
listen to the pronunciation of project
الإنجليزية - التركية

Tatoeba Projesi bizim sanal evimizdir. - Tatoeba Project is our virtual home.

Onlar bu projede beraber çalıştılar. - They worked jointly on this project.

{f} yansıtmak
sosyal konutlar

Bay Tom Jones bu yeni iş için proje lideri olarak görev yapmayı kabul etti. - Mr Tom Jones has agreed to serve as the project leader for this new work item.

O ,projeyi iş arkadaşlarıyla birlikte planladı. - He planned the project along with his colleagues.


Okul kulüpleri yaklaşan okul yılı için yapmayı planladıkları kamu hizmeti projelerini açıkça ana hatlarıyla belirtmelidir. - School clubs need to clearly outline the community service projects they plan to do for the upcoming school year.

O ,projeyi iş arkadaşlarıyla birlikte planladı. - He planned the project along with his colleagues.

joba çizmek
çıkıntı oluşturmak
{f} hedefle
kenara doğru çıkmak
{f} tahmin etmek, düşünmek, beklemek
proje çizmek
(Askeri) PROJE: Başarılacak bir iş, imal veya inşa edilecek herhangi bir şey ile ilgili olarak girişilmiş, belirli bir başlangıcı ve belirli bir sonu bulunan planlı teşebbüs
proje,v.hedefle: n.proje
{i} sosyal konutlar, sosyal konutlardan oluşan site
{f} iz düşürmek
{f} projesini hazırlamak
{f} çıkık olmak
{f} from -den dışarı çıkmak, -den dışarı uzanmak. 5
bir düzlem üzerinde
perdede göstermek
(Avcılık) mermi atmak
(İnşaat) proje hazırlamak
planını çizmek
(Askeri) projelendirme
project completion certificate
İş bitirme belgesi
project appraisal
(Ticaret) proje değerlendirmesi
project completion certificate
Proje bitiş sertifikası
project management
tasarı yönetimi
project engineer
joba mühendisi
project review
proje incelemesi
project analysis
Proje analizi
project assessment
proje değerlendirmesi
project based
Proje bazlı
project based learning
(Eğitim) Proje tabanlı öğrenme: K-12 örnekleri. Eğitim sürecinde öğrencilerin gruplarla veya tek başlarına belli bir amaç doğrultusunda birlikte çalışarak bir ürün ortaya çıkarmaları.Derinlemesine araştırma olanağı sağlar
project chartering
Projeyi sözleşmeye bağlama
project company
proje şirketi
project cycle management
(PCM)Proje Döngü Yönetimi
project into
içine doğru büyümek
project management
Proje yönetimi
project management professional
proje yönetimi profesyonel
project manager
proje yürütücüsü
project officer
Proje sorumlusu
project onto a screen
Bir ekran üzerine proje
project paper
proje ödevi
project report
proje raporu
project account
(Askeri) PROJE HESABI: Belirli bir proje için tutulan hesap
project account classification
(Askeri) PROJE HESABI SINIFLANDIRMASI: Fiili ve tasarlanmış masraflarla mevcut fonu, yapılan iş veya gösterilen faaliyetlere göre sınıflandırma sistemi
project account number
(Askeri) PROJE HESABI NUMARASI; PROJE KODU: Bir masrafın hangi proje hesabına ait olduğunu göstermek için kullanılan bir kod numarası
project aid
proje yardımı
project apollo
apollo projesi
project architect
(İnşaat,Teknik) proje mimarı
project completion
proje bitimi
project control
proje denetimi
project credit
(Ticaret) proje kredisi
project department
proje departmanı
project department
(İnşaat) proje bölümü
project equipment
(Askeri) ÖZEL TEÇHİZAT: Bak. "special equipment"
project fetishism
(Politika, Siyaset) projecilik
project financing
(Ticaret) projenin finansmanı
project item
(Bilgisayar) proje öğesi
project manager
(Askeri) PROJE YÖNETİCİSİ; PROJE MANAJERİ: Bir kuvvet komutanlığı dahilinde, belirli bir silah ve teçhizat sistemini temin yolundaki çalışmaların ve bu çalışmalarla ilgili kaynakların bütün planlama, idare ve kontrol hizmetleri üzerinde tam yetkiye sahip bir şahıs. Bu yetki; belirli gayelerin gerçekleştirilmesini sağlayacak dengeli bir programın yürürlükte tutmasını temin maksadıyla araştırma, geliştirme, tedarik, üretim, dağıtım ve lojistik desteğin bütün safhalarını içine alır. Bak. "system manager"
project monitor
(Politika, Siyaset) proje izleyicisi
project objective
proje hedefi
project officer
(Askeri) proje subayı
project officer
(Askeri) PROJE SUBAYI (HV.): Özel bir işin yapılmasıyla ilgili planlanmış bir taahhüt veya görevden sorumlu asker veya sivil bir şahıs. Verilen proje, genel olarak, kısa ömürlüdür ve, normal olarak, teşkilat ve murakabe kanalları içinde yerleşmiş bulunan bir sorumluluk değildir
project path
(Bilgisayar) proje yolu
project payments
(Askeri) proje ödemeleri
project period
proje dönemi
project pipeline
(Ticaret) hazırdaki projeler
project planning
proje planlaması
project requirement
(Askeri) özel görev ihtiyacı
project requirements
(Askeri) ÖZEL GÖREV İHTİYAÇLARI: Bir birliğin kadrosunda gösterilmeyen ve kendisine bir özel görev verilmesi dolayısıyla ortaya çıkan ikmal maddeleri ihtiyacı. Bak. "requirements"
project result
proje sonucu
project s.t. onto
(projeksiyon makinesiyle) bir şeyi -e yansıtmak
project sponsor
(Ticaret) proje sponsoru
project sponsor
(Politika, Siyaset) proje destekçisi
project supervisor
proje süpervizörü
project supervisor
proje yöneticisi
project timing
proje zamanlama
project variations
(İnşaat) tasarım değişiklikleri
project variations
(İnşaat) projem değişiklikleri
project viability
projenin uygulanabilirliği
project volume
projenin hacmi
project web
(Bilgisayar) proje web'i
project wizard
Proje Sihirbazı
preliminary project
ön proje
preliminary project
avan proje
on proje
prefinanced project
provisional project office
(Askeri) geçici proje ofisi
{i} tasarım
{i} tahmin
concept project
avam proje (avan proje)
concept project
avan proje
develop a project
proje geliştirmek
development project
(Askeri,Ticaret) geliştirme projesi
environmental project
çevre projesi
execute a project
projeyi yürütmek
foreign project
yurtdışı proje
investment project
(Turizm) yatırım projesi
pilot project
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öncü proje
pipeline project
boru hattı projesi
(Kanun) hedeflenen
(Dilbilim) bağdaştırma
senior project leader
(Askeri) kıdemli proje lideri
set up a project
proje geliştirmek
settlement project
(Politika, Siyaset) yerleştirme projesi
settlement project
(Politika, Siyaset) iskan projesi
sub project
alt proje
suspend the project
projeyi askıya almak
turnkey project
anahtar teslim proje
twinning project
eşleştirme projesi
urgent requirement project
(Askeri) acil ihtiyaç projesi
irrigation project
sulama projesi
öne sürülen
research project
araştırma jobası
Gutenberg Project
Kitapların internet ortamına aktarılıp, arşivlenmesi ve paylaşılması amacıyla yürütülen proje
a project
bir proje
application project
uygulama proje
development project
kalkınma projesi
director of project
Proje yöneticisi
graduation project
(Eğitim) (Okul) bitirme projesi, mezuniyet projesi
joint project
ortak proje
manager of social project
sosyal proje müdürü
ordered project
emretti proje
pet project
pet proje
{f} hedefle

