
listen to the pronunciation of road(a)
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف road(a) في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Bu siste yol işaretlerini göremiyorum. - I can't see the road signs in this fog.

Çamurlu yol, yeni ayakkabılarımı mahvetti. - The muddy road has ruined my new shoes.

toll road
paralı yol

Paralı yolları ne kadar sıklıkla kullanıyorsun? - How often do you use toll roads?

Paralı yoldan gitmemize gerek var mı? Acelemiz yok. - Do we need to take the toll road? We're not in a hurry.

{i} karayolu

Demiryolu karayoluna paralel. - The railroad is parallel to the road.

Kamp bölgesi karayoluyla ulaşılabilir değil. - The campsite isn't accessible by road.

road metal yol yapmaya mahsus kırık taş Out of the road Yoldan çe
road hog bütün yolu işgal eden şöför veya arabacı
{i} cadde

O, yaşlı adamın caddeyi geçmesine yardım etti. - She helped the old man cross the road.

Caddede yaklaşık 100 metre kadar düz gidin, ve üç yollu kavşağa varırsınız. - Go straight up the street for about 100 meters, and you will get to the junction of three roads.

uyulan ilke
road agent
road agent
road bend
(Askeri) viraj
road condition
yol durumu
road game
(Spor) deplasman maçı
road hog
kötü şoför
road hog
(Ev ile ilgili) tehlikeli sürücü
road making
yol yapımı
road man
yol işçisi
road map
karayolları haritası
road repair
yol tamiri
road repair
yol yapımı
road speed
(Otomotiv) yol hızı
road train
(Argo) büyük tır
road wheel
(Askeri,Otomotiv) taşıyıcı tekerlek
dış liman
demirleyecek yer
road bed
yol tabanı
road bed
road bridge
yol köprüsü
road building
yol yapımı
road building
yol inşaatı
road construction
yol yapımı
road construction
yol inşaatı
road grader
yol greyderi
road grader
yol düzleyici
road haulage
kara taşımacılığı
road haulier
kara taşımacısı
road hog
yolu işgal eden sürücü
road hog
hızlı sürücü
road junction
yol kavşağı
road maintenance
yol bakımı
road safety
güvenli yolculuk
road system
yol şebekesi
road system
yol ağı
road tar
yol katranı
road traffic act
karayolları trafik kanunu
road bed
platform, yol tabanı
road bed
yol yatak
road bike
yol bisikleti
road clearance
taşıtın en lat noktasının yerden yüksekliği
road construction.
yol yapım
road digger
hafriyat makinası
road digger
kazı işçisi
road digger
yol kazan greyder
road forks
yol çatal
road haulier
kara tasimacisi
road humps
yol hörgüçlü
road is coated with ice
yol buz kaplı
road kill
Yolda araçla çarparak bir hayvanı öldürme
road load
sabit hızda yük, yol yükü
road manager
yol yöneticisi
road map
yol haritası

Bu yol haritası çok yararlı. - This road map is very useful.

Bir yol haritası alabilir miyim, lütfen? - May I have a road map, please?

road map
Karayolu haritası, yol haritası, yol planı
road miller
yol miller
road narrows left side
soldan daralan kaplama
road narrows right side
sağdan daralan kaplama
road oil
yol yağı
road pricing
(Yol,köprü,vb)geçiş ücreti
road rage
Trafik canavarlığı, trafikteki öfke durumu
road show
Yol etkinlikleri
road surface
yol yüzeyi
road system
yol şebekesi, yol ağı
road tar
yol katrani
road tax
yol vergisi
road train
Uzun taşımacılık aracı, tır
road trip
road walk
yol yürümek
road warrior
yol savaşçısı
road work ahead
yolda çalışma var
road worker
yol işçisi
road works
yol çalışması
road worthy certificate
Araç satışlarında 'Yol için uygundur', 'Yola çıkmaya uygundur' belgesi
rocky road
taşlı yol
rolling road
inişli çıkışlı yol
rough road
kaba yol
royal road
Kral Yolu veya tam ismi ile Pers Kral Yolu Pers İmparatorluğu kralı Darius İ zamanında M.o. 5. yüzyılda yapılmış olan bir antik anayoldur. Darius bu yolu büyük imparatorluğu boyunca Susa'dan Sardis'e kadar hızlı ulaşımı kolaylaştırmak için yapmıştır. Bu kuryeler yedi günde 2.699 kilometre seyahat edebiliyorlardı. Yunanlı tarihçi Herodotus'un yazdığı, "Dünya'da Persli kuryelerden daha hızlı seyahat eden başka bir şey yoktur" cümleleri ile onları övmektedir. Benzer bir şekilde, "Ne kar ne yağmur ne sıcaklık ne de gecenin karanlığı onların görevlerini yapmalarına engeldi" cümlesi ise bu kuryelerin gayri resmi sloganlarıydı
{i} maden geçidi
demirleyecekdış liman
{i} demiryolu [amer.]

