
listen to the pronunciation of program's
الإنجليزية - التركية
{f} programlamak

Bana göre, bilgisayar programlamak ilginç bir çabadır. - To me, computer programming is an interesting endeavor.

Onu programlamak birkaç saatimi aldı. - It took me several hours to program it.

{i} program
production program
üretim programı
programa bağlamak
program crash
(Bilgisayar) programın çökmesi
printer writer program
yazdırma programı
(bilgisayar) bağdarlamalamak
bilgisayar bağdarlaması
(bkz.) programme
{f} programla

Tom JavaScript programlamada iyileşti. - Tom got good at programming in JavaScript.

Visual Basic ile programlar yazabiliyorum. - I can write programs in Visual Basic.

program cards
bağdarlama kartları
program check
bağdarlama denetimi
program checkout
bağdarlama sağlaması
program coding
program kodlama
program compatibility
bağdarlama uyarlığı
program compatibility
program uyumu
program compilation
bağdarlama derleme
program control
bağdarlama denetimi
program control unit
program denetim birimi
program control unit
bağdarlama denetim birimi
program controller
program denetleyicisi
program controller
bağdarlama denetçisi
program correctness
program doğruluğu
program counter
bağdarlama sayacı
program counter
program sayacı
program counter register
program sayacı yazmacı
program debugging
bağdarlama düzeltme
program described data
programda tanımlanan veri
program described file
programda tanımlanan dosya
program design
bağdarlama tasarımı
program development
bağdarlama geliştirme
program error
bağdarlama hatası
program flowchart
bağdarlama akış diyagramı
program flowchart
program akış şeması
program generator
bağdarlama üreteci
program instruction
bağdarlama komutu
program language
program dili
program language
bağdarlama dili
program level
bağdarlama seviyesi
program library
bağdarlama kitaplığı
program line
program satırı
program maintenance
bağdarlama bakımı
program maintenance
program bakımı
program module
program modülü
program reference table
program referans tablosu
program register
program yazmacı
program register
bağdarlama yazmacı
program selector
arna seçici
program status word
program durum sözcüğü
program step
bağdarlama adımı
program storage
bağdarlama belleği
program switching centre
ana kumanda masası
program system
bağdarlama jüyesi
program test
bağdarlama testi
problem program
problem programı, sorun programı
processing program
işleme programı
processor program
işlemci programı
çalışma yönergesi
program cards
program kartları
program check
program denetimi
program checkout
program sağlaması
program compilation
program derleme
program control
program denetimi
program debugging
program düzeltme
program design
program tasarımı
program development
program geliştirme
program error
program hatası
program evaluation
program değerlendirmesi
program fetch time
program zaman getir
program generation
Program üretim
program identifier
program tanıtıcısını
program instruction
program komutu
program level
program düzeyi
program library
program kitaplığı
program loader
program yükleyici
program modification
program değişimi, program değiştirme
program overlay
program bindirmesi
program parameter
program parametresi
program request
program isteği
program revenue
program gelir
program run
Programı çalıştırmak
program segmentation
program bölümlemesi, program kesimlemesi
program selected terminal
program terminal seçilmiş
program selector
kanal seçici
program sensitive fault
program hassas fay
program sequencer
program sıralayıcı
program services
program hizmetleri
program specification
proram spesifikasyonu, program belirtimi
program step
program adımı
program stop instruction
program durdurma komutu
program storage
program belleği
program switching centre
ana kumanda masası, ana kumanda, son kontrol
program tape
program bandı
program test
program testi, program denemesi
program testing
program deneme
program unit
program birimi
program verification
program gerçeklemesi
primary program
(Askeri) ANA PROGRAM: Orduya mahsus büyük programlardan biri. Bu programlar, bir program idare makamının sorumu altında yürütülür
problem program
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sorun programı
problem program
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) problem programı
product improvement program
ürün geliştirme programı
production management office(r); program management office
(Askeri) üretim yönetim subayı; program yönetim bürosu
programme i
{i} plan
{f} planlamak
program yapmak
i., bilg. program. f. bilg. programlamak
(Askeri) PROGRAMLAMAK: Bir problemin halli için gerekli usulleri planlamak. Bu planlama, diğer işler meyanında, problemin tahlili, bir gidiş diyagramı hazırlanması, teferruatın hazırlanıp teste tabi tutulması ve alt rutinlerin bulunması, biriktirme yerlerinin tahsisi, giriş ve çıkış bilgilerinin belirtilmesi ve bir kompüter işlemesinin (computer run) tam bir bilgi işlem sistemine dahil edilmesi gibi hususları gerektirebilir

Bir resim açın ve bir resim düzeni seçin. Bir resim açmak için Aça tıklatın. Programdan çıkmak için Çıkışı tıklatın. Resim Düzeni özelliği herhangi bir düzende göstermenize olanak tanır. - Open an image and select an image layout. Click Open for opening an image. Click Quit for quitting the program. Image Layout feature allows you to view in any layout.

