part of a play, piece of music, painting etc that follows a well-known formal pattern or style, and is often very impressive: The trial scene is a classic set piece
(Film) In film production, a setpiece is a scene or sequence of scenes the execution of which requires serious logistical planning and considerable expenditure of money. The term setpiece is often used more broadly to describe any important dramatic or comedic highpoint in a film or story, particularly those that provide some kind of dramatic payoff, resolution, or transition. Thus the term is often used to describe any scenes that are so essential to a film that they cannot be edited out or skipped in the shooting schedule without seriously damaging the integrity of the finished product
Any large piece of furniture which actors will resolutely use as a safety shield between themselves and the audience, in an apparent attempt to both anchor themselves to the floor, thereby avoiding floating off into space, and to keep the audience from seeing that they actually have legs Definitions From Our Visitors
A set piece is an occasion such as a battle or a move in a game of football that is planned and carried out in an ordered way. Guerrillas avoid fighting set-piece battles
A set piece is a part of a film, novel, or piece of music which has a strong dramatic effect and which is often not an essential part of the main story. the film's martial arts set pieces