Demiryolu karayoluna paralel. - The railroad is parallel to the road.

Demiryolu bu noktada yolu geçer. - The railway crosses the road at this point.

road cart iki tekerlekli binek arabası
sık sık çoğ
{i} demirleme yeri
road accident
trafik kazası
road beams
yol huzmeleri
road bend
road block
(Askeri) YOL KAPAMASI: Düşman araçlarının bir yol üzerindeki hareketlerine engel olmak veya böyle bir hareketi sınırlamak için faydalanılan, genellikle ateşle korunur, bir engelleme veya engel (barrier)
road capacity
(Askeri) YOL KAPASİTESİ: Belirli bir yol üzerinde, bütün trafik şeritlerinden faydalanılarak elde edilebilecek azami trafik akımı. Saatte araç veya günde araç olarak ifade edilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "highway capacity"
road clearance distance
(Askeri) YOL BOŞALTMA MESAFESİ: Belirli bir yol kısmının, bütün kol hesabına boşaltılması için bir motorlu kol başının katetmesi gereken toplam mesafe. Bu mesafe, katedilecek yol ile motorlu kol derinliğinin toplamına eşittir
road clearance time
(Askeri) YOL BOŞALTMA SÜRESİ: Belirli bir yol kısmının, bütün kol hesabına boşaltılması için bir motorlu kol başının yürümesi gereken toplam zaman. Buna, kısaca (road time) de denir
road closed
yol kapalı
road conditions
yol durumu
road crater
(Askeri) YOL HUNİSİ: Patlıyan bir mermi, mayın, bomba vesaire tarafından yol üzerinde açılmış oyuk; Yolun, etrafından dolaşılması kolay olmayan bir noktasında, bir yol kapaması meydana getirmek üzere, çeşitli patlayıcı maddelerle açılmış çukur
road crater
(Askeri) yol hunisi
road cut
yol yarması
road discipline
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ DİSİPLİNİ: Bir yoldan faydalanan kıta, araç ve hayvanların düzenli hareketi. Yürüyüş disiplini karışıklığı ve gecikmeleri önler
road distance
(Askeri) YOL MESAFESİ: Karayolu üzerinde bir noktadan başka bir noktaya olan mesafe. Kilometre veya mil olarak ifade edilir
road feel
(Otomotiv) yol hissi
road guard
yol bekçisi
road gully
yağmur suyu bacası
road haulage
karayolu taşımacılığı
road header
galeri açma makinası
road hog
kötü şöför
road hog
trafiği karıştıran sürücü
road hog
saygısız ve bencil sürücü
road hog
yolun ortasından giden sürücü
road hog
yolun ortasından giden şöför
road hole
yol çukuru
road house
road house
road house
road junction
road junction
(Askeri) YOL KAVŞAĞI: Birkaç yolun birleştiği nokta. Ayrıca bakınız: "crossroads"
road junction
yol ağzı
road limit
yol sınırı
road line
yol çizgisi
road lined with trees
ağaçlı yol
road load
(Otomotiv) yol yükü
road load
(Otomotiv) sabit hızda yük
road map
{i} yol planı
road map
(isim) karayolu haritası, yol haritası, yol planı
road metal
yol yapımında kullanılan kırma taş
road movement graph
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ GRAFİĞİ: Motorlu veya yaya yürüyüşlerin planlanması ve kontrolu ile yürüyüş planlarının hazırlanması veya kontrolunda kullanılan zaman-mesafe grafiği
road movement table
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ ÇİZELGESİ: Yürüyüşlere ait genel yürüyüş düzenleri ile zaman-mesafe çizelgesini birleşik olarak gösteren liste. Bu liste; genellikle, yürüyüşle ilgili bir harekat emrinin bir eki olarak yayımlanır
road narrows
daralan yol
road net
(Askeri) yol şebekesi
road net
(Askeri) YOL ŞEBEKESİ: Belirli bir mevki veya bölge içinde varolan yollar sistemi
road oil
sıvı bitüm
road oiler
yola bitüm seren işçi
road oiler
road paint
yol boyası
road paving base
(Mukavele) yol kaplaması temeli
road reconnaissance report
(Askeri) YOL KEŞİF RAPORU: Bir yolun sınıflandırılması için gerekli detaylı bilgiyi içeren rapor
road roller
(İnşaat) bastırak
road roller
{i} yol silindiri
road roller
{i} silindir