Okul kulüpleri yaklaşan okul yılı için yapmayı planladıkları kamu hizmeti projelerini açıkça ana hatlarıyla belirtmelidir. - School clubs need to clearly outline the community service projects they plan to do for the upcoming school year.

Onunla projeleriniz hakkında konuştunuz mu? - Did you speak with him about your projects?

research project
araştırma projesi
self financing project
kendi kendini finanse eden proje
senior project
üst düzey proje
social project
sosyal proje
social service project
sosyal hizmet projesi
sponsor, the sponsor of the project
sponsor, projenin sponsoru
system project control
sistem proje kontrolü
Japanese facilities improvement project
(Askeri) Japon tesislerini geliştirme projesi
Joint Cruise Missile Project Office
(Askeri) Müşterek Kruz Füzesi Projesi Ofisi
alternative product project
(Tarım) alternatif ürün projesi
armed forces special weapons project
cancel the project
projeyi durdurmak
carry out a project
proje gerçekleştirmek
carry out a project
proje yürütmek
coastal resort project
(Askeri) kıyısal mesire yeri projesi
combined defense improvement project
(Askeri) müşterek savunma geliştirme projesi
completed project
tamamlanmış proje
contingent project
(Ticaret) koşullu proje
contingent project
(Ticaret) bağlı proje
corporate project
(Ticaret) kurumsal proje
data project directive
(Askeri) BİLGİ SİSTEMİ PROJE TEKLİFİ: Bir sistem geliştirme projesi (system development project) 'nin kabulü iznini veren ve otomatikleştirilmiş bir bilgi sisteminin geliştirilmesi (veya mevcut sistem üzerindeki tadilat) ile ilgili özel talimatı ihtiva eden Amerikan Hava Kuvvetleri Karargahı yazılı talimatı
development project
(Askeri) GELİŞTİRME PROJESİ (HV.): Aşağıdaki maksatların temini için girişilmiş bir teşebbüs. (a) Bir tali sistem, komple parça, yardımcı aksam, ek parça, ana malzeme (veya bunun esas ana parçası) veya malzemeyi geliştirmek •, (b) Birbiriyle ilgili bir ana parça ailesi geliştirmek veya; (c) Bilimsel haber araştırmasında verimli bir bilgi sahası keşfetmek. $ir geliştirme projesi, araştırma ve geliştirme çalışmalarının ayrıca ve bariz bir unsuru olup, M. S. B. lığının bütün seviyelerinde dikkatle eleştirmeyi gerektiren bir önem taşımaktadır
draft project
taslak proje
eastern anatolian project
doğu anadolu projesi
eastern black sea project
doğu karadeniz projesi
feasibility project
fizibilite projesi
hour by project
(Bilgisayar) projelere göre saatler
housing project
sosyal konutlar
individual project
münferit proje
large project
büyük proje
launch a project
proje başlatmak
launch the project
projeyi başlatmak
lifecycle of a project
(Eğitim) proje süreci
major project
esas proje
major project
ana proje
major project
büyük proje
mechanical project
mekanik proje
microsoft project
(Bilgisayar) microsoft project
microsoft project 2000
microsoft project 2000
microsoft project files
(Bilgisayar) microsoft project dosyaları
military project
askeri proje
minor work project
(Askeri) dar kapsamlı iş projeleri
modern project management
(Ticaret) modern proje yönetimi
multipurpose project
çokamaçlı proje
operational project stock; operations
(Askeri) harekat proje stoğu; harekat
overall objectives of project
(Politika, Siyaset) projenin genel hedefleri
pilot project
deneme projesi
öne sürülen,v.hedefle: adj.hedeflenen
map projection harita çizme usulü
{i} yansıtma
(Tıp) Duyu organları ile alınan izlenimleri kaynalarına kadar takip etme çabası
{i} fırlatma
fırlak yer
(Tıp) Bir organın, gövdenin dış yüzüne düşürülen gölgesinin bu yüzeyde işgal edeceği alan, izdüşüm
haritada kullanılan izdüşüm sistemi
projection booth gösterim odacığı
{i} planlama
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A projectile
To present (oneself), to convey a certian impression, usually in a good way

It is difficult to gauge the exact point at which women stop trying to fool men and really begin to deceive themselves, but an objective analyst cannot escape the conclusion (1) that partly from a natural device inherent in the species, women deliberately project upon actual or potential suitors an impression of themselves that is not an accurate picture of their total nature, and (2) that few women ever are privileged to see themselves as they really are.

A projection
To extend (a protrusion or appendage) outward
To make plans for; to forecast

The CEO is projecting the completion of the acquisition by April 2007.

