
listen to the pronunciation of route
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} güzergâh

Bir otobüs güzergahı haritası alabilir miyim? - May I have a bus route map?

Bu güzergah boyunca 20 tane istasyon vardır. - There are 20 stations along this route.


Rotayı değiştirebilir miyim? - Can I change the route?

Bu rota boyunca 20 tane istasyon vardır. - There are 20 stations along this route.

{i} yol

Bu, Paris'e giden en kısa yoldur. - This is the shortest route to Paris.

Neyse ki, biz bir kaçış yolu bulduk. - Luckily, we found an escape route.

{i} yürüyüş emri
(Bilgisayar) dolaştır
yolu üzerinden göndermek
izlenecek yol
(by/through ile) ...yoluyla yollamak
{f} gönder
{i} hat
postacının gittiği
{f} belli bir kanaldan yollamak
{f} nakletmek
{f} yürüyüşe geçirmek (birlik)
(Nükleer Bilimler) yöntem
go the route sonuna kadar devam etmek
belirli bir yolla göndermek
{i} herzamanki yol
en route yolda
(Askeri) YOL, ROTA: Bir başlangıç noktasından belirli bir varış yerine kadar geçilecek, seyahat edilecek olan önceden bildirilmiş, emredilmiş yol. Ayrıca bakınız: "axial route", "controlled route", "despatch route", "lateral route", "reserved route", "signed route", "supervised route"
{f} göndermek
{f} sevketmek
{f} (belirli bir yolla) göndermek
sevk etmek
(Ticaret) (mal) göndermek
(Ticaret) takip edilecek yol
gezi yolu
yürüyüşe geçirmek
route map
güzergah haritası
route map
yol haritası
route of
route to
route capacity
(Askeri) YOL KAPASİTESİ: 1. Yolun en tahditli noktasında bir yönde araçların azami trafik akışı 2. Belirli bir yol üzerinde bir saat içerisinde bir yöne taşınabilen, hareket ettirilebilen azami metrik ton miktarı. Bu miktar; azami trafik akışı ile yolu kullanan aracın ortalama taşıma yüküyle çarpımıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "railway line capacity"
route capacity
(Askeri) yol kapasitesi
route chart
(Havacılık) rota haritası
route classification
(Askeri) yol sınıflandırması
route classification
(Askeri) YOL SINIFLANDIRMASI, TASNİFİ: Bir yola; asgari genişlik, en kötü yol tipi, en küçük köprü, kiriş ve ark askeri yük sınıflandırması ve trafik akışına dair engeller gibi faktörlerin kullanılmasıyla verilen sınıflandırma. Ayrıca bakınız: "classification of bridges and vehicles", "military load classification"
route classification
(Askeri) yol tasnifi
route column
(Askeri) İNTİKAL YÜRÜYÜŞÜ: Düşmana yaklaşma yürüyüşünün, temasın uzak bulunduğu safhası için kabul edilmiş, esnek bir düzen. Bu aşamada, kıtaların taktik gruplanmalarına ihtiyaç yoktur; çeşitli ulaştırma vasıtalarıyla değişik yollardan hareket edebilirler
route count
(Bilgisayar) yol sayısı
route document
(Bilgisayar) yönlendir belge
route document
(Bilgisayar) belge dolaştır
route document to
(Bilgisayar) belgeyi dolaştır
route down
(Bilgisayar) aşağı yönelt
route filter
(Bilgisayar) yol süzgeci
route filters
(Bilgisayar) süzgeçleri yönlendir
route formation
(Askeri) seyahat kol uçuşu
route info
(Bilgisayar) yol bilgileri
route lanes
(Askeri) YOL HATLARI: Yelkenli gemilerin müstakil gönderilmesi için mevcut olan bir seri paralel iz
route lanes
(Askeri) yol hatları
route left
(Bilgisayar) sola yönelt
route map
(Askeri) YOL HARİTASI: Takip edilecek yolları ve yol civarında askeri önem taşıyan mevkileri gösterir harita
route march
(Askeri) RAHAT YÜRÜYÜŞ: Eratın uygun adımı bırakmasına, konuşmasına, türkü söylemesine müsaade edilen yürüyüş. Buna (route step) de denir
route march
talim yürüyüşü
route march
idman yürüyüşü
route mining
route of exposure
(Çevre) temas yolları
route order
(Askeri) RAHAT MOTORLU YÜRÜYÜŞ DÜZENİ, RAHAT ATLI YÜRÜYÜŞ DÜZENİ: Atlı veya motorlu araç yürüyüşlerinde alınan rahat yürüyüş düzeni. Bu düzende; döküntü verilmemek, atlar veya araçlar arasındaki mesafeler bozulmamak şartıyla konuşmaya, sigara içmeye ve rahat oturmaya müsaade edilir
