A chalk line reel draws straight lines by the action of a taut nylon or similar string.
He reeled off some tape from the roll and sealed the package.
He reeled back from the punch.
a garden reel.
When asked about inspirational influences in his life, he reeled off a list of folks whose names would surprise no one.
Briton Fisher reels off 10 birdies in record 63.
The set of real numbers is uncountable.
- Reel sayılar kümesi sayılamazdır.
Price increases explain the difference between the real and nominal growth rates.
- Fiyat artışları reel ve nominal büyüme oranları arasındaki farkı açıklar.
Tom spread some strawberry jam on a slice of bread.
- Tom bir dilim ekmeğe çilek reçeli sürdü.
No additives have been added to this jam.
- Bu reçele hiçbir katkı maddesi eklenmemiştir.
The set of real numbers is uncountable.
- Reel sayılar kümesi sayılamazdır.
What's the difference between jam and marmalade?
- Reçel ve marmelat arasındaki fark nedir?