A planned endeavor, usually with a specific goal and accomplished in several steps or stages
To extend beyond a surface
To cast (an image or shadow) upon a surface
An urban low-income housing building
{v} to jut out, throw out, plan, contrive
{n} a scheme, plan, contrivance, design
project on a screen; "The images are projected onto the screen"
- Generally used to describe a plan of activity which is shorter than a program Projects also tend to have a beginning and an end, whereas a program can refer to an ongoing plan of action without a defined end
An intervention that consists of a set of planned, interrelated activities designed to achieve defined objectives within a given budget and a specified period of time
transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another
{f} plan, scheme; send, dispatch; throw, cast; screen (a film); stick out, overhang; present, relate (an image, idea, etc.); protrude
draw a projection of
{i} plan, scheme, program; task, assignment, activity
A planned scholarly activity Sponsored projects are funded from a source outside the University
To cast forward or revolve in the mind; to contrive; to devise; to scheme; as, to project a plan
If something projects, it sticks out above or beyond a surface or edge. the remains of a war-time defence which projected out from the shore. a piece of projecting metal. see also housing project. Human Genome Project Manhattan Project Ozma Project Public Works of Art Project Three Gorges Dam Project WPA Federal Art Project
A project is a task that requires a lot of time and effort. Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam Besides film and record projects, I have continued to work in the theater
If something is projected, it is planned or expected. Africa's mid-1993 population is projected to more than double by 2025 The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year. a projected deficit of $1.5 million
In the Apache Software Foundation, the term 'project' typically refers to a community focussed on one or more codebases, overseen by a PMC
A project is a detailed study of a subject by a pupil or student. Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace
transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another throw, send, or cast forward; "project a missile"
a planned undertaking
A project, as used in relationship to General Systems, is an idea or concept that posses (or will posses) a product or service that will be ultimately be sold to an end user, and involves the process of people or businesses working together to develop the idea or concept into a viable business opportunity
a planned undertaking present for consideration regard as objective communicate vividly; "He projected his feelings"
CEQA (§21065) defines a "project" as an activity which may cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and which is any of the following
"The concept of 'project' means different things to different users, or reflects different frames of reference In finance and budgeting terms it is an investment with a specified economic return In economic analysis a project is a potential income generating activity In management terms the project notion often connotes a particular organisational unit "
Any action or activity requiring the design, construction and operation of structures or equipment Projects are usually defined with a specific name, function and description Under the CEAA, a "project" means (s 2(1)): "(a) in relation to a physical work, any proposed construction, operation, modification, decommissioning, abandonment or other undertaking in relation to that physical work, or (b) any proposed physical activity not relating to a physical work that is prescribed or is within a class of physical activities that is prescribed pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 59 (b) "
To shoot forward; to extend beyond something else; to be prominent; to jut; as, the cornice projects; branches project from the tree
That which is projected or designed; something intended or devised; a scheme; a design; a plan
The place from which a thing projects, or starts forth
A Project is a saved work session or series of sessions used to organize the tasks that must be accomplished in order to get items into the collection database
A project is the file in which your ArcView work is stored A project typically contains all the view, tables, charts, layouts and scripts that you use for a particular ArcView application These are the components of a project Project files have an apr extension
imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind; "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"
If you project someone or something in a particular way, you try to make people see them in that way. If you project a particular feeling or quality, you show it in your behaviour. Bradley projects a natural warmth and sincerity He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city The initial image projected was of a caring, effective president
draw a projection of project on a screen; "The images are projected onto the screen"
A Capital Programs Management Group activity relating to the physical needs (excluding general maintenance and repair) of the campus and campus facilities
communicate vividly; "He projected his feelings"
See Projection, 4
throw, send, or cast forward; "project a missile"
a planned undertaking present for consideration regard as objective communicate vividly; "He projected his feelings" transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another throw, send, or cast forward; "project a missile" put or send forth; "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light" draw a projection of project on a screen; "The images are projected onto the screen" cause to be heard; "His voice projects well
a query in which only some of the attributes in the source relation appear in the output
To draw or exhibit, as the form of anything; to delineate; as, to project a sphere, a map, an ellipse, and the like; sometimes with on, upon, into, etc
extend out or project in space; "His sharp nose jutted out"; "A single rock sticks out from the cliff"
cause to be heard; "His voice projects well"
A management tool used by the Agency prior to 1995 A project defines and documents objectives, purposes, outputs and inputs of a given program As currently used, the term is equivalent to activity Prior to 1995, term "project" was used as a term to refer to a specific grouping of activities that had been planned, reviewed and approved following the project-based programming system that existed In 1995, the Agency shifted to a results-based programming system, consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act
as, to project a line or point upon a plane
