
listen to the pronunciation of scanning
الإنجليزية - التركية
{f} gözden geçir

Dan, Linda'nın günlüğünden düzinelerce sayfayı tarayarak saatler geçirdi. - Dan spent hours scanning dozens of pages of Linda's diary.

{f} tara

Dan, Linda'nın günlüğünden düzinelerce sayfayı tarayarak saatler geçirdi. - Dan spent hours scanning dozens of pages of Linda's diary.

{i} görüntüleme
{f} gözden geçir: prep.tarayarak
(Askeri) TARAMA: Bir radar anteni tarafından yayımlanan radyo frekans enerjisinin belirli bir bölgedeki bütün noktalara sıra ile tevcihi
(Tıp) İncelenen doku veya organda radyoaktif izotop'un çıkardığı gamma ışınlarının görüntü halinde tesbit edilmes.i
scanning coil
tarama bobini
scanning disk
tarama diski
scanning line
tarama çizgisi
scanning line
tarama satırı
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
(Bilim, İlim) Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu
scanning beam
tarama huzmesi, tarayıcı demet
scanning electron microscopy
(Bilim, İlim) Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobunda (SEM) görüntü, yüksek voltaj ile hızlandırılmış elektronların numune üzerine odaklanması, bu elektron demetinin numune yüzeyinde taratılması sırasında elektron ve numune atomları arasında oluşan çeşitli girişimler sonucunda meydana gelen etkilerin uygun algılayıclarda toplanması ve sinyal güçlendiricilerinden geçirildikten sonra bir katot ışınları tüpünün ekranına aktarılmasıyla elde edilir.Modern sistemlerde bu algılayıcılardan gelen sinyaller dijital sinyallere çevrilip bilgisayar monitörüne verilmektedir
scanning electronic microscope
elektronik mikroskop tarama
scanning generator
tarama jeneratörü, tarama üreteci
scanning heating
taramali ısıtma
scanning linearity
tarama lineerligi, tarama dogrusalligi
scanning method
tarama yöntemi
scanning period
tarama periyodu, tarama dönemi
scanning probe microscopy
Taramalı sonda mikroskopisi
scanning rate
tarama hızı
scanning spot
tarama spotu, tarama noktası, tarayıcı benek
scanning tunneling microscope
mikroskop tünel tarama
scanning electron microscobe
taramali elektron mikroskobu
scanning frequency
tarama sikli¤i
scanning order
scanning speech
(Tıp) Dissemine skleroz'da meydana gelen bir çeşit eklem rahatsızlığı
scanning tip
(Bilgisayar) tarama ipucu
(Ticaret) gözden geçirme
ekranda görüntülemek
elektronik âletle tarama
göz gezdirmek
(Tıp) skan

Bir bankacılık skandalı Capitol Hill'i baştan başa süpürüyor. - A banking scandal is sweeping across Capitol Hill.

Acemi asker skandalı kamu görevlilerini ve rüşvet olarak RecruitCoscom'dan gizli payları alan politikacıları ilgilendiren bir rüşvet skandalıdır. Hisseler sürekli yükseliyordu. - The Recruit scandal is a corruption scandal concerning public officials and politicians who accepted as bribes undisclosed shares from the RecruitCoscom company. The shares had been rising steadily.

iyice incelemek
tarama yapmak
(Ticaret) gözden geçirmek
virus scanning software
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) virüs arama programı
automatic scanning
otomatik tarama
cathode ray scanning tube
katot ışınlı tarama tüpü
conical scanning
konik tarama
electron scanning
elektron taraması
electrostatic scanning
elektrostatik tarama
field scanning
alan taraması
film scanning
film tarama
high velocity scanning
yüksek hızlı tarama
horizontal scanning
yatay tarama
horizontal scanning generator
yatay tarama jeneratörü
interlaced scanning
aralıklı tarama
line scanning
satır tarama
line scanning
satır taraması
low velocity scanning
alçak hızla tarama
mark scanning
işaret tarama
mark scanning document
işaret taramalı belge
mechanical scanning
mekanik tarama
dizeleri duraklara ayırmak
{f} tara

Dürüst olmak zorundayım. Ben bir MRI taraması ilk yaptırdığım zaman biraz sinirliydim. - I have to be honest. I was a little bit nervous the first time I had an MRI scan.

Aile fotoğraflarımızı oğluma taratır taratmaz, onlardan bazılarını web sitemize yükleyeceğim. - As soon as I can get my son to scan our family photos, I'll upload some of them to our website.