route reconnaissance
(Askeri) yol keşfi
route reconnaissance
(Askeri) YOL KEŞFİ: Bir yolun askeri amaçlarla ve çoğunlukla havadan dikkatle araştırılması. Ayrıca bakınız: "reconnaissance"
route right
(Bilgisayar) sağa yönelt
route schedule
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ CETVELİ, YÜRÜYÜŞ ZAMAN ÇİZELGESİ: Seyahat etmekte olan bir konvoyun, yürüyüş çıkış noktasından hareket zamanını ve yol boyunca varacağı duruş ve geçiş noktaları ile gideceği yere varış zamanlarını gösteren çizelge
route schedule
(Askeri) yürüyüş zaman çizelgesi
route segment
(Havacılık) yol dilimi
route source
(Bilgisayar) yol kaynağı
route sources
(Bilgisayar) yol kaynakları
route step
(Askeri) Bak. "route march"
route to recipients
(Bilgisayar) alıcılara dolaştır
route transport operations
(Askeri) hava ulaştırma faaliyetleri
route transport operations
(Askeri) (AIR SUPPORT) HAVA ULAŞTIRMA FAALİYETLERİ (HAVA DESTEĞİ): Kurulmuş bir hava yolu üzerinde ulaştırma faaliyeti
route transportation
(Askeri) BELİRLİ YOLLA YER DEĞİŞTİRME: Kriptografi sistemi. Bu sistemde yer değiştirmeler, kalıp içinde komşu harfleri birbirine bağlayan önceden belirlenmiş bir yol üzerinde yapılır
route transportation
(Askeri) belirli yolla yer değiştirme
route up
(Bilgisayar) yukarı yönelt
{f} darmadağın etmek
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yönlendirme
axial route
(Askeri) eksenine rota
axial route
(Askeri) eksenine yol
cycle route
bisiklet yolu
en route
en route
yolda giderken
en route
en route
(Askeri,Ticaret) seyir halinde
en route
sefer halinde
exposure route
(Tıp) maruziyet yolu
lateral route
(Askeri) cepheye paralel yol
reserved route
(Askeri) özel yol
hezimete uğratmak
tarumar etmek
(Bilgisayar) gönderildi
(Bilgisayar) dolaştırılan
bozguna uğramak
(Bilgisayar) yol atama
(Havacılık) rota
(Bilgisayar) dolaştırma
(Otomotiv) aktarım
(Ticaret) yapılacak iş
(Bilgisayar) dolaştır
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) rotalama
(Ticaret) rutin iş
shortest route
en kısa yol
static route
(Bilgisayar) statik yol
air route
hava rotası
air route traffic control center
hava rotası trafik kontrol merkezi
alternate route
yedek rota
bus route
otobüs hattı
by the most direct route
en direkt yoldan
compass route
pusulayla gidilen rota
domestic route
iç hat
en route
{f} bozguna uğrat
bozguna uğratmak
{f} gönder
{f} gönder
{i} iletme
ship route
trade route
ticaret yapılan yol
trade route
ticaret yolu
trunk route
ana hat
kabul töreni
advisory route
tavsiyeli yol
circuitous route
dolambaçlı yol
en route
Bir yere giderken ya da bir yerden dönerken/gelirken; yol üzerinde. "İ stopped en route (to the party) and got some wine.", "The bomb exploded while the plane was en route from Paris to Tokyo."
following the intended route
amaçlanan rotayı takip
rink yolu
taxi route
(Havacılık) Apron içindeki park yerinden uçuş pistine girip, kalkış yapmadan önce veya piste indikten sonra uçakların apronda kendilerine uçuş kulesi tarafından verilen park yerine gitmek için kullandıkları güzergah
access route
(Ticaret) erişim rotası
advisory route
(Havacılık) kontrollü yol
air route
(Askeri) HAVA ROTASI: İki nokta arasında bulunan, seyrüsefere uygun ve uçuş kurallarının uygulanabileceği derecede tanımlanmış olan hava sahası
air route
uçuş rotası
air route traffic control center
(Askeri) HAVA ROTASI TRAFİK KONTROL MERKEZİ: Kendi yetki sahası içinde aletli uçuş kurallarına göre görev yapan uçakların rota kontrolünü yapan başlıca tesis. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve ona ait bölgelerde bunun gibi yaklaşık 26 tesis vardır. Herbirinin komşu merkezlerle haberleşme kabiliyeti vardır
alternative route
secenek yol
axial route