An extended, in-depth investigation of a topic, ideally one worthy of children's attention and energy Projects involve children in conducting research on phenomena and events worth learning about in their own environments
If you project a film or picture onto a screen or wall, you make it appear there. The team tried projecting the maps with two different projectors onto the same screen
FootPrints stores and tracks information in projects A project is a single database, which can have its own custom fields, options and users There is no limit to the number of projects that you can create in FootPrints You may choose to keep all of your data in a single project, or you can create multiple projects For example, one project can be used for helpdesk, while a second one is used for internal bug tracking
To throw or cast forward; to shoot forth
To form a project; to scheme
Generally, an organized set of activities more narrowly directed toward a common purpose or goal than a program that an agency undertakes or proposes to carry out its responsibilities The name associated with activities occurring at Level 4 in RaDiUS (RAND, 1997)
A related set of activities and milestones with a preset goal and timeframe that is designed as a specific event and not an ongoing process
A planned undertaking or organized set of services designed to achieve specific outcomes that begin and end within the grant period (Note: a successful project could become an ongoing program of your organization )
A structure to complete a specific defined deliverable or set of deliverables A project has a specific begin date and end date, specific objectives and specific resources assigned to perform the work A project manager has overall responsibility and authority over a project When the objectives are met, the project is considered complete See 1 0 1 What is a Project? for more information
Under CEQA, a project is the whole of an action which has the potential to result in significant environmental change in the environment, directly or ultimately (See CEQA Guidelines Section 15378)
cause to be heard; "His voice projects well
An idle scheme; an impracticable design; as, a man given to projects
a complex assignment requiring broad competencies, usually interdisciplinary, and significant student initiative Can be comprised of performance, competition, collaborative activities Contrasted with activities that require less planning, decision-making Often used as both part of curriculum and as a basis for formal or informal performance assessment in lieu of a test
put or send forth; "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light"
make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack"
Cost - The process of estimating budget requirements <04 04 01 02 01> Determine Benefit - The process of identifying the benefits of each recommended solution <04 04 01 02 02> Determine Physical Spatial Implications - The process of analyzing the physical presence of a proposed facility addition or change within its surrounding environment <04 04 01 02 03> Analyze Operational Impact - The process of determining the effect a new or changed facility will have on the use of surrounding facilities <04 04 01 02 04> Measure Predicted Impact - The process of assigning and weighing quantitative values assigned to impact data <04 04 01 02 05>
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted; "he prepared for great undertakings"
If you project feelings or ideas on to other people, you imagine that they have the same ideas or feelings as you. He projects his own thoughts and ideas onto her
regard as objective
project engineer
An engineer who designs and coordinates engineering aspects of a building project
project evaluation and review technique
Alternative name of program evaluation and review technique
project evaluation review technique
Alternative name of program evaluation and review technique
project manage
to carry out project management
project management
The discipline of organizing and managing resources (e.g. people) in such a way that a project is completed within defined scope, quality, time and cost constraints
project manager
one who project manages
Project Management
The process of planning, monitoring, and controlling the course and development of a particular undertaking
Project Management Professional
Project Management Professional (PMP) is a globally recognized certification in project management. It is managed by the Project Management Institute and is based on the PMP Examination Specification published by PMI in 2005. Most exam questions reference to PMIs ANSI standard A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, abbreviated to PMBOK Guide
project artifact
A Project Artifact is a term used in Project Management to refer to a document, database, or illustration describing the project itself. Examples of Project Artifacts are: Project Schedule, Risk Management Plan, Communication Plan, Customer IO Database, Concept Drawings, Contract, Meeting Minutes. These artifacts are not only useful for the current project as a means of documenting it, but also for future projects to be used as guidelines and models
project crashing
(İdari Yönetim) Shortening the duration of A project
Project Manager
{i} (Business) person in charge of planning and managing any project and see to its successful execution
Project Ozma
Attempt in 1960 to detect radio signals generated by hypothetical intelligent beings from planets of other stars. Frank D. Drake born 1930 , director of the search, named the project for the princess of L. Frank Baum's imaginary Oz. The search used a special receiver attached to a radio telescope at the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, W.V. Some 150 hours of occasional observation over four months detected no recognizable signals. See also Drake equation, SETI
Project Quick Speak
psychological operations mission launched by the United States during the Vietnam War (recordings in favor of the South Vietnamese government were broadcast and leaflets were distributed)
project calendar
(Ticaret) The definition of working and non-working days available for project tasks and activities
project costing
(Ticaret) The identification and reporting of all costs generated by a single project. All production orders, purchase orders and inventoried items are separated and pegged to the project in order to provide a total actual cost. A method often used in capital equipment manufacturing and systems integration or professional services projects
project funding
money set aside to support a project
project leader
A designated individual who manages the day-to-day activities of a project team
project leader
A term used to describe the person who is responsible for the monthly project taught at the regular meeting It is also used to describe the person leading a study group or a Group Correspondence Course