üstünkörü bakmak
şöyle bir göz gezdirmek
göz atmak
{i} tarama

Sistemin tam taramasını yapacağım. - I'll perform a full scan of the system.

Bu kitabı taramanı istiyorum. - I want you to scan this book.

inceden inceye gözden geçirmek
sequential scanning
normal tarama
sequential scanning
basit tarama
differential scanning calorimetry
diferansiyel tarama kalorimetri
electronic scanning
tarama elektronik
fractional scanning
tarama kesirli
picture scanning
resim tarama
vertical scanning
düşey tarama
broad scanning
(Ticaret) geniş bakış açısı
cancel scanning
(Bilgisayar) taramayı iptal et
circular scanning
(Askeri) dairesel tarama
circular scanning
(Askeri) DAİRESEL TARAMA: Radarda tarama usulü. Bu usülde; bir radar telsiz frekans huzmesinin ekseni, tek bir satıh üzerine 360 derece döner
conical scanning
(Askeri) KONİK TARAMA: Telsiz frekans hüzmesi ekseninin, anten reflektör ekseninden tarafa saptırılarak bunun etrafında döndürülmesiyle yapılan bir tip tarama. Bu suretle hüzme tepe açısı, genel olarak 5: 10 derece arasında bir koni meydana getirir
contact scanning
(Nükleer Bilimler) temaslı tarama
electrical scanning
elektriksel tarama
environmental scanning
(Ticaret) çevresel tarama
gap scanning
(Nükleer Bilimler) kısa sıvı aralığı ile tarama
helical scanning
(Askeri) HELİSEL TARAMA: Radar anteninin bir nevi tarama hareketi. Bu harekette, neşredilen huzme ekseni üzerindeki bir nokta, gayri muntazam bir helezon çizer. Yükseliş açısı, yavaşça, yatay vaziyetten dikey vaziyete geçerken anten dikey eksen etrafında devamlı olarak döner
optical scanning
optik (isil) tarama
raster scanning
(Bilgisayar) satır satır taramalı
alelacele gözden geçirmek
{f} vezin ile okumak
(An Image) Taramak (Bir Görüntü)
(Askeri) (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIÐI) TARAMA: 1. Bir hava önlemesinde "belirtilen kısmı araştırıp, herhangi bir teması rapor ediniz" anlamında bir terim. 2. Radyasyon hüzmesinin periyodik olarak takip ettiği bir bağlantı
(Tıp) İncelenen organ veya dokuda dağılan radyoaktif izotopun çıkardığı gamma ışınlarından oluşan görüntü (Küçük taneciklerin oluşturduğu mozaik manzarasında örülür)
(Askeri) (ELINT) TARAMA (ELEKTRONİK İSTİHBARAT): Hedef arayan bir elektronik ışının uzaya doğru hareketi. Tarama, antenin hareketi veya lob anahtarlama ile yapılır
{f} görüntülemek
şiirin kurallarına uymak
(isim) elektronik âletle tarama
{f} bakmak
vezin tahlili yapmak
(Askeri) (NATO) TARAMA: Bir elektromanyetik veya akustik aramada da antenin bir tur dönüşü
inceden inceye tetkik etmek
televizyonda bir resmin bütün noktalarından sıra ile geçmek
{f} vezin analizi yapmak
{f} vezne göre okumak
{f} üstünkörü gözden geçirmek
{f} vezin kurallarına uymak
sector scanning
(Askeri) SEKTÖR TARAMASI: Bak. "sector scan"
sequential scanning
düz tarama
spiral scanning
(Askeri) spiral tarama
spiral scanning
(Askeri) HELEZONİ TARAMA, SARMAL TARAMA, SPİRAL TARAMA: Radar anteni dönüş şekli. Bu dönüşte; telsiz frekans huzmesi üzerindeki bir nokta sarmal bir şekil çizer. Arzu edilen istikamette, ancak küçük bir kesim huzme tarafından taranabilir
spiral scanning
(Askeri,Teknik) sarmal tarama
spiral scanning
helezon tarama
spiral scanning
(Askeri) helezoni tarama
virus scanning software
virus arama programi
zigzag scanning
zikzak tarama
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Present participle of scan
Process of using an electronic input device to convert analog information such as maps, photographs, overlays, etc , into a digital format usable by a computer
the process of translating photographs into a digital form that can be recognized by a computer
This is using your psi abilities to perceive something This term can be used to refer either to active or passive scanning Passive scanning is when the person/place/thing (target) you are scanning is within the normal range of your field, or when the target is projecting something to you, and you are reading it Active scanning is when you deliberately send your energy to the target in order to "read" the target In most cases when scanning is used as a casual term, it is used to refer to active scanning This term does not refer to making peoples' heads explode, as in the movie, "Scanners"
A selection technique which presents groups of items to the user The user then signals with a switch press, gesture or other means when the desired item is being indicated The scanning may be performed automatically by an electronic system or manually by the communication partner
The process of taking hardcopy and making an image of the document for use in a computer system
The process of capturing data in raster format with a device called a scanner Some scanners also use software to convert raster data to vector data
is a process by which data and maps are converted to digital form using optical or video equipment Scanning differs from digitizing in that entire pages of data or map sheets are captured as images all at once Digitizing involves entering discreet points and digits one at a time Scanning may eventually lower the cost of adding information to a database At the moment, scanning and digitizing take about the same amount of time This is because scanned images, once in a computer, still require coding--the operator must indicate the relationships and data to be stored and where to store the information This operation is normally part of the digitizing process In the future, the use of artificially intelligent coding algorithms may make scanning faster and less expensive
