
listen to the pronunciation of programme
الإنجليزية - التركية

Favori TV programın nedir? - What's your favourite TV programme?

Bilgisayar programcıları her gün noktalı virgül kullanmalarına rağmen, bugünlerde birçok insan noktalı virgülleri sadece duyguları göstermek için kullanmaktadır. - Even though computer programmers may use semicolons every day, nowadays most people only use semicolons for emoticons.

program,v.programla: n.program
(Oyunculuk) Radyo ya da televizyon gösterisi

Some of them were carrying drinks and snack while others were reading programme in order to find out more about the play.

i., f., İng., bak. program 1
{i} yazılım
{f} programlamak
{i} plan
{i} yapım
{f} planlamak

Program, programcılar tarafından programlandı. - The program was programmed by programmers.

Kendinizi ve ailenizi televizyonun ters etkilerinden korumanın yolu, izlediğiniz programlar için daha seçici olmaktır. - The way to protect yourself and your family from being adversely affected by television is to be more selective of the programmes you watch.

{i} gösteri
{f} programlamak

Onu programlamak birkaç saatimi aldı. - It took me several hours to program it.

Bana göre, bilgisayar programlamak ilginç bir çabadır. - To me, computer programming is an interesting endeavor.

programme management
(Askeri) program yönetimi
programme manager
(Askeri) program yöneticisi
programme officer
(Politika, Siyaset) program görevlisi
programme architecture
program mimarisi
programme guide
yayın akışı
programme aircraft
(Askeri) programa dahil hava aracı
programme analysis
(Askeri) program tahlili
programme area
(Politika, Siyaset) program alanı
programme change proposal
(Askeri) program değişiklik teklifi
programme controller
program ayarlayıcısı
programme controller
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program kontrolörü
programme credit
(Ticaret) program kredisi
programme element monitor
(Askeri) program unsuru nezaretçisi
programme evaluation
(Dilbilim) program değerlendirmesi
programme evaluation
(Dilbilim) izlence değerlendirmesi
programme factor
(Askeri) program faktörü
programme guidance
(Askeri) program hazırlama kılavuzu
programme makers
(Politika, Siyaset) program hazırlayıcılar
programme review and analysis
(Askeri) program inceleme ve analizi
programme schedule
(Politika, Siyaset) program çizelgesi
programme section
(Askeri) program kısmı
pre-sentence programme
(Kanun) Hüküm öncesi program
prelearning programme
preventive law programme
(Askeri) önleyici hukuk programı

Program, programcılar tarafından programlandı. - The program was programmed by programmers.

O bir bilgisayar programcısıdır. - She is a computer programmer.

Programlanmış bir biçimde

Ben yazılım uzmanıyım. - I'm an expert at programming.

Dün bilgisayarıma yeni bir yazılım yükledim. - I installed a new software program yesterday on my computer.

audit programme
(Ticaret) denetim programı
diagnostic programme
(Bilgisayar) tanılayıcı program
linear programme
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal programlama
programa bağlamak
(Bilgisayar) program yapmak
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) izlence
senior programme officer
(Ticaret) kıdemli program yöneticisi
specific programme
(Politika, Siyaset) özel program
utility programme
(Askeri) destek programı
austerity programme
tasarruf bağdarlaması
colour programme
renkli program
development programme
kalkınma bağdarlaması
live programme
naklen bağdarlama
live programme
canlı program
loading programme
yükleme bağdarlaması
loading programme
yükleme programı
(bkz.) programme
(bilgisayar) bağdarlamalamak
bilgisayar bağdarlaması
{f} programla

Televizyonda haber programlarını severim. - I like news programs on TV.

Tom JavaScript programlamada iyileşti. - Tom got good at programming in JavaScript.

