Bu çay takımı tam mı?
- Is this tea set complete?
Bütünüyle sipariş edilmiş bir takıma çoğunlukla bir zincir denilir.
- A totally ordered set is often called a chain.
Ölü bir adamın anısına bir anıt kurmak için bir fon başlatıldı.
- A fund was launched to set up a monument in memory of the dead man.
Tom yerleşmek ve bir aile kurmak için hazır.
- Tom is ready to settle down and start a family.
Güneş batmak üzeredir.
- The sun is about to set.
Güneş batmadan önce, gideceğimiz yere varacağız.
- By the time the sun sets, we will arrive at the destination.
Aslında beni hiç sevmiyorsun. Tek önem verdiğin şey matematik! Ne münasebet, seni seviyorum! Kanıtla! Peki. Sevdiğim şeyler A kümesi olsun...
- You don't really love me at all. You only care about your math stuff! Not at all, I do love you! Prove it! Okay. Let A be the set of the objects I love...
Asal sayılar kümesi sayılabilir.
- The set of prime numbers is countable.
Ondan TV setini ayarlamasını rica etti.
- She asked him to adjust the TV set.
Tom ayarları ayarlamada biraz sorun yaşadı.
- Tom had a little trouble adjusting the settings.
İsyancılar sadece rehine almadılar, aynı zamanda tüm köyü ateşe verdiler.
- The rebels did not only take hostages, but also set the entire village on fire.
Bilgisayarlar neredeyse her zaman aynı fiyata sahiptir. Belki fiyatlar müşterinin satın alma yeteneğine göre belirlenir.
- Computers almost always have the same price. Maybe the prices are set according to the customers' buying ability.
Tom yapmak için başladığı işi başarmış gibi görünüyor.
- Tom appears to have achieved what he set out to do.
Televizyon seti olmadan yapmak zorundaydık.
- We had to do without a TV set.
Vücudun katılaşması ölümden hemen sonra başlar.
- Rigor mortis sets in soon after death.
Çizgilerinize, hazırlanın, başlayın!
- On your marks, get set, go!
Simone, lütfen gidin ve masayı hazırlayın.
- Simone, please go and set the table.
Tom sorunun değişmez olduğunu düşündü.
- Tom considered the problem settled.
G-Dragon benim gelecekteki kocamdır. O henüz bunu bilmiyor olabilir ama bu değişmez.
- G-Dragon is my future husband. He may not know it yet, but it's set in stone.
Kendime gerçekçi hedefler belirliyorum.
- I set myself realistic goals.
Ben daha önce bir blog tuttum. Gerçekten belirli bir konum yoktu; Sadece o gün olan herhangi bir şeyi blogladım.
- I've kept a blog before. I didn't really have a set theme; I just blogged about whatever happened that day.
Tom seri katili yakalamak için polis tarafından düzenlenen bir entrikaya katıldı.
- Tom took part in a scheme set by the police to capture the serial murderer.
Masayı hazırlamak Mary'nin sadece birkaç dakikasını aldı.
- It only took Mary a few minutes to set the table.
Masayı hazırlamak için kimin sırası?
- Whose turn is it to set the table?
Liderin çadırı nereye kuracağını bilmesi gerekir.
- The leader should know where to set up the tent.
Çadırı kurmak yarım saatimizi aldı.
- It took us half an hour to set up the tent.
Güneş batmak üzeredir.
- The sun is about to set.
Güneş batmak üzereydi.
- The sun was about to set.
Olayın nedenini belirlemek için bir gerçeği bulma komitesi kuruldu.
- A fact-finding committee was set up to determine the cause of the incident.
Kuralları belirlemek istiyorsan, onlara kendin uymak zorunda kalacaksın.
- If you want to set the rules, you'll have to follow them by yourself.
Tom ve Mary, güneşin okyanus üzerinde batışını izledi.
- Tom and Mary watched the sun set over the ocean.
