تعريف random sampling في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
a commonly used sampling technique in which sample units are selected in such a manner that all combinations of n units under consideration have an equal chance of being selected as the sample
A process by which the people in a sample are chosen at random from a given population For example in a population of 100 people, everyone can be assigned a unique number, then the numbers are put in a hat, and 40 numbers are drawn to choose 40 people to be in that sample These are the people from whom you would collect information In a random sample, all of the people in the population have an equal chance of being chosen
A commonly used sampling technique in which sample units are selected so that all combinations of n units under consideration have an equal chance of being selected as the sample
Random sampling occurs when each unit in the sample frame has a known positive probability of being included in the sample Then units are selected randomly using a computer or random number table and the assigned probabilities This type of sample is also called probability sampling
Obtaining juvenile urine specimens for testing without the juvenile's prior knowledge of when a specimen will be requested This means unscheduled testing and should not be confused with the classic research design definition
Sampling procedure in which every unit in the universe has an equal chance of being selected
As commonly used in acceptance sampling, the process of selecting sample units in such a manner that all combinations of units under consideration have an equal chance of being selected as the sample
sampling in which each population member theoretically has an equal chance of being drawn
A representative selection picked at random to sample public opinion
A random sample is one selected in a way that ensures that every element in the population has an equal, non-zero probability of being sampled
(Statistical sampling meaning) A sampling method in which every possible sample has the same chance of being selected
A regular pattern of points is laid over the area of concern The points are numbered and random numbers are generated to determine at which points samples will be collected This method is used to remove bias from the selection of sampling locations
the selection of a random sample; each element of the population has an equal chance of been selected
For multiple identical components such as windows, doors, electrical outlets or heating registers One per room is chosen at random
A procedure for selecting a set of representative observations from a population, in which each observation has an equal chance of being selected from the sample
Drawing a number of items of any sort from a larger group or population so that every individual item has a specified probability of being chosen
A sampling method in which all the units in a population have an equal chance of appearing in the sample p 183
A sampling method in which all elements in the population have an equal chance of being selected, and in which the value of one observation does not affect the outcome of other observations Random samples have important properties which are necessary in many statistical tests
Polls in which respondents are chosen mathematically, at random, with every effort made to avoid bias in the construction of the sample
A procedure in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample
A group of persons are selected from a population in such a way that each individual has an equal chance of being chosen In addition, the selection of one person does not influence the chances of other people being selected
A sample in which all members of the target population have an equal and independent chance of being selected for the study; also known as a probability sample
In statistical terms a random sample is a set of items that have been drawn from a population in such a way that each time an item was selected, every item in the population had an equal opportunity to appear in the sample
A sample of a population that has the property that each item has an equal chance of being selected, and in which the chance of one item being selected does not affect the selection of any other item Random samples are often used to ensure that the sample is representative of the population Sometimes a sample that is not totally random but distributed uniformly with respect to nuisance parameters has desirable properties