residuary legatee malın taksiminden sonra kalan

listen to the pronunciation of residuary legatee malın taksiminden sonra kalan
التركية - الإنجليزية
Of or relating to a residue; residual; left over, when the main portion has been removed
{a} entitled to the residue of an estate
With respect to a will, relating to the portion of an estate which was not disposed of in the will, or for which the directions in the will could not be carried out
entitled to the residue of an estate (after payment of debts and specific gifts); "the residuary part of the estate"; "the residuary beneficiary"
relating to all the money and property that remains after a person has died, and after any bills have been paid
relating to or indicating a remainder; "residual quantity"
entitled to the residue of an estate (after payment of debts and specific gifts); "the residuary part of the estate"; "the residuary beneficiary
{s} pertaining to the nature of a residue; entitled to receive the assets of an estate after debts and liabilities have been repaid
Consisting of residue; as, residuary matter; pertaining to the residue, or part remaining; as, the residuary advantage of an estate
residuary legatee malın taksiminden sonra kalan