
listen to the pronunciation of rules
الإنجليزية - التركية

Trafik kurallarına uymalıyız. - We should obey the traffic rules.

Trafik kurallarına uymalıyız. - We should observe our traffic rules.


Trafik kurallarına uymalıyız. - We should obey the traffic rules.

Trafik kurallarına uymalıyız. - We should observe our traffic rules.

rules and conventions
adap erkan
rules of engagement
(Askeri) angajman kuralları
rules of evidence
kanıt kuralları
rules of good manners
görgü kuralları
rules of reciprocity
(Askeri) karşılıklılık ilkesi
rules of the game
oyunun kuralları
rules of the road
trafik kuralları
rules and regulations
ufak sıkıcı formaliteler
rules of assignment
görev kuralları
rules of courtesy
Nezaket kuralları
rules of thumb
thumb kuralları
rules and practice
kurallar ve uygulamalar
rules and regulations
(Ticaret) kanun ve yönetmelikler
rules and regulations
(Ticaret) kural ve düzenlemeler
rules for engagement
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA ATIŞ KURALLARI: Hava savunma topçusunun hava hedeflerine karşı atışını düzenleyen kurallar. Normal olarak, bu gibi kurallar bir harekat alanı veya görev kuvveti komutanı tarafından bildirilir ve bütün ilgili birliklerin sürekli talimatına dahil edilir. RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): MUHAREBE, ÇATIŞMA KURALLARI: Yetkili askeri makam tarafından yayımlanan, ABD kuvvetlerinin karşı karşıya bulunduğu diğer kuvvetler ile çarpışmayı başlatacağı ve/veya sürdüreceği durumları ve sınırlamaları tanımlayan direktifler
rules for engagement
(Askeri) hava savunma atış kuralları
rules for notification
(Ticaret) bildirim kuralları
rules governing the system of property ownership
(Avrupa Birliği) mülkiyet rejimi
rules in error
(Bilgisayar) hatalı kurallar
rules list
(Bilgisayar) kurallar listesi
rules of engagement
(Askeri) çatışma kuralları
rules of engagement
rules of engagement exercise
(Askeri) çatışma tatbikatı kuralları
rules of good manner
adab-ı umumiye
rules of harmonisation
(Ticaret) uyumlandırma yasaları
rules of origin
(Kanun) menşei kuralları
rules of participation
(Politika, Siyaset) katılım kuralları
rules of procedure
(Avrupa Birliği) usul kuralları
rules of procedures
çalışma esasları
rules of the air
(Askeri) hava seyrüsefer kuralları
rules related to fields
(Eğitim) alanlarla ilgili esaslar
rules upgrade
(Bilgisayar) kural yükseltmesi
rules wizard
Kural Sihirbazı
running rules
(Bilgisayar) kurallar çalıştırılıyor

Bir ülkeyi yönetmek kolay bir iş değildir. - To rule a country is no easy task.

Bir ülkeyi yönetmek kolay bir iş değildir. - To rule a country is not an easy task.

{i} kanun

Almanya orman kanunu ile yönetilmez ama hukukun üstünlüğü ile yönetilir. - Germany is not ruled by the law of the jungle, but by the rule of law.

{i} talimat
bend the rules
Kuralları çiğnemek/esnemek/değiştirmek
düzeyinde olmak
{i} prensip

Çok fazla yemek yememeyi prensip edinir. - He makes it a rule not to eat too much.

Geç saatlere kadar ayakta kalmamayı prensip edindim. - I make it a rule not to stay up late.

apply rules
(Bilgisayar) kuralları uygula
apply rules to
(Bilgisayar) kuralların uygulanacağı
compulsory legal rules
(Kanun) emredici hukuk kuralları
conform to the rules
kurallara bağlı kalmak
design rules
tasarım yönetmelikleri
divisibility rules
(Matematik) bölünebilme kuralları
export rules
(Bilgisayar) kural ver
follow the rules
kurallara bağlı kalmak
general rules
(Ticaret) genel hükümler
implementing rules
(Ticaret) uygulama kuralları
import rules
(Bilgisayar) kural al
instrument flight rules
(Mimarlık) Alet uçuşu kuralları, aletli uçuş kuralları, IFR uçuş kuralları
obey the rules
kurallara uymak

Her zaman kurallara uymak zorundayız. - We always have to obey the rules.

