
listen to the pronunciation of razor
الإنجليزية - التركية
tıraş makinası
ustura ile kesmek veya tıraş etmek
tıraş bıçağı

Saçı bir tıraş bıçağıyla kazı. - Remove the hair with a razor blade.


Bir ustura ile kendimi kestim. - I cut myself with a razor.

Kumda ustura gagalı alkın ayak izleri vardı. - There were razorbill footprints in the sand.

tıraş makinesi

O her sabah elektrikli tıraş makinesi ile tıraş olur. - He shaves with an electric razor every morning.

Yeni bir emniyetli tıraş makinesi aldım. - I bought a new safety razor.

safety razor tıra
razor shell denizçakısı
razor strap ustura kayışı
razor blade ustura ağzı
razor clam
Solen razor strop
ustura midyesi
razor blade
tıraş bıçağı

Saçı bir tıraş bıçağıyla kazı. - Remove the hair with a razor blade.

razor clam
razor clam
(Gıda) solinya
razor blade

Ne sıklıkta jilet değiştirirsin? - How often do you change your razor blade?

razor sharp
jilet gibi keskin
razor shell
ustura midyesi
razor strop
ustura kayışı
razor burn
Tıraş bıçağının cildi tahriş etmesi
razor clam
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Ustura midyesi, sülünez, sülüne
razor clams
ustura istiridye
razor fish
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Ustura midyesi, sülünez, sülüne
razor sharp
(deyim) Jilet gibi keskin: "Be careful with that knife- it's razor sharp."
razor sharp
razor shell
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Ustura midyesi, sülünez, sülüne
razor shell
Deniz çakısı
razor wire
jilet tel
razor wire
Jiletli tel
razor wire
1.jiletli tel; stratejik değere sahip tesis ve bölgelerin güvenliğinin sağlanması amacıyla üretilen ve kullanılan üzerinde jiletler bulunan tel
jilet dişli
Keskin kenarlı dikenli tel
razor back
fin balinası
razor bill
ustura gagalı alk
razor blade
ustura ağzı
razor blade
jilet bıçağı
razor edge
ustura ağzı
razor's edge
ustura ağzı
electric razor
traş makinası
safety razor
tıraş makinesi
straight razor
be/live on the razor´s edge
ölümle kalım arasında olmak; iki ateş arasında kalmak
occam's razor
Occam'ın ustura
on knife's/razor's edge
bıçak's / bıçak sırtında
be on the razor's edge
bıçak sırtında olmak
be on the razor's edge
kritik durumda olmak
electric razor
tıraş makinesi
hair razor
saç usturası
safety razor
slash oneself with razor
(kendine) jilet atmak
slash oneself with razor
(kendini) jiletlemek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The sharp tusk of a wild boar
A conceptual device that allows one to shave away unlikely explanations for a phenomenon
Any tool or instrument designed for shaving
A keen-edged knife of peculiar shape, used in shaving the hair from the face or other parts of the body
{n} a tool to shave the beard with
The Nazarites were forbidden to make use of the razor (Num 6: 5; Judg 13: 5) At their consecration the Levites were shaved all over with a razor (Num 8: 7; comp Ps 52: 2; Ezek 5: 1)
A tusk of a wild boar
A keen-edged knife of peculiar shape, used in shaving the hair from the face or the head
{i} bladed tool used for shaving hair
The tusk of a wild boar
A razor is a tool that people use for shaving
shave with a razor
edge tool used in shaving shave with a razor
edge tool used in shaving
Hewing blocks with a razor Livy relates how Tarquinius Priscus, defying the power of Attus Navius, the augur, said to him, “Tell me, if you are so wise, whether I can do what I am now thinking about ” “Yes,” said Navius “Ha! ha!” cried the king; “I was thinking whether I could cut in twain that whetstone with a razor ” “Cut boldly!” answered the augur, and the king cleft it in twain at one blow
Double-edged tool used for shaving Often of bronze
Hewmg blocks with a razor Livy relates how Tarquinius Priscus, defying the power of Attus Navius, the augur, said to him, “Tell me, if you are so wise, whether I can do what I am now thinking about ” “Yes,” said Navius “Ha! ha!” cried the king; “I was thinking whether I could cut in twain that whetstone with a razor ” “Cut boldly!” answered the augur, and the king cleft it in twain at one blow
razor blade
A thin piece of steel with a sharp edge that can be fitted into a razor
razor blades
plural form of razor blade
razor clam
A clam of several species with long curved shells resembling straight razors
razor clams
plural form of razor clam
razor shell
a bivalve mollusc, Ensis ensis, having a long, straight shell, that burrows in the sand
razor shells
plural form of razor shell
razor strap
razor strop
razor strop
A similar strap, used as a spanking instrument
razor strop
A broad, heavy leather strop, designed to whet a razor on
razor wire
A form of securing wire similar to barbed wire, but with a series of short blades instead of barbs. Also, a length thereof

Don’t believe the lie of Guitar Hero III; it’s actually the fourth title in the series, the third being Rocks the 80s, which I haven’t played, but the day I fork out seventy bucks for an expansion pack is the day I swallow razor wire, pull the end out of my arse, and floss myself to death.

Attributive form of razor blade

razor-blade injury.

As sharp as a razor, extremely or ultimately sharp

The executioner was proud that he kept his axe razor-sharp, so no prisoner would feel any pain when his head was cut off.