Yol silindiri caddeyi düzleştiriyor. - The road roller is levelling the street.

Yol silindiri gürültülü. - The road roller is noisy.

road screen
(Askeri) YOL PERDESİ: Bir yol boyunca yapılan intikali düşman gözetlemesinden gizlemek için faydalanılan herhangi bir şey, özellikle suni gizleme veya peçeleme (camouflage)
road screen
(Askeri) yol perdesi
road sense
yolda dikkatli olma
road sense
araba kullanma yeteneği
road sign
yol işareti

Yol işaretinde ne yazılı? - TEK YÖN. - What is written on the road sign? - ONE WAY.

road slab
yol döşemesi
road space
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ DERİNLİĞİ: Bir yol üzerinde bir yürüyüş koluna tahsis edilen veya yürüyüş kolu tarafından işgal edilen yol uzurıluğu. Mil veya kilometre olarak ifade edilir
road space
(Askeri) yürüyüş derinliği
road tanker
sarnıçlı kamyon
road tanker
tankerli kamyon
road test
yol testi
road test
yola dayanıklılık testi
road time
(Askeri) yol boşaltma süresi
road time
(Askeri) YOL BOŞALTMA SÜRESİ: Bak. "road clearance time"
road toll
(Ticaret) otoyol ücreti
road up
yol çalışması
road up
yol tamiratı var
road vehicles
(Avrupa Birliği) karayolu taşıtları
road wheel
(Askeri) TAŞIYICI TEKERLEK: Tankı üzerinde taşıyan ve paleti hareket istikametine seren tekerlek
road width
yol genişliği
road work
(Ticaret) yol mükellefiyeti
road works
(İnşaat) yol çalışmaları
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
taking place over public roads; "road racing
a railway; a single railway track
An underground tunnel in a mine
a partly sheltered area of water near a shore in which vessels may ride at anchor

There delivering their fraught, they went to Scandaroone; rather to view what ships was in the Roade, than any thing else .

A way used for travelling between places, usually surfaced with asphalt or concrete. Modern roads, both rural and urban, are designed to accommodate many vehicles travelling in both directions
A path chosen in life or career

Where, then, is the road to peace?.

road accident
an accident between one or more vehicles, and/or another object
road agent
A criminal who accosts travelers and robs them

The highway robber—road-agent, he is quaintly called—is still busy in these parts.

road apple
Horse manure, especially when deposited on a road

Samples 7–12 contained coarsely chewed plant material; several closely resembled the road apples of horse and burro.

road apples
plural form of road apple
road burn
skin injury caused by abrasion with road surfaces
road case
Cases built for musicians, production companies, and industry. Many cases are constructed using quality materials and assembled by hand to protect musical instruments
road film
Alternative name of road movie
road fund licence
A paper disc displayed on the windscreen of a road vehicle to show that road tax has been paid
road game
An athletic contest played in the opposing team's geographic area
road grit
A mixture of grit and salt (often calcium chloride) spread on the surface of roads to prevent the formation of ice during cold, damp weather
road hog
A bad or inconsiderate driver of a motor vehicle
road hog
A motorist who straddles two lanes of traffic or otherwise monopolizes the road
road map
A map with a visual representation of roads used for automobile travel and navigation. A road map may contain other relevant data, such as terrain or rail roads
road map
A structured representation of objects over a period of time to display a development plan. Road maps are used in business for strategic planning and communications
road maps
plural form of road map
road movie
A film in which much of the action takes place during a journey, especially one involving overland travel
road picture
Alternative name of road movie
road race
A race run on roads rather than a track
road racing
racing on roads rather than a track
road rage
Uncontrollable aggressive behaviour by the driver of a road vehicle, especially when caused by stress or frustration
road rash
skin and bone injury caused by abrasion with road surfaces
road roller
A heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt in the construction of roads
road rollers
plural form of road roller
road sign
A sign for the control of traffic or the information of drivers

