(Askeri) UYGUN ADIM: Her biri 30 inç (75 cm) adımlarla bir dakikada 120 adımlık yürüyüş hızı, uygun adım yürüyüşlerde ve merasimlerde normal yürüyüş temposudur
An interactive cut scene-like sequence in a video game wherein the player must push the displayed button displayed on-screen to finish the sequence. Failure to push the indicated buttons will result in damage or death to the player character
{i} technology developed by Apple Computers that allows unification of many multimedia means (such as text, sound, animation) into one file and to display it on a computer
A common video file format created by Apple Computer Video files found on the Internet are often stored in the QuickTime format - they require a special viewer program for playback
QuickTime is a powerful, cross-platform, multimedia technology for manipulating, enhancing, and storing video, sound, animation, graphics, text, music, and even 360-degree virtual reality It also allows you to stream digital video where the data stream can be either live or stored
A protocol and helper app developed by Apple Computers for use by all operating systems to provide real-time audio and video capabilities QuickTime is freeware available at http: //www apple com
This is a video and animation system developed by Apple Computer It is built into the Macintosh operating system and is used by most Mac applications that include video or animation PCs can also run files in QuickTime format, but they require a special QuickTime driver QuickTime supports most encoding formats, including Cinepak, JPEG, and MPEG
A video format developed by Apple Computer commonly used for files found on the Internet; an alternative to MPEG A special viewer program available for both IBM PC and compatibles and Macintosh computers is required for playback
A common multimedia file format created by Apple Computer Multimedia files found on the Internet are often stored in the QuickTime format - they require a special viewer program for playback
Apple's powerful tool for multimedia streaming and playback The Pro version includes an extensive authoring toolbox QuickTime is equally adept on both Mac and Windows platforms
A standard established by Apple for the integration of digital video, animation and sound The MooV movie file format is used by QuickTime System extensions once were required to view MooV files on the Macintosh They are now incorporated into the system software Drivers are still required to view Quicktime in Windows
Apple's QuickTime supports digital video formats like AVI, AVR, DV and OpenDML, QuickTime 3 features video compressors and decompressors that make streaming video a reality-even with dial-up Internet access at pokey modem speeds
A software multimedia environment developed by Apple Computer, running on the Macintosh or under Windows 3 1 QuickTime enables the creation and playback of QuickTime movies featuring full-motion video, MIDI tracks and 16-bit ADPCM audio
Internet & video An efficiently-compressed digital video format developed by Apple, and a rival to MPEG as the most popular video file format used upon the Internet A virtual reality version of QuickTime is also now available This wraps a number of static images inside a virtual sphere, within which the viewer is "placed" to enjoy near-total freedom of movement within an apparent virtual reality location Providing excellent photo-realism, QuickTime VR is hence a contender in some instances to VRML, although it does not involve the creation of mathematical 3D virtual models
A digital video standard developed by Apple Computer for PC/Windows and Apple computers The QuickTime extension file is inserted into the Apple System Folder, and special viewing applications are required to view QuickTime "movies "
A sound, video, and animation system developed by Apple Computer A QuickTime file can contain up to 32 tracks of audio, video, MIDI or other time-based control information Apple also provides a version of QuickTime for Windows
QuickTime is a file format used for the delivery of video, animation, and sound through a webpage or web site QuickTime files use an excellent compression scheme which makes them ideal for web use Viewing QuickTime files on the web requires the download and installation of the QuickTime plug-in from the Apple Computer web site at www apple com/quicktime - Netscape's Navigator and Communicator web browsers already include this plug-in