bilgisayar bağdarlamacısı
quiz programme
bilgi yarışması
research programme
araştırma bağdarlaması
agricultural business support programme
tarımsal ticareti destekleme programı
daily programme
Günlük program
diagnostic programme
tanılama programı
documentary programme
Belgesel program
exchange programme
değişim programı
news programme
(Televizyon) Haber programı, haberler
packed programme
paket program
postgraduate programme
Lisansüstü programı
çalışma yönergesi
read the programme
Program ilk
sports programme
Spor programı
United Nations development programme
(Askeri) BM kalkınma programı
World Food Programme (UN)
(Askeri) Dünya Gıda Programı
accident prevention programme
(Askeri) kazaları önleme programı
adaptive programme
(Askeri) intibak programı
adjustment programme
(Ticaret) uyumlaştırma programı
adjustment programme
(Ticaret) uyum programı
amounts devoted to carrying out the programme
(Avrupa Birliği) programların gerçekleştirilebilmesi için tahsis edilen meblağ
biotechnology action programme
biyoteknoloji eylem programı
completed programme
tamamlanmış program
concreting programme
betonlama programı
convergence programme
(Politika, Siyaset) yakınlaşma programı
crime prevention programme
(Askeri) suç önleme programı
daily training programme
(Askeri) günlük eğitim programı
deep-sea drilling programme
derin-deniz sondaj programı
diagnostic programme
tanilayici program
election programme
(Politika, Siyaset) seçim programı
exercise programme
(Askeri) tatbikat programı
experimental programme
deneysel program
experimental programme
(Politika, Siyaset) deneme programı
immersion programme
(Dilbilim) yabancı dilde eğitim
monitoring programme
izleme proğramı
movement programme
(Askeri) hareket ve intikal programı
multi annual programme for enterprise and entrepreneurship
(Avrupa Birliği) İşletmeler Çok Yıllı Programı
offering programme
arz programı
partnership work programme
(Askeri) ortaklık çalışma programı
personnel security programme
(Askeri) personel güvenlik programı
(Askeri) PROGRAMLAMAK: Bir problemin halli için gerekli usulleri planlamak. Bu planlama, diğer işler meyanında, problemin tahlili, bir gidiş diyagramı hazırlanması, teferruatın hazırlanıp teste tabi tutulması ve alt rutinlerin bulunması, biriktirme yerlerinin tahsisi, giriş ve çıkış bilgilerinin belirtilmesi ve bir kompüter işlemesinin (computer run) tam bir bilgi işlem sistemine dahil edilmesi gibi hususları gerektirebilir
{i} gösteri

Bir teknik sorun nedeniyle, ilan edilen programın yerine bir film gösterildi. - Because of some technical problem, a movie was shown in place of the announced program.

i., bilg. program. f. bilg. programlamak
{i} plan
programme i
{i} yapım
(Tekstil) (me) program

Hem Adobe'nin hem de Apple'ın üst seviye düzenleme programları var. - Adobe and Apple both have top-notch video editing programs.

Teleton tıbbi araştırmaları finanse etmek amacıyla para toplamak için her yıl düzenlenen bir Fransız televizyon programıdır. - The telethon is a French TV program organized every year to collect funds in order to finance medical research.

düzenle- program music olaylar sırasına veya bir sahne serisine göre düzenlenmiş müzik
{f} planlamak
i., İng., bilg., bak. programer
(Askeri) PROGRAMCI (HV.): Problem çözme usullerini ve gidiş şemalarını hazırlayan, ayrıca kompüter rutinlerini yazmak ve ayıklamak görevi de verilebilen bir şahıs
quality assurance programme
(Nükleer Bilimler) kalite güvencesi programı
quality programme
(Nükleer Bilimler) kalite programı
research programme
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) araştırma programı (lakatos)
research programme
araştırma programı
reserved circuits programme
(Askeri) yedek devre programı
revision to programme
(Askeri) programda revizyon
sector operational programme
(Ticaret) sektör eylemsel programı
sixth framework programme
(Politika, Siyaset) altıncı çerçeve programı
stimulation action programme
(Politika, Siyaset) stimülasyon eylem programı
stimulation action programme
(Politika, Siyaset) stimulasyon eylem programı
troop information programme
(Askeri) kıta genel kültür programı
troop programme
(Askeri) teşkilat ve konuş şeması
vulnerability programme
(Askeri) hassasiyet programı
world climate programme
dünya iklim programı
التركية - التركية

تعريف programme في التركية التركية القاموس.