(Askeri) EKSENİNE ROTA; EKSENİNE YOL: Geri bölgeden geçerek ileri bölgeye giden yol. Ayrıca bakınız: "route"
basic military route network
(Askeri) TEMEL ASKERİ ROTA AĞI: Ev Sahibi Ülke tarafından önceden tahmin edilen ulusal ve ittifaka ait askeri hareket ve ulaştırma gereksinimlerini karşılamak üzere barışta planlanmış mihveri, yana birleştiren rotalar. Ayrıca bakınız: "transport network"
central route
(Tıp) merkezi yol
coastal route
(Askeri) KIYI ROTASI: Bitişik yaklaşma rotalarını birleştiren ve normalde kıyı hattını takip eden bir deniz rotası
coastal route
(Askeri) kıyı rotası
common source route file
(Askeri) müşterek kaynak yol dosyası
computed air release point; contingency alternate route plan
(Askeri) hesaplanan havadan salma noktası; muhtemel durum alternatif yol planı
conditional route
(Havacılık) şartlı rota
connecting route
(Askeri) İRTİBAT YOLU: Ayrıca bakınız: "route"
controlled route
(Askeri) KONTROLLU GÜZERGAH: Trafik veya hareket kısıtlamalarına tabi kullanımı bulunan, denetlenebilecek bir güzergah. Ayrıca bakınız: "route"
controlled route
(Askeri) kontrollü güzergah
convoy route
(Askeri) KONVOY ROTASI: İlgili ulaştırma planlama makamı tarafından bir konvoya tahsis edilen belirli istikamet, rota
default route
(Bilgisayar) öntanımlı rota
default route
(Bilgisayar) varsayılan rota
delay en route
(Askeri) GECİKME MÜDDETİ, MEHİL: Yeni bir görev yerine gitmekte olan bir kimseye izin süresine mahsuben ve kanuni yol süresinden ayrı olarak -geçici görevde tespit edilmiş sınırlar dahilinde- verilmiş olan süre. Mehil; izin statüsünün gerektirdiği bir evvelki görev yerine dönüş zarureti olmaksızın, yeni görev yerine seyahat yetkisi verir. Bak. "leave of absence"
delete route
(Bilgisayar) yol sil
delete route
(Bilgisayar) yolu sil
designated rnav route
(Havacılık) rnav rota belirlenmesi
despatch route
(Askeri) SEVK YOLU: Zamanında trafik hareketinin ve yerin tecrübe edildiği ve öncelikli madde için kullanılan tam kontrol altındaki yol. Tek bir araç için bile hareket onayı gerekir. Bak. "route"
dispatch route
(Askeri) KONTROLLÜ YOL: Gerek kullanma önceliğinin, gerek trafiğin, zaman ve mesafe bakımından, düzenli hareketinin tam bir kontrola tabi tutulduğu karayolu. Kontrollu bir yoldaki faaliyet demir yolundakine benzer
domestic freight route order number
(Askeri) YURTİÇİ YÜK GÖNDERME SIRA NUMARASI: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı sevkiyat makamları tarafından yurtiçi vagon yükü veya bazı istisnaları ile, muadili yük trafiğinin tanıtılması ve hareketine izin verilmesi için kullanılan numara. Bu numara; sevkiyatın yapılacağı yolu veya usulü gösterir
double flow route
(Askeri) ÇİFT GİDİŞLİ YOL: En az 2 şeritli olup, 2 sıra aracın aynı anda hareketine biri ters diğeri düz yönde olmak üzere imkan veren yol. Bak. "limited access route, "single flow route"
emergency route
ivegen durum yolu
emergency route
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) acil durum yolu
emergency service team; emergency support team (FEMA); en route support team
(Askeri) acil durum hizmet takımı; acil durum destek takımı (FEMA); yol destek takımı
en route
yolu üzerinde
en route
(an rut') yolda
en route
en route automated radar tracking system
(Askeri) uçuş otomatik radar takip sistemi
en route charts
(Askeri) yol haritaları
en route marker beacon
(Havacılık) mesafe işaret farı
en route marker beacon
(Havacılık) rota işaret farı
en route navigation
(Havacılık) yol üzerinde seyrüsefer
en route personnel
(Askeri) YENİ KITALARINA GİTMEKTE OLAN PERSONEL: Denizaşırı bir komutanlık veya limandan ayrılmış olmakla beraber, ayrıldığı komutanlığın kuvvesine dahil olan personel
escape route
(Askeri) Bak. "evasion and escape route"
estimated time en route
(Askeri) tahmini uçuş zamanı
estimated time en route