Teleton tıbbi araştırmaları finanse etmek amacıyla para toplamak için her yıl düzenlenen bir Fransız televizyon programıdır. - The telethon is a French TV program organized every year to collect funds in order to finance medical research.

{i} yapım
{i} gösteri

Bir teknik sorun nedeniyle, ilan edilen programın yerine bir film gösterildi. - Because of some technical problem, a movie was shown in place of the announced program.

(isim) program, yapım, gösteri, plan, yazılım
{i} program, izlence
düzenle- program music olaylar sırasına veya bir sahne serisine göre düzenlenmiş müzik
(Tekstil) (me) program
program activation task force
program aid
program yardımı
program aircraft
(Askeri) PROGRAMA DAHİL HAVA ARACI: Faal ve yedek durumdaki hava araçları toplamı. Bak. "aircraft"
program analysis
program budget advisory committee
(Askeri) PROGRAM VE BÜTÇE DANIŞMA KURULU: Bir komutanlık, büro veya müessese karargahında, komutanlık dahilindeki program ve bütçe çalışmalarını koordine maksadıyla kurulmuş bir komite
program budget decisions
(Askeri) program bütçe kararları
program change proposal
(Askeri) PROGRAM DEĞİŞİKLİK TEKLİFİ (HV.): Kuvvet ve mali tahsis planı hakkında, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı tarafından onaylanan, fakat Milli Savunma Bakanının da onayına ihtiyaç gösteren bir değişiklik teklifi
program controlled
bilgisayar kontrollü
program data
program verisi
program decision memorandum
(Askeri) program karar muhtırası
program directive development group
(Askeri) program direktif geliştirme grubu
program directory
program dizini
program documentation
program belgeleme
program draft
program taslağı
program element
(Askeri) PROGRAM UNSURU (HV.): Beş yıllık kuvvet bünyesi ve Mali Programda yer almış bir bölüm. Program unsuru, Milli Savunma Bakanı tarafından konmuş bir manajman birimidir. Kuvvet komutanlarının bütün araştırma, geliştirme, deneme ve kıymetlendirme projeleri, ortalama 325 program unsurlu bir taslak içinde toplanmıştır
program element code
(Askeri) program unsur kodu
program element monitor
(Askeri) PROGRAM UNSURU NEZARETÇİSİ (HV.): Program unsurları üzerinde başlıca sorumluluğa sahip büroda, bir program unsuruna topyekün nezaret görevi verilmiş şahıs
program element monitor
(Askeri) program unsur monitörü
program evaluation and review technique
(Askeri) PROGRAM KIYMETLENDİRME VE İNCELEME TEKNİĞİ (HV.): Teşkilatlı herhangi bir çalışmanın incelenmesi ve kıymetlendirilmesiyle ilgili manajman tekniği. Bu teknik; yapılacak her iş unsurunun zaman, maliyet veya performansına değinen ve, başlangıçta planlanmış işi tamamlayacak üç parametreye ait tahminlerle birlikte, yapılan işlere ait bilgileri veren net işletme teorisine dayanır
program events
(Bilgisayar) program olayları
program factor
(Askeri) PROGRAM FAKTÖRÜ: Planlamada kullanılan ve başka bir program ölçüsüyle çarpılmak suretiyle bir program ölçüsü veya maliyet elde edilmesini sağlayan orantı. Faktör, genel olarak, geçmişteki tecrübelerle elde edilen bilgilerdir. Örneğin; programlanmış uçuş saatleri ile çarpılan akaryakıt tüketim miktarı, programlanmış akaryakıt tüketimine eşittir
program generator
program üretici
program group
Program Grubu
program group
Program Öbeği
program groups
(Bilgisayar) program grupları
program guidance
(Askeri) PROGRAM HAZIRLAMA KILAVUZU: Program bilgilerinin hazırlanmasıyla ilgili, temel mahiyette bir bilgiler dergisi. Özellikle, bir programa ait ve bir kül halinde gösterilmiş bilgilerin hazırlanmasındaki esasları belirtmek üzere, ABD Hava Kuvvetleri tarafından hazırlanmış bir kitap
program icon
(Bilgisayar) program simgesi
program level
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) program seviyesi
program management
(Askeri) PROGRAM MANAJMANI: Belirli bir gayenin gerçekleştirilmesi maksadıyla hazırlanmış idari faaliyet projesi sonuçlarını planlama, icra ve kıymetlendirmede, kaynakların, işlemlerin ve zamanın mantıki olarak kullanılması. Program manajmanı terimi; hem program hazırlama, program icra, program tetkik ve analiz faaliyetlerini, hem de program kontrol faaliyetlerini içine alır
program management directive
(Askeri) program idaresi talimatı