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Fr. Yapılacak işler için önceden hazırlanmış tasarı. Plân
Okullarda, haftanın belli günlerinde, belli saatlerde verilecek dersleri gösteren çizelge
Radyo ve televizyonda sunulan, haber, müzik, eğlence vb. gibi kendi başına bir bütün oluşturan yayınlardan her biri
Belirli şartlara ve düzene göre yapılması öngörülen işlemlerin bütünü, izlence: "Ne yapacaksa, yapmada kurar, hatta programını yanındakilere de söylerdi."- Ö. Seyfettin
Bilgisayara bir işlemi yaptırmak için yazılan komutlar dizisi
Yapılacak bir işin bölümlerini, bölümlerin sırasını ve zamanını gösteren tasarı
Tören, gösteri, gezi vb.nin öngörülen ayrıntılarını gösteren basılı kâğıt
Siyasi partinin, toplumsal örgütün veya hükûmetin açıkladığı ana ilkelerin tümü
Belirli şartlar ve düzene göre yapılması öngörülen işlemlerin bütünü, izlence
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A sheet or booklet that lists a schedule of events
A planned sequence of events

Our programme for today’s exercise class includes swimming and jogging.

A presentation that is broadcast on radio or television

The programme about Greek architecture starts at 9:00 on Channel 5.

The sum total of study which leads to an award e g BSc or MSc A programme is composed of individual courses See courses
A set of structured activities
A selected area of study which leads to a degree In many cases it is possible for a student to meet the requirements of two Part II programmes, either within the 72 point minimum requirement for a degree or by taking a small number of extra units--this is referred to as a Double Major There are also some Joint Programmes which combine two programmes but have a reduction in the total unit requirements of one or both programmes
Activity which : 1- Has a cumulative set of deliverables within a specified budget and time scale to create a unique product or service ; 2- Has a start and end date ; 3- May be a group of projects managed in a co-ordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually
A leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity
General meaning which refers the chance to make a VOLUNTARY SERVICE in Italy
An activity carried out by a human service agency (in the broad sense) in order to serve, provide or facilitate a specified function in the lives of its clients (Wolfensberger & Thomas, 1983)
an integrated course of academic studies; "he was admitted to a new program at the university"
(computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; "the program required several hundred lines of code"
Term used to identify a structured body of component courses, forming a complete programme of study for a specific qualification "Programme" is thus similar to the term curriculum as used in the wider educational community
A particular mindset or method of doing things
Noun: A computer programme is a piece of software that has a specific task, such a clock or calculator, or which is a tool for the user, such as a Word-processor The words application, programme and software are more or less interchangeable Verb: To programme a computer is to write a piece of software that asks the computer to perform a specific task This may be very complex, such as Windows ë95, or very simple, such as an on-screen clock
at its simplest a programme can be one or more related projects It is "a logical construction from which separate coherent sets of activities, or projects, might be delivered At the same time a programme is more than a set of projects It is a system of activities delivering outputs, or merely facilitating or brokering complementary activities"
A programme is a set of coded instructions according to which an electronic device (such as a computer) is to process, store or present data or according to which the behaviour of an electronic device (such as a robot or a modern sewing machine) is controlled Computer programmes as well as computer data are represented in binary code The current distinction between programmes and data is becoming increasingly dim since programmes and data are more and more often combined in objects [2] that include both the data and the instructions for their own behaviour
set of coded instructions integrated for a computer to perform specific tasks
A programme of study consists of a set of modules which together have a defined set of learning outcomes including intellectual and practical skills and which lead to a named award
write a computer program
a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation; "the program lasted more than two hours"
{i} plan, project,schedule, agenda, written order of events; public presentation; show that is broadcast on television or radio; planned group of activities; prospectus, syllabus; computer program (also program)
A programme is the whole set of tasks and activities leading to a specific degree Example: ‘A French language course forms part of the curriculum of the international business programme ’ Second cycle: Sometimes used to indicate higher secondary education, but much more often to indicate postgraduate education Semester: When an academic year is divided into two parts, usually separated by the Christmas holidays, the parts are called semesters However, some universities divide their academic year into three or more parts and still refer to the parts as semesters (See also: trimester )
= act of changing data in a receiver, CAM or Card
If a living creature is programmed to behave in a particular way, they are likely to behave in that way because of social or biological factors that they cannot control. We are all genetically programmed to develop certain illnesses
Sometimes referred to as software or an application, a programme is a tool that performs a particular useful function for you e g a word processor like Word 97 or Word 2000
A television or radio programme is something that is broadcast on television or radio. a series of TV programmes on global environment. local news programmes
That which is written or printed as a public notice or advertisement; a scheme; a prospectus; especially, a brief outline or explanation of the order to be pursued, or the subjects embraced, in any public exercise, performance, or entertainment; a preliminary sketch
When you programme a machine or system, you set its controls so that it will work in a particular way. Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times
A programme of actions or events is a series of actions or events that are planned to be done. The general argued that the nuclear programme should still continue
{f} schedule, plan; write a system of operating instructions for a computer (Computers); supply a computer or other machine with a set of pre-written instructions (also program)
A time-bound intervention that differs from a project in that it usually cuts across sectors, themes and/or geographic areas, uses a multi-disciplinary approach, involves more institutions than a project, and may be supported by different funding sources
A performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television
A theatre or concert programme is a small book or sheet of paper which gives information about the play or concert you are attending
a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need; "he proposed an elaborate program of public works"; "working mothers rely on the day care program"
a radio or television show; "did you see his program last night?"
term used to encompass courses of study and/or research activity
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"
A portfolio of projects and other activities that are planned, initiated and managed in a co-ordinated way in order to achieve a set of defined business objectives
arrange a program of or for; "program the 80th birthday party"
an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event; "you can't tell the players without a program"
pro·gramme programmes programming programmed in AM, use program
a structured, integrated teaching and learning arrangement, usually coupled with examination leading to a qualification (See course, subject)
programme note
pro·gramme note programme notes in AM, use program note A programme note is an article written in a programme for a play or concert, which gives information about the performance or production
induction programme
The process used within many businesses to welcome new employees to the company and prepare them for their new role
A set of structured activities
A particular mindset or method of doing things
To put together the schedule of an event
A leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity
: A software application, or a collection of software applications, designed to perform a specific task
not by using the user interface but library, function calls or as a last resort, a command line interface
One who decides which programs will be shown on a television station
A device that installs a software program into some other machine