Kurallara uymak zorundayız. - We have to obey the rules.

obey the rules
kurallara bağlı kalmak
origin rules
(Politika, Siyaset) menşe kuralları
policy rules
(Ticaret) politika kuralları
hükümdarlık etmek
hükme bağlamak
hükümet etmek
(Politika, Siyaset) mahkeme emri

Çoğunluk kuralı demokrasinin temel ilkesidir. - Majority rule is a basic principle of democracy.

egemen olmak

Yargıtay yasanın yasa dışı olduğuna karar verdi. - The Supreme Court ruled that the law was illegal.

Yatakta sigara içmeyi yasaklayan çok sıkı bir kural var. - There is a very strict rule forbidding smoking in bed.

(Tıp) regl
(Kanun) karar
hakim olmak
(Kanun) karar vermek
selection rules
(Dilbilim) seçme kuralları
set up rules
(Bilgisayar) kuralları ayarla
spelling rules
(Dilbilim) yazım kuralları
traffic rules
trafik kuralları
your rules
(Bilgisayar) kurallarınız
break the rules
kuralları çiğne
ground rules
temel kural

Bazı temel kurallar belirleyelim. - Let's establish some ground rules.

Başlamadan önce birkaç temel kural koymalıyız. - We should lay down a few ground rules before we begin.

saltanat etmek

Aynı kural bir yolculuğa çıkmak için de geçerlidir. - The same rule applies to going for a journey.

Tüm sürücülerin yol kurallarına uymaları gerekir. - All drivers should obey the rules of the road.

cetvelle çizmek

Onun yönetimi despotçaydı. - His rule was despotic.

Hamilton İngiliz yönetimine karşı protesto etti. - Hamilton protested against British rule.

{f} yönet

Yönetici devrildi ve ülkeden sürüldü. - The ruler was overthrown and banished from the country.

Dünyayı yöneten aşktır. - It is love that rules the world.

{f} hükümdarı/yöneticisi olmak; yönetmek, idare etmek

Cetvelini ödünç alabilir miyim? - Could I borrow your ruler?

Bir cetvel ödünç alabilir miyim? - May I borrow a ruler?

-e egemen olmak
animals which are not slaughtered in accordance with Islamic rules
murdar hayvanlar
animals which are not slaughtered in accordance with Islamic rules
islami kurallara göre kesilmeyen hayvanlar
break rules
kuralları yıkmak
break rules
tabuları yıkmak

he breaks the rules.

break the rules
Kuralları yıktım
breaking the rules
kural ihlal
business rules
iş kuralları
cataloguing rules
kataloglama kuralları
class rules
sınıf kuralları
connected lending rules
kredileme kuralları
follow the rules
kurallara uyun
hospital rules
hastane kuralları
interaction rules
etkileşim kuralları
obey all school rules
okulun bütün kurallarına uymak
observe the rules
kurallara uymak
punctuation rules
noktalama kuralları
safety rules
güvenlik kuralları
set of rules
kurallar koymak
set rules
Kural belirlemek, uyulması gereken kuralları belirlemek
stick to rules
kurallara sadık
stretch the rules
(deyim) Kurallarda veya şartlarda esneklik yapmak
stretch the rules
(deyim) İzin verilmeyen birşeye izin vermek
the forty rules of love
aşkın kırk kuralı
against the rules
prensiplere aykırı
apply the rules
kuralları uygulamak
conflict of legal rules
(Kanun) yasal kuralların çelişmesi
corporate rules
(Ticaret) şirket kuralları
corrosion protection rules
korozyondan korunma kuralları
counter to all rules
bütün kurallara aykırı
counting rules
(Askeri) sayım kuralları
display rules
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) sergileme kuralları
ergonomic rules
ergonomik kuralları
exports rules
(Bilgisayar) kural verir
family rules
aile kaideleri
fermi selection rules
(Fizik) fermi seçme kuralları
flout the rules
yasağı delmek
gaming rules
oyun kuralları
goldschmidt rules
goldschmidt kuralları
imports rules
(Bilgisayar) kural alır
in accordance with rules
in contravention of the rules
kurallara aykırı olarak
infringement of rules
(Politika, Siyaset) mevzuat aykırılıkları
instrument flight rules
(Askeri) aletli uçuş kuralları
keep the rules
kurallara uymak
lloyd's rules
loyd kuralları
mail rules
(Bilgisayar) posta kuralları
message rules
(Bilgisayar) ileti kuralları
news rules
(Bilgisayar) haber kuralları
obligatory rules
(Dilbilim) zorunlu kurallar
operating rules
işletme esasları
packaging rules
paketleme kuralları
pics rules file
(Bilgisayar) pıcs kural dosyası
play by the rules
(deyim) play the game/by the rules [kd] kurallara gore hareket etmek,namuslu davranmak,durust hareket etmek
port rules
(Bilgisayar) bağlantı noktası kuralları
projective rules
(Dilbilim) yönlendirme kuralları
rewrite rules
(Dilbilim) yeniden yazım kurallan
rewriting rules
(Dilbilim) yeniden yazım kuralları
{i} mahkeme kararı
{f} idare etmek
by rule kurala göre
{i} metre
{f} saltanat sürmek
ince çizgi