Extremely fine. So thin that it can almost not be seen
A very small difference, or advantage, when comparing two items

The Socialists have a razor-thin majority.

razor clam
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) The razor shell, Ensis arcuatus, also called razor clam or razor fish, is a bivalve of the family Solenidae. It is found on sandy beaches in Northern Europe and Eastern Canada, such as Prince Edward Island, where it is most populous in the world. It prefers coarser sand than its relatives E. ensis and E. siliqua
razor fish
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) The razor shell, Ensis arcuatus, also called razor clam or razor fish, is a bivalve of the family Solenidae. It is found on sandy beaches in Northern Europe and Eastern Canada, such as Prince Edward Island, where it is most populous in the world. It prefers coarser sand than its relatives E. ensis and E. siliqua
razor shell
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) The razor shell, Ensis arcuatus, also called razor clam or razor fish, is a bivalve of the family Solenidae. It is found on sandy beaches in Northern Europe and Eastern Canada, such as Prince Edward Island, where it is most populous in the world. It prefers coarser sand than its relatives E. ensis and E. siliqua
razor wire
A sharp-edged wire used for fences and barriers
razor blade
sharp edge of a razor, tool used for shaving
razor blade
A razor blade is a small flat piece of metal with a very sharp edge which is put into a razor and used for shaving. a small flat blade with a very sharp edge, used in a razor
razor bump
A small swelling that develops when the sharpened point of a razor-cut hair shaft grows back into the skin, sometimes resulting in inflammation and infection
razor clam
marine clam having a long narrow curved thin shell
razor clam
type of mollusc (also known as jackknife clam)
razor clam
Any of various clams of the family Solenidae, characteristically having long narrow shells. Any of several species of marine clams (family Solenidae) common in intertidal sands and muds, particularly of temperate seas. Razor clams have narrow and elongated shells (shaped like straight razors) up to 8 in. (20 cm) long. A large active foot enables them to move rapidly up and down within their burrow and retreat quickly when disturbed. With their short siphons (tubes) they feed on particulate material in seawater. Some species can swim short distances by jetting water through their siphons
razor edge
an edge that is as sharp as the cutting side of a razor
razor fish
any of several small wrasses with compressed sharp-edged heads of the West Indies and Mediterranean
razor sharp
as sharp as a razor, extremely sharp; sharp-witted, shrewd
razor wire
Razor wire is strong wire with sharp blades sticking out of it. In wars or civil conflict it is sometimes used to prevent people from entering or leaving buildings or areas of land. plans to use razor wire to seal off hostels for migrant workers. n. A sharp-edged wire used for fences and barriers. strong wire with sharp edges, used to keep people out of a building, area of land etc
razor's edge
precarious position
If you describe someone or someone's mind as razor-sharp, you mean that they have a very accurate and clear understanding of things. his razor-sharp intelligence
A cutting tool that is razor-sharp is extremely sharp. a razor sharp butcher's knife
very clearly delineated; "razor-sharp definition"
as sharp as a razor
razor-thin victory/margin in an election, a razor-thin victory is won by only a small number of votes
Blore's razor
An adage which states that: when given a choice between two theories, take the one that is funnier
I need a razor
Indicates that the speaker needs a razor
Occam's razor
The principle of preferring the simpler of two competing theories
Occam's razor
The principle that entities should not be needlessly multiplied
cut-throat razor
A straight razor
open razor
Another name for a straight razor
safety razor
A razor, designed for safety, that protects the skin from all but the very edge of the blade (as opposed to a straight razor)
stepping razor
A dangerous person, who is not to be messed with

I'm dangerous, dangerous.

straight razor
A razor with a blade that can fold into its handle
Ockham's razor
(Bilim, İlim) A rule in science and philosophy stating that entities should not be multiplied needlessly. This rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known. Also called law of parsimony
Ockham's razor
Methodological principle of parsimony in scientific explanation. Traditionally attributed to William of Ockham, the principle prescribes that entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity. In practice, this means that if a phenomenon can be explained without assuming the existence of an entity, then philosophers and scientists should not assume the entity's existence. The history of science provides many examples of the principle's application (e.g., the rejection by scientists of the hypothesis of a luminiferous ether in response to Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity). See also materialism
cut-throat razor
a razor with a very long sharp blade, used especially in the past
electric razor
shaver: a razor powered by an electric motor
electric razor
electrically powered device for shaving hair
occam's razor
the principle that entities should not be multiplied needlessly; the simplest of two competing theories is to be preferred
on razor's edge
with a lot of tension, in a dispute
plural of razor
safety razor
device used for shaving in which the blade is partially covered to protect the user from accidentally cutting himself
safety razor
a razor with a guard to prevent deep cuts in the skin
safety razor
a razor that has a cover over part of the blade to protect your skin
sharp as a razor
sharp as a blade, razor sharp; acute, pointy; sly; witty, keen
straight razor
a razor with a straight cutting edge enclosed in a case that forms a handle when the razor is opened for use
straight razor
A razor consisting of a blade hinged to a handle into which it slips when not in use



    التركية النطق



    /ˈrāzər/ /ˈreɪzɜr/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'rA-z&r ] (noun.) 14th century. Middle English rasour, from Old French raseor, from raser to raze, shave; more at RASE.


    razors, razoring, razored

    رصف المشتركة

    razor blade