The EPROM programmer burns the data into the EPROM chip. When programming is completed, remove the EPROM chip and plug it into the circuit.

A short film feature as part of a longer film program, a "B-movie" (now rare)
news programme
(Televizyon) A program devoted to current events, often using interviews and commentary, news program, news show, news

What's your favorite TV program? - What is your favorite TV program?

What is your favorite TV program? - What's your favorite TV program?

United Nations Development Programme
UN organization formed in 1965 to promote environmentally sustainable human development in low-income countries. Based in New York City, the UNDP is headed by an administrator who oversees a 36-member Executive Board representing both developing and developed countries. Recent programs have focused on reducing poverty, developing strategies to treat and combat the spread of HIV/AIDS, promoting environmentally sound energy and economic policies, and expanding communications and technology infrastructure. UNDP resident representatives in more than 125 developing countries help to coordinate the local activities of other UN agencies and programs, as well as those of nongovernmental organizations
United Nations Development Programme
{i} UNDP, United Nations largest agency with headquarters in New York City (USA) which is a voluntarily funded organization and largest multilateral source for granting technical assistance to developing countries (provides training, advice and some equipment)
World Food Programme
Organization established in 1961 by the United Nations to help alleviate world hunger. The world's largest food-aid organization (providing food aid to some 75 million people annually), the WFP aims to assist the approximately 15% of the world's population that is hungry. Its Food-for-Life program aids victims of both natural and man-made disasters by collecting and transporting food to crisis areas. Contributions of commodities, cash, and services (primarily shipping) help beneficiaries to maintain balanced diets. Its Food-for-Growth programs are directed at vulnerable groups including children, pregnant and nursing women, and the elderly and its Food-for-Work program encourages self-reliance by providing food in return for labour. Its headquarters are in Rome
write a computer program
When you program a computer, you give it a set of instructions to make it able to perform a particular task. He programmed his computer to compare all the possible combinations. 45 million people, about half of whom can program their own computers. a computer programmed to translate a story given to it in Chinese. + programming pro·gram·ming programming skills the concepts of programming. see also programme. Point Four Program program computer regional development program stored program concept
programs often refers to computer programs, but can refer to such things as advertising campaigns as in 'a banner ad program
A coordinated set of USAID-financed activities directed toward specific goals For example, maternal and child health, nutrition, education and family planning activities designed to promote the spacing of children may comprise a program to reduce infant deaths
{f} schedule, plan; write a system of operating instructions for a computer (Computers); supply a computer or other machine with a set of pre-written instructions (also programme)
a radio or television show; "did you see his program last night?"
A complete sequence of computer software instructions necessary to provide an application, solve a specific problem, perform an action, or respond to external stimuli in a prescribed manner As a verb, it means to develop a program
An undertaking requiring concerted effort, which is focused on developing and/or maintaining a specific product The product may include hardware, software, and other components Typically a project has its own funding cost accounting, and delivery schedule with the acquirer (Customer)  ('Programme' is used the UK for this definition; to distinguish between a computer program)
Computer instructions to perform a related set of tasks The Linux kernel and WordPerfect application are examples of programs
A sequence of instructions for the computer that implements an algorithm, especially when stored in a file in the form of either directly-executable object code, or source code for an interpreter or compiler When loaded into memory and executed, the object-code program typically becomes a process
A set of instructions to a computer to turn user input into error messages Any complete set of related instructions to a computer at any level of abstraction
A performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television
A software application, or a collection of software applications, designed to perform a specific task
also COMPUTER PROGRAM--These terms indicate the special sequence of instructions that make the circuitry inside the CONSOLE behave according to your desire The instructions or program are delivered to MEMORY to be read later by the circuitry in the CONSOLE The instructions tell the circuitry what to do It's the CASSETTE RECORDER which will save the special sequence of instructions known as the PROGRAM from day to day
a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation; "the program lasted more than two hours" a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need; "he proposed an elaborate program of public works"; "working mothers rely on the day care program" (computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; "the program required several hundred lines of code" an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event; "you can't tell the players without a program" arrange a program of or for; "program the 80th birthday party" write a computer program
a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need; "he proposed an elaborate program of public works"; "working mothers rely on the day care program"
(computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; "the program required several hundred lines of code"
List of instructions for the computer to follow to process data See also Software
A sequence of instructions that a computer can execute Synonymous with software
Series of coded Instructions that performs specific tasks when executed by a computer A program can be written in a processor-specific language or a high-level language that can be implemented on a number of different processors
in essence a set of statements that the computer executes to perform operations A full application such as a word-processor or a Web browser is a complex program The terms software, application and program tend to be used interchangeably in general useage
A collection of instructions that tell the computer what to do
A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's input into error messages More seriously: A program is a combination of computer instructions and data definitions that enable computer hardware to perform computational and control functions A program is designed to systematically solve a certain kind of problem
(application) this is simply a list of instructions for the computer to carry out when you click a button or type a letter It will generally let you input data, and then spit it back out in the form that you want There are programs for word processing, games, you name it