A method of selecting items in a communication system The items are presented to the user in a fixed sequence The user waits until the desired item is presented and then chooses it This selection technique may be used with both electronic and manual communication systems
{i} act of examining; act of glancing at quickly; act of converting an object or image into a digital image through the use of an optical scanner (Computers); examination of a body part though the use of medical imaging techniques
Taking paper based items such as logos from letterheads or pictures from brochures and converting them into electronic format that can be used on a Web Page
[1] the electronic process of breaking down a continuous tone image into dots for printing
The popular term given to the process a thief uses to break into a remote security system by quickly and sequentially transmitting all the possible security codes of a victim's security system 2
(See Also "Byosen") - A process where the hands of the reiki master move over the body of the recipient to determine if there are weaknesses, changes, or areas in need of treatment There are various methods used This is called Byosen Reikian ho in the Reiki ho practices in Japan
1) In telecommunications systems, periodic examination of traffic activity to determine whether further processing is required 2) In television, facsimile, and picture transmission, the process of successively analyzing the colors and densities of the object according to a predetermined pattern
The process of data input in a raster format with a device called a scanner Some scanners also use software to convert raster data to vector data
The science and techniques involved in the use of scanners
the act of systematically moving a finely focused beam of light or electrons over a surface in order to produce an image of it for analysis or transmission the process of translating photographs into a digital form that can be recognized by a computer
The process by which raster data is captured from paper maps
Scanning is conversion of images from a hard copy to a digital format readable on a computer More on Scanning
The process of converting a hard copy into digital data ready for editing and design The quality of the scan is dependent on the quality of the original, the scanner equipment and the scanning software application, aswell as the experience of the scanner operator
In electronic records, the process of converting alphanumeric or graphic information on paper or microforms to picture elements, or bit-mapped representation Also called image scanning See also BIT-MAPPED GRAPHICS, OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION (OCR), OPTICAL DISK (OD)
Scanning is the process of producing an electronic image from a physical source, such as a page from a book Often this involves hardware, similar in some respects to a photocopier, which captures the image through a glass plate, sometimes known as the "scanner bed" A scanned image remains just that, an image, unless it is further processed by OCR to recognize any text that might be held within
Converting an image to a digital file that can be stored, retrieved, displayed, and printed by a computer The process is also known as "digitizing" and the digital file is also known as a "bitmapped image"
The process of acquiring the information from either reflective or transparent artwork In a digital scan, the data is stored as ones and zeroes on a computer disk In an analog scan, the input information is used directly to expose film
Method of conversion in which a physical object, e g , a printed page, is represented by a digital grid of pixels
an indirect access method that requires the user to wait while the device steps thought the various choices that are displayed in a matrix of sections The user then activates a switch to indicate a choice is being made Auditory scanning requires the user to listen to auditory cues in order to follow the scanning pattern; visual scanning requires the operator to follow visual cues such as lights
The process of moving the electron beam in a television camera tube simultaneously in the horizontal and vertical directions so that an image is scanned from left to right and top to bottom The electrical signal generated by this process is converted into an image on the television screen using the same scanning sequence
{s} performing a scan, creating a scan
The process by which the original document is translated into an electronic image
scanning electron microscope
An electron microscope whose image is made up of a matrix of points from scanning the surface of a sample
scanning electron microscopes
plural form of scanning electron microscope
scanning electron microscopy
microscopy using a scanning electron microscope
scanning transmission electron microscope
An electron microscope that transmits a very narrow beam of electrons through a sample; it can detect individual large or heavy atoms
scanning transmission electron microscopes
plural form of scanning transmission electron microscope
scanning tunneling microscope
A device used to form an image of the surface of a conductor or semiconductor with atomic resolution
scanning tunneling microscopes
plural form of scanning tunneling microscope
scanning electron microscopy