The road signs on motorways are particularly clear and well lit at night.

road to Damascus
A road to Damascus moment, or change, is an important point in someone's life where a great change, or reversal, of ideas or beliefs occurs

The candidate is aggressively branding himself as Vernon 2.0, a kinder, gentler Vernon Jones, a bridge builder, a fence mender. Asked by a Rockdale editor about his “road to Damascus moment,” Jones laughs. “I got knocked off my donkey,” he says.

road train
A transport concept consisting of a conventional prime mover truck pulling two, three or four trailers
road trains
plural form of road train
road trip
A recreational excursion in a car, often as a type of vacation
road trips
plural form of road trip
road warrior
A frequent business traveller
road warrior
A salesperson that spends a lot of time traveling and outside the office
road warrior
A person who carries a mobile device such as a laptop or PDA and uses wireless internet connections to work
road warriors
plural form of road warrior
Alternative spelling of road agent
Attributive form of road gang, noun
Alternative spelling of road hog

How often that seems to be the case these days, some pushy road-hog you hate turns out to be a little girl at the wheel . - Rabbit is Rich by John Updike.

Attributive form of road movie

road-movie fan.

Attributive form of road race, noun
rocky road
Any of several forms of candy containing lumps of chocolate, marshmallow, nuts etc; used as a flavor for ice-cream or eaten by itself
Vehicle or vehicle and pedestrian route without a significant amount of pedestrian activity generated by adjoining buildings and public spaces Compare street
{n} a way for travelling on, anchorage some distance from shore
road rage
Violent behavior exhibited by drivers in traffic, often as a manifestation of stress: “Motorists in the United States fear road rage, and the the world's largest auto club wants anger-management education as part of the penalty for such behavior” (Brad Liston)
road show
A show presented by a touring theater company
road show
A new movie shown at selected theaters usually for higher ticket prices
road show
A traveling presentation advocating a political idea or agenda
road worthy certificate
Road Worthy Certificate (RWC) Used by sales persons to the detriment of customers
Road Rage Tour
{i} national tour of snowboarding exhibitions and competitions; national "Wrestlemania" tour of professional wrestlers
Road Safety Administration
office responsible for ensuring safe driving
Road Town
capital of the British Virgin Islands
Road Town
The capital of the British Virgin Islands, on Tortola Island in the West Indies east of Puerto Rico. It is a port of entry. Population: 2,479
taking place over public roads; "road racing"
The figures include the activity of goods vehicles over 3 5 tonnes gross weight and small commercial vehicles up to that weight The estimates for goods vehicles are derived from the Continuing Survey of Road Goods Transport (CSRGT) and, for small commercial vehicles, ad hoc surveys in 1976, 1987 and 1992/93 and interpolation for the intervening and subsequent years
{s} occurring over public roads; working for a short period of time in different locations
If you are on the road, you are going on a long journey or a series of journeys by road. He hoped to get a new truck and go back on the road
A road is a long piece of hard ground which is built between two places so that people can drive or ride easily from one place to the other. There was very little traffic on the roads We just go straight up the Bristol Road Buses carry 30 per cent of those travelling by road road accidents
means a surface right-of-way for purposes of travel by land vehicles used in surface coal mining and reclamation operations or coal exploration A road consists of the entire area within the right-of-way, including the roadbed, shoulders, parking and side areas, approaches, structures, ditches, and surface The term includes access and haulroads constructed, used, reconstructed, improved, or maintained for use in surface coal mining and reclamation operations or coal exploration, including use by coal hauling vehicles to and from transfer, processing or storage areas The term does not include ramps and routes of travel within the immediate mining area or within spoil or coal mine waste disposal areas
must always link two nodes Road sides and borders are separated bij a black line, and borders between Lanes bij a grey line Turns have only a visual representation and no influence on the behaviour of road users, because these have no acceleration (they don't slow down in turns)
Public roadways
If you say that someone is on the road to something, you mean that they are likely to achieve it. The government took another step on the road to political reform
An inroad; an invasion; a raid
– A motor vehicle travelway over 50 inches wide, unless designated and managed as a trail A road may be
Anywhere (except your home) where a show can be promoted Submitted by Karl Kuenning RFL from Roadie Net
-A motor vehicle travelway over 50 inches wide, except those designated and managed as a trail A road may be classified, unclassified, or temporary
A narrow strip of land made suitable for travel between places. Modern roads are usually paved to accommodate wheeled vehicles
If you hit the road, you set out on a journey. I was relieved to get back in the car and hit the road again