Sıcak, nemli bir günde güneşin batışını seyrederseniz, güneşin şeklini değiştiren nemi görebilirsiniz.
- If you watch the sun setting on a warm, damp day, you can see the moisture changing the shape of the sun.
Duruşma tarihi belirlendi.
- A trial date was set.
Ürünlerin için bir konferans salonu sahası kurmak istiyorsan lütfen bana hemen bildir.
- Please let me know immediately if you would like to set up an area of the conference room for your products.
Bu, kamp kurmak için iyi bir yere benziyor.
- This looks like a good spot to set up camp.
Sadece pamuk ve keten gibi doğal liflerden yapılmış kumaşları ütülerken en yüksek ısı ayarlarını kullanın.
- Use the highest heat settings only when you're ironing fabrics made of natural fibers like cotton or linen.
Tom ayarları ayarlamada biraz sorun yaşadı.
- Tom had a little trouble adjusting the settings.
Bir toplantı düzenleyeceğiz.
- We'll set up a meeting.
Bir toplantı düzenleyelim.
- Let's set up a meeting.
Tom bir buluşma düzenlemek istiyor.
- Tom wants to set up a meeting.
Beş veya altı Nisan'da bizimle bir toplantı düzenlemek mümkün müdür?
- Would it be possible to set up a meeting with us on April fifth or sixth?
Sıcak, nemli bir günde güneşin batışını seyrederseniz, güneşin şeklini değiştiren nemi görebilirsiniz.
- If you watch the sun setting on a warm, damp day, you can see the moisture changing the shape of the sun.
Güneşin dağların ardında batışını izledik.
- We watched the sun setting behind the mountains.
a set of tables.
to set the rent.
nail set.
I’m set against the idea of smacking children to punish them.
television set.
In the Annapolis Valley, in spite of an irregular bloom, the fruit has set well and has, as yet, been little affected by scab.
An incident which happened about this time will set the characters of these two lads more fairly before the discerning reader than is in the power of the longest dissertation.
Please set the table for our guests.
a set of tools.
The king is set from London, and the scene is now transported, gentles, to Southampton.
The glue sets in 4 minutes.
He set down on the stool in the corner of the room.
set on getting to his destination.
This is the fourth set of benchpresses.
He plays the set on Saturdays.
a set menu.
It was a complex page, but he set it quickly.
I set the alarm at 6 a.m.
a set of steps.
He says he will set his next film in France.
Set the tray there.
the country set.
The teacher set her students the task of drawing a foot.
The moon sets at 8:00 PM tonight.
He set about designing his homepage.
Two youths set about him.
Plan to set aside three or four hours to see the museum.
How much do you suppose that fancy dress set her back?.
Set it back from the road by twenty or thirty feet.
I expect it will set us back by a day or so, but I think a side trip will be worthwhile.
I set down this account so others may benefit from my experience.
They set fire to the house.
After the boat capsized, I thought that I would never set foot on dry land again.
Yet had I scarce set foot in the passage when I stopped, remembering how once already this same evening I had played the coward, and run home scared with my own fears.
It wasn't that long ago when getting a bank job after school meant you were set for life.
Well, you can tell Nan that she won't marry Peter Mallory with my consent. I'll never set her free to be another man's wife..
That was the point at which the rot set in.
He's as set in his ways now as a little old man.
The decision won't be set in stone until we release the documents.
The plan looks good, but don't set it in stone until we have discussed it a bit more.
Peaches—who usually raps her lyrics in husky tones—also reveals she has one helluva set of pipes, belting out Talk to Me with enough power to give any disco diva pause.
The old man taught the boy to play the flute, and together they constructed a set of pipes—the pipes o' Pan—and out along the river they would play.
Don't set him off or he won't shut up all day.
He set off in search of better opportunities.
I had no idea that one simple comment would set off such a huge argument.
What a tragedy, that someone would set off a bomb in a crowded place.
