تعريف self-actualization في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
According to Maslow, the seldomly reached full result of the inner-directed drive of humans to grow, improve, and use their potential to the fullest (pp 384, 479)
Self actualization, is the desire to realize one’s full potential or to maximize one’s capabilities.1 The term was coined by Kurt Goldstein in his work The Organism and later refined by Abraham Maslow. Popular in the humanistic approach to personality, self actualization is the pinnacle of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
a state of psychological fulfillment, including acceptance of self and others, accurate perception of reality, close relationships, personal autonomy, goal directedness, naturalness, need for privacy, orientation toward growth, sense of unity with nature, sense of brotherhood with all people, democratic character, sense of justice, sense of humor, creativity, and personal integrity
self-actualisation when someone achieves what they want through work or in their personal life
according to Maslow, the point or process of psychological development where an individual has reached his full potential as a human being