evasion and escape route
(Askeri) KAÇIP KURTULMA YOLU: Kaçan veya kurtulan bir kişinin dost hatlara dönmesi düşman bölgesinden ayrılması için yaptığı girişimde kullandığı önceden planlanan veya planlanmayan bir seyahat yolu
evasion and escape route
(Askeri) kaçıp kurtulma yolu
great circle route
(Askeri) (COURSE) BÜYÜK DAİRE ROTASI, BÜYÜK DAİRE SEYRİ (DZ.) (YOL GÜZERGAH): Merkezi dünyanın merkezinde olan bir daireyi takip eden ve bu daire üzerindeki iki noktayı birleştiren en kısa mesafedir
helicopter retirement route
(Askeri) HELİKOPTER YAKLAŞMA YOLU: Helikopterlerin belirli bir iniş yerine veya bölgesine hareket ettikleri yol veya yollar. Bak. "helicopter approach route; helicopter lane"
lateral route
(Askeri) YAN ROTA: Genellikle muharebe alanının ileri kenarına paralel olan ve eksenine rotaları kesen veya bunlarla kesişen rota. Bak. "route". LATERAL SPREAD (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): YAN YAYILMA: İki veya daha fazla birliğin ortalama ateş etkilerini top hedef hattına dik bir hat üzerinde 100 metre aralıkta açmak için kullanılan bir yöntem
leveling route
(Çevre) seviye dengeleme güzergahı
limited access route
(Askeri) sınırlı giriş yolu
limited access route
(Askeri) SINIRLI GİRİŞ YOLU: Her çeşit askeri trafik tarafından kullanılması bir veya daha fazla nedenle sınırlanan tek yönlü yol. Bak. "single flow route", "double flow route"
low level transit route
(Askeri) ALÇAK İRTİFALI TRANSİT KORİDOR: Dost uçakların dost hava savunmasından ve kontrol edilen veya sınırlı hava sahalarından alçak irtifada geçişini kolaylaştıran boyutları tanımlanmış geçici koridor
mail route
postacının güzergâhı
main supply route
(Askeri) Ana ikmal yolu
main supply route
(Askeri) ANA İKMAL YOLU: Askeri harekatların desteklenmesinde, belirlenen bir bölgede, yoğun trafiğin aktığı yol veya yollar
main supply route; mission support request
(Askeri) ana ikmal rotası (Yolu); görev destek talebi
motor route order number
(Askeri) OTOBÜSLE SEVK EMRİ NUMARASI: ABD anayurdu içinde sivil otobüs şirketlerine ait otobüslerle seyahat edecek 5 kişi veya daha kalabalık grupların hareket intikallerinin tanınması, kayıt, gizlilik ve idari işlemlerinin yapılması maksadıyla Milli otobüs İdaresi Askeri bürosunca tahsis edilen sembol
open route
(Askeri) SERBEST ROTA: Trafik veya intikal kontrol sınırlamalarına maruz olmayan rota
operational route
(Askeri) harekat hattı
operational route
(Askeri) HAREKAT HATTI: İlgili ana askeri yollar şebekesinden temin edilip belli bir harekatın yapılması için bir komutanlığa tahsis edilmiş kara yolu
overland route
overseas route
(Havacılık) denizaşırı rota
parts distribution route
(Ticaret) parça dağıtım güzergahı
peripheral route to persuasion
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çevresel ikna yolu
radial route
merkezden çıkan yol
railway route
tren güzergahı
reconnaissance of route
(Askeri) yol keşfi
reserved route
(Askeri) ÖZEL YOL: Kara yolu trafiğinde yalnız özel bir birlik veya yetkili makama tahsis edilmiş yol. Ayrıca bakınız: "route". Bu yol üzerinde uygulanacak trafik düzenleme ve kontrol derecesini birlik komutanı tayin eder
retirement route
(Askeri) çekilme yolu
retirement route
(Askeri) ÇEKİLME YOLU: Helikopterlerin özel bir iniş mevkii veya bölgesinden hareket ettikleri yer boyunca olan iz ve iz serileri. Ayrıca bakınız: "approach route", "helicopter lane"
{i} gürültücü topluluk
{i} hengâme
birkaç kişinin ayaklanma niyetiyle bir araya toplanarak huzuru bozması
halk yığını
{f} eşelemek
{i} düzensiz kalabalık
(Askeri) BOZGUN: Yenilen bir ordunun perişan halde kaçması
{f} araştırmak
{f} aramak
burnu ile yeri eşmek kök
rout bozguna uğrat
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A course or way which is traveled or passed