Erkekler, genellikle, kızlardan daha uzundur. - Boys, as a rule, are taller than girls.

Genellikle içki içmem. - As a rule, I don't drink.

cetvel tahtası
{i} norm

Bu bütün normlara ve kurallara aykırıdır. - This contradicts all norms and rules.

{f} -e hükmetmek
{i} tüzük
{f} egemen olmak, hâkim olmak
{f} sözü geçmek
{f} çizmek
{f} geçerli olmak
{i} idare

Okul idaremiz o okul kuralını ortadan kaldırmaya karar verdi. - Our school administration decided to do away with that school rule.

{i} gönye
{f} hüküm vermek
alışılmış durum
{i} yönetmelik
üçlü kuralı
{f} karara varmak
{f} (on) huk. (hâkim) (-e) karar
kural,v.yönet: n.kural
{i} hüküm

Köylüler hükümdara karşı ayaklandılar. - The peasants rose up in rebellion against the ruler.

Çar, Rusya'nın hükümdarıydı. - The czar was the ruler of Russia.

as a rule çoğunlukla
{i} standart
{f} çizgi çekmek
safety rules
(Kanun) güvenlik mevzuatı
selection rules
(Nükleer Bilimler) seçim kuralları
standing rules of engagement
(Askeri) daimi çatışma kuralları
statutory rules and orders
(Ticaret) tüzük ve yönetmelikler
testing rules
(Bilgisayar) kurallar sınanıyor
the rules
disiplin suçu infraction of
theoretical rules
teorik kurallar
transformation rules
(Dilbilim) dönüşüm kurallan
unwritten rules of law
(Kanun) yazısız hukuk kuralları
variable rules
(Kanun) değişken kurallar
variable rules
(Kanun) yoruma dayalı hükümler
violation of the traffic rules
trafik kurallarını ihlal
visual flight rules
(Askeri) görerek uçuş kuralları
warranty rules
garanti şartları
written rules of law
(Kanun) yazılı hukuk kuralları
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Australian Rules football Kirchhoff's circuit rules rules of order Queensberry rules
The procedural guidelines adopted by the House for its business and the Senate for its business
manages the rules of the game Private Attributes: currentRollScore : pic 9(4) = 0 how much the current roll is scored at currentPlayerScore : pic 9(4) = 0 the players current score diceValueTable : Table = see 88 levels The score value for combinations of rolls dice1 : pic 9 = 0 value for one dice rolled dice2 : pic 9 = 0 value for one dice rolled dice3 : pic 9 = 0 value for one dice rolled dice4 : pic 9 = 0 value for one dice rolled dice5 : pic 9 = 0 value for one dice rolled Public Operations: New () : Initializes the class getScore () : returns the calculated score for a roll of the dice scoreDice () : calculates the score of the dice based on the rules of the game setOneDice () : call back method to set the value of the dice to score setPlayerScore () : sets the players score which is used to determine if the player has accumulated enough points to begin scoring (300 or more in a single first roll) setScoreForRoll () : sets the value that was calculated for the roll of the dice
Principles formally adopted to govern the operation of either or both houses These include Standing Rules of the Assembly, Standing Rules of the Senate, and Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly
These EBT Operating Rules, adopted April 25, 1996, as amended thereafter from time to time
The procedures of action as determined by each house or joint action
Firewalls use rules to determine the criteria for blocking or allowing connections and data transmissions between computers
Instructions that describe how information should be processed Many computer programs rely on rules to function The rules that we refer to most often are the instructions you would use in conjunction with filters in your e-mail management software or CMS to automate e-mail processing You could, for example, set up rules that tell your e-mail management software to place messages that do not contain a zip code in your state in a different folder from the ones that do Back to top
A code of procedure adopted by each house of the General Assembly to govern its operations
Those ideas which govern the operation of either or both houses There are Standing Rules of the Assembly, Standing Rules of the Senate, and Joint Rules
The principles for governing an exchange In some exchanges, rules are adopted by a vote of the membership, while regulations can be imposed by the governing board
third-person singular of rule
plural of rule
With reference to expert systems, these are if-then statements If this condition is true, then do this