project leader
The person with primary responsibility for insuring a project fulfills the purpose set out in a Project Guide, including its associated Project Plan and Project Component Plans Typically reports to a DU Services Unit Leader
project leader
The technical expert role that drives the detailed implementation of a specific aspect of the project, and is directly responsible for all project deliverables A large project may have multiple project leaders reporting to the same project manager
project leader
Responsible for project estimation, planning, oversight Provides direction at a technical level
project leader
(Chef de projet) - This is the person appointed by the sponsoring department to be accountable for all external and internal aspects of a capital project
project management
tracking and supervision of the tasks which must be done in order to complete a project (especially the production of a system)
project management
(Ticaret) The methods and disciplines used to define goals, plan and monitor tasks and resources, identify and resolve issues, and control costs and budgets for a specific project
project management program
program which tracks tasks which must be done in order to complete a project
project manager
A member of the design team responsible for oversight of the entire design process His or her duties involve scheduling meetings, establishing contracts, resolving disputes, and insuring that all documents are completed on time
project manager
(Gestionnaire de projet) - This is a person formally appointed to manage a project with specific accountability for achieving defined project objectives within allocated resources A project manager has access to, and a formally defined relationship with, the project leader to which the specific project has been assigned
project manager
An individual responsible for co-ordinating the project on site
project manager
The DFD Project Manager is responsible for monitoring the program, budget, and schedule approved by the State Building Commission The Project Manager works with and is supported by DFD's in-house expertise in architecture, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil engineering, asbestos abatement, budget analysis, specifications and contract preparation
project manager
The individual responsible for managing a project This person would plan and organize activities required to develop deliverables requested by clients
project manager
An individual charged, on behalf of the Project Steering Committee, with the responsibility for design development and procurement of the system/equipment and for the design, development and procurement of the integrated logistic support
project manager
Ecology management assigns a project manager to each grant project The project manager provides technical assistance, helps negotiate the grant agreement with the recipient, and manages the communications and administration of the grant agreement
project manager
A representative of a/the project owner(s) responsible for the management of construction activities
project manager
Individual responsible for setting up base and translation projects
project manager
A systems analyst with a diverse set of skills--management, leadership, technical, conflict management, and customer relationship--who is responsible for initiating, planning, executing, and closing down a project (62)
project manager
The conductor of an orchestra in which every musician is in a different union
project manager
A supervisor or manager who plans and manages the execution of one or more of the City's projects
project manager
or project coordinator The person who serves as the service representative and day-to-day contact for a client This person facilitates communication between the client and the production company and helps speed the timely exchange of materials and information between the two
project manager
Defines the scope of the project and develops the project plan Creates project team and infrastructure (committees, work groups, etc ), submits project to IJOG for consultation, obtains approval and resource allocation from Project Sponsor Maintains on-going relationships with those impacted by the project and with customer groups Tracks and reports progress using status report form
project manager
The individual responsible for managing a project
project manager
The administrative role that has responsibility for project implementation The project manager ensures that all features of the system are delivered on time, within-budget, and with appropriate resources Project managers may have multiple projects
project manager
The Project Manager is the individual responsible for the day-to-day management of the project
project manager
the primary leader for a project, with specific programmatic, personnel, discipline, technical, and institutional responsibilities
project manager
Responsible for day-to-day coordination of agency activities and client contact for interactive accounts Manages projects in compliance with plans and strategy briefs in relation to one or multiple, small or highly complex projects Responsible directly for scheduling, tracking, risk analysis, cost management, variances, change management, evaluating, and controlling projects
project manager
The person or firm appointed by the Client responsible for the planning, co-ordination and controlling of a project from inception to completion, meeting the client's requirements and ensuring completion on time, within cost and to required quality standards
project manager
The individual responsible for managing the project
project manager
Individual responsible for the day-to-day progress of the entire project development and implementation This may be the same person as the owner's representative Either the project manager or the owner's representative may be an employee of the client or a consulting firm which has contracted with the client to provide such services
project manager
A person responsible for one or more systems development projects Project managers typically supervise teams of workers who together must accomplish a specific goal
project team
(Ticaret) The dedicated or part-time resources assigned to a project, which include the project leader, functional team leaders, functional team members, technical and consulting support. Ad hoc team members are brought in on a temporary basis to solve specific issues
Human Genome Project
an organized international scientific endeavour to determine the complete structure of human genetic material (DNA), identify all the genes, and to understand their function
pet project
A project, activity or goal pursued as a personal favorite, rather than because it is generally accepted as necessary or important

