wood in its natural state as felled or otherwise harvested, with or without bar, round, split roughly squared or other forms (e g roots, stumps) It may also be impregnated (e g telegraph poles) or roughly shaped or pointed It comprises all wood obtained from the forest such as sawlogs/veneer logs, pulpwood, fuelwood and other industrial roundwood
wood in its natural state as felled or otherwise harvested, with or without bar, round, split roughly squared or other forms (e g roots, stumps) It may also be impregnated (e g telegraph poles) or roughly shaped or pointed It comprises all wood obtained from the forest such as sawlogs/veneer logs, pulpwood, fuelwood and other industrial roundwood (Forest Management Bureau)
1 Timber or fuelwood prepared in the round state, that is, from felled trees to material trimmed, barked and cross-cut Logs, transmission poles, pit props and the like are 'round timber'; with fuelwood included, the term is 'roundwood' 2 Timber as harvested, before conversion