A structure of the form "IF <PATTERN> THEN <ACTION>" In a PRS, this is reduced just to a pair of pixel patterns of the same size and shape, the LeftHandSide pattern which is always looking for a match in the field, and the RightHandSide pattern which is how a match would be rewritten You can think of these as the "before" and "after" patterns, respectively Rules such as these whose action is to change the pattern they matched are typically called "rewrite rules"
Conditions, actions and exceptions defined for the management of mail messages
Tariff sheets which cover the application of all rates, charges, and services, when such applicability is not set forth in and as a part of the rate schedules
That part of a decision table that specifies which actions are to be followed for a given set of conditions (9)
Method of testing incoming messages for certain conditions (such as the name of the sender or the contents) and acting upon them For example, a rule could define that any mall from user 'boss' should be moved to the urgent folder Shared folder Mail folder accessible to more than one user, func-tioning as a bulletin board
A code of procedure adopted by each house of a legislature to govern its operations
Refers to the set of service standards that a Manager sets within the SrvCtr system for transaction specific activities Rules include the selection of Service Provider & Technician, Deadline, Acceptance time and notification settings, for all Work Orders issued under a specific Category / Type / Item for a specific tenant
The guidelines by which the Senate, the House of Representatives, or a committee governs its meetings Rules are formally adopted at the first convening of the Legislative Assembly or of a committee, and require a vote (with at least a quorum of members present) for official adoption
means rule and regulations
a set of defined actions permitted in a certain situation or location
Rules are lines or dividers between elements in a web page The element renders a horizontal rule in a page You can also present vertical rules through the use of graphic images
The term has two specific congressional meanings Rules may come as standing orders or simple resolutions A standing order governs the conduct of the House or Senate business that may be listed among the permanent rules of either chamber The rules deal with the duties of officers, the order of business, and admission to the floor, the parliamentary procedures on handling amendments and the voting jurisdiction of committees A rules sets the time limit on general debate It may also waive points of order against the provisions of the bill in question
Provisions for the procedure, organization, officers and committees of each house of the legislature
The Rules and Regulations of the City of Columbia Fire Department
rules against perpetuities
plural form of rule against perpetuities
rules are made to be broken
it is acceptable to break rules
rules lawyer
Someone who attempts to use knowledge of the arcane and technical rules governing a situation in a manner contrary to their intent to gain advantage
rules lawyers
plural form of rules lawyer
rules of the road
The laws that govern driving, especially of motorists and cyclists
rules of thumb
plural form of rule of thumb
rules of conduct
rules of behavior, code of conduct
rules of engagement
ROE, guidelines created by military authorities that detail under what circumstances the United States will initiate or engage in battle (Military)
rules of ethics
way of behaving morally; orders which forbid members of government from holding other specific jobs
rules of evidence
laws with regulate the methods for using proof in a court of law
rules of the road
regulations for motor travel, traffic laws
(Ticaret) A system that includes if, then, not equal to, not greater than or less than and other parameters to construct an allowable process or product. In describing the configuration of a product from a menu of choices, it may provide that if option X is chosen, option Y can not be chosen and 2 of option Z must also be selected
Aussie rules
Australian rules football, the sport
Australian rules
Australian rules football
Australian rules football
A variety of football, or soccer, devised in Australia
Bosman rules
plural form of Bosman rule
Hildebrand rules
The unofficial acceptance of the use of one's spouse's private documents in court during a divorce

Previously, a spouse who came across information showing their partner was hiding money could copy it and put it before the court – a protection called the Hildebrand rules that was intended to help the financially impoverished.

