raummaß für holz (usa)

listen to the pronunciation of raummaß für holz (usa)
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف raummaß für holz (usa) في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} kordon

O, kordonu makineye bağladı. - He connected the cord to the machine.

Polis olay yerini kordon altına aldı. - Police cordoned off the crime scene.

{i} bağ

Gelişmekte olan bir embriyo, göbek kordonu yoluyla plasentaya bağlanır. - A developing embryo connects to the placenta via the umbilical cord.

O, kordonu makineye bağladı. - He connected the cord to the machine.


Biz hala kablolu telefon kullanıyoruz. - We still use a corded telephone.

{f} bağla

Gelişmekte olan bir embriyo, göbek kordonu yoluyla plasentaya bağlanır. - A developing embryo connects to the placenta via the umbilical cord.

O, kordonu makineye bağladı. - He connected the cord to the machine.

(ses) tel
(Biyoloji) kord

Sami, Leyla'nın boynuna bir kordon doladı ve onu ölümüne boğdu. - Sami put a cord around Layla's neck and strangled her to death.

Polis bölgeyi kordon altına aldı. - Police cordoned off the area.

{i} ip, sicim, kaytan; kordon
iple süslemek
(Tıp) Kiriş, veter, tel, ip, kordon, chorda, tendo
{f} iple bağlamak
{i} (çalgı için) tel
(isim) bağ, ip, kordon, sicim, şerit, fitil, fitilli kadife, fitilli kadife giysi, odun tartı birimi
{i} sicim
(fiil) bağlamak, kütükleri yığmak
{i} fitilli kadife

Tom sık sık fitilli kadife pantolon giyer. - Tom often wears corduroys.

Dimi ve fitilli kadife arasındaki farkı biliyor musunuz? - Do you know the difference between twill and corduroy?

5 metre küp hacminde bir odun tartı birimi
kablo,v.bağla: n.kordon
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
To arrange wood, etc
Any timber product delivered to a receiving facility in short-length form, 8 feet, or less, and intended for use as a raw material in the manufacture of pulp and pulp products; a cord is approximately 5,200 pounds for pine, 5,400 pounds for soft hardwood, 5,600 pounds for mixed hardwood, and 5,800 pounds for hard hardwood Provisions do not apply to pulpwood damaged by insects or other causes, or to timber sold in bulk on the stump -Unit of measure of stacked wood that measures 4 by 4 by 8 feet or 128 cubic feet of wood, bark, and empty space within the stack
Cord is strong, thick string. The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord. gilded cords and tassels
Any moral influence by which persons are caught, held, or drawn, as if by a cord; an enticement; as, the cords of the wicked; the cords of sin; the cords of vanity
Cords are trousers made of corduroy. He had bare feet, a T-shirt and cords on
See under Spermatic, Spinal, Umbilical, Vocal
Cord means made of corduroy. a pair of cord trousers. see also spinal cord, umbilical cord, vocal cords. cord clothes are made from corduroy
A small flexible conductor assembly of insulated wires, "lamp" or "sweeper" cords
A stack of wood containing 128 cubic feet A standard cord measures 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet of wood and air
in a pile for measurement by the cord
{f} bind with a cord, tie, bind
One cord equals a pile of wood 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet
a tendon or a nerve
A solid measure, equivalent to 128 cubic feet; a pile of wood, or other coarse material, eight feet long, four feet high, and four feet broad; originally measured with a cord or line
a line made of twisted fibers or threads; "the bundle was tied with a cord" a cut pile fabric with vertical ribs; usually made of cotton a light insulated conductor for household use a unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet bind or tie with a cord stack in cords; "cord firewood
To bind with a cord; to fasten with cords; to connect with cords; to ornament or finish with a cord or cords, as a garment
a line made of twisted fibers or threads; "the bundle was tied with a cord"
A pile of stacked rough wood, usually 4 ft by 4 ft by 8 ft (1 2 m × 1 2 m × 2 4 m), containing 128 cubic ft of wood, bark and air, or approximately 85 cubic ft of solid wood
A stack of wood consisting of 128 cubic feet A cord has standard dimensions of 4' x 4' x 8' including air space and bark One cord contains about 1 2 BDT