or Roadstead: a stretch of sheltered water near land where ships may ride at anchor in all but very heavy weather; often rendered as 'roads', and does not refer to the streets of a particular port city but rather its anchorage, as in 'St Helens Roads', the designated anchorage for shipping located between St Helens (Isle of Wight) and Portsmouth, or 'Funchal Roads' at the island of Madeira (see Elizabeth Macquarie's 1809 Journal)
The contiguous linear distance of the line separating the lot from a "road," as defined in this Ordinance
Skid road in skidder or high-lead logging Cleared path along which logs are hauled to the landing with one setting of the rigging
an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
The road to a particular result is the means of achieving it or the process of achieving it. We are bound to see some ups and downs along the road to recovery
the end of the road: see end. Traveled way on which people, animals, or wheeled vehicles move. The earliest roads developed from paths and trails and appeared with the invention of wheeled vehicles, around 3000 BC. Road systems developed to facilitate trade in early civilizations; the first major road extended 1,775 mi (2,857 km) from the Persian Gulf to the Aegean Sea and was used 3500-300 BC. The Romans used roads to maintain control of their empire, with over 53,000 mi (85,000 km) of roadways extending across its lands; Roman construction techniques and design remained the most advanced until the late 1700s. In the early 19th century invention of macadam road construction provided a quick and durable method for building roads, and asphalt and concrete also began to be used. Motorized traffic in the 20th century led to the limited-access highway, the first of which was a parkway in New York City (1925). Superhighways also appeared in Italy and Germany in the 1930s. In the 1950s the U.S. interstate highway system was inaugurated to link the country's major cities. Burma Road Silk Road Stilwell Road Ledo Road Hampton Roads Hampton Roads Conference
Guards - Advance troops sent ahead of a military unit to detect enemy forces and protect the main force
{i} avenue, street, paved or packed surface designed for travel, hard paved or packed surface for vehicles; route; path, way; means to attain something; roadstead, protected area for ships to anchor; railway, train track; mine tunnel
a vehicular access way serving more than two lots
A journey, or stage of a journey
working for a short time in different places; "itinerant laborers"; "a road show"; "traveling salesman"; "touring company"
By extension, the path or route one takes; an effort
a way or means to achieve something; "the road to fame" an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
an area that is open to or used by the public and is developed for, or has as one of its main uses, the driving or riding of motor vehicles
Any linear break in the forest canopy that is 25 to 300 ft (8 to 90 m) wide
a way or means to achieve something; "the road to fame"
A place where ships may ride at anchor at some distance from the shore; a roadstead; often in the plural; as, Hampton Roads
A place where one may ride; an open way or public passage for vehicles, persons, and animals; a track for travel, forming a means of communication between one city, town, or place, and another
road accident
car accident causing injury or even death
road accident victims compensation fund
public fund which provides monetary compensation to those injured in road accidents
road agent
A stagecoach robber; a bandit
road atlas
road atlases a map that shows the roads in a particular country or area
road builder
someone whose business is to build roads
road construction
the construction of roads
road death
person killed in an automobile accident
road discipline
polite behavior while driving
road gang
a gang of road workers
road hog
a driver who obstructs others
road hog
A motorist whose vehicle overlaps the traffic lane used by another motorist. someone who drives badly or too fast without thinking about other people's safety
road house
restaurant stop on a highway or interstate
road humps
road bumps, raised sections on a road that slow down the speed of traffic
road junction
branching, intersection, road crossing
road manager
The road manager of someone such as a singer or sports player is the person who organizes their travel and other arrangements during a tour. someone who makes arrangements for entertainers when they are travelling
road map
{i} diagram that shows major and secondary roads in a given region (used for navigation); detailing of the steps that will be taken to execute a certain plan of action (as in politics or business)
road map
a map showing roads (for automobile travel) a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action; "the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam
road map
A road map is a map which shows the roads in a particular area in detail
road map
a map showing roads (for automobile travel)
road map
A road map of something is a detailed account of it, often intended to help people use or understand it. The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web
road map
a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action; "the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam"
road metal
broken rock used for repairing or making roads
road metal
Crushed or broken stone, cinders, or similar material used in the construction and repair of roads and roadbeds
road network
system of roads that are connected between them by junctions and exchanges
road pricing
Road pricing is a system of making drivers pay money for driving on certain roads by electronically recording the movement of vehicles on those roads. a system in which drivers have to pay to use the roads at particular times toll road