McNaughton rules
A test of criminal insanity

it must be clearly proved that, at the time of committing the act, the party accused was labouring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing, or, if he did know it, that he did not know he was doing what was wrong.

Queensberry rules
A code of rules governing professional and amateur boxing, published in 1867 and endorsed by the ninth Marquess of Queensberry
Woodward-Hoffmann rules
a set of three rules that invoke the conservation of orbital symmetry to predict the stereochemistry of pericyclic reactions
blood rules
plural form of blood rule
exclusionary rules
plural form of exclusionary rule
golden rules
plural form of golden rule
ground rules
The basic rules or standards; whatever someone must know before proceeding

Make sure everybody knows the ground rules for the trip before they leave.

house rules
plural form of house rule
international rules football
A sport created as a mixture of Australian rules football and Gaelic football, to allow international matches between Australia and Ireland
To excel

This game rules!.

A straight line (continuous mark, as made by a pen or the like), especially one lying across a paper as a guide for writing
Something to keep order
To regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over
To mark (paper or the like) with [[#Noun|rules]] (lines)
slayer rules
plural form of slayer rule
transformational rules
Rules that modify a well-formed structure (in limited ways)
transformational rules
Rules that take an input and change it in some restricted way to result in a Surface Structure (orS-structure)
well-formedness rules
The conditions for hierarchy
bend the rules
Do something or to allow someone to do something which is not usually allowed
strech the rules
Do something or to allow someone to do something which is not usually allowed
{n} government, command, direction, law
{v} to govern, manage, direct, draw lines
stretch the rules
(deyim) Do something or to allow someone to do something which is not usually allowed
Australian Rules football
Variety of football played between two teams of 18 players. The field is oval, 148-202 yd (135-185 m) long, with four goalposts at each end. A six-point goal is scored when the oval ball is kicked through the two central goalposts. A one-point "behind" is scored when the ball is kicked over the behind line extending between the central and outer goalposts. The game's finest spectacle is the "mark" in which competing players leap, sometimes riding on the back of an opponent, in order to catch the ball directly from the kick of another player. The player making such a catch is awarded a mark, an unhindered kick from behind the spot of the catch. The sport, Australia's foremost, was developed in Melbourne. The Victorian Football League was established in 1896 as the first professional league. It was renamed the Australian Football League in 1990 to reflect the addition of franchises outside of Victoria state
Kirchhoff's circuit rules
or Kirchhoff's laws Two statements, developed by Gustav Kirchhoff, about complex circuits that embody the laws of conservation (see conservation law) of electric charge and energy. They are used to determine the value of the electric current in each branch of the circuit. The first law states that the sum of the currents into a junction in the circuit equals the sum of the currents out of the junction. The second law states that around each loop in an electric circuit, the sum of the electromotive force is equal to the sum of all the potential drops (changes in voltage) across components in the loop. Using these rules, algebraic equations can be formulated to determine the value of currents in different loops in a circuit
M'Naghten Rules
McNaughten Rules, the
McNaughten Rules
M'Naghten Rules, the the rules in English law which say that, if it can be proved that someone did not know what they were doing when they carried out a crime or did not know that it was wrong, then they can plead insanity (=give madness as an excuse for their actions) . The rules were established as a result of the case of Regina v. McNaughten in 1843
Queensberry rules
Marquis of Queensberry rules. the rules of fair fighting in the sport of boxing, which were established in 1867 by a British lord, the Marquess of Queensberry. Code of boxing rules. It was written by John Graham Chambers (1843-1883) and published in 1867 under the sponsorship of John Sholto Douglas, marquess of Queensberry (1844-1900), who was known also for precipitating the downfall of Oscar Wilde. Besides calling for the wearing of gloves, the rules forbade wrestling holds, required a fallen man to be given a free count of 10 to recover, established the three-minute round with a one-minute rest period, and disallowed seconds from entering the ring during the round
abidance by rules
obedience to law; act of abiding by regulations
against the rules
in opposition to the rules, illegal, not allowed
association rules
(Ticaret) Rules that relate objects or events based on if this, then that logic
basic rules
fundamental guidelines, basic laws
broke the rules
did not obey guidelines, violated the rules (of a game)
enforce rules
effectively carry out regulations or laws, compel obedience to rules by force
established hard and fast rules
set the strictest of guidelines
follow the rules
comply with the regulations
followed the rules
complied with the regulations
ground rules