program manager
(Askeri) PROGRAM YÖNETİCİSİ: Bak. "system manager"
program manager's guidance memorandum
(Askeri) program yöneticisi rehberlik muhtırası
program module
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program birimi
program name
(Bilgisayar) program adı
program notes
(Bilgisayar) program notları
program objective memorandum
(Askeri) program amacı muhtırası
program or procurement authorization
(Askeri) PROGRAM VEYA TEDARİK YETKİSİ (HV.): Büyük bir komutanlığın araştırma ve geliştirme çalışmalarına, tedarik veya inşaat faaliyetlerine başlama yetkisi. Bu yetki de, normal olarak, bir bütçe kullanma yetkisi (budget authorization) de vardır. Bununla beraber, ilgili komutanın elinde kullanabileceği yeterli tahsisat bulunmadıkça para taahhütlerine ve borçlanmalara girişilemez
program planning document
(Askeri) program planlama dokümanı
program product
lisanslı program
program review and analysis
(Askeri) PROGRAM İNCELEME VE ANALİZİ: Program tatbikatındaki terim derecesinin kıymetlendirilmesi. Bu terim, aynı zamanda, hazırlanıp henüz tatbikatına geçilmemiş bulunan bir program uygulama imkan ve derecesi ile kifayet derecesinin ölçülmesinde de kullanılır
program review group
(Askeri) program inceleme grubu
program run
program koşumu
program section
(Askeri) PROGRAM KISMI: Bir programın; ABD Kara Ordusu makamlarından birine ait ikmal maddeleri ve hizmetlerle ilgili kısmı
program select button
Program Seçme Düğmesi
program setup
(Bilgisayar) program ayarları
program system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program dizgesi
program system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program sistemi
program tape
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program şeridi
program temporary fix
Program Geçici Düzeltmesi
program temporary fix
(PTF) geçici program düzeltmesi
program test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program denemesi
program title
(Bilgisayar) program başlığı
program to run
(Bilgisayar) çalıştırılacak program
program type id
(Bilgisayar) program tür no
program types
(Bilgisayar) program türleri
program wizard
(Bilgisayar) program sihirbazı
Defense Satellite Program; Defense Support Program
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Uydu Programı; Savunma Bakanlığı Destek Programı
National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA); National Foreign Intelligence Program
(Askeri) Milli Kan Bankası Programı (Federal Acil Durum Yönetim Merkezi (FEMA)); Milli Dış İstihbarat Programı
Sealift Readiness Program; sealift reserve program; seaward recovery point; Sing
(Askeri) Deniz Nakliye Hazırlık Programı; deniz nakliye ihtiyat programı; deniz kurtarma noktası; Tek Entegreli Harekat Planı keşif planı
international information program; interoperability improvement program
(Askeri) uluslar arası bilgi programı; karşılıklı işlerlik geliştirme programı
target materials program; telecommunications management program; theater manpowe
(Askeri) hedef materyal programı; telekomünikasyon yönetim programı; harekat alanı insangücü kuvvetleri
التركية - التركية

تعريف program's في التركية التركية القاموس.

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Fr. Yapılacak işler için önceden hazırlanmış tasarı. Plân
Belirli şartlara ve düzene göre yapılması öngörülen işlemlerin bütünü, izlence: "Ne yapacaksa, yapmada kurar, hatta programını yanındakilere de söylerdi."- Ö. Seyfettin
Yapılacak bir işin bölümlerini, bölümlerin sırasını ve zamanını gösteren tasarı
Bilgisayara bir işlemi yaptırmak için yazılan komutlar dizisi
Radyo ve televizyonda sunulan, haber, müzik, eğlence vb. gibi kendi başına bir bütün oluşturan yayınlardan her biri
Tören, gösteri, gezi vb.nin öngörülen ayrıntılarını gösteren basılı kâğıt
Okullarda, haftanın belli günlerinde, belli saatlerde verilecek dersleri gösteren çizelge
Belirli şartlar ve düzene göre yapılması öngörülen işlemlerin bütünü, izlence
Siyasi partinin, toplumsal örgütün veya hükûmetin açıkladığı ana ilkelerin tümü
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف program's في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

To enter a program or other instructions into a computer (or other electronic device) to instruct it to do a particular task
A performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television
To put together the schedule of an event
A leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity
A particular mindset or method of doing things
A set of structured activities
: A software application, or a collection of software applications, designed to perform a specific task
program counter
A register that stores the address of the current (or next) instruction to be carried out by the processor
program evaluation and review technique
A method for diagramming and analyzing the flow of dependent tasks and other events in a project
program evaluation review technique
Alternative form of program evaluation and review technique
program guide
A periodical, usually a weekly, which guides the audience trough the programs being broadcast on radio and/or TV; however often supplemented with celebrity gossip, various entertainment etc
program guide
Such section in a more general publication, notably many newspapers
program music
A form of art music that attempts to convey a scene, image, or mood
program slicer
A software analysis tool that displays data links and related characteristics to enable a programmer to track the effects of proposed changes
Program Files
(in Computers) files that are part of applications or programs (as opposed to document files)
Program Information File
file in a Windows environment which includes information about the operation of a program, PIF file (Computers)
preemployment training program
a training program to prepare you for employment
privatization program
program through which government owned businesses are sold in the public sector
in essence a set of statements that the computer executes to perform operations A full application such as a word-processor or a Web browser is a complex program The terms software, application and program tend to be used interchangeably in general useage
A program is a set of instructions that a computer follows in order to perform a particular task. The chances of an error occurring in a computer program increase with the size of the program
List of instructions for the computer to follow to process data See also Software
A collection of instructions that tell the computer what to do
(computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; "the program required several hundred lines of code"
Used as a noun - a series of instructions which tell a computer what to do Used as a verb - the act of writing or revising a program
a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need; "he proposed an elaborate program of public works"; "working mothers rely on the day care program"
an integrated course of academic studies; "he was admitted to a new program at the university"
A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's input into error messages More seriously: A program is a combination of computer instructions and data definitions that enable computer hardware to perform computational and control functions A program is designed to systematically solve a certain kind of problem
a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation; "the program lasted more than two hours" a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need; "he proposed an elaborate program of public works"; "working mothers rely on the day care program" (computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute; "the program required several hundred lines of code" an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event; "you can't tell the players without a program" arrange a program of or for; "program the 80th birthday party" write a computer program
also COMPUTER PROGRAM--These terms indicate the special sequence of instructions that make the circuitry inside the CONSOLE behave according to your desire The instructions or program are delivered to MEMORY to be read later by the circuitry in the CONSOLE The instructions tell the circuitry what to do It's the CASSETTE RECORDER which will save the special sequence of instructions known as the PROGRAM from day to day
A software application, or a collection of software applications, designed to perform a specific task
A set of instructions to a computer to turn user input into error messages Any complete set of related instructions to a computer at any level of abstraction
(application) this is simply a list of instructions for the computer to carry out when you click a button or type a letter It will generally let you input data, and then spit it back out in the form that you want There are programs for word processing, games, you name it
A sequence of instructions for the computer that implements an algorithm, especially when stored in a file in the form of either directly-executable object code, or source code for an interpreter or compiler When loaded into memory and executed, the object-code program typically becomes a process
Computer instructions to perform a related set of tasks The Linux kernel and WordPerfect application are examples of programs
An undertaking requiring concerted effort, which is focused on developing and/or maintaining a specific product The product may include hardware, software, and other components Typically a project has its own funding cost accounting, and delivery schedule with the acquirer (Customer)  ('Programme' is used the UK for this definition; to distinguish between a computer program)
A coherent assembly of plans, project activities, and supporting resources contained within an administrative framework, whose purpose is to implement an organization's mission or some specific program-related aspect of that mission For purposes of this policy statement, a PHS financial assistance program refers to a program that carries out its mission by supporting activities in other organizations through the grant or cooperative agreement mechanism
A complete sequence of computer software instructions necessary to provide an application, solve a specific problem, perform an action, or respond to external stimuli in a prescribed manner As a verb, it means to develop a program
a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation; "the program lasted more than two hours"
write a computer program
Same as Programme
A coordinated set of USAID-financed activities directed toward specific goals For example, maternal and child health, nutrition, education and family planning activities designed to promote the spacing of children may comprise a program to reduce infant deaths
Set of actions or instructions that a machine is capable of interpreting and executing or the act of creating a program
Series of coded Instructions that performs specific tasks when executed by a computer A program can be written in a processor-specific language or a high-level language that can be implemented on a number of different processors
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue"
A sequence of instructions that a computer can execute Synonymous with software
arrange a program of or for; "program the 80th birthday party"
A set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform a specific task
A program is a series of instructions for a computer, telling it what to do or how to behave The terms "application" and "app" mean pretty much the same thing It is however different from an applet Program is also the verb that means to create a program, and a programmer is one who programs
A thing that tells the calculator to do stuff More specifically, a program is a list of instructions for the processor to execute
an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event; "you can't tell the players without a program"
When you program a computer, you give it a set of instructions to make it able to perform a particular task. He programmed his computer to compare all the possible combinations. 45 million people, about half of whom can program their own computers. a computer programmed to translate a story given to it in Chinese. + programming pro·gram·ming programming skills the concepts of programming. see also programme. Point Four Program program computer regional development program stored program concept
a radio or television show; "did you see his program last night?"
A set of instructions for a computer that lets the computer perform a specific task Programs that perform tasks directly relating to what a person would want to do (such as word processors, spreadsheets, etc ) are called application software, to distinguish them from system software
{i} plan, project,schedule, agenda, written order of events; public presentation; show that is broadcast on television or radio; planned group of activities; prospectus, syllabus; computer program (also programme)
{f} schedule, plan; write a system of operating instructions for a computer (Computers); supply a computer or other machine with a set of pre-written instructions (also programme)
A set of instructions to be executed by a computer Same as software
a document stating the aims and principles of a political party; "their candidate simply ignored the party platform"; "they won the election even though they offered no positive program"
(Ticaret) An ongoing, long term effort that often includes multiple projects and significant budgeted expenditures
A set of instructions for the computer; operating systems are related sets of programs that take care of most of the "housekeeping" chores, while applications are programs which allow the computer to perform useful tasks
program budget
a budget that focuses upon the goal and objectives of an agency or jurisdiction rather than upon its organizational budget units or object classes or expenditures
program budget
  A budget that lists all of the services and activities that will be performed by a particular program or department   The emphasis is on descriptive narrative that justifies a requested funding level in terms of the end results as opposed to a budget that primarily presents line item detail of expenditures with little or no explanatory narrative   Volume 1 of San Benito County's Proposed Budget is a Program Budget
program budget
A budget wherein inputs of resources and outputs of services are identified by programs without regard to the number of organizational units involved in performing various aspects of the program
program budget
A plan that allocates annual funds, workforce ceilings, and targets among Forest Service management units to accomplish a program of activities
program budget
The identification and presentation of resource requirements and allocations by specific County programs
program coding
enciphering of a computer program, putting a program into coded form
program counter
B3 3 3, p70
program counter
(PC) the address of the next instruction to be executed in the code section of a program The CPU uses the PC to fetch the next instruction from memory
program counter
A special-purpose register in the CPU which contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched and executed
program counter
A counter (known as a PC) that you can set to a selected line of source code or to an absolute value When you set the PC to a selected line, the PC points to the memory location at which the statement begins When you set the PC to an absolute value, the PC points to the line that contains the absolute address
program counter
A register that counts in binary Its contents are the address of the next instruction to be fetched from the memory
program counter
A program counter is an integral part of a computer's Central Processing Unit It contains a reference to the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched, ready to be executed during the next fetch-execute cycle Immediately following an instruction fetch, the program counter is moved on to refer to the next instruction, before the current instruction is executed The normal sequential execution of a series of instructions may be changed by executing a branch instruction, which stores a new instruction address into the program counter
program counter
a register that contains the address of the next instruction to be executed
program counter
a 16bit register that places addresses on the bus to retrieve information stored within a program
program counter
This CPU register always contains the memory address where the next instruction to be performed by the CPU can be found Its contents is copied into the MAR before an instruction is fetched from the main memory While the instruction is being fetched, the Control Unit updates the contents of the PC so that it will again point to the next instruction to be performed
program counter
register that stores the number of the next command to be performed
program counter
In a bytecode context, a variable that holds the address of the instruction currently being executed In the context of a microprocessor, the program counter is a special register that usually stores the position of the instruction currently being read For example, R15 is the program counter on ARM-based processors Due to the pipeline architecture, ARM2/3/6/7 cores have a PC that is two instructions ahead of the one being executed, and StrongARM cores have one that is (up to?) four instructions ahead
program counter
Also PC A CPU register which holds the address of the next instruction to be executed The program counter is incremented after each byte of each instruction is fetched
program development tools
utility program used to help in writing a program (such as compilation and debugging)
program director
A radio or television station director who is responsible for selecting, planning, and scheduling programs
program evaluation and review technique
PERT is a project management technique for determining how much time a project needs before it is completed Each activity is assigned a best, worst, and most probable completion time estimate These estimates are used to determine the average completion time The average times are used to figure the critical path and the standard deviation of completion times for the entire project
program evaluation and review technique
A project management system that determines the project finish date by estimating best (shortest), worst (longest) and most likely duration times for activities on the critical path
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncer-tainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation and Review Technique
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate program duration when there is uncertainty in the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method using durations that are computed be a weighted average of optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely duration estimates PERT computes the standard deviation of the completion date from those of the path's activity durations Also known as the Method of Moments Analysis
program evaluation and review technique
An event­oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation and Review Technique
program evaluation and review technique
A method for analyzing the tasks involved in completing a given project, estimating the time needed to complete each task, and identifying the minimum time needed to complete the total project
program evaluation and review technique
A technique that tracks a project's progress to determine its critical path and to monitor personnel, schedules, and project resources
program evaluation and review technique
(Ticaret) (PERT) A project management system that determines the project finish date by estimating best (shortest), worst (longest) and most likely duration times for activities on the critical path
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation Review Technique
program file
file which can be run and is used to operate a program
program file
On an IBM PC or compatible computer, an executable file that starts an application or program A program file has an EXE, PIF, COM, or BAT filename extension
program file
A program that does not use an association and runs an application directly
program file
a file that does something useful when you "run" it, as opposed to a "data" file Programs are often called "executables" and have file names ending in " exe" or " com", because they are a collections of commands that the computer "executes" Program files include other files that help the primary program do things Such helper files have extensions like " dll" or "ini"
program file
is a file containing the Basic programs' source code
program file
A file that starts an application or program A program file has an exe, pif, com, cmd, or bat file name extension
program for the asking
made-to-order program, program that is designed according to special requests
program maintenance
maintenance of proper working order and upgrades of a computer program
program mode
An exposure mode on many automatic-exposure cameras in which the camera selects both the aperture and shutter speed The selections are made in accordance with a “program” that attempts to use the “best” combination for the lighting conditions At low light levels, the program usually attempts to minimize the effects of camera shake by selecting the lens’s largest aperture to allow use of the fastest shutter speed that will give the correct exposure At higher light levels that allow a shutter speed sufficiently fast to prevent camera motion blur, aperture is reduced as shutter speed is more gradually increased On cameras for which the program takes into account the lens focal length, a “sufficiently fast” shutter speed often is approximately the reciprocal of the lens focal length Some cameras offer the choice of more than one program; some cameras also include program shift that allows the user to override the program
program mode
Current input mode of the program
program mode
Camera picks "proper" aperature and shutter speed
program music
Musical compositions intended to depict or suggest nonmusical incidents, ideas, or images, such as those drawn from literature, as Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet, or from works of art
program music
music that relates to a specific story, painting, text, character or experience
program music
Music associated with a story or something else written down
program music
A musical work that has been inspired by or has an association with some non-musical theme, such as nature, other art forms or history
program music
instrumental music endowed with literary or pictorial associations which are usually suggested by the title or the composer's explanatory notes
program music
music that depicts a story or scene
program music
Instrumental compositions that imitate sound effects, describe events, or narrate a dramatic sequence of events
program music
Instrumental music associated with a story or other musical idea
program music
A piece that conveys a picture or story, in contrast to absolute music
program music
musical compositions intended to evoke images or remind the listener of events
program note
short description, summary (in a program book)
program overlay
file which contains part of the operation code of a program which is not found in the main file
program products
finished programs sold to customers
program protection
security of programs, safeguarding programs
program suite
package of programs, package of applications which are suited to work together and are sold as one bundle
program trading
Computer-driven buying (buy program) or selling (sell program) of baskets of 15 or more stocks by index arbitrage specialists or institutional traders "Program" refers to computer programs that constantly monitor stock, futures, and options markets, giving buy and sell signals when opportunities for arbitrage profits occur or when market conditions warrant portfolio accumulation/liquidation transactions Program trading has been blamed for excessive volatility in the markets, especially on Black Monday in 1987
program trading
Use of a computer-driven program by arbitrageurs and institutional traders for buying and selling baskets of 15 or more stocks The program monitors various markets and securities and gives buy and sell signals when opportunities for profits arise or when market conditions warrant the accumulation or liquidation of a position
program trading
Stock trades involving the purchase or sale of a basket including 15 or more stocks with a total market value of $1 million or more Most program trades are executed on the New York Stock Exchange, using computerized trading systems Index arbitrage is the most prominently reported type of program trading BACK TO TOP
program trading
Computer driven purchase and sale of a basket of securities Typical employed in ARBITRAGE opportunities arising from short term mis-pricing of securities on different exchanges An example is SELLING SHORT stock index FUTURES CONTRACTS on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the simultaneous acquisition of a basket of securities simulating the S&P 500 index on the floor of the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE
program trading
Computerized trading strategy involving buying or selling 15 or more stocks having a total market value of $1 million or more The program can monitor different markets and securities and issue buy and sell signals when index arbitrage or other trading opportunities are detected NYSE collects program trading statistics daily
program trading
Computer-assisted monitoring of relative prices of financial assets; it some-times includes computer submission of buy and sell orders to exploit perceived arbitrage opportunities
program trading
a trading technique involving large blocks of stock with trades triggered by computer programs
program trading
Stock trades involving the purchase or sale of a basket including 15 or more socks with a total market value of $1 million or more Most program trades are executed on the New York Stock Exchange, using computerized trading systems Index arbitrage is the most prominently reported type of program trading
program trading
A sophisticated computerized trading strategy whereby a portfolio manager attempts to earn a profit from the price spreads between a portfolio of equities similar or identical to those underlying a designated stock index, e g the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, and the price at which futures contracts (or their options) on the index trade in financial futures markets
program trading
Trades based on technical signs Often done by computer programs and entered directly from the trader's computer to the market's computer system and executed automatically
program trading
Computerized trading used primarily by institutional investors, typically for large volume trades, where orders from the trader's computer are entered directly into the market's computer system and executed automatically
program trading
A complex computerized system designed to take advantage of temporary differences between the actual value of the stocks composing a popular index and the value represented by futures contracts on those stocks To simplify, if the stocks' prices are higher than the futures contracts reflect, computer programs issue orders to sell stocks and buy futures contracts If the stocks are lower than the futures contracts reflect, program traders buy stocks and sell the futures The result is virtually risk-free profits for the program traders and more volatility for the market because of the vast numbers of shares needed to make the system work
program trading
The purchase or sale of stocks by computerized trading programs that can be launched without human supervision or control
program trading
Large-scale, computer-assisted trading of stocks or other securities according to systems in which decisions to buy and sell are triggered automatically by fluctuations in price.program trader n
program trading
Simultaneously executing a group of stock transactions, usually by automated buy and sell orders, rather than buying/selling one lot of stocks at a time
program trading
The purchase (or sale) of a large number of stocks contained in or comprising a portfolio Originally called "program" trading when index funds and other institutional investors began to embark on large-scale buying or selling campaigns or "programs" to invest in a manner which replicated a target stock index, the term now also commonly includes computer aided stock market buying or selling programs, portfolio insurance, and index arbitrage
program trading
a kind of arbitrage between stock markets and stock index futures or options markets A computer is programmed to detect price discrepancies between two markets and to initiate trades when discrepancies are found
program trading
Computer buying (buy program) or selling (sell program) of baskets of 15 or more stocks by index arbitrageurs, specialists, or institutional traders
project management program
program which tracks tasks which must be done in order to complete a project
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف program's في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.


May I have a class schedule? - Ben bir sınıf programı alabilir miyim?

In America, my schedule is different and unique nearly every day. - Amerika'da, benim programım hemen hemen her gün farklı ve benzersizdir.

(Hukuk) programme

Even though computer programmers may use semicolons every day, nowadays most people only use semicolons for emoticons. - Bilgisayar programcıları her gün noktalı virgül kullanmalarına rağmen, bugünlerde birçok insan noktalı virgülleri sadece duyguları göstermek için kullanmaktadır.

I thought you might be interested in trying some of these games I programmed. - Programladığım bu oyunlardan bazılarını denemekle ilgilenebileceğini düşündüm.

program (me)

I'm sure you already know the routine. - Programı önceden bildiğine eminim.

(Havacılık) syllabus
(Ticaret) itinerary

According to the trip's itinerary, we will go to the British Museum on Monday. - Gezi programına göre, Pazartesi günü İngiliz Müzesine gideceğiz.

program akışı
(Bilgisayar) program flow
program bütçe
program budgeting
program bütçesi
(Ticaret) program budgeting
program dili
(Bilgisayar) programming language
program dosyası
(Bilgisayar) program file
program ekle
(Bilgisayar) add program
program hatası
(Bilgisayar) runtime error
program nesnesi
(Bilgisayar) program item
program no
(Bilgisayar) program id
program paketi
software suite
program parçası
(Bilgisayar) routine
program saatleri
program sayıcı
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program counter
program seç
(Bilgisayar) select program
program seçici
program selector
program sonu
(Bilgisayar) end of program
program türü
(Bilgisayar) program type
program unsuru
(Askeri) programme element
program yapma
(Bilgisayar) programming
program yapmak
(Bilgisayar) program
program yapmak
program öğesi
(Bilgisayar) program item
radio program, broadcast; television program, show

Is there a timetable? - Bir ders programı var mı?

program (printed for a play, concert, etc.)
schedule, plans, program
programme, program izlence
schedule of programs
programme [Brit.]
program adı
(Bilgisayar) program name
program adımı
program step
program akış diyagramı
program flowchart
program alanı
(Politika, Siyaset) programme area
program amacı muhtırası
(Askeri) program objective memorandum
program bakımı
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program maintenance
program bandı
program tape
program bağdaşırlığı
program compatibility
program başlat
(Bilgisayar) start a program
program başlığı
(Bilgisayar) program title
program belgelemesi
program documentation
program belirtimi
program specification
program belleği
program storage
program bindirmesi
program overlay
program birimi
program unit
program birimi
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program module
program bölümlemesi
program segmentation
program bütçe kararları
(Askeri) program budget decisions
program deneme
program testing
program denetimi
program check, program control
program denetleyicisi
program controller
program denetçisi
program controller
program derleme
program compilation
program değişimi
program modification
program değiştirme
program modification
program dili
program language
program direktif geliştirme grubu
(Askeri) program directive development group
program dizgesi
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program system
program dizini
(Bilgisayar) program directory
program düzeltme
program debugging
program düzeyi
program level
program dışı
program ekleyin
(Bilgisayar) add a program
program eşleri
suite of programs
program eşleri
kite of programs
program faktörü
(Askeri) programme factor
program geliştirme
program development
program gerçeklemesi
program verification
program grubu
(Bilgisayar) program group
program hatası
program error
program idaresi talimatı
(Askeri) program management directive
program inceleme grubu
(Askeri) program review group
program karar muhtırası
(Askeri) program decision memorandum
program kartları
program cards
program kesimlemesi
program segmentation
program kimliği
(Bilgisayar) prog id
program kitaplığı
program library
program komutu
program instruction
program koşumu
(Bilgisayar) programrun
program koşumu
program run
program kredisi
(Ticaret) programme credit
program kredisi
(Ticaret) program(me) credit
program kurgu sorumlusu
program kısmı
(Askeri) programme section
program metni
program modülü
program module
program niteliğinde
program notları
(Bilgisayar) program notes
program parametresi
program parameter
program planlama dokümanı
(Askeri) program planning document
program satırı
program line
program sayacı
program counter
program sağlaması
program checkout
program simgesi
(Bilgisayar) program icon
program sistemi
program system
program sıralayıcı
program sequencer
program tahlili
(Askeri) programme analysis
program tasarımı
program design
program taslağı
program draft
program tekerleği
star wheel
program testi
program test
program tür no
(Bilgisayar) program type id
program türleri
(Bilgisayar) program types
program unsur kodu
(Askeri) program element code
program unsur monitörü
(Askeri) program element monitor
program uyarlığı
program compatibility
program uyarısı
(Bilgisayar) program warning
program verisi
(Bilgisayar) program data
program yapımı
program yapımı
programming [Brit.]
program yardımı
(Ticaret) block grant
program yardımı
program aid
program yazmacı
(Bilgisayar) programregister
program yazmacı
program register
program yok
(Bilgisayar) no programs
program yöneticisi rehberlik muhtırası
(Askeri) program manager's guidance memorandum
program çiftleri
suite of programs
program çıktısı
(Bilgisayar) output program
program üretici
(Bilgisayar) program generator
program şeridi
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) program tape