(Bilim, İlim) The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that creates various images by focusing a high energy beam of electrons onto the surface of a sample and detecting signals from the interaction of the incident electrons with the sample's surface
scanning probe microscopy
Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a branch of microscopy that forms images of surfaces using a physical probe that scans the specimen. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the probe-surface interaction as a function of position. SPM was founded with the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981
scanning line
{i} individual horizontal trail made by the electron beam in one traversal of fluorescent screen (in a cathode beam or television tube)
scanning tunneling microscope
A microscope that scans the surface of a sample with a beam of electrons, causing a narrow channel of tunneling electrons to flow between the sample and the beam, and producing three-dimensional images of atomic topography and structure
differential scanning calorimetry
a thermal analysis technique in which a tiny sample pan is heated together with an empty reference pan and the difference in heat flow between the two measured as a function of temperature
low-dose CT scanning
A CT system (computed tomography) that limits the radiation exposure to the patient and produces high-resolution three-dimensional images
monochromated scanning transmission electron microscope
A scanning transmission electron microscope that is able to focus electrons to a probe of about 0.14 nm and thus distinguish individual atoms
monochromated scanning transmission electron microscopes
plural form of monochromated scanning transmission electron microscope
To fit or conform to a specific meter
To create a digital copy of an image using a scanner
{v} to examin nicely, canvas, measure
PET scanning
The act or process of using a PET scanner
finger scanning
finger scan: biometric identification by automatically scanning a person's fingerprints electronically
iris scanning
biometric identification by scanning the iris of the eye; "the structure of the iris is very distinctive
retinal scanning
biometric identification by scanning the retina of the eye; "identification by retinal scanning is complicated by eye movements
read metrically; "scan verses"
move a light beam over; in electronics, to reproduce an image examine hastily; "She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi"
To mount by steps; to go through with step by step
Term used to describe the computerized images (pictures) generated by CT, MRI, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine studies These might be referred to as a "CT scan," "MR scan," "thyroid scan," "bone scan," and so forth
To examine sequentially, part by part
If a computer disk is scanned, a program on the computer checks the disk to make sure that it does not contain a virus. The disk has no viruses -- I've scanned it already
For observations of two interleaved sources, or one source at several frequencies etc , this is the time between source or configuration changes, typically 1 5 - 10 min, chosen in the hope the phase remains steady during each scan Continuus observations of a single source may be split up into scans for the same reason
Moving to a new document position and in the process providing information about the number of characters skipped and the new document position Requires a scan mask to determine the direction and destination of the scan
To mark off lines of poetry into rhythmic units, or feet, to provide a visual representation of their metrical structure, as illustrated with the following lines from "Verses Supposed to be Written by Alexander Selkirk," by William Cowper (written in anapestic trimeter): I am mon | arch of all | I survey, My right | there is none | to dispute; From the cen | ter all round | to the sea I am lord | of the fowl | and the brute (See also Dipodic Verse, Meter, Rhythm)
vb 1 In television and computer display technologies, to move an electron beam across the inner surface of the screen, one line at a time, to light the phosphors that create a displayed image 2 In facsimile and other optical technologies, to move a light–sensitive device across an image–bearing surface such as a page of text, converting the light and dark areas on the surface to binary digits that can be interpreted by a computer
To examine or capture an image by means of a moving light beam or "flying spot " Scanning technology is used in imaging, optical charcter recognition, as well as in other areas
a contiguous period of time when data is collected under constant, prespecified experimental conditions Measured conditions which cannot be controlled completely enough (pointing) or at all (weather) are captured as data associated parameters
move a light beam over; in electronics, to reproduce an image
The examination of an object or an area of memory(2) to find references, typically as part of tracing Scanning examines memory that has been decided to be non-garbage, to find references to objects that have been condemned
the act of scanning; systematic examination of a prescribed region; "he made a thorough scan of the beach with his binoculars" an image produced by scanning; "he analyzed the brain scan"; "you could see the tumor in the CAT scan" read metrically; "scan verses" make a wide, sweeping search of; "The beams scanned the night sky" move a light beam over; in electronics, to reproduce an image examine hastily; "She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi" examine minutely or intensely; "the surgeon scanned the X-ray" conform to a metrical pattern