the basic rules or principles on which future actions or behaviour should be based lay down/establish ground rules for sth
laying down rules
stating the rules
majority rules
dominant opinion decides, we follow according to what most people want, incline towards the opinion of the majority
mind the rules
obey the laws, follow the regulations
play by the rules
obey the rules (of a game, society, etc.), play fair
punctuation rules
rules that dictate where punctuation marks are to be placed
revamp the rules
change the rules, modify the laws
robert's rules of order
a book of rules for presiding over a meeting; written by Henry M
robert's rules of order
Martin in 1876 and subsequently updated through many editions
A measuring instrument consisting of a graduated bar of wood, ivory, metal, or the like, which is usually marked so as to show inches and fractions of an inch, and jointed so that it may be folded compactly
Ordibary course of procedure; usual way; comon state or condition of things; as, it is a rule to which there are many exeptions
If someone in authority bends the rules or stretches the rules, they do something even though it is against the rules. There is a particular urgency in this case, and it would help if you could bend the rules
A thin plate of metal (usually brass) of the same height as the type, and used for printing lines, as between columns on the same page, or in tabular work
A rule of thumb is a rule or principle that you follow which is not based on exact calculations, but rather on experience. A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit
decide with authority; "The King decreed that all first-born males should be killed"
(a) The rules in the RRS book, including the Definitions, Race Signals, Introduction, preambles, and the rules of an appendix when it applies, but not titles; (b) the prescriptions of a national authority, when they apply; (c) the class rules except any that conflict with the rules in this book; (d) the notice of race (e) the sailing instructions; (f) any other documents governing the event
a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct; "their principles of composition characterized all their works"
measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths
The act of ruling; administration of law; government; empire; authority; control
A determinate method prescribed for performing any operation and producing a certain result; as, a rule for extracting the cube root
A rule of procedure that a Court must follow, related to a specific Act Rules are made by a lawful judiciary authority
prescribed guide for conduct or action directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted; "he knew the rules of chess"
A general principle concerning the formation or use of words, or a concise statement thereof; thus, it is a rule in England, that s or es , added to a noun in the singular number, forms the plural of that noun; but "man"
For each bill, the House Rules Committee sets a time limit for debate and decides who will manage the debate and when it will occur This decision is the "rule" on the bill In the Senate, these matters are handled more formally, with an agreement between majority leaders, minority leaders, sponsors of the bill, and other main actors
The cellular automata rules in which this oscillator works The minimum rule is listed first, then the maximum rule (if the oscillator works in more than one rule) Optional Birth and Survival counts are underlined in the web-based version of Oscillizer [Note: Only rules in which the oscillator works in exactly the same way as the given rule are listed The pattern may well be a different oscillator in some other rule, but that rule will not be shown ]
To have power or command; to exercise supreme authority; often followed by over
(mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems; "he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs"; "he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials"
That which is prescribed or laid down as a guide for conduct or action; a governing direction for a specific purpose; an authoritative enactment; a regulation; a prescription; a precept; as, the rules of various societies; the rules governing a school; a rule of etiquette or propriety; the rules of cricket
A ruler; device for measuring, a straightedge, a measure
measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior; "it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast"; "short haircuts were the regulation"
be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance; "Money reigns supreme here"; "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood"
If something rules your life, it influences or restricts your actions in a way that is not good for you. Scientists have always been aware of how fear can rule our lives and make us ill
Informally, a rule is any CycL formula which begins with #$implies, that is, any conditional A rule has two parts, called its antecedent and consequent, or left-hand side and right-hand side
A logical statement that lets you respond to an event, based on predetermined criteria
Systematic method or practice; as, my ule is to rise at six o'clock
keep in check; "rule one's temper"
To require or command by rule; to give as a direction or order of court
An established standard, guideline, or regulation A principle set up by any authority that directs either action or forbearance, as in the rules of a legislative body, of a company, or of the law