road rage
violence exhibited by drivers in traffic
road rage
{i} act of violence committed out of frustration about traffic or driving conditions
road rage
Road rage is anger or violent behaviour caused by someone else's bad driving or the stress of being in heavy traffic. a road rage attack on a male motorist. Violent behavior exhibited by drivers in traffic, often as a manifestation of stress: "Motorists in the United States fear road rage, and the the world's largest auto club wants anger-management education as part of the penalty for such behavior" (Brad Liston). violence and angry behaviour by car drivers towards other car drivers
road roller
vehicle equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements
road roller
{i} vehicle or machine with wide heavy smooth wheels used for rolling flat or compacting roads and pavements; one who rolls roads
road safety
security on the roads, adherence to safety rules so as to prevent traffic accidents
road sense
good judgment in avoiding trouble or accidents on the road
road show
Presentation by an issuer of securities to potential buyers
road show
A promotional effort, usually in connection with securities sales Underwriters and an issuer's executive officers may tour key cities to meet with invited guests to provide information about the issuer and its pending offering Road shows are also sometimes conducted in connection with proxy proposals
road show
The process by which underwriters acquaint potential institutional investors with the products, people and finances of a company planning to go public Generally, this presentation is a face-to-face meeting, but online and video presentations may become commonplace in the future
road show
A series of meetings with potential investors in key cities, designed and performed by a company and its investment banker as the company prepares to go public
road show
a show on tour
road show
When a company launches its IPO, management schedules a nationwide series of lunches, breakfasts and dinners to make its pitch to institutional investors These presentations are organized by the lead manager and are held at hotel dining rooms in major cities Usually, but not always, the road shows start overseas, then move to the West Coast and finish in New York or Boston, which have the highest concentrations of large institutional investors For particularly hot IPOs, these presentations attract hundreds of investors who are jammed 10 or 12 to a table
road show
When a company is planning an IPO, it will often perform a "road show" to encourage potential investors to participate in the IPO Due to the popularity of the internet, underwriters are posting upcoming IPO deals online and presenting multimedia "net" road shows to institutional and accredited investors in addition to traditional "in person" roadshows
road show
Major marketing event where a company's management presents the company at investor presentations and or investor meetings at selected locations (often at major investors' domiciles and or financial centres) for instance in connection with an issue of securities or the publication of the announcement of results of a listed company See also one-on-one meeting Click here to view Danisco's IR activities
road show
Also called the 'Dog and Pony Show' The company gets to strut their stuff to the institutional investors on invitation by the underwriter(s) The shows are conducted in many of the major population centers throughout the country There can also be shows overseas if there is an internation allocation in the offering
road sign
a sign next to a road that gives information to drivers
road surface
the paved surface of a paved roadway
road surface
{i} paved surface of a road
road tax
In Britain, road tax is a tax paid every year by the owners of every motor vehicle which is being used on the roads. a tax in Britain that the owner of a vehicle must pay in order to drive it legally tax disc
road test
a test to check that a vehicle is in good condition and safe to drive MOT
road test
test given to a vehicle in real time while driving on roads and highways
road test
a test to insure that a vehicle is roadworthy
road to damascus
a sudden turning point in a person's life (similar to the sudden conversion of the Apostle Paul on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus of arrest Christians)
road to happiness
the way to be happy, the path to joy
road trip
a long trip that you take in a car, usually with friends
road trip
long journey by car, long sight-seeing trip in an automobile
road warrior
A person who travels frequently, especially on business. someone who uses computers, mobile phones, pagers etc in a place other than their home or office
road wheel
large wheel that bears the weight of a car and distributes it along the track
road-side explosion
explosion of a bomb on the side of the road
one who surveys and measures roads
rough road
road that is curved and full of pits, road that is dangerous to travel on
royal road
an auspicious way or means to achieve something; "the royal road to success"
royal road
an auspicious way or means to achieve something; "the royal road to success
A road
Any of many major roads in Britain, mostly multi-lane dual carriageways between cities
A main or principal road. A trunk road
B road
Any of many minor roads in Britain, typically branching off of A roads and travelling to smaller towns and villages
Great North Road
The A1 (partially the A1(M)) road from London to Edinburgh

