(Askeri) NASIP VE TAYİN KONTENJANI: Bir komutanlığın belirli bir devrede yapacağı erat sınıfından personel atamaları miktarını sınırlayan, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı tarafından verilmiş bir kontenjan
There are several ways to qualify for a green card Certain categories of qualified green card applicants are allowed into the U S in unlimited numbers Certain other categories are restricted by a quota Approximately 400,000 green cards can be issued each year under the quota, with no more than 25,000 going to applicants from any one country (With the exception of Hong Kong, dependent areas have a limit of only 5,000 ) If there are more green card applicants than there are green cards allocated under the quota each year, a backlog is created and applicants must wait their turns It is because of the quota that it can often take years to get a green card
A quota is a fixed maximum or minimum proportion of people from a particular group who are allowed to do something, such as come and live in a country or work for the government. The bill would force employers to adopt a quota system when recruiting workers
The number of women that a sorority may pledge during formal or informal Recruitment A letter written by an alumna introducing and recommending a potential new member for membership
a maximum amount of things allowed, e g a quantity of imports; a country's contribution to the International Monetary Fund
In a representative body, the quota is defined as the ratio of the size of the popluation of a group being represented to the ideal ratio The quota represents the ideal number of representatives that that specific group should have
A numerical limitation on the number of applicants, or the number of visas available to be issued to a class or group such as people from a country, area of the world, or job classification Example: there is a yearly Quota of 20,000 immigrant visas that can be issued to applicants born in any one country When the immigrant visa quota is reached, a backlog or queue develops and a cut-off date is set to limit the number of applicants Only applicants with a priority date earlier than the cut-off can apply The cut-off dates are shown in the Visa Bulletin
A form of protectionism used to restrict the import of something to a specific quantity. (Sawyer & Sprinkle, International Economics, 2nd Edition , 2003, p 157)
The maximum number of fish that can be legally landed in a time period It can apply to the total fishery or an individual fisherman's share under the ITQ system Could also include reference to size of fish
An established amount of space allocated to a user on a network for data storage (for file storage, email storage, and Web page storage) A quota allows system resources to be shared efficiently and prevents the host machine from running out of disk space
The limit on the number of students which the University will accept into a programme, a unit, or the University as a whole
(1) A share, proportion, or part of a total (2) The number of persons or things permitted to enter a country (3) The amount of funds which a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is required to contribute It determines the voting rights of a member and the sum of IMF funds that a member may draw upon to stabilize its currency and to meet balance-of-payments obligations
the number of votes a candidate must receive before they are elected to the Senate, which is calculated by dividing the total number of ballot papers by one more than the number of Senators to be elected and adding one to the result a figure based on population which determines how many members a state or territory is entitled to have in the House of Representatives a figure which provides an indication of the average number of voters who should be on a division's electoral roll for the purpose of returning a Member to the House of Representatives
Someone's quota of something is their expected or deserved share of it. They have the usual quota of human weaknesses, no doubt. = share. In international trade, a government-imposed limit on the quantity of goods and services that may be exported or imported over a specified period of time. Quotas are more effective than tariffs in restricting trade, since they limit the availability of goods rather than simply increasing their price. By limiting foreign goods, a quota aims to allow domestic goods to compete more successfully, though the price of the goods may also rise. Quotas restricting trade were first imposed on a large scale during World War I. In the 1920s, quotas were progressively abolished and replaced by tariffs, but their use was revived in the wave of protectionism set off by the Great Depression. After World War II, the western European countries began a gradual dismantling of quantitative import restrictions, but the U.S. was slower to discard them. See also free trade; GATT
a proportional share assigned to each participant a prescribed number; "all the salesmen met their quota for the month
a limitation on imports; "the quota for Japanese imports was negotiated" a proportional share assigned to each participant a prescribed number; "all the salesmen met their quota for the month
The maximum number of fish that can be legally landed in a time period It can apply to the total fishery or an individual fisherman's share under an ITQ system Could also include reference to size of fish
The quantity of goods of a specific kind that a country permits to be imported without restriction or imposition of additional duties
System used to equalize, in general, the number of members in each campus group It means the number of women who may be offered bids in the recruitment process by each group The quota is set by the College Panhellenic and depends on the number of potential members and sororities on a particular campus
Specific restrictions or target objectives on the value or volume of trading in specified goods imposed by the governments of the exporting or importing country
Under a quota, only a certain amount of the designated merchandise can be entered into a country during a specific time period Under an absolute quota, once the specified amount of merchandise has been entered, no more can be entered until the next opening Under a tariff rate quota, a certain amount may be entered at a reduced rate of duty Once that amount has been entered, a higher rate of duty is charged There are two kinds of Quotas Absolute and Tarrif Rate Quotas explained above Quotas do not apply to NAFTA qualifying products
A maximum number placed by a nation state on the goods that can he imported into the country in any one period The quota is defined for a particular product category
Governments set quotas to limit the number of imports that come into the country Any imports in excess of the quota are either not allowed or face heavy taxes
Specify the number of respondents that fall into the categories required (e g so many women, so many men etc ) Interviewers are given quota sheets to show them how many of each type of person are to be interviewed The sample quota profile is a profile of all the individuals that will be interviewed