(a) The rules in this book, including the Definitions, Race Signals, Introduction, preambles and the rules of relevant appendices, but not titles
any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order; "the rule of St
a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior; "it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast"; "short haircuts were the regulation"
Dominic" prescribed guide for conduct or action directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted; "he knew the rules of chess" (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice the duration of a monarch's or government's power; "during the rule of Elizabeth" keep in check; "rule one's temper" decide with authority; "The King decreed that all first-born males should be killed" decide on and make a declaration about; "find someone guilty" mark or draw with a ruler; "rule the margins" have an affinity with; of signs of the zodiac
The rules of something such as a language or a science are statements that describe the way that things usually happen in a particular situation. according to the rules of quantum theory
If something is the rule, it is the normal state of affairs. However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception
A rule is a statement telling people what they should do in order to achieve success or a benefit of some kind. An important rule is to drink plenty of water during any flight
An order regulating the practice of the courts, or an order made between parties to an action or a suit
forms its plural "men", and is an exception to the rule
A straight line on the page, usually expressed with its width as in, "a 1-point rule " Don't call them lines, except in hairline
(linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice the duration of a monarch's or government's power; "during the rule of Elizabeth"
To mark with lines made with a pen, pencil, etc
If workers work to rule, they protest by working according to the rules of their job without doing any extra work or taking any new decisions. Nurses are continuing to work to rule. exclusionary rule gag rule Home Rule Irish L'Hôpital's rule Rule of the Community product rule quotient rule
In the context of Veracity, the term "rule" is used to refer to a (pattern,arrow,action) triplet in a policy file A policy file is considered to consist of a list of rules See also Production
a principle guiding action For Kant, concepts are rules, the understanding is the faculty of rules, and our use of rules is central to our account of objectivity Much of Wittgenstein's discussion of following a rule runs parallel to the Kantian insight that rules do not determine their own application The question of what gives a rule authority and holds it and its application in place led to the rejection of the possibility of a private language and Wittgenstein's emphasis on practices and forms of life Interrelations among rules, roles and practices are central concerns in the philosophy of social science Discussions of what constitutes a legal rule and how such rules have normative force are main features of the philosophy of law
something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors"
the duration of a monarch's or government's power; "during the rule of Elizabeth"
When someone in authority rules that something is true or should happen, they state that they have officially decided that it is true or should happen. The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid The Israeli court has not yet ruled on the case A provincial magistrates' court last week ruled it unconstitutional The committee ruled against all-night opening mainly on safety grounds. = pronounce
A solid or dashed graphic line in documents used to separate the elements of a page Rules and other graphic devices should be used sparingly, and only for clarifying the function of other elements on the page
prescribed guide for conduct or action
(a) The rules in this book, including the Definitions, Race Signals, Introduction, preambles and the rules of relevant appendices, but not titles; (b) the prescriptions of the national authority, unless the sailing instructions state that they do not apply; (c) the class rules, or the rules of the handicapping or rating system, except any that conflict with the rules in this book; (d) the notice of race; (e) the sailing instructions; and (f) any other documents that govern the event
mark or draw with a ruler; "rule the margins"
A segment of an awk program that specifies how to process single input records A rule consists of a pattern and an action awk reads an input record; then, for each rule, if the input record satisfies the rule's pattern, awk executes the rule's action Otherwise, the rule does nothing for that input record
The instructions on the time and substance of debate on a House bill, which are attached to the bill when reported out to the floor by the House Rules Committee
(linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice
{i} law, regulation; custom, common practice; government; ruler, flat tool used for measuring distances
A straight strip of wood, metal, or the like, which serves as a guide in drawing a straight line; a ruler
Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do. a thirty-two-page pamphlet explaining the rules of basketball Strictly speaking, this was against the rules
A regulation, law, guideline