You need to find a route that you can take between these two obstacles.

A regular itinerary of stops, or the path followed between these stops, such as for delivery or passenger transportation

Here is a map of our delivery routes.

A road or path; often specifically a highway

Follow Route 49 out of town.

The way to do something
to connect two local area networks, thereby forming an internet
To direct or divert along a particular course

All incoming mail was routed through a single office.

divert in a specified direction; "divert the low voltage to the engine cylinders" send via a specific route send documents or materials to appropriate destinations
{n} a road, way, course, march, journey
an established line of travel or access
{i} track, path; customary series of stops during a trip; path taken by a data package sent from one point on the Internet to another (Computers)
Français : ITINÉRAIRE (COMMERCIAL) Deutsch : FAHRWEG, Fahrtverlauf, Fahrtroute An ordered list of POINTs defining one single path through the road (or rail) network STOP POINTs, TIMING POINTs and POINTs of other types may be used to define this path uniquely See also : LINE
A communication path between two devices on different networks
a path which is planned and followed regularly, as in: I'm thinking of supplementing my salary with a newspaper route
An ordered sequence of nodes and transmission groups (TGs) that represent a path from an origin node to a destination node traversed by the traffic exchanged between them The path that network traffic uses to get from source to destination
A complete movement of a shipment from its origin to its destination by a carrier
send documents or materials to appropriate destinations
The patch that network traffic takes from its source to its destination
a specific physical path that a transit vehicle follows
send via a specific route send documents or materials to appropriate destinations
A bus, air, or shipping route is the way between two places along which buses, planes, or ships travel regularly. the main shipping routes to Japan
{f} send by a specific route, direct along a particular path; mark a route, chart a course
divert in a specified direction; "divert the low voltage to the engine cylinders"
Item status indicating the item is in transit between library locations
A passing; a course; a road or path; a march
The course or way which is traveled or passed, or is to be passed; a passing; a course; a road or path; a march
The manner in which a shipment moves, i e , the carriers handling it and the points via which they handle it
The path a piece of data takes when being delivered from one node to another
Refers to the path between a switch and other network elements Also called "trunk"
In the United States, Route is used in front of a number in the names of main roads between major cities. the Broadway-Webster exit on Route 580
Also referred to as a link A group of addresses on a network that define a path from one station (the source address) to another station (the destination address) Each address within a route provides the next step along that route Each address for an intermediate station is where the packet stops (is picked up) and is transferred to another local area network A complete route from source to destination may consist of one or numerous addresses
If vehicles, goods, or passengers are routed in a particular direction, they are made to travel in that direction. Double-stack trains are taking a lot of freight that used to be routed via trucks Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes
The path that network traffic takes from its source to its destination Also, a possible path from a given host to another host or destination
The path on the track on the tiles laid on the map that a train runs to collect income
The route is the path that your datagrams take through the network to reach their destination
the prescribed course to be traveled from a specific point of origin to a specific destination (JP 1-02)
Journalists sometimes use en route when they are mentioning an event that happened as part of a longer process or before another event. The German set three tournament records and equalled two others en route to grabbing golf's richest prize
The actual route taken by IP packets on the Internet
The physical path established through a network for a particular circuit