Don't bother him about his pet project. You'll never tear him away from it.

pilot project
An initial prototype where minor and major glitches have not been addressed
Able to form a projection
Able to be projected
A transformation of one thing into something else, e.g. applications of functions
An image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions
Any of several systems of intersecting lines that allow the curved surface of the earth to be represented on a flat surface. The set of mathematics used to calculate coordinate positions
The image that a translucent object casts onto another object
The action of projecting or throwing or propelling something
The display of an image by devices such as movie projector, video projector, overhead projector or slide projector
A belief or assumption that others have similar thoughts and experiences as oneself
a prominence
{n} the act of shooting forward, a plan
senior project
Senior Project is an educational program designed to challenge high school or college seniors in the United States. It was conceived in Medford, Oregon, in 1985 and has since spread across the country
Human Genome Project
an international scientific project that started in 1988. Its aim was to find and describe every gene in every chromosome in the human body, and to find out what each gene's purpose is, especially in order to discover which ones cause particular diseases. U.S. research effort initiated in 1990 by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health to analyze the DNA of human beings. The project, intended to be completed in 15 years, proposed to identify the chromosomal location of every human gene, to determine each gene's precise chemical structure in order to show its function in health and disease, and to determine the precise sequence of nucleotides of the entire set of genes (the genome). Another project was to address the ethical, legal, and social implications of the information obtained. The information gathered will be the basic reference for research in human biology and will provide fundamental insights into the genetic basis of human disease. The new technologies developed in the course of the project will be applicable in numerous biomedical fields. In 2000 the government and the private corporation Celera Genomics jointly announced that the project had been virtually completed, five years ahead of schedule
Human Genome Project
international research effort to identify sequence and map all genes in human DNA (began in 1990 and is expected to be completed in 2003)
Lavi project
national project to manufacture a sophisticated Israeli airplane, project that aroused much controversy and was finally canceled (1987)
Manhattan Project
the secret US scientific plan, which was started in 1942, to develop an atom bomb Los Alamos. (1942-45) U.S. government research project that produced the first atomic bomb. In 1939 U.S. scientists urged Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt to establish a program to study the potential military use of fission, and $6,000 was appropriated. By 1942 the project was code-named Manhattan, after the site of Columbia University, where much of the early research was done. Research also was carried out at the University of California and the University of Chicago. In 1943 a laboratory to construct the bomb was established at Los Alamos, N.M., and staffed by scientists headed by J. Robert Oppenheimer. Production also was carried out at Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Hanford, Wash. The first bomb was exploded in a test at Alamogordo air base in southern New Mexico. By its end the project had cost some $2 billion and had involved 125,000 people
Manhattan Project
code name for the project to develop the first atomic bomb (during the 1940s)
Open Directory Project
- The Open Directory Project a non-commercial, user-produced and user-edited directory with over 342,603 categories Currently, this directory links to over 2 million Web pages Approximately 35,000 volunteer editors, who are knowledgeable about a particular subject matter and committed to making information on the Web easily accessible to all people, assembled these links The Open Directory Project's indexing system is used by over 200 Web sites, including such major sites as: AltaVista, Google, Infoseek, Lycos, Netscape, and Yahoo
Open Directory Project
A directory project run by thousands of volunteer editors In principal, this is a very exciting and powerful way to organise the web In practice, there have been some problems with the behaviour of some of the editors, which has caused some initial difficulty for the organisers Initially known as NewHoo, the project is now part of Netscape (and therefore of AOL) See http: //directory mozilla org
Open Directory Project
A directory project run by thousands of volunteer editors In principal, this is a very exciting and powerful way to organize the web In practice, there have been some problems with the behavior of some of the editors, which has caused some initial difficulty for the organizers Initially known as NewHoo, the project is now part of Netscape (and therefore of AOL) See http: //directory mozilla org
Public Works of Art Project
First of the U.S. federal art programs conceived as part of the New Deal during the Great Depression. Organized in 1933, it provided work to thousands of unemployed artists. PWAP projects (many of which were left unfinished) included some 7,000 easel paintings and watercolours, 1,400 murals and sculptures, 2,500 works of graphic art, and numerous other works designated to embellish nonfederal public buildings and parks. Prominent works include the murals in San Francisco's Coit Memorial Tower, Grant Wood's mural at Iowa State College, and Ben Shahn's mural designs on the theme of Prohibition. Many projects left incomplete when the PWAP ended in 1934 were finished under the WPA Federal Art Project
Third Generation Partnership Project
{i} 3GPP, cooperation agreement founded and made official in December 1998 between telecommunications associations (ARIB {Japan}, ETSI {Europe}, CCSA {China}, ATIS {North America} and TTA {South Korea})