A segment of an awk program, that specifies how to process single input records A rule consists of a pattern and an action awk reads an input record; then, for each rule, if the input record satisfies the rule's pattern, awk executes the rule's action Otherwise, the rule does nothing for that input record
Horizontal or verticle lines used in design for separating sections or merely provide graphic elements for decoration
A data-driven programming construct-associated with a class-consisting of a condition and action A rule's action is executed ("fired") when its condition is satisfied by objects in memory A rule whose condition references only the "this" object is termed an intra-object rule, otherwise an inter-object rule Sometimes called a "production" or "production rule"
To control or direct by influence, counsel, or persuasion; to guide; used chiefly in the passive
A method of knowledge representation characterized by an IF-THEN format The conclusions are considered true if the conditions are true They may contain Boolean logic A statement consisting of two parts, antecedent and consequent The antecedent consists of one or more IF clauses, and establishes conditions that must be met if the consequent part of the rule is to be activated The consequent is composed of the actions of conclusions that result
To lay down and settle a rule or order of court; to decide an incidental point; to enter a rule
Uniform or established course of things
guided by a rule or ruler; to print or mark with lines by means of a rule or other contrivance effecting a similar result; as, to rule a sheet of paper of a blank book
The person or group that rules a country controls its affairs. For four centuries, he says, foreigners have ruled Angola He ruled for eight months. the long line of feudal lords who had ruled over this land. Rule is also a noun. demands for an end to one-party rule
A proto-method Consists of a specification and a body See the chapter on Statements and Rules
Conduct in general; behavior
directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted; "he knew the rules of chess"
any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order; "the rule of St Dominic"
A series of values that assigns one or more system attributes to an installation profile
have an affinity with; of signs of the zodiac
{f} govern, control; determine, decide, decree; mark with lines using a ruler
A theoretical device for the explanation of behavioral regularities and/or cognitive states Rules are generally, but not always, characterized in terms of causally-operative mental representations See computation, symbolicism, connectionism <Discussion> <References> Daniel Barbiero
To establish or settle by, or as by, a rule; to fix by universal or general consent, or by common practice
If you rule a straight line, you draw it using something that has a straight edge. a ruled grid of horizontal and vertical lines. see also golden rule, ground rule, ruling, slide rule
If you say that something happens as a rule, you mean that it usually happens. As a rule, however, such attacks have been aimed at causing damage rather than taking life. = generally, usually
decide on and make a declaration about; "find someone guilty"
To control the will and actions of; to exercise authority or dominion over; to govern; to manage
A statement of general applicability approved by the Civil Service Commission that (1) exercises, implements, or applies powers authorized by article XI, section 5 of the Michigan Constitution, or (2) prescribes the procedures or practice of the Department of Civil Service A rule has the force and effect of law unless a court of compe
A segment of an @command{awk} program that specifies how to process single input records A rule consists of a pattern and an action @command{awk} reads an input record; then, for each rule, if the input record satisfies the rule's pattern, @command{awk} executes the rule's action Otherwise, the rule does nothing for that input record
dominance or power through legal authority; "France held undisputed dominion over vast areas of Africa"; "the rule of Caesar"
A clause that defines the relationship or relationships between facts and objects
a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system; "the principle of the conservation of mass"; "the principle of jet propulsion"; "the right-hand rule for inductive fields"
exercise authority over; as of nations; "Who is governing the country now?"
A composing rule
To keep within a (certain) range for a time; to be in general, or as a rule; as, prices ruled lower yesterday than the day before
See under Conposing
To regulate, be in charge of make decisions for, reign over
safety rules
rules of behavior that are intended to protect the lives of the public
set of rules
system of regulations, collection of laws
sticks to the rules
obeys the given laws
the four rules
four basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف rules في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

(Havacılık) run
edep erkân the rules of good manners, etiquette, the polite way
(to do something)



    التركية النطق



    /ˈro͞olz/ /ˈruːlz/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'rül ] (noun.) 13th century. Middle English reule, from Old French, from Latin regula straightedge, rule, from regere to direct; more at RIGHT.

    رصف المشتركة

    rules out, rules of thumb


    ... fair share and everybody's playing by the same rules. ...
    ... about three strikes rules in New Zealand, for example, where they're saying if you-- ...