an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
Consists of two or more waypoints combined in a course of travel It provides the automatic capability to navigate through several waypoints, without having to reprogram the unit after arriving at each one Once programmed into the GPS unit, the route provides the option of navigating forward through the waypoints or in reverse order
The path that network traffic takes from its source to its destination
A path along which data packets move from host to host across a network
send via a specific route
En route to a place means on the way to that place. En route is sometimes spelled on route in non-standard English. They have arrived in London en route to the United States One of the bags was lost en route
Path through an internetwork
If you go the route, you do something fully or continue with a task until you have completely finished. They have gone the route, in many cases, of just big -- big bowls, big statues, big masks, big everything. to send something somewhere using a particular route route sth through/via sth
A route is a way from one place to another. the most direct route to the town centre All escape routes were blocked by armed police
Your route is the series of visits you make to different people or places, as part of your job. He began cracking open big blue tins of butter cookies and feeding the dogs on his route
You can refer to a way of achieving something as a route. Researchers are trying to get at the same information through an indirect route = road
In general, a route is the path that network traffic takes from its source to its destination In a TCP/IP internet, each IP datagram follows a path through a sequence of networks and routers
The path that network traffic takes from its source to its destination The route a datagram follows can include many gateways and many physical networks In the Internet, each datagram is routed separately
The path that network traffic takes from its source to its destination Also, a possible path from a given host to another host or destination [RFC 1983]
The course or way which is traveled or passed, or is to be passed
Route 66
The Capricorn Highway in Queensland, Australia
Route 66
A former United States highway that ran from Chicago to Los Angeles
route planner
A tool for finding optimal routes from one place to another, usually for traveling by car
Route 66
a famous road in the US that is mentioned in books, films, and songs. It was built in the early 1930s, and was the first road to go a long distance across the US, from Chicago to Los Angeles
route map
If you describe one thing as a route map for another thing, you mean that it provides a model showing the best way to achieve or describe it. Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent's David McKittrick
route map
map that indicates paths and roads
route map
A route map is a map that shows the main roads in a particular area or the main routes used by buses, trains and other forms of transport in a particular area
route march
a long march done by soldiers when they are training
Northern Sea Route
a shipping lane from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean along the Russian Arctic coast from the Barents Sea, along Siberia, to the Far East
bus route
The set route taken by a bus service
en route
along the way

The mall is en route to grandpa’s house.

en route
On the way

The shipment is en route to the buyer.

great circle route
A route, taken by intercontinental aircraft for instance, which is the shortest distance between two destinations on the surface of the Earth; an arc of a great circle
in route
Alternative form of en route

The southern route passed south, down the Wasatch Front, to Cedar City, Utah, where it joined the Old Spanish Trail and passed through Mountain Meadows in route to Los Angeles.

kangaroo route
The air route between the UK and Australia via Asia
on route
Common misspelling of en route
red route
a system of traffic management, marked by red lines along the edge of the road, where parking, loading or picking up passengers is restricted
A disorderly and tumultuous crowd; a mob; hence, the rabble; the herd of common people

although there must have been nearly a hundred mongrel celebrants in the throng, the police relied on their firearms and plunged determinedly into the nauseous rout.