A coherent assembly of plans, project activities, and supporting resources contained within an administrative framework, whose purpose is to implement an organization's mission or some specific program-related aspect of that mission For purposes of this policy statement, a PHS financial assistance program refers to a program that carries out its mission by supporting activities in other organizations through the grant or cooperative agreement mechanism
{i} plan, project,schedule, agenda, written order of events; public presentation; show that is broadcast on television or radio; planned group of activities; prospectus, syllabus; computer program (also programme)
A set of instructions in code that, when executed, causes a computer to perform a task
A set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform a specific task
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"
Set of actions or instructions that a machine is capable of interpreting and executing or the act of creating a program
arrange a program of or for; "program the 80th birthday party"
an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event; "you can't tell the players without a program"
A set of instructions for the computer; operating systems are related sets of programs that take care of most of the "housekeeping" chores, while applications are programs which allow the computer to perform useful tasks
A set of instructions to be executed by a computer Same as software
A program is a series of instructions for a computer, telling it what to do or how to behave The terms "application" and "app" mean pretty much the same thing It is however different from an applet Program is also the verb that means to create a program, and a programmer is one who programs
A set of instructions for a computer that lets the computer perform a specific task Programs that perform tasks directly relating to what a person would want to do (such as word processors, spreadsheets, etc ) are called application software, to distinguish them from system software
a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation; "the program lasted more than two hours"
A program is a set of instructions that a computer follows in order to perform a particular task. The chances of an error occurring in a computer program increase with the size of the program
a document stating the aims and principles of a political party; "their candidate simply ignored the party platform"; "they won the election even though they offered no positive program"
To enter a program or other instructions into a computer (or other electronic device) to instruct it to do a particular task
(Ticaret) An ongoing, long term effort that often includes multiple projects and significant budgeted expenditures
Used as a noun - a series of instructions which tell a computer what to do Used as a verb - the act of writing or revising a program
an integrated course of academic studies; "he was admitted to a new program at the university"
A thing that tells the calculator to do stuff More specifically, a program is a list of instructions for the processor to execute
Same as Programme
according to a plan, according to a scheme
In a programmatic manner
May refer to a programmer class MOO character or to a MOO Programmer
{i} one who writes computer programs, one who creates sets of instructions for a computer or other device
A computer programmer is a person whose job involves writing programs for computers. someone whose job is to write computer programs
A short film feature as part of a longer film program, a "B-movie" (now rare)"
A person who writes application programs using CLIM
A device that installs a software program into some other machine, as in an EPROM programmer
Stand-alone electronic equipment used to program traditional PLDs via a socket Programmers are not required with Lattice ISP devices
Some tags which can have their contents changed by a set of electronics in close proximity or in electrical contact with it Those electronics and their packaging are called a programmer
A person who develops (designs, writes, debugs, modifies) a program
A person who thinks he knows how to talk to a computer A person who really knows how to talk to a computer is known as a fruitcake
A consultant involved in the early part of the design process Programmers will analyze the historical usage of data of a hospital or department, industry trends and interview clients This purpose is to create a list of required spaces that suggest an upper limit to the job size This list is used by the architect as a basis to begin design
An ISO7816 smartcard reader/writer that plugs into your computer's serial port and permits you to read and write to any ISO7816 smartcard, such as the access cards
Develops proprietary software or customizes existing software to meet client and internal agency needs
responsible for developing computer programs which allow end-users to interface directly with computer operating systems and hardware Programmers also play a large role in developing computer programs which enable computer-to-computer communication, sometimes called scripts Programming is a specialized skill which requires training in various types of programming languages as well as problem-solving and logic Programmers often use languages like Java, C++, and Visual Basic to write the programs, and sometimes hold certifications like Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer or Sun Certifed Java Developer
An electronic device for entering or changing (programming) data in a transponder, usually via a close proximity, inductively coupled data transfer link
A computer specialist who writes instructions (software) for the computer to execute
Computer professional who creates new software or revises existing software
A person who writes computer programs
is a technology specialist whose expertise lies in taking user requirements and writing software to match those requirements
The person, who designs, writes, tests and maintains computer programs
A red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects
n A person who writes application programs using CLIM [annotate]
The puncher who cuts tapes for embroidery machines The one who punches tapes by computer
Anyone who "writes" computer software
One who designs software
a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs
Qualifies an intermittence programmer capable of determining, from a building's occupancy program, at what time the heating or airconditioning installation must be put back into operation Depending on the level of sophistication of the device, it uses the exterior temperature value only or also the ambient temperature value and can determine the best time to shut down the system
A character who has the permissions to create rooms and objects, to view some code, and to create fertile objects and verbs Programmers are given their permissions (or 'bits') at the discretion of the wizzen
writes the actual code for a computer program
the role that is played when a person produces the source code for new software components
Unit which provides access to the system configuration functions, such as setting locomotive addresses, combining and breaking up Multiple Unit lashups, etc May be integrated with the Command Station, or with one or more Cabs
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف programme في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.


