تعريف ruha في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- spirit
- A supernatural being, often but not exclusively without physical form; ghost, fairy, angel
- Energy
- As used by Maitreya, a term meaning the sum-total of the energies -- the life force -- animating and vitalizing an individual Also used, more esoterically, to mean the Monad which reflects itself in the soul
- the intended meaning of a communication
- Heh (5) Spirit is Infinity as it is expressed in the Moment When one chooses what to observe, as one must and does naturally then the next moment is qualified by that choice because one has already chosen what she will see in that next moment One has to be constantly aware that Infinty of choice is there in that "new" moment as well Spirit IS the Infinity that IS in each moment Therefore the part of you that IS in this moment IS Spirit She is the flower and we are the petals
- the nature of our true reality which, being of God, is changeless and eternal; contrasted with the body, the embodiment of the ego, which changes and dies; the Thought in God's Mind which is the unified Christ
- The manner or style of something
- A sacred etheric part of the self that is not limited by the physical body A scout for our intent
- the vital principle or animating force within living things
- Essential part of being responsible for purpose and recognized by its control; extrovert fragment of quintessence carrying a unique vitality; that which is vital; passion Compare Soul
- Spirit or spirits is an alcoholic liquid that is used as a fuel, for cleaning things, or for other purposes. There are many kinds of spirit. see also methylated spirits, surgical spirit. spirit away/off to take someone or something away quickly and secretly
- (Geist) "The notion of Geist (Mind or Spirit) is the lineal descendant of the Kantian Transcendental Unity of Self-consciousness and of the Absolute Ego of Fichte and Schelling It also claims a collateral source in the Aristotelian voûs which, in knowing the form of an object, thereby knows itself, and which, in its highest phases, may be described as a pure thinking upon thinking " J N Findlay, Forward, Hegel's Philosophy of Mind vii-viii
- {i} soul; supernatural being, demon, ghost; psyche; essence; essential nature; intent; vivacity, energy, animation; character, overall feeling, alcohol (British)
- The undying essence of a human. The soul
- The spirit in which you do something is the attitude you have when you are doing it. Their problem can only be solved in a spirit of compromise
- Enthusiasm
- the highest part of yourself that lives in the spiritual world, but works within you
- n The life force, you, the one who perceives what exists and what is needed and wanted
- Specifically, a disembodied soul; the human soul after it has left the body
- Spirit is the liveliness and energy that someone shows in what they do. They played with spirit
- ruh
- soul
A man's body dies, but his soul is immortal.
- Bir insanın vücudu ölür, ama ruhu ölümsüzdür.
Death is one of two things. Either it is annihilation, and the dead have no consciousness of anything; or, as we are told, it is really a change: a migration of the soul from this place to another.
- Ölüm iki şeyden biridir.O ya ölümlülüktür, ve ölüler herhangi bir şeyin bilincinde değildir; ya da bize söylenildiği gibi, gerçekten bir değişikliktir: ruhun bu yerden ötekine göç etmesidir.
- ruh
- ghost
Mary felt as if a ghost or spirit had touched her back.
- Mary bir hayalet ya da ruhu sırtına dokunmuş gibi hissetti.
- ruh
- {i} spirit
I'll be with you in spirit.
- Ben ruhen sizinle birlikte olacağım.
He was in good spirits.
- O iyi bir ruh hali içerisindeydi.
- ruh
- aura
- ruh
- spirits
With this talisman, you can ward off any and all evil spirits.
- Bu tılsım ile tüm şeytani ruhları defedebilirsin.
He was in good spirits.
- O iyi bir ruh hali içerisindeydi.
- ruh
- {i} essence
- ruh
- {i} Psyche
Reality and irreality are both important for one's psyche.
- Gerçeklik ve gerçek dışılık, kişinin ruhu için önemlidir.
- Ruh
- (Tıp) animus
- ruh
- mind
This is a dangerous state of mind for a man to be in.
- Bu, içinde bulunacak bir adam için tehlikeli bir ruh halidir.
The brain is the center of every mind, soul, and muscle energy.
- Beyin her akıl, ruh ve kas enerjisinin merkezidir.
- ruh
- psych
His illness was mainly psychological.
- Onun hastalığı aslında ruhsaldı.
My father was committed to a psychiatric hospital.
- Babam bir ruh ve sinir hastalıkları hastanesine teslim edildi.
- ruh
- ethos
- ruh
- inner
- ruh
- the inner man
- ruh
- extract
- ruh
- shadow
- ruh
- expression
Judging from his expression, he's in a bad mood.
- Onun ifadesine bakılırsa, o kötü bir ruh hali içinde.
- ruh
- zombie
- ruh
- animation
- ruh
- cabbage
- ruh
- shade
- ruh
- kernel
- ruh
- (a person's) character or nature
- ruh
- essential oil
- ruh
- soul, spirit (of a living person or thing)
- ruh
- pith and marrow
- ruh
- heartbeat
- ruh
- manes
- ruh
- essence, spirit (of a volatile substance); extract, concentrated solution. R
- ruh
- (koklatılan) smelling salts
- ruh
- esprit
- ruh
- pith
- ruh
- heart (of a matter), essence (of a matter)
- ruh
- inner man
- ruh
- liveliness, spirit, animation, life
- ruh
- psych. psyche
- ruh
- genius
- ruh
- astral body
- ruh
- soul, spirit; essence, extract; animation, liveliness, spirit; zombie
- ruh
- spirit of a dead person
- ruh
- pneuma
- ruh
- atman
- ruh
- psycho
Are Tom and Mary licensed psychologists?
- Tom ve Mary ruhsatlı psikolog mu?
His illness was mainly psychological.
- Onun hastalığı aslında ruhsaldı.
- ruh
- jazz