a means of configuring civilization and human activity so that society, its members and its economies are able to meet their needs and express their greatest potential in the present, while preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems, planning and acting for the ability to maintain these ideals for future generations
The ability of an ecosystem to maintain ecological processes and functions, biological diversity, and productivity over time
A goal, that aims towards preserving quality interactions with the local environment, economy and social system
Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs As defined by the Brundtland Commission, 1987
Use of resources in a manner that allows the resources to be replenished by natural systems, as well avoidance of pollution that damages biological systems Use of resources in such a manner that they will never be exhausted
Sustainability is the ability of a microcredit programme to maintain its operations and continue to provide service to its customers or clients A Programme is sustainable when a combination of external grants, loans, and internally generated revenues are sufficient to cover all programme expenses over the long term [OECD, 1996]
Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, or the health of the planet
The term originally applied to natural resource situations, where the long term was the focus Today, it applies to many disciplines, including economic development, environment, food production, energy, and lifestyle Basically, sustainability refers to doing something with the long term in mind, (several hundred years is sufficient) Today's decisions are made with a consideration of sustaining our activities into the long term future
— meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future communities to meet their needs This involves taking account of the costs to the environment and depletion of natural resources
"Long-term health and vitality: economic, environmental, and social" (New Jersey Future’s definition) Achieving and maintaining sustainability is the implicit goal of every human society
a concept to describe community/economic development in terms of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
The use of ecosystems and their resources in a manner that satisfies current needs while allowing them to persist in the long term
A key concept for the 1990s, promoted by the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, and subsequently G7/G8 conferences and governments at all levels Essentially it is about living, working and ordering society in ways which are environmentally "sustainable", encouraging reduction of pollution, re-use of resources, promoting biodiversity etc The core idea is that "current generations should meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" It is also in some quarters associated with promoting social justice and a fairer society
A sometimes controversial term used to describe the extent to which a forest manager or landowner is operating and replenishing the resources in a forested landscape with due consideration for its long-term environmental integrity
Indicates that a plan, initiative or physical development project can be implemented and supported over time without depleting or adversely affecting the resources and management capabilities available to it
As defined by the US EPA, sustainability refers to the ability of an ecosystem to maintain a defined/desired state of ecological integrity over time
a means of configuring civilization and human activity so that society, its members and its economies are able to meet their needs and express their greatest potential in the present, while preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems, planning and acting for the ability to maintain these ideals in the very long term