A number which has a decimal portion, even if that decimal portion is zero Real numbers are also called floating point numbers The phrase "real number" is often shortened to "real " The following are real numbers: 2 25, 41 00, -4 5, 3 1416, and 0 000 Even a number that has a decimal point but nothing following the decimal point (such as 18 ) is considered a real Even though the field of mathematics uses other types of numbers, AutoLISP uses only integers and reals Some AutoLISP functions always return reals (such as getreal and distance), others always return integers (such as getint and strlen) Compare "Integer" above
A real number is one-dimensional and can be placed somewhere on the number line The set of real numbers includes all rational and all irrational numbers
In mathematics, a quantity that can be expressed as a finite or infinite decimal expansion. The counting numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers are all real numbers. Real numbers are used in measuring continuously varying quantities (e.g., size, time), in contrast to measurements that result from counting. The word real distinguishes them from the imaginary numbers
[ 'rE(-&)l, 'ri(-&)l ] (adjective.) 14th century. Middle English, real, relating to things , from Middle French, from Medieval Latin & Late Latin; Medieval Latin realis relating to things , from Late Latin, real, from Latin res thing, fact; akin to Sanskrit rayi property.