{f} convert an object or image into a digital image using an optical scanner (Computers); browse, glance at quickly; examine a body part through the use of medical imaging techniques (Medicine); determine the meter of a verse
obtain data from magnetic tapes; "This dictionary can be read by the computer"
Refers to 1) the effective searchcoil detection width or 2) searchcoil movement over the ground
The act of comparing the source file on the Agent computer and its copy on the Vault Server, and identifying any changes to the file system It is part of the process of synchronizing files See also synchronize
If a line of a poem does not scan, it is not the right length or does not have emphasis in the right places to match the rest of the poem. He had written a few poems. Sid told him they didn't scan
To go over and examine point by point; to examine with care; to look closely at or into; to scrutinize
an image produced by scanning; "he analyzed the brain scan"; "you could see the tumor in the CAT scan"
the process of converting physical images (photographs, text pages and line drawings) to an electronic file format using a scanning device
An operation performed by the sensor and the carriage The image is divided into pixels by scanning
One of several techniques for obtaining pictures of the body's interior without using conventional X-rays Examples include CT scans, MRI scans, radio-isotope scans and ultrasound scans
If people scan something such as luggage, they examine it using a machine that can show or find things inside it that cannot be seen from the outside. Their approach is to scan every checked-in bag with a bomb detector. + scanning scan·ning routine scanning of luggage
The process of turning pages from notebooks, typed documents, and photographs into digital images After images have been digitized, they can be placed on World Wide Web pages A scanner (machine) and scanning software are required
To digitise an image or other non-digital document using a scanner See Scanner
If a picture or document is scanned into a computer, a machine passes a beam of light over it to make a copy of it in the computer. The entire paper contents of all libraries will eventually be scanned into computers Designs can also be scanned in from paper
A scan is a medical test in which a machine sends a beam of X-rays over a part of your body in order to check that it is healthy. He was rushed to hospital for a brain scan
If a radar or sonar machine scans an area, it examines or searches it by sending radar or sonar beams over it. The ship's radar scanned the sea ahead
{i} act of scanning, close examination, scrutinizing look; computerized images created by an optical scanner (Computers); computerized image of the human body created through the use of medical imaging techniques (Medicine)
The result or output of a scan
To digitize a slide, a photograph, or other artwork on a scanner using scanning software so that it can be displayed and edited on a computer
Look, listen, or learn "Scan this, berk," can mean "listen up," "look at this," or "check this out " "Scanning the chant" is learning the latest news
To look about for
When you scan a place or group of people, you look at it carefully, usually because you are looking for something or someone. The officer scanned the room She was nervous and kept scanning the crowd for Paul He raised the binoculars to his eye again, scanning across the scene
If a pregnant woman has a scan, a machine using sound waves produces an image of her womb on a screen so that a doctor can see if her baby is developing normally
To read to find specific information in the material This may involve glancing over the text and using standard features such as the table of contents, index and glossary
the act of scanning; systematic examination of a prescribed region; "he made a thorough scan of the beach with his binoculars"
examine hastily; "She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi"
When you scan written material, you look through it quickly in order to find important or interesting information. She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers I haven't read much into it as yet. I've only just scanned through it. Scan is also a noun. I just had a quick scan through your book again
conform to a metrical pattern
Capturing your photograph digitally You must scan (digitize) your film in order to work on your image in your computer
Specifically Pros
Normal channel scanning in a data acquisition system involves stepping round and reading each input channel in turn The scan will return to the first channel once all the channels have been sampled
examine minutely or intensely; "the surgeon scanned the X-ray"
make a wide, sweeping search of; "The beams scanned the night sky"
to go through with, as a verse, marking and distinguishing the feet of which it is composed; to show, in reading, the metrical structure of; to recite metrically
the process of converting a traditional piece of artwork, like a photograph or logo, to a digital image made up of pixels, dots or squares, where the image can then be used in other computer software programs
  1) The effective searchcoil detection width or 2) The back and forth passing movement of the searchcoil over the ground
To get the meter of the lyrics to agree with the meter of the melody