When a woman had made such a mistake, there was only one way to repair it,—to accept it. One folly was enough, especially it was to last for ever; a second one would not much set it off.
I will set the dogs on you, if you don't leave right now!.
You set my heart on fire.
How he has escaped marriage until now I cannot tell: the number of caps set in his direction would furnish a warehouse. — Patrick O'Brian, HMS Surprise.
I had been calling Nobs in the meantime and was about to set out in search of him, fearing, to tell the truth, to do so lest I find him mangled and dead among the trees of the acacia grove, when he suddenly emerged from among the boles, his ears flattened, his tail between his legs and his body screwed into a suppliant S. He was unharmed except for minor bruises; but he was the most chastened dog I have ever seen.
This contract sets out all the terms of the agreement as we discussed.
Many young people set out to change the world.
Bally remarks in passing, as Hall does not, that the inversion in toujours est-il que is part of a set phrase and hence invariable.
If it proves clearly unfeasible to make the audience laugh at a thin and far-fetched joke, it is always better to change the way the joke works . . . for instance, a pun based on the speaker's taking literally some set phrase or metaphor with a pun based on phonetic similarity.
Roberto Carlos is deadly from set pieces.
We set sail for the Caribbean.
Descartes extended this classification by introducing his set-square compass. This is mechanism of sliding set squares that push each other... .
He misspoke, but I quietly set him straight.
In May 2003, South Africa set the pace by banning thin plastic bags and imposing a tax on thick ones.
White House policies—on taxing and spending, trade and regulation—will set the stage for recovery.
I set the pump to work getting the water out of the basement.
Everyday he sets to work at the new assignments.
As soon as I could, I set to work making the entries.
Set up my CD collection.
Give the cement 24 hours to set up before walking on it.
We set up the sprinkler.
The election was set up!.
I've got to set up that tasty rabbit.
M. Robespierre looked at me sideways and smiled and said to Madame, ‘You're a young lady after my own heart.’ This set her up for the day.
Now that I'm set up, this will take moments!.
Even a minor change can set up new bugs.
these companies could enjoy support required to set up shop for the long term.
He set up shop in his garage every Saturday.
a set-theoretic proof.
The prisoner was set at liberty yesterday.
- The prisoner was set free yesterday.
Australia's Great Barrier Reef is threatened by climate change.
- Avustralya'nın Büyük Set Resif'i iklim değişikliği tarafından tehdit edilmektedir.
The Belize barrier reef is the largest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere and is also famous for the Great Blue Hole, a popular diving spot.
- Belize set resifi, kuzey yarımküredeki en büyük set resifidir ve aynı zamanda popüler bir dalış noktası olan Büyük Mavi Delikle de ünlüdür.
The levee kept the floodwater back.
- Su seti seli geri tuttu.
I bought this TV set at a bargain sale.
- Bu TV setini indirimli satıştan aldım.
Scientists say more than half of Australia's Great Barrier Reef has been destroyed in the past 30 years.
- Bilim adamları, Avustralya'daki Büyük Set Resifi'nin yarısından fazlasının son 30 yıl içinde yok edildiğini söylüyorlar.
Don't forget to take the first-aid kit.
- İlk yardım setini götürmeyi unutma.
Food and cookware are stored in kitchen cabinets.
- Gıda ve tencere seti mutfak dolaplarında saklanır.
Tom always keeps a set of jumper cables in the trunk of his car.
- Tom her zaman onun arabasındaki sandıkta bir set atlama kabloları saklar.
He could not buy the stereo set at such a price.
- Böyle bir fiyata müzik seti satın alamazsın.
My stereo set is inferior to yours in sound quality.
- Benim stereo setimin ses kalitesi seninkinden daha kötü.
The collection of Shakespeare/Ömer Seyfettin.
They are manufacturing TV sets in this factory.
- Onlar bu fabrikada TV setleri üretiyorlar.
... You're simply altering the set of existing expectations. ...
... rather than a formal set of processes for veterans in order ...