor, f factor
- sex gender
- sex of a person or animal (male or female)
- sex gland
- A testis or ovary; a gonad
- sex goddess
- If you refer to a woman, especially a film star, as a sex goddess, you mean that many people consider her to be sexually attractive. Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess
- sex harassment
- torment of a sexual nature, persecution based on sex
- sex hormone
- chemical material that is released into the bloodstream and stabilizes various processes in the sexual and reproductive system
- sex hormone
- Any of various hormones, such as estrogen and androgen, affecting the growth or function of the reproductive organs, the development of secondary sex characteristics, and the behavioral patterns of animals
- sex hygiene
- cleanliness of sex
- sex industry
- the businesses and activities related to prostitution and pornography
- sex kitten
- A young woman considered to have sex appeal
- sex kitten
- oversexed woman, woman who is very sexually promiscuous
- sex kitten
- a young woman who is thought to have sex appeal
- sex life
- everything connected with sexual relations in a person's life
- sex life
- If you refer to someone's sex life, you are referring to their sexual relationships and sexual activity. someone's sexual activities
- sex linkage
- The condition in which a gene responsible for a specific trait is located on a sex chromosome, resulting in sexually dependent inheritance of the trait
- sex linkage
- an association between genes in sex chromosomes that makes some characteristics appear more frequently in one sex than in the other
- sex maniac
- one who is obsessed with sex
- sex maniac
- someone who always thinks about or wants to have sex - often used humorously
- sex manual
- a manual containing instruction in sexual techniques; intended to enhance the reader's sexual life
- sex object
- any person regarded simply as an object of sexual gratification
- sex object
- If someone is described as a sex object, he or she is considered only in terms of their physical attractiveness and not their character or abilities. He cared for her as a whole person rather than just a sex object. A person regarded primarily as the focus of sexual attraction. someone who is thought about only as a way of satisfying another person's sexual desire, rather than as a whole person
- sex offender
- One who is convicted of a sex crime. someone who is guilty of a crime related to sex offence sex offense
- sex offender
- someone who has been convicted of a sex crime
- sex offense
- A sex crime
- sex organ
- a part of a person's or animal's body that is involved in producing babies
- sex ratio
- {i} relation between the number of males to females
- sex ratio
- The proportion of males to females in a given population, usually expressed as the number of males per 100 females
- sex reassignment
- alteration of an individual's gender through surgery and hormonal treatment
- sex shop
- A sex shop is a shop that sells products that are associated with sexual pleasure, for example magazines, videos, and special clothing or equipment. a shop selling goods, magazines etc related to sex and sexual activities
- sex symbol
- A sex symbol is a famous person, especially an actor or a singer, who is considered by many people to be sexually attractive. Hollywood sex symbols of the Forties. A person, especially an entertainer or celebrity, who is widely acknowledged to have sex appeal. a famous person who is considered by many people to be very sexually attractive
- sex symbol
- someone who is very sexy and erotic, highly provocative figure, celebrity who awakens sexual urges
- sex therapy
- The treatment of sexual dysfunction, such as impotence or frigidity, by methods involving counseling, psychotherapy, or behavior modification.sex therapist n
- sex tour
- sex tourist n
- sex tourism
- the activity of travelling to other countries in order to have sex, especially of a type that is illegal in your own country tourist
- sex toy
- A sex toy is an object that some people use to give themselves or other people sexual pleasure
- sex up
- {f} arouse sexually, excite, arouse from a sexual standpoint; make something more appealing or stimulating from a sexual standpoint; make something interesting
- sex work
- The performance of sex acts for hire; prostitution.sex worker n
- sex worker
- a prostitute - used to be polite or when you do not want to say this directly
- sex-
- Six: sexpartite
- sex-change operation
- surgical procedures and hormonal treatments designed to alter a person's sexual characteristics so that the resemble those of the opposite sex
- sex-limited
- relating to characteristics that are expressed differently in the two sexes
- sex-linked
- concerning characteristics that are determined by genes carried on the sex chromosomes (on the X chromosome in particular)
- sex-linked disorder
- any disease or abnormality that is determined by the sex hormones; "hemophilia is determined by a gene defect on an X chromosome
- sex-starved
- desiring but deprived of sexual gratification
- I'd like to have sex with you
- Indicates that the speaker would like to engage in sexual activities with the listener
- anal sex
- A sexual activity involving stimulation of a sexual partner’s anus and/or rectum, especially by penetration
- better than sex
- superlative; wonderful
- butt sex
- Anal sex
- cowgirl sex position
- Alternative form of cowgirl position
- fair sex
- Women collectively
And he had his friends among the fair sex—not lovers, friends.
- gay sex
- Sex or sexual acts between members of the same gender
- group sex
- The practice of having sex with multiple partners at the same time
- had sex
- Simple past tense and past participle of have sex
- has sex
- Third-person singular simple present indicative form of have sex
- hate-sex
- Sexual intercourse between people who hate one another
- have sex
- To take part in a sexual act
- having sex
- Present participle of have sex
- opposite sex
- The other gender to which one is referring, often when referring to oneself
- oral sex
- Stimulation of the genitals using the mouth
- penetrative sex
- Sex in which the penis is inserted into the sexual partner's vagina or rectum
- phone sex
- An erotic or sexual telephone conversation between two or more people
- phone-sex
- Attributive form of phone sex, noun
- protected sex
- Safe sex
- safe sex
- sexual activity that minimizes the risk of spreading sexually transmitted disease, especially by the use of condoms
- safer sex
- Sexual activity that minimizes the risk of spreading sexually transmitted disease, especially by the use of condoms
- same-sex
- Restricted to members of a single sex
a same-sex school.
- same-sex
- Of, or relating to homosexual men or women
Some nations have legalized same-sex marriage.
- sexed
- Simple past tense and past participle of sex
- sexed
- having a sex; being male or female
- sexer
- Agent noun of the verb, to sex; one who determines the sex of living things
- sexless
- Not having a gender; neuter
- single-sex
- Suitable, or used, by only one gender
Single-sex toilets.
- survival sex
- prostitution in order to provide funds for food, shelter or drugs
Need for structural response to build capacity and livelihoods, to prevent survival sex and exploitative power relations.
- tantric sex
- a slow, sustained form of sexual intercourse founded on Indian mysticism
- unprotected sex
- sexual intercourse without protection from pregnancy; non-use of birth control
- unprotected sex
- Sexual intercourse without protection from sexual transmission of an allergen or teratogen
- unprotected sex
- Sexual activity without protection from sexually transmitted disease; sex that is not safe sex, or activity considered barebacking
- vaginal sex
- Sexual intercourse in which the penis is inserted into the vagina
- vanilla sex
- Usual forms of sexual relation, as opposed to alternatives such as sadomasochism
- virtual sex
- sexual activity where two or more people stimulate each other transmitting erotic material using the Internet, telephones or other electronic communication equipment
Virtual sex is just phone sex, it ain't cheating but it does raise eyebrows..
- weaker sex
- Women; the female gender
- whimsical sex
- Women; the female gender
- sexed
- having sexual differentiation
- sexed
- Belonging to sex; having sex; distinctively male of female; as, the sexed condition
- sexed
- {s} characterized by sexual desires or feelings; having a gender, not neuter, having sexual characteristics
- sexed
- characterized by sexuality; "highly sexed" having sexual differentiation
- sexed
- having sex; being male or female
- sexed
- characterized by sexuality; "highly sexed"