Pedogenic process that concentrates salts at or near the soil surface because evapotranspiration greatly exceeds water inputs from precipitation
A process in which mineral salts accumulate in the soil, killing plants; occurs when soils in dry climates are irrigated profusely
Destruction of productive land by an increase in its salt content Occurs frequently from overirrigated soil when evaporation of water at the surface draws salts from underground rocks and soils, causing salts to crystallize and interfere with root growth
n: Accumulation of salts in soil that can eventually make the soil unable to support plant growth
Waters having solute concentrations approaching or exceeding that of seawater, slightly saline water - from 1,000 ppm to 3,000 ppm, moderately saline water - from 3,000 ppm to 10,000 ppm, highly saline water - from 10,000 ppm to 35,000 ppm, water containing more than 1,000 parts per million of dissolved solids of any type, water that contains significant amounts of dissolved solids, water containing dissolved salts, such as the ocean, (see brine, fresh water)
A saline substance or liquid contains salt. a saline solution. containing or consisting of salt (salinus, from sal ). a special mixture of water and salt
a mineral salt and water solution that mimics some aspects of fluids found naturally in our bodies, and can be used to treat conditions or replace these fluids temporarily or permanently