Three Gorges Dam Project
Dam designed to span China's Yangtze River (Chang Jiang). On completion, scheduled for 2009, it would be the largest dam in the world, producing a vast quantity of hydroelectricity from 26 generators. It would also create an immense deepwater reservoir that would allow 10,000-ton freighters to navigate 1,400 mi (2,250 km) inland from the East China Sea. The extremely controversial project would require displacement of more than a million people and destruction of magnificent scenery and archaeological sites. Critics also fear potential pollution and silting of the reservoir and the possibility of the dam's collapse. Though construction began in 1993, a third of the National People's Congress either abstained or opposed it, and the World Bank would not advance funds, citing environmental and other concerns. Critics have contended that smaller dams on Yangtze tributaries could accomplish the same purpose with fewer risks
WPA Federal Art Project
Extensive visual-arts project, part of the Works Progress Administration established by Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression. It employed artists with a wide range of experience and styles and had great influence on subsequent U.S. movements. At its peak in 1936, it provided work for more than 5,000 artists from relief rolls. Over the eight years of its existence, its employees produced 2,566 murals, more than 100,000 easel paintings, about 17,700 sculptures, and nearly 300,000 fine prints. The project also developed an audience by establishing more than 100 community art centres and galleries in regions where art was generally unknown. The total federal investment was about $35 million. It was the first major attempt at U.S. government patronage of the visual arts
benefit project
project which is designed to help someone or something
carried out a project
execute a plan, complete a task
classroom project
a school task requiring considerable effort
demonstration project
Uses specified in water quality standards for each water body or segment, whether or not they are being attained
demonstration project
Funds provided for specific projects through grants identified by ISTEA or through congressional allocation of funds
demonstration project
One form of an action plan, where groups are brought together through partnership arrangements to implement priority projects
demonstration project
(80% Federal; 20% State)
demonstration project
An experiment to test new and different personnel management concepts to determine whether such changes in personnel policy or procedures would result in improved Federal personnel management Use the Back button on your browser to return to your previous screen
demonstration project
A field research project designed to provide preliminary estimates of a resource condition for a single indicator over a standard Federal region for one or more resource classes Separate demonstration projects are defined for each indicator of condition; in a demonstration project, quality data objectives are stated for preliminary statistical estimates (See related: demonstration field program, implementation field program, pilot field program, pilot project )
development project
plan for building a group of houses or apartment buildings
educational films project
production of educational films for the education system
housing project
A housing project is a group of homes for poorer families which is funded and controlled by the local government. A publicly funded and administered housing development, usually for low-income families. a group of houses or apartments, usually built with government money, for poor families
housing project
a housing development that is publicly funded and administered for low-income families
human genome project
an international study of the entire human genetic material
joint project
enterprise or venture undertaken in collaboration, joint undertaking
major project
large project, important project
manhattan project
code name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II a former United States executive agency that was responsible for developing atomic bombs during World War II
pilot project
activity planned as a test or trial; "they funded a pilot project in six states
past of project
extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary; "the jutting limb of a tree"; "massive projected buttresses"; "his protruding ribs"; "a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck"
{s} planned, programmed, scheduled
planned for the future; "the first volume of a proposed series
planned for the future; "the first volume of a proposed series"
Giving an outward appearance, in order to avoid a direct connection or to disguise or inflate the real essence
{s} protruding, sticking out, bulging
present participle of project
Sticking out
extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary; "the jutting limb of a tree"; "massive projected buttresses"; "his protruding ribs"; "a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck"
something like a shadow, that an object casts onto another object
a forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation
A model of the Earths surface for mapping (usually in 2 dimensions)
A mathematical model to convert the three-dimensional surface of the Earth to a two-dimensional map
a defense mechanism, operating unconsciously, in which what is emotionally unacceptable in the self is unconsciously rejected and attributed (projected) to others projective tests diagnostic tests in which the test taker "projects" some aspect of his or her personality in response to the presentation of ambiguous test materials
A mathematical model that transforms the locations of features on the Earth's surface to locations on a two-dimensional surface (Term added 1993 )
In cartography, the method of distorting the curved shape of the earth onto the flat surface of a map Affects how one measures distance and bearings Canadian topographic maps use Transverse Mercator projection Lambert Conformal is another commonly used projection Do not confuse with datum
Representation of the earth's surface drawn over lines of latitude and longitude on a flat grid