A fashionable assembly, or large evening party
A bellowing; a shouting; noise; clamor; uproar; disturbance; tumult
To defeat completely, forcing into disorderly retreat

Israel tightened its blockade of the Gaza Strip after Hamas routed secular Fatah forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and seized control of the enclave in June 2007.

To use a router in woodworking
Simple past tense and past participle of rout
decisively beaten or defeated
Simple past tense and past participle of route
cutting a channel in a material such as wood using a router
Present participle of route
Present participle of rout
scenic route
the long way round, a deliberately slow path

It took you a long time to bring that tool, did you take the scenic route?.

scenic route
a road or path designed to take one past a pleasant view or nice scenery
trade route
A route used by traders for commercial transport of goods
tram route
a set of tram stops and interconnecting rails that make up a numbered route with a published timetable within an urban tramway system
{n} a defeat, clamorous multitude, squabble, riot, noise, assembly for gaming
{v} to defeat, root up, assemble in crowds
air route
route that has been designated for airplanes that are flying between specific ground locations
bus route
the route regularly followed by a passenger bus
circular route
path which circles around and ends at its starting point, circular orbit
do a paper route
deliver newspapers to subscribers
en route
on the way, along the way, during the journey
en route
see route. on the way en route from/to
en route
On the way or road
en route
Along the route of movement
en route
Your are proceeding to a non-emergency destination
en route
on the way, as in: En route to town to sell the cow, Jack traded the cow for some magic beans
en route
on a route to some place; "help is on the way"; "we saw him on the way to California"
en route to
on or along the way to
escape route
way by which one can escape
migration route
the geographic route along which birds customarily migrate
paper route
A paper route is the same as a paper round
paper route
the job of delivering newspapers regularly the route taken when delivering newspapers every day
probable route
route that is likely to be used, supposed track
If vehicles or planes are re-routed, they are directed along a different route because the usual route cannot be used. The heavy traffic was re-routed past my front door They rerouted the planes at La Guardia airport. = redirect. to send vehicles, planes, telephone calls etc to a different place from the one where they were originally going = redirect
If an army, sports team, or other group routs its opponents, it defeats them completely and easily. the Battle of Hastings at which the Norman army routed the English opposition. Rout is also a noun. Zidane completed the rout with a low shot from the edge of the penalty area. to defeat someone completely in a battle, competition, or election. a complete defeat in a battle, competition, or election
make a groove in dig with the snout; "the pig was rooting for truffles
To roar; to bellow; to snort; to snore loudly
cause to flee; "rout out the fighters from their caves"
To search or root in the ground, as a swine
The removal of material by cutting, milling or gouging, to form a groove
a disorderly crowd of people
(N) -an overwhelming defeat
The state of being disorganized and thrown into confusion; said especially of an army defeated, broken in pieces, and put to flight in disorder or panic; also, the act of defeating and breaking up an army; as, the rout of the enemy was complete
To scoop out with a gouge or other tool; to furrow
A troop; a throng; a company; an assembly; especially, a traveling company or throng
an overwhelming defeat
The state of being disorganized and thrown into confusion; -- said especially of an army defeated, broken in pieces, and put to flight in disorder or panic; also, the act of defeating and breaking up an army; as, the rout of the enemy was complete
an overwhelming defeat cause to flee; "rout out the fighters from their caves"
A fashionable gathering
defeat disastrously
terrible defeat, as in: The Super Bowl turned out to be a complete rout
dig with the snout; "the pig was rooting for truffles"
To break the ranks of, as troops, and put them to flight in disorder; to put to rout
make a groove in
(A) A large evening party (Welsh, rhawter, a crowd ) (See Drum, Hurricane , etc )
To defeat an enemy completely and force them to retreat
To assemble in a crowd, whether orderly or disorderly; to collect in company
A disturbance of the peace by persons assembled together with intent to do a thing which, if executed, would make them rioters, and actually making a motion toward the executing thereof
To hollow out with a tool called a router
Process of cutting parts out of a panel
an overwhelming defeat cause to flee; "rout out the fighters from their caves" make a groove in dig with the snout; "the pig was rooting for truffles
{i} populace, rabble, mob; commotion, public disturbance; overwhelming defeat
{f} defeat overwhelmingly, conquer; force out, drive away
past of route
assigned a route
past of rout
plural of route
third person singular form of to route
The operation of translating a volume of water from one forecast point through a reach to another forecast point Common methods are Lag-and-K, Muskingum, and dynamic wave