Upon the very same night when Nancy, having lulled Mr. Sikes to sleep, hurried on her self-imposed mission to Rose Maylie, there advanced towards London by the Great North Road two persons, upon whom it is expedient that this history should bestow some attention.

Silk Road
An extensive interconnected network of trade routes across Asia, North and Northeast Africa, and Europe, historically used by silk traders
Tobacco Road
A fictional place in the rural American South inhabited by poor and uneducated
Tobacco Road
Poor and uneducated rural Southerners

But those Tobacco Road stereotypes of the South and rural America are the same disparagements that the Republicans hurled at the Populists a century ago .

Tobacco Road
Dilapidated housing as might be found in the rural American South

All in all, the scene was one of an ethereal Tobacco Road West.

access road
a road giving entry to a region or, esp., a motorway
arterial road
A major thoroughfare, particularly one used to provide a large capacity for travelling some distance
back road
A secondary road, a little used road, a road through rural areas sometimes used as alternate to main roads

There was too much traffic on the highway, so I used a back road. It was very scenic but I had to keep the speed down.

corduroy road
A road paved with split logs laid crosswise side by side flat face up and round side embedded in the crudely prepared soil base
down the road
Further along, in terms of time or progress

They decided to save money by using the cheapest components available, but down the road they ran into problems with reliability.

end of the road
end of the road
A conclusion, termination or ending (of a process)
fork in the road
A point where a choice of two equally valid possibilities has to be taken
fork in the road
A junction in which one road becomes two divergent roads
go down that road
To settle a way of doing something; do decide to do something in a particular way

We haven't decided if we want to move yet, but if we go down that road, there'll clearly be no way back.

go down the road
To employ a way of doing something; to do something in a particular way

They were all troublemakers, and I can see how their kids go down the road as well.

high road
A course of action which is honorable, dignified, or respectable

The high road of public service and the low road of political advantage seem inextricably intertwined.

hit the road
To leave a place; to go away

It's time for me to hit the road and walk home.

it's a long road that has no turning
encouragement when things are not going well. Just as a long road eventually has a turning, problems also eventually have a solution, even though one might have to wait
kick the can down the road
To defer something
long road to hoe
Misconstruction of long row to hoe
low road
A course of action which is undignified, wrongful, or otherwise unseemly

Burger King and Hardee's took the low road, heavily promoting gut-busting sandwiches like the Enormous Omelet and the Monster Thickburger.

middle of the road
Having a centrist attitude or philosophy; not extreme, especially politically

A typical middle of the road compromise is to leave the problem as it is.

middle of the road
of a type of melodic popular music that has wide appeal
Alternative spelling of middle of the road
Designed for, used for, or taking place on a driving surface that is not traditionally paved, such as a beach or rugged terrain
ring road
A circumferential highway around a town, city, or other conurbation
rule of the road
The regulation requiring all traffic (travelling on a road or otherwise) to keep either to the left or the right

The Liverpool and Manchester railway, the first steam-operated passenger railway, which opened in 1830, adopted the British rule of the road, with trains passing each other on the left.

rules of the road
The laws that govern driving, especially of motorists and cyclists
skid road
Streets with facilities suitable for the recreational needs of lumberjacks
skid road
A rough cleared right of way with logs embedded cross-wise on which logs being harvested would slide or be dragged or skidded
slip road
A segment of roadway that joins a motorway to ordinary roads (in either direction)
toll road
a road, for the use of which a toll must be paid; a turnpike
tough road to hoe
Misconstruction of tough row to hoe
unadopted road
A private road, where the local borough council is not responsible for the road's maintenance
yellow brick road
A proverbial path to a Promised Land of one's hopes and dreams

But for Clinton the yellow brick road that led inevitably to the Democratic nomination has suddenly become a little bumpy. -.

yellow-brick road
Alternative form of yellow brick road