
listen to the pronunciation of seen}
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف seen} في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Gökyüzünde görülen çok sayıda yıldızlar vardı. - There were several stars to be seen in the sky.

Görülen bir şey, asla görülmemiş gibi olmaz. - What has been seen can not be unseen.


Tom Mary ile görülmek istemiyor. - Tom doesn't want to be seen with Mary.

Onunla görülmek istemiyorum. - I don't want to be seen with him.

{f} gör

Mikroplar sadece bir mikroskop yardımıyla görülebilir. - Germs can only be seen with the aid of a microscope.

Böyle harika bir günbatımı hiç görmemiştim. - I've never seen such a wonderful sunset.


O, evin dışına giderken görüldü. - He was seen going out of the house.

Ben camı kırarken görüldüm. - I was seen to break the window.

seen better days
(deyim) Bir şeyin ya da kişinin konuşulduğu an iyi durumda olmadığını fakat evvelce olduğunu anlatan ifade

This jacket has seen better days. Look how the sleeves are worn.

seen of
seldom seen
az görülür
f., bak. see 1
seen fire
(Askeri) görerek atış
seen fire
(Askeri) GÖREREK ATIŞ: Gözle görülen bir uçağın geleceği noktaya, gözle devamlı olarak tevcih edilen ateş. Bak. "unseen fire
as it is seen
anlaşılacağı gibi
as it is seen
görüldüğü üzere
be seen
be seen

Onlarla görülmekten utanmam. - I am not ashamed to be seen with them.

Tom, Mary'yle görülmek istemiyordu. - Tom didn't want to be seen with Mary.

be seen
görücüye çıkmak
be seen in public
meydana çıkmak
those who have seen
will not be seen dead
(deyim) hoş karşılamamak
will not be seen dead
(deyim) tolerans göstermemek
as is seen
görüldüğü gibi
as is seen from
den görüldüğü gibi
cause to be seen
görülmesine neden ol
look as if one has seen a ghost
hayalet görmüş gibi olmak
when first seen
ilk görüldüğünde
I haven´t seen hide or hair of him
İzi tozu yok
It has seen better days
Eskisi kadar işe yaramaz
I´ve never seen the like of it./I never saw the likes of it
Benzerini hiç görmedim
a seen
Bir görüldü
as seen on tv
gibi tv görüldü
as seen on tv
TV de görüldüğü gibi
as seen on tv
televizyonda görüldüğü üzere
as seen on tv
televizyonda görüldüğü gibi
as seen overleaf
sayfanın arkasında görüldüğü şekilde
get something seen
Doktora göstermek

Take her to hospital and get her ankle seen.

have seen
have seen better days
(deyim) Bir şeyin ya da kişinin konuşulduğu an iyi durumda olmadığını fakat evvelce olduğunu anlatan ifade
have something seen
Doktora göstermek
immediately, as soon as seen
hemen, en kısa sürede görüldü
long time no seen
Uzun zamandır görüldü
Daha önce görülmemiş
not to be fit to be seen
k. dili insan içine çıkacak durumda olmamak
unable to be seen
gözle görünmez
well seen
iyi görüldü
iyi görüldü
whilst not being seen or observed
ederken görülüyor ya da gözlenen
as is seen from
-den görüldüğü gibi
be clearly seen
açıkça görülmek
be seen as
olarak görülmek
be seen in the news
haberlerde yer almak
be seen natural
doğal karşılanmak
be seen normal
doğal karşılanmak
be seen obviously
açıkça görülmek
be seen together
birlikte görünmek
can be seen

Fuji Dağ'ı buradan görülebilir. - Mt. Fuji can be seen from here.

Bu gece bir dolunay görülebilir. - A full moon can be seen tonight.

fit to be seen
görülmeye hazır
fit to be seen
görülmeğe değer
i haven't seen anything
hiçbir şey görmedim
i haven't seen hide or
İzi tozu yok
i've never seen the
Benzerini hiç görmedim
i've never seen the like of it
benzerini hiç görmedim
in its being seen
it has seen better
Eskisi kadar işe yaramaz
rarely seen tumours
(Tıp) nadir görülen tümörler
wouldn't be seen dead
(deyim) (doing sth. etc.) [kd] onaylamadigi,hoslanmadigi bir seyi yapmamak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف seen} في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

seen in
Past participle of see in
seen through
Past participle of see through
seen to
Simple past tense and past participle of see to
{a} perceived, beheld, skilled, versed
seen better days
(deyim) Not in good condition, worn out (at the time of speaking)

This jacket has seen better days. Look how the sleeves are worn.

Seen is the past participle of see. Past participle of see. the past participle of see
past participle of see
Versed; skilled; accomplished
of See
sees without being seen
person who sees his surroundings but the people around do not see/notice him
children should be seen and not heard
Children should behave well and be quiet, especially in the company of adults
have seen better days
To be in poor condition, to be worn-out

Your sofa has certainly seen better days, isn't it time you got a new one?.

have seen one's day
To be at the point in a life cycle or career of no longer being useful or effective; to be worn-out

Written off by most observers as a champion who had seen his day, the Sampras who stalked the courts as world number one for six straight years in the 1990s rose from the ashes to add to his lustre with a record-setting 14th Grand Slam title.

remain to be seen
To have not yet happened; to be as yet unknown
to have seen better days
witnessed happier times in the past; not in very good shape
have seen better days
(deyim) Not in good condition, worn out (at the time of speaking)
as seen on tv
like viewed on television
bar candidates from being seen or heard
prohibit potential candidates for a function or position from contact with outside factors
has seen better days
used to be in better condition, is old, is worn
it remains to be seen
time will tell
justice should be seen
there should be evidence of justice in reality not just in hypothetical talk and false promises
look as if one has seen a ghost
look frightened or stupefied
remains to be seen
still unclear but time will tell
she has seen better days
she has had more luck on other days; her situation is not as good as it used to be
to have seen service
to have served (especially in the military); be worn out, be tattered
to see and to be seen
be in public, be out amongst other people
wouldn't be seen dead with
(Slang) refuse to have any connection or association with


    ... the Director of the Biomechatronics lab at The MIT Media Lab. You may have seen him do ...
    ... Is there anything else that you've seen that you've done ...