Function or device for connecting one computer to another Routers examine the address of network messages and use part of it to divert the message to another router until the last router in the chain sends it directly to the destination address
The process of selecting the correct interface and next hop for a packet being forwarded See also: router S
(n ) The process of deciding on a pathway for data to move from one machine in a network to another machine through a gateway
The process of moving a packet of data along a path until it reaches its destination
A device or setup that finds the best route between any two networks, even if there are several networks to traverse (Contrast with bridge)
The process of selecting the correct interface and next hop for a packet being forwarded
The process of transferring and delivering messages
The process of selecting the correct interface and next hop for a packet being forwarded See also: hop, router, Exterior Gateway Protocol, Interior Gateway Protocol [RFC 1983]
{i} act of planning a route, act of selecting a path from one place to another
-a list of operations used in manufacturing in conjunction with the bill of materials While the BOM contains the material requirements, the routing will contain the specific steps required to produce the finished items Each step in the routing is called an operation, each operation generally consists of machine and labor requirements
The process of selecting the correct circuit path for a message
The process of converting a Rats Nest to a viable connection pattern without crossing tracks, going outside the board area, entering disallowed areas, etc This can be accomplished manually - i e by explicitly arranging signals interactively, or by using Automatic Routing Many complex layouts require a combination of both automation and the skill of the layout specialist to achieve economic solutions
In internetworking, routing is the process of moving a packet of data from source to destination In terms of virtual reference, questions received by a network are routed to an appropriate answerer
The process of selecting the correct interface and next hop for a packet being forwarded See also router
The process of discovering and assigning a route from a sending computer (the source address) to an intended receiving computer (the destination address) The routing method used for any particular packet/datagram can be either source routing or transparent routing The exact manner in which routing is done differs from protocol to protocol
The determination of the most efficient route(s) that people, goods, materials and or means of transport have to follow The process of determining how a shipment will be moved between consignor and consignee or between place of acceptance by the carrier and place of delivery to the consignee The process of aiding a vessel's navigation by supplying long range weather forecasts and indicating the most economic and save sailing route
a method of finding paths from origins to destinations in a network such as the Internet, along which information can be passed
  The process of determining and prescribing the path or method to be used for establishing telephone connections or forwarding messages
The process of selecting the correct interface and next hop for a packet being forwarded See also: router
The forwarding of data packets in packet-switched networks, to the intended address
The process of deciding how to move packets from one network to another See also router
The process of delivering a message across a network or networks
This is the process of locating the most efficient or effective pathway through a network to a destination computer
Moving a packet from one segment of a network onto another Also used to move a packet from one network to another, connected network
The function of determining the route a packet should take from a subnet to get to another subnet A component function of all internetworks, or internets The process of delivering a message across a network or networks by the most appropriate path
The detailed description of the requirements to produce a given item, which includes the operations performed, the order in which they are done, the labor or machine resources required at each operation, and the rate those resources process the item at each operation It may also include tooling and process or other specifications, and serves as the basis for manufacturing lead time calculations, detailed capacity planning and the cost standards associated with production Released production orders normally include the standard routing and bill of material, unless modified for a specific order
rural route
A rural mail route
snow route
an important road in a city that cars must be removed from when it snows, so that the snow can be cleared away from it
trade route
A trade route is a route, often covering long distances, that is used by traders. A route used by traveling traders or merchant ships. a way across land or sea used by traders in the past
trade route
a route followed by traders (usually in caravans)
traffic route
path through which vehicles travel
trunk route
line that is the main route on a railway
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