—The conversion of an object instance to a data stream of byte values Serialization is performed by the CLR and occurs when an object must be converted to a persistent form to be stored in an information retrieval system (e g , a database), on media (e g , a file on a disk), or when marshaled across a context, application domain, process, or machine boundary
A serialization is a story, originally written as a book, which is being published or broadcast in a number of parts. in the serialisation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
A copy group attribute that specifies whether a file can be modified during a backup or archive operation See static, dynamic, shared static, and shared dynamic
This refers to the serial coding of data XML APIs commonly express this using DOM objects such as Document or Element However, because only can byte-streaming is possible in signature calculation, it is necessary to serialize objects
A copy group attribute that specifies what TSM does if files are modified during back up or archive processing The value of this attribute determines whether processing continues, is retried, or is stopped See static, dynamic, shared static, and shared dynamic
The flattening of an N-dimensional data object into a 1-dimensional object so that, for example, the data object can be transmitted over the network as a 1-dimensional bitstream