I thought you might be interested in trying some of these games I programmed. - Programladığım bu oyunlardan bazılarını denemekle ilgilenebileceğini düşündüm.

She is a computer programmer. - O bir bilgisayar programcısıdır.

{i} schedule

May I have a class schedule? - Ben bir sınıf programı alabilir miyim?

We cannot make a change in our schedule. - Programımızda bir değişiklik yapamayız.

{i} timetable

Is there a timetable? - Bir ders programı var mı?

program (me)
(Ticaret) itinerary

According to the trip's itinerary, we will go to the British Museum on Monday. - Gezi programına göre, Pazartesi günü İngiliz Müzesine gideceğiz.

(Havacılık) syllabus

I'm sure you already know the routine. - Programı önceden bildiğine eminim.

{i} broadcast

The program was broadcast over the radio yesterday. - Program dün radyo üzerinden yayınlandı.

This program is broadcast every other week. - Bu program iki haftada bir yayınlanır.

to programme
programme [Brit.]
radio program, broadcast; television program, show
comp. program
schedule of programs
schedule, plans, program
programme, program izlence
program (printed for a play, concert, etc.)



    التركية النطق





    /ˈprōˌgram/ /ˈproʊˌɡræm/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    (transitive verb.) 1896. From Late Latin programma, from Ancient Greek meaning "a public written notice".


    programming, programmed