Any method of representing the surface of the earth upon a plane
When referring to musical instruments, projection is used to describe the carrying power of its tone and the ability to be heard clearly in ensemble Back
an assumption that others have similar thoughts as oneself
A method used to flatten a 3-D object (the earth in this case) so that it can be viewed in two dimensions See also our description of projections used by the satellite station
A map or a geospatial database is a flat representation of data located on a curved surface A projection is a device for producing all or part of a round body on a flat sheet This projection cannot be done without distortion, so the cartographer must choose which characteristic (distance, direction, scale, area, or shape) that is to be emphasized at the expense of the other characteristics (Snyder, 1982) All spatial data in the program are represented in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system that is based on the transverse mercator projection applied between 84 degrees north and 80 degrees south latitude
In Psychoanalytic Theory, the defense mechanism whereby we transfer or project our feelings about one person onto another Projective Techniques A generic term for the psychological procedures used to measure personality which rely on ambiguous stimuli
The act of throwing or shooting forward
The use of econometric models to forecast the future performance of a company, country, or other financial entity using historical and current information
a planned undertaking
The psychological mechanism by which a person tries to escape from the conciousness of his problems by projecting his own characteristics and qualities onto others Anxiousness and alienation results Only interiorization stops the process of projection
A projection is an estimate of a future amount. the company's projection of 11 million visitors for the first year. sales projections. = forecast, estimate
average of density along the line of sight and represented by a view vector and rotation angle around that vector (see view)
the fundamental law of mind: projection makes perception -- what we see inwardly determines what we see outside our minds w-m: reinforces guilt by displacing it onto someone else, attacking it there and denying its presence in ourselves; an attempt to shift responsibility for separation from ourselves to others r-m: the principle of extension, undoing guilt by allowing the forgiveness of the Holy Spirit to be extended (projected) through us
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else any solid convex shape that juts out from something
The projection of a film or picture is the act of projecting it onto a screen or wall
The representation of something; delineation; plan; especially, the representation of any object on a perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon the plane, each in the direction of a line drawn through it from a given point of sight, or central point; as, the projection of a sphere
In relation to a time series, an estimate of future values based on a current trend
The several kinds of projection differ according to the assumed point of sight and plane of projection in each
Method describing how the texture is wrapped around the object
transformations of one thing into something else, e.g. applications of functions
The act of scheming or planning; also, that which is planned; contrivance; design; plan
the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction
any structure that branches out from a central support
any solid convex shape that juts out from something
A projection is a potential future evolution of a quantity or set of quantities, often computed with the aid of a model Projections are distinguished from predictions in order to emphasise that projections involve assumptions concerning, e g , future socio-economic and technological developments that may or may not be realised, and are therefore subject to substantial uncertainty See also Climate projection; Climate prediction
the act of projecting out from something
A method of mapping three-dimensional objects into two dimensions
The method by which the curved surface of the globe is represented on a flat sheet of paper There are dozens of different projections for different purposes
something which projects, protrudes, juts out, sticks out, or stands out
a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations
A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building; an extension beyond something else
a kind of unconscious identification with the object (participation mystique) All projections cause counter-projections; that and being spellbound into living out the projection are very close to M Klein's "projective identification " There are personal and collective projections National or global crises feed collective projections
any structure that branches out from a central support the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations the projection of an image from a film onto a screen the acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating quality; "our ukuleles have been designed to have superior sound and projection"; "a prime ingredient of public speaking is projection of the voice"
the acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating quality; "our ukuleles have been designed to have superior sound and projection"; "a prime ingredient of public speaking is projection of the voice"
the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting
The distance between the tip of the nose and the facial plane ( For people who can't exactly understand this concept, think of Pinocchio Each time he lied, his nasal tip projection increased!) See associated term rotation
the projection of an image from a film onto a screen
Powder of projection, or the “Philosopher's Stone ” A powder supposed to have the virtue of changing baser metals into gold or silver A little of this powder, being cast into molten metal of the baser sort, was to project from it pure gold or silver Education may be called the true “powder of projection ”
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