A concept very similar to inheritance; essentially, a subclass inherits the functionality of a superclass object
The ability of a package or subprogram to be used again without modification as a building block in a different program from the one it was originally written for
(1) a developer-oriented quality requirement specifying: The degree to which a work product (e g , application, component, document) shall be able to be used for purposes other than originally intended (e g , as part of other future applications), whereby reuse includes identification, classification, modification, testing, certification, and actual incorporation or use in other situations The percentage of an application’s components and documents that must be reused from existing reusable work products
The ability of the whole software system or parts of it to be used almost unchanged in other software products is meant by the term reusability[6, 16, 27] This subject plays an important role in industry, because having a set of well-defined components, time and money can be saved by reusing these components