تعريف role playing في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
way of assessing in which a person plays out a social role that is not his own; also used in psychotherapy
In symbolic interactionism it is the ability of an individual to observe and take the role of another that is key to identity One learns how to play roles, such as playing the role of a student
Acting out the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of another person or role, such as a doctor
A therapeutic technique in which the therapist and client act as if they were people in problematic situations (p 583)
Improvising movement and dialogue to put oneself in another’s place in a particular situation and often to examine the person(s) and/or situation(s) being improvised
In psychotherapy, a technique which requires the individual to enact a social role other than his own or to try out new roles for himself
- Activity in which participants take on characteristics and/or perform actions according to directions for the activity, with the purpose of skill building, usually in the relational development area
Role-Playing Games (RPG's) are a set of games unlike most games in that much of what happens isn't based strictly on luck or skills or something like that Rather, in role-playing you assume the life of your character It's a lot like impromptu acting with a few rules thrown in to keep everything nice and neat
Psychodrama technique in which persons are trained to function more effectively in their real-life roles In the therapeutic setting of psychodrama, the patient is free to try and to fail in their roles, and try again until they succeed Mew approaches to feared situations can thus be learned and applied outside the therapeutic setting
A process whereby a sales trainee acts through the sale of a product or service to a hypothetical buyer
game in which each player acts in the role of a particular character and invents situation and events without any pre-prepared script, RPG (also on the Internet)
If people role play, they do a role play. Rehearse and role-play the interview with a friend beforehand. + role playing role play·ing We did a lot of role playing
Role play is the act of imitating the character and behaviour of someone who is different from yourself, for example as a training exercise. Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play
A method for teaching attitudes and behaviors important to interpersonal relations by having the subject assume a part in a spontaneous play, whether in psychotherapy or in leadership training
A game in which players assume the roles of characters and act out fantastical adventures, the outcomes of which are partially determined by chance, as by the roll of dice