(Askeri) MÜNAVEBELİ GÖREV: İnsan gücüne, münavebeli bir esasa göre görev verilmesi. NATO içinde, bu görev belirtilen veya tayin edilen ülkelerle sınırlı olabilir
- The delay between when the controller starts looking for a specific block of data on a track and when that block rotates around to where it can be read by the read/write head On the average, it is half of the time needed for a full rotation (about 8 ms )
The delay between when the controller starts looking for a specific block of data on a track and when that block rotates around to where it can be read by the read/write head On average, it is half of the time needed for a full rotation (which depends on the rotational speed, or rpm, of the disk)
nystagmus caused by suddenly stopping the rapid rotation of the body; large slow movements of the eyeballs are in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation