
listen to the pronunciation of production
الإنجليزية - التركية

Seri imalat birçok ürünün fiyatını düşürdü. - Mass production reduced the price of many goods.


Yapımın seyirciler için görsel bir çekiciliği var. - The production has visual appeal for the audience.


Erken Ortaçağ cam üretimi Roma cam teknolojisinin bir devamı mıdır? - Is early medieval glass production a continuation of Roman glass technology?

Uranyum, nükleer gücün üretiminde kullanılmaktadır. - Uranium is used in the production of nuclear power.

{i} üretme
{i} ürün

Seri imalat birçok ürünün fiyatını düşürdü. - Mass production reduced the price of many goods.

üretilen miktar
(Sinema) gerçekleştirme

Herkesin yarattığı, her türlü bilim, edebiyat veya sanat eserlerinden mütevellit manevi ve maddi menfaatlerin korunmasına hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

sahneye koyma
(Tıp) Meydanag elme, olma, oluş husul, oluşum, prodüksiyon
{i} sin. yapım, prodüksiyon
{i} tiy. sahneye koyma
(Askeri) ÜRETİM, İSTİHSAL: Ham maddelerin, bir dizi imalat işlemlerinden geçirilmek suretiyle mamul madde veya aksam haline getirilmesi. İstihsal mühendisliği, kontrol, nitelik sigortası, ve kaynak ihtiyaçlarının tespiti gibi çalışmaları içine alır

Polonya'dan Türkiye'ye ithal edilen bir sürü ürün var. - There are many products imported from Poland to Turkey.

Çok uluslu ticaret şirketleri çok sayıda ürünün fiyatını düşürdü. - The multinational corporation lowered the price of several products.

{i} mahsul
production company
production control
üretim kontrolü
production line
(Ticaret) seri imalat bandı
production policy
(Politika, Siyaset) üretim politikası
production program
üretim programı
production rate
(Askeri) istihsal oranı
production tax
(Kanun,Ticaret) istihsal vergisi
production unit
(Ticaret) işletme
production unit
(Ticaret) üretici
production year
yapım yılı
production capacity
üretim kapasitesi
production control
üretim denetimi
production cost
üretim maliyeti
production department
işletme bölümü
production engineer
üretim mühendisi
production line
üretim hattı
production manager
üretim müdürü
production method
üretim yöntemi
production on demand
ihtiyaç için üretim
production reactor
üretim reaktörü
production tax
üretim vergisi
production time
üretkenlik zamanı
production allocation
üretim tahsisi
production assistant
prodüksiyon asistanı
production company
(Film) Yapım şirketi
production consultant
(Film) Prodüksiyon Danışmanı
production coordination
Prodüksiyon Koordinasyonu
production designer
Yapım Tasarımcısı
production desk
Prodüksiyon Masası, Üretim Bürosu
production libraries
üretim kitaplıkları
production material
üretim için kullanılan esas materyal
production of a drum
davul yapımı
production possibilities frontier
(Ekonomi) Üretim olanakları eğrisi
production possibilities frontier
(Ekonomi) Üretim sınırı mümkünatı
production possibilities frontier
(Ekonomi) İn economics, a production possibilities frontier (PPF) or “transformation curve” iş a graph that shows the different quantities of two goods that an economy (or agent) could efficiently produce with limited productive resources. Points along the curve describe the trade-off between the two goods, that iş, the opportunity cost. Opportunity cost here measures how much an additional unit of öne good costs in units forgone of the other good. The curve illustrates that increasing production of öne good reduces maximum production of the other good as resources are transferred away from the other good
production possibilities frontier
üretim olanakları sınır
production possibilities frontier
(Ekonomi) Üretim olanakaları eğrisi
production possibility frontier
üretim imkanı sınır
production premises
Üretim Tesisleri
production run
üretim kosumu
production scheduling
üretim planlaması
production series
üretim serisi
production shingle
Küçük prodüksiyon şirketi
production supervision
Prodüksiyon Denetimi
production technology
(Ekonomi) Üretim teknolojisi
production affectivity point
(Askeri) KESİN İMALAT NOKTASI: Onaylanan bir tadilatın, henüz imal durumundaki bir silah sistemine tamamen dahil edildiği nokta
production aid
(Tarım) üretim yardımları
production base
(Askeri) ÜRETİM KAYNAĞI, ÜRETİM ÜSSÜ, İSTİHSAL KAYNAĞI, İSTİHSAL ÜSSÜ: Malzeme gereksinimlerini karşılayacak maddelerin imalatı için mevcut milli endüstri toplam üretim istihsal kapasitesi
production base
(Askeri) üretim kaynağı
production base analysis
(Askeri) üretim kaynağı analizi
production bonus
(Ticaret) üretim ikramiyesi
production book
(Ticaret) imalat defteri
production car
seri üretilen araba
production chain
(Ticaret) üretim zinciri
production control
(Askeri) ÜRETİM KONTROLU, İSTİHSAL KONTROLU: Bir imalathane veya bakım atölyesindeki çalışmaların; üretim kontrol levhası, seri imalat dosyası, iş sipariş kaydı ve çeşitli onarım süresi sınırları sistemi gibi kontrol vasıtalarından faydalanarak, nitelik bakımından azami bir istihsal miktarı sağlanacak tarzda idare ve kontrolu işlemi
production costs
imalât maliyeti
production costs
üretim maliyeti
production costs
üretim giderleri
production costs
(Sinema) yapım giderleri
production director
yayın yönetmeni
production effect
(Ticaret) üretim etkisi
production equipment
(Askeri) ÜRETİM TEÇHİZATI: İstihsal maddelerinin veya bir imalat, kimyasal işlem, montaj veya bakım tesisinde elde bulunan (in process) mamul maddelerin kesilmesi, düzeltilmesi, taşlanması, frezelenmesi, şekillendirilmesi, eklenmesi, ölçülmesi, denenmesi, ısıtılması veya kimyasal bir madde ile işleme tabi tutulması maksadıyla, emtia ve hizmetlerin üretiminde faydalanılan herhangi bir teçhizat
production expense
üretim harcaması
production goods
production labor
(Ticaret) üretici işçilik
production lag
(Ticaret) üretim gecikmeleri
production lead time
(Askeri) ÜRETİM ÖN SÜRESİ, İSTİHSAL ÖN SÜRESİ: Bir sözleşmenin yapılması ile satın alınan malzemenin ikmal sistemine alınması arasında geçen süre. İki kayıt şekli mevcuttur
production line
üretim/imalat hattı
production line maintenance
(Askeri) SERİ HALİNDE BAKIM: Tespit edilmiş bir sıra dahilinde, belirli bir takım onarım istasyonlarından geçirilen hizmete elverişsiz malzemenin onarılması, revizyonu, yenileştirilmesi sistemi
production logistics
(Askeri) ÜRETİM LOJİSTİĞİ: Lojistiğin, malzemelerin araştırılması, tasarımı, geliştirilmesi, imalatı ve kabulü ile ilgili kısmı. Sonuç olarak üretim lojistiği; standardizasyon ve karşılıklı çalışabilirliği, mukavele yapmayı, kalite garantisini, ilk temini, nakledilebilirliği, güvenirlik ve kusur analizini, emniyet standartlarını, şartnameler ve üretim süreçlerini, deneme ve sınamayı (gerekli tesislerin teminini içermektedir), teçhizat belgelemesini, görünüş kontrolu ve tadilatları içermektedir
production loss appraisal
(Askeri) ENDÜSTRİ ÜRETİMİ KAYIP TAHMİNİ: Düşmanın, taarruz anından itibaren, imalat süresince ve tam istihsale yeniden geçilen ana kadar, bir endüstriye mamul madde miktarı olarak verdiği zarara ait tahmin
production management office(r); program management office
(Askeri) üretim yönetim subayı; program yönetim bürosu
production means
(Ticaret) üretim araçları
production missile
(Askeri) seri imal füze
production missile
(Askeri) SERİ İMAL FÜZE: Askeri bir makam veya diğer hükümet makamı tarafından kabul edilmiş, harekat tipi komple bir füze. Bu füze, taktik veya taktik dışı bir kullanma maksadı için tahsis edilmiş olabilir. Prototip füzeler bunun dışındadır
production model
(Denizbilim) üretim modeli
production of the opener
(Tekstil) açıcının istihsali
production package
(Askeri) ÜRETİM DOKÜMANLARI DOSYASI; İSTİHSAL DOKÜMANLARI DOSYASI: İstihsale geçilmesi gerekli ve istihsal planları, resimler, şartnameler, formüller, işlemler, metotlar, teknik dokümanlar ve malzeme satış tarifnameleri gibi teferruatlı teknik bilgiler
production package
(Askeri) üretim dokümanları dosyası
production permit
(Nükleer Bilimler) üretim izni
production plan
(Ticaret) üretim planı
production pond
(Denizbilim) üretim havuzu
production quota
(Ticaret) üretim kotası
production rate
(Askeri) ÜRETİM ORANI; İSTİHSAL ORANI: Birim zamanı içinde üretilen miktar
production requirement
(Ticaret) gerekli üretim
production requirements
(Askeri) ÜRETİM İHTİYAÇLARI; İSTİHSAL İHTİYAÇLARI: Resmi stok seviyeleri ile ikmal ve tahliye kanalı ihtiyaçlarının toplamı. Ele geçmesi beklenen stok, eldeki stok, depo alacağı durumundaki stok, iade edilen stok ve, HEK mallar, parça yenileştirme, yenileştirme suretiyle ve diğer kaynaklardan meydana gelen stoklar bu toplamın dışında kalır
production share
üretim paylaşımı
production stage
(Dilbilim) üretme aşaması
production supervisor
(Ticaret) üretim sorumlusu
production team
(Sinema) yapım ekibi
production test
(Dilbilim) üretim sınavı
production test
(Dilbilim) üretken sınav
production test
(Dilbilim) üretici sınav
premium production
(Sigorta) prim üretimi
prior production tax
(Ticaret) istihsal vergisi
pre production
öncesi üretim
Üretim öncesi
primitive production method
(Ticaret) ilkel üretim metodu
print production
(Askeri) basılı ürünler
print production
(Askeri) görsel iletişim ürünleri
{i} mat. çarpım
(Tıp) Müstahzar
series production
seri üretim
agricultural production
tarım üretimi
batch production
(Mekanik) küme üretimi
begin production
üretime geçmek
boost the production
üretimi canlandırmak
boost the production
üretimi artırmak
cement production
(İnşaat) çimento üretimi
commence mass production
seri üretime geçmek
commence production
(Ticaret) üretime geçmek
commence production
(Ticaret) üretime başlamak
electricity production
(Kanun) elektrik enerjisi üretimi
film production
(Sinema) film prodüksiyon
food production
(Gıda) gıda üretimi
forces of production
üretici güçler
gas production
gaz üretimi
heat production
ısı üretimi
joint production
(Ticaret) birleşik üretim
mass production
(Ticaret) makineleşme
pair production
(Çevre,Fizik,Teknik) çift üretimi
paper production
kağıt üretimi
(Ticaret) mamul madde
yapı öğesi
(Ticaret) yapım

Yapımın seyirciler için görsel bir çekiciliği var. - The production has visual appeal for the audience.

(Bilgisayar) çarpma
(Ticaret) hasıla
(Tıp) prodükt

İsim takarak insanları küçümsemeye çalışmak hiç verimli değildir. - Name-calling is never productive.

Almanya'da geçirdiğin yıl senin için çok verimliydi. - The year you spent in Germany was very productive for you.

(Ticaret) üretim

Yeni üretim süreci, yüksek verim elde eder. - The new production process achieves a high yield.

Coca-Cola'nın üretildiği ilk yıllarda, o kokain içeriyordu. 1914'te, kokain bir uyuşturucu olarak gruplandırıldı ve sonra Coca-Cola'nın üretimi için kokain yerine kafein kullandılar. - In the first years that Coca-Cola was produced, it contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a narcotic, after which they used caffeine instead of cocaine in the production of Coca-Cola.

production cost
imalat maliyeti
production facility
üretim tesisi
production line
imalat hattı
production line
üretim merkezi
restricted production
(Ticaret) sınırlı üretim
seed production
(Askeri) tohum üretimi
sugar production
(Ticaret) şeker üretimi
track production
(Askeri) iz yakalama
agricultural production
tarımsal üretim
artistic production
sanat eseri
automated production management
otomatikleştirilmiş üretim yönetimi
batch production
toplu üretim
cost of production
imalat maliyeti
cost of production
üretim maliyeti
daily milk production
günlük süt üretimi
deputy production manager
üretim müdür yardımcısı
duplicate production
seri üretim
factor of production
üretim faktörü
factors of production
üretim etmenleri
factors of production
üretim faktörleri
factory production
fabrika üretimi
logging production
tomruk üretimi
mass production
seri imalat
mass production
seri üretim
milk production
süt verimi
multiple production
seri üretim
oil production
yağ üretimi
quantity production
seri üretim
theatrical production
tiyatro eseri
(Nükleer Bilimler) ürün(ışınlanacak),çarpan
deputy production manager
üretim mudur yardımcısı
industrial production
sanayi üretimi
lean production
Yalın üretim
plant production
bitkisel üretim
unit production manager
(Film) Yapım sorumlusu
{i} sonuç, netice
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
an occasion or activity made more complicated than necessary

He made a simple meal into a huge production.

the presentation of a theatrical work

We went to a production of Hamlet.

the total amount produced

They hope to increase spaghetti production next year.

the act of producing

The widget making machine is being used for production now.

that which is manufactured or is ready for manufacturing in volume (as opposed to a prototype or conceptual model)

This is the final production model.

the act of being produced

The widgets are coming out of production now.

{n} the act of producing, a product
The production of crops, dairy products, or animals includes, among other things, planting, cultivation, or harvesting crops* or preparing land for such activities, raising or milking dairy farm animals, gathering eggs, and raising livestock for eventual slaughter (but not for sport or recreational use) Planting, cultivating, and harvesting fruits and vegetables (e g , apples, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, potatoes, celery etc )
One of the three branches of the film industry; the process of creating the film See also distribution, exhibition
An indicator of whether the platform is producing crude oil and/or gas well gas
the process of making or producing
Production is the process of manufacturing or growing something in large quantities. That model won't go into production before late 1990. tax incentives to encourage domestic production of oil
The act of lengthening out or prolonging
All the processes involved in making wealth and bringing it from its place of origin to the ultimate consumer
a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television; "have you seen the new production of Hamlet?"
Production is the process of organizing and preparing a play, film, programme, or CD, in order to present it to the public. She is head of the production company
The act or process or producing, bringing forth, or exhibiting to view; as, the production of commodities, of a witness
an artifact that has been created by someone or some process; "they improve their product every year"; "they export most of their agricultural production"
Any cel or drawing created for the production of an animated film Does not necessarily mean that the piece appears in the film Edited, colour model, and preliminary art are all production artwork
A facility provided by LPI by which a party in possession of a Crown Grant, certificate of title, old system deed or other document can give temporary custody of the document to the Registrar-General The document will be produced for the purpose of registering a request, dealing or plan that will be subsequently lodged When the registration action has been completed the document or issuing certificates of title will usually be returned to the producing party
The number of surviving offspring produced during a specific period of time, usually expressed per year Net productivity is the annual gain or loss between births an deaths in a population
the act or process of producing something; "Shakespeare's production of poetry was enormous"; "the production of white blood cells"
the creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale; "he introduced more efficient methods of production"
(law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law; "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents"
the creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services
When you can do something on production of or on the production of documents, you need to show someone those documents in order to be able to do that thing. Entry to the show is free to members on production of their membership cards. mass production pair production production function production management
The coordination and assembly of resources to produce a product or deliver a service
The subset of the KreW of a DesignShop® event charged with keeping track of all of the documentation generated by the DesignShop process and assembling it into paper and electronic Journals for distribution to the participants, usually within a few days of the end of the event Journals may be 500 or more pages in length The new documentation process allows the Journal to be captured in a database for ease of use in an electronic format
the term used to describe the retrieval of archives from storage for research use Archives may not be fit for production if they are damaged or fragile Individual files, volumes, boxes or documents may be treated as 'producible units' by a repository
Artwork actually used in the final, released version of a film; not a reproduction or art produced for such purposes as publicity or display
a display that is exaggerated or unduly complicated; "she tends to make a big production out of nothing"
the process of readying a learning program for publication online, and its accompanying materials for publication online or in print
The total amount of proceeds which would be received by an underwriting syndicate if all securities held by the syndicate were sold at the prices listed in the reoffering scale
The production of something is its creation as the result of a natural process. These proteins stimulate the production of blood cells
That which is produced, yielded, or made, whether naturally, or by the application of intelligence and labor; as, the productions of the earth; the productions of handicraft; the productions of intellect or genius
the department within a publishing house responsible for print and paper buying and cost and quality control; in some cases has responsibility for typographic design also
This is a term from Information Science which refers to a finished, tested piece of software While the program or system is under development, it is in a "test" environment When it has been fully tested, debugged, and approved, it is moved into "production", a state where users can reliably access it
A production is a play, opera, or other show that is performed in a theatre. a critically acclaimed production of Othello
The subset of the KreW of a DesignShop charged with keeping track of all of the documentation generated by the DesignShop and assembling it into paper and electronic Journals for distribution to the participants, usually within a few days of the end of the event Journals may be 500 or more pages in length The new documentation process allows the Journal to be captured in a database for ease of use in an electronic format
Production is the amount of goods manufactured or grown by a company or country. We needed to increase the volume of production = output
a display that is exaggerated or unduly complicated; "she tends to make a big production out of nothing
A term commonly used to describe taking natural resources out of the ground
the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter"
Productions are the mechanism used to describe how complex input structures are built up out of simpler ones Each production has a left side and a right side The right side, or grammar rule, is a sequence of rule elements, which may represent either terminal tokens or nonterminal tokens The left side is a list of reduction tokens In most cases there would be only a single reduction token Productions with more than one token on the left side are called semantically determined productions The "->" symbol is used to separate the left side from the right side
In the ionosphere, it refers to the process of producing free electrons
A document or article used as evidence in court Cf label Q Queen's Counsel A senior member of the Faculty of Advocates, a silk, a senior R Ratio decidendi The underlying principle of law in a particular decision
(economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale; "he introduced more efficient methods of production"
The actual shooting of film or videotape of the infomercial script elements
{i} manufacture, assembly; output, yield; process of publicizing a motion picture (or play, television program, etc.), presentation for radio or television
means a recorded audio/visual work embodying the services and results of Performers whether such recorded work is fixed on film, tape or otherwise and includes, but is not limited to each Episode of a Series, a Pilot, etc , regardless of the method of delivery
Process of physically preparing the advertising idea into a print or broadcast advertisement
(law) the act of exhibiting in a court of law; "the appellate court demanded the production of all documents" the act or process of producing something; "Shakespeare's production of poetry was enormous"; "the production of white blood cells" the creation of value or wealth by producing goods and services (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale; "he introduced more efficient methods of production" a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television; "have you seen the new production of Hamlet?" a display that is exaggerated or unduly complicated; "she tends to make a big production out of nothing
The process of creating, growing, manufacturing, or improving goods and services
production model
An automobile or type of automobile mass-produced and distributed for sale to the general public
production record
An album or single featuring original music production. This term typically refers to electronic music pieces where a music producer is the primary contributing artist to the body of work
production value
A method, material, or stagecraft skill used in the production of a motion picture or artistic performance; the technical quality of such a method, material, or skill

The New York publicity people asked the studio people if the films were to be shot in colour or not so as to decide if whether to feature that production value in the promotional campaigns.

production values
Plural form of production value; the combined technical qualities of the methods, materials, or stagecraft skills used in the production of a motion picture or artistic performance

Aesthetically, Letts's film bears material traces of its low budget as well as the director's inattention to professional production values.

production orientation
An approach to business that centres its activities on continually improving and refining its products
production order
An order that initiates the manufacturing process
production possibilities frontier
(Ekonomi) In economics, a production possibilities frontier (PPF) or “transformation curve” is a graph that shows the different quantities of two goods that an economy (or agent) could efficiently produce with limited productive resources. Points along the curve describe the trade-off between the two goods, that is, the opportunity cost. Opportunity cost here measures how much an additional unit of one good costs in units forgone of the other good. The curve illustrates that increasing production of one good reduces maximum production of the other good as resources are transferred away from the other good
production possibility frontier
(Ekonomi) In economics, a production possibilities frontier (PPF) or “transformation curve” is a graph that shows the different quantities of two goods that an economy (or agent) could efficiently produce with limited productive resources. Points along the curve describe the trade-off between the two goods, that is, the opportunity cost. Opportunity cost here measures how much an additional unit of one good costs in units forgone of the other good. The curve illustrates that increasing production of one good reduces maximum production of the other good as resources are transferred away from the other good
production-possibility boundary
(Ekonomi) In economics, a production–possibility frontier (PPF), sometimes called a production–possibility curve, production-possibility boundary or product transformation curve, is a graph that compares the production rates of two commodities that use the same fixed total of the factors of production
production-possibility frontier
(Ekonomi) In economics, a production–possibility frontier (PPF), sometimes called a production–possibility curve, production-possibility boundary or product transformation curve, is a graph that compares the production rates of two commodities that use the same fixed total of the factors of production
production–possibility curve
(Ekonomi) In economics, a production–possibility frontier (PPF), sometimes called a production–possibility curve, production-possibility boundary or product transformation curve, is a graph that compares the production rates of two commodities that use the same fixed total of the factors of production
production activity control
(Ticaret) (PAC) The activities related to scheduling, releasing and tracking production orders and schedules, and reporting the materials and resources used and the results of the production process
production assistant
person that helps the chief producer
production capacity
{i} total products that can be produced from working facilities; total resources accessible and ready to achieve greatest possible yield
production car
{i} car produced and assembled in extensive large industrial quantities on a production line, car manufactured for sale to the general public
production chain
manufacturing line, assembly line
production control
supervision of a business' manufacturing activities until the stage where the product is ready for marketing
production cost
combined costs of raw material and labor incurred in producing goods
production database
(Ticaret) The set of records and files that provide the data necessary to schedule and report production, such as the bill of material, routing, work center, production calendar and other associated files
production director
{i} person who supervises and oversees production in an advertising agency, person who supervises and oversees production within a company (some of the duties are workflow management, project planning, etc.)
production elasticity
rate of change in the amount produced of a particular product in relation to the rate of change in the amount of material from which they were made
production elements
various resources used in the manufacture of products and the provision of services (land, work, capital and management)
production engineer
engineer that works in manufacture and management
production engineering
branch of engineering that deals with manufacture and management
production factors cost
direct cost of methods used to supply goods and services
production function
function of the yield in relation to the estimates (Economics)
production function
Equation that expresses the relationship between the quantities of productive factors (such as labour and capital) used and the amount of product obtained. It states the amount of product that can be obtained from every combination of factors, assuming that the most efficient available methods of production are used. The production function can thus measure the marginal productivity of a particular factor of production and determine the cheapest combination of productive factors that can be used to produce a given output
production goods
{i} something that can be used to yield merchandise
production line
(Ticaret) A linked set of manufacturing equipment or work stations that sequentially process a standard group of products or product families; most often used in a high-volume, repetitive manufacturing environment
production line
line in a factory along which a product is assembled piece by piece
production line
mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it
production line
A production line is an arrangement of machines in a factory where the products pass from machine to machine until they are finished. a line of machines and workers in a factory, each doing one job in the process of making of a product before passing it to the next machine or worker = assembly line
production management
or operations management Planning, implementation, and control of industrial production processes to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Production management techniques are used in both manufacturing and service industries. Production management responsibilities include the traditional "five M's": men and women, machines, methods, materials, and money. Managers are expected to maintain an efficient production process with a workforce that can readily adapt to new equipment and schedules. They may use industrial engineering methods, such as time-and-motion studies, to design efficient work methods. They are responsible for managing both physical (raw) materials and information materials (paperwork or electronic documentation). Of their duties involving money, inventory control is the most important. This involves tracking all component parts, work in process, finished goods, packaging materials, and general supplies. The production cycle requires that sales, financial, engineering, and planning departments exchange information such as sales forecasts, inventory levels, and budgets until detailed production orders are dispatched by a production-control division. Managers must also monitor operations to ensure that planned output levels, cost levels, and quality objectives are met. See also productivity
production manager
manager in charge of manufacturing something
production material
(Ticaret) Components and material directly used in the manufacturing process, and not for support or supply purposes
production number
a scene in a musical with a lot of people singing and dancing
production of goods and services
manufacturing of products and the services offered alongside them (Economics)
production order
(Ticaret) An order that authorizes manufacture of a specific quantity of an item or group of items, contains release and due dates, and documents requirements for the materials and resources used. It is assigned a separate number or identifier used in reporting material and labor transactions
production planning
(Ticaret) The cross-functional process of devising an aggregate, family-level plan for a month or quarter based on management targets for production, sales and inventory levels. It meets operating requirements for fulfilling basic business profitability and market goals, and provides the overall desired framework in developing the master production schedule and in evaluating capacity and resource requirements
production quotas
maximum amount that a factory can produce of a particular product
production schedule
(Ticaret) A prioritized report of released production orders for a manufacturing facility or specific department
The process of preparing the elements involved in a motion picture, theatrical play, or other performance
primary production
The organic matter produced from carbon dioxide by photosynthesis
Work done on a film, broadcast programme, etc. before full-scale production begins
programmed production
(Ticaret) The use of software programs to control production and support equipment such as CNC machines or robots
burden of production
The duty upon a party in a legal proceeding to introduce enough evidence relating to an assertion of fact to have the issue be considered by the fact-finder rather than summarily dismissed or decided; part of the burden of proof
factor of production
A resource employed to produce goods and services, such as labor, land, and capital
means of production
The combination of the means of labor--such as machines, tools, and equipment--and the subject of labor used by workers to make products
The stages of film production happening between the actual filming and the completed film
A commodity offered for sale

That store offers a variety of products.

A quantity obtained by multiplication of two or more numbers

The product of 2, 3, and 4 is 12.

A chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction

This is a product of lime and nitric acid.

The outcome or 'thingness' of an activity, especially in contrast to a process by which it was created or altered

This product of last month's quality standards committee is quite good, even though the process was flawed.

The amount of an artifact that has been created by someone or some process

They improve their product every year; they export most of their agricultural production.

A consequence of someone's efforts or of a particular set of circumstances

Skill is the product of hours of practice; His reaction was the product of hunger and fatigue.

A hair product, a hair care product – a preparation used to style hair and offered for sale

Dude, you use more product on your hair than any other guy I know!.

Illegal drugs, especially cocaine, when viewed as a commodity

I got some product here – you buying?.

request for production
A legal document filed in connection with litigation which asks the opposing party to provide documents or other physical objects
requests for production
plural form of request for production
batch production
A technique used in manufacturing, in which the object in question is created stage by stage over a series of workstations, and different batches of products are made
{n} a thing produced, work, effect, fruit
in production
Brewing, forthcoming, going on, in embryo, in preparation, in progress, in the oven, on foot, on the way, under construction, under way
unit production manager
(Film) A Unit Production Manager (UPM) is an executive who is responsible for the administration of a film
A quantity obtained by multiplication
If you say that someone or something is a product of a situation or process, you mean that the situation or process has had a significant effect in making them what they are. We are all products of our time The bank is the product of a 1971 merger of two Japanese banks. gross domestic product inner product space product rule Universal Product Code
A consequence of someones efforts or of a particular set of circumstances
a chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction; "a product of lime and nitric acid
One of the four main elements of the marketing mix, it is a bundle of tangible and intangible attributes, including packaging, colour, and brand, plus the services and even the reputation of the seller
A thing or substance produced by a natural or artifical process
What the physical advertisement was trying to sell - Spectraphone Radio, Amazing Blue Lipstick, etc If there was more than two specific products advertised, the term 'Various' was applied
The number or expression resulting from multiplying of two or more numbers or expressions (The product of 7 x 2 x 3 = 42 )
an artifact that has been created by someone or some process; "they improve their product every year"; "they export most of their agricultural production"
specific design that is intended to be useful for the buyer and which differs sufficiently from other designs , allowing the manufacturer to give it a unique designation, that is, a model number
A product is the largest module of software that Software Manager or Inst can install The operating system consists of several products that are required for the system to run See also subsystem and image
A combination of CPU core, ASSP and surrounding development board Often the early stages of a product in the more traditional sense
a chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction; "a product of lime and nitric acid"
commodities offered for sale; "good business depends on having good merchandise"; "that store offers a variety of products"
a consequence of someone's efforts or of a particular set of circumstances; "skill is the product of hours of practice"; "his reaction was the product of hunger and fatigue"
To produce; to make
A Product is a broad category of types of bugs In general, there are several Components to a Product A Product also defines a default Group (used for Bug Security) for all bugs entered into components beneath it Example 1 A Sample ProductA company sells a software product called "X" They also maintain some older software called "Y", and have a secret project "Z" An effective use of Products might be to create Products "X", "Y", and "Z", each with Components "User Interface", "Database", and "Business Logic" They might also change group permissions so that only those people who are members of Group "Z" can see components and bugs under Product "Z"
the number that results by multiplying two or more numbers together Example: 8 x 8 = 64 64 is the product
The tangible and stable result of a performance or task An assessment is made of student performance-based on evaluation of the product of a demonstration of learning
Any tangible output or service that is a result of a process and that is intended for delivery to a customer or end user
An application or framework produced by Project Builder AppleScript Studio projects create an application as a product
The outcome or thingness of an activity, especially in contrast to a process by which the product was created or altered
{i} something that is produced, result of manufacturing; goods, merchandise; (Mathematics) result obtained by multiplying quantities together
Term used to describe all goods and services sold Products are bundles of attributes (features, functions, benefits and uses) and can be either tangible as in the case of physical goods, or intangibles such as those associated with service benefits or a combination of the two
the result of multiplication -- "What is the product of six and four?" (26)
Everything that one receives in an exchange; it is a complexity of tangible and intangible attributes, including functional, social, and psychological utilities or benefits A product may be a good, service or idea
a) a product, a family of products, an intermediate product, a family of intermediate products, or a desired results or a family of result; b) a byproduct that is used as a raw material without further treatment
Something that is made to serve a purpose An example of a student product is a brochure designed to explain a topic
Something produced or made by human or mechanical effort or by a natural process In business, products are things or items to be bought and/or sold
The number or sum obtained by adding one number or quantity to itself as many times as there are units in another number; the number resulting from the multiplication of two or more numbers; as, the product of the multiplication of 7 by 5 is 35
To produce; to bring forward
The result of a multiplication problem The product of 3 x 5 is 15 It is the answer to a multiplication problem
Anything that is produced, whether as the result of generation, growth, labor, or thought, or by the operation of involuntary causes; as, the products of the season, or of the farm; the products of manufactures; the products of the brain
An element of a project that will ultimately be purchased in some form by an end user Product ideas that are pursued by General Systems become projects when they are adopted for research and development
Includes refined crude oil, crude tops, topped crude, processed crude petroleum, residue from crude petroleum, cracking stock, uncracked fuel oil, fuel oil, treated crude oil, residuum, casinghead gasoline, natural gas gasoline, gas oil, naphtha, distillate, gasoline, kerosene, benzine, wash oil, waste oil, blended gasoline, lubricating oil, blends or mixtures of petroleum and/or any and all liquid products or by-products derived from crude petroleum oil or gas, whether hereinabove enumerated or not
A result of a physical, analytical, or other process which is intended for use What is delivered to the customer (e g , hardware, software, test reports, data), as well as the processes (e g , system engineering, design, test, logistics) which make the product possible
The set of elements common to two or more sets
To lengthen out; to extend
a quantity obtained by multiplication; "the product of 2 and 3 is 6"
A tangible artifact produced by means of either human or mechanical work, or by biological or chemical processes
the set of elements common to two or more sets; "the set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things"
See the Note under Multiplication
A product is something that is produced and sold in large quantities, often as a result of a manufacturing process. Try to get the best product at the lowest price South Korea's imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year
A Product is a broad category of types of bugs, normally representing a single piece of software or entity In general, there are several Components to a Product A Product may define a group (used for security) for all bugs entered into its Components
A package of IT software, firmware and/or hardware, providing functionality designed for use or incorporation within a multiplicity of systems
In general, the result of any kind of multiplication
Plural of production