q tip

listen to the pronunciation of q tip
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Marka) Pamuklu kulak temizleme çubuğu

Don't push the Q-tip too hard in your ear.

cotton-tipped swab
kulak çöpü
kulak çöpü
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A cotton swab consisting of short, thin, flexible, plastic rods with a swab of cotton wool (UK)/cotton (US) at each end; they are typically used for cleaning the ears
cotton-tipped swab
A trademark used for a cotton-tipped swab. This trademark often occurs in print in the plural and with a lowercase t
a short stick with cotton at each end, used especially for cleaning your ears
q tip

    التركية النطق

    kyu tîp


    /ˈkyo͞o ˈtəp/ /ˈkjuː ˈtɪp/


    ... I think the number one most important tip is really ...
    ... What I do is the same way that Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan worked together some years ...