
listen to the pronunciation of printer
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} yazıcı

Yazıcının boş mürekkep kartuşunu lütfen değiştir. - Please replace the empty ink cartridge in the printer.

Yazıcının içinde bir kağıt parçası sıkıştı ve artık çalışmıyor. - A piece of paper got jammed in the printer and now it doesn't work.

basım aygıtı
(Biyokimya) yazaç
(Bilgisayar) bilgiyazıcı
{i} printer
{i} yayıncı
(Askeri) SATIR YAZICI: Bilgisayardan döküm almak için kullanılan aygıt. PRINTING SIZE OF MAP OR CHART: HARİTA VEYA KROKİNİN BASKI BÜYÜKLÜĞÜ: Bir harita veya krokiyi ihtiva edecek en küçük dikdörtgenin, kendi sınırları içinde basılı bulunan bütün malzemeler ile birlikteki boyutu
{i} matbaa makinesi
{i} (Bilgisayar) yazıcı, printer
printer busy
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı kullanımda
printer character
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı damgası
printer description
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı tanımı
printer drivers
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı sürücüleri
printer for
(Bilgisayar) yazdır
printer output
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı çıktısı
printer port
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı bağlantı noktası
printer port
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı kapısı
printer ribbon
yazıcı şeridi
printer setup
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı kur
printer setup
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı düzeni
printer's blanket
astar bezi
printer's felt
(Tekstil) astar bezi
printer server
yazıcı görevlisi
printer setting
yazıcı ayarı
printer setup
yazıcı ayarı
printer writer program
yazdırma programı
printer's devil
matbaacı çırağı
printer's ink
baskı mürekkebi
printer's mark
basımevinin özel amblemi
printer driver
yazıcı sürücüsü
printer ink
yazıcı mürekkebi, kartuş mürekkebi
printer's ornaments
Yazıcının süsler
printer's pie
Yazıcının pasta
printer's proof
Yazıcının kanıt
printer action
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı eylemi
printer character
yazici damgasi
printer code
Yazıcı kodu
printer control
yazici denetimi
printer control
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı denetimi
printer control codes
Yazıcı kontrol kodları
printer default
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı varsayılanı
printer device
Yazıcı Aygıtı
printer drum
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı tamburu
printer error
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı hatası
printer events
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı olayları
printer features
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı özellikleri
printer file
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı dosyası
printer file
yazıcı kütüğü
printer files
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı dosyaları
printer filters
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı süzgeçleri
printer font
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı yazı tipi
printer font
yazıcı fontu Yazıcı yazıtipi
printer font
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı yazıtipi
printer font
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı fontu
printer fonts
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı yazı tipleri
printer guide
Yazıcı kılavuzu
printer install
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı yüklel
printer installer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı kurucu
printer installer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı yerleştirici
printer installer
Yazıcı yerleştirici / kurucu
printer is out of paper
(Bilgisayar) yazıcıda kağıt yok
printer jobs
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı işleri
printer memory
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı belleği
printer message
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı iletisi
printer message
Yazıcı İleisi
printer mode
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı modu
printer model
Yazıcı Modeli
printer name
Yazıcı Adı
printer number
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı numarası
printer number in use
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı numarası kullanımda
printer offline
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı çevrimdışı
printer output
yazici ciktisi
printer performance
Yazıcı Başarımı
printer port
Yazıcı kapısı Yazıcı bağlantı
printer profile
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı profili
printer queue
Yazıcı Kuyruğu
printer queue object
Yazıcı Kuyruk Nesnesi
printer resource
yazıcı kaynağı
printer section
printer kısmı
printer selection
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı seçimi
printer server
yazici paylastirici
printer server
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı paylaştırıcı
printer setup
yazıcı ayarı Yazıcı Ayarları /
printer setup
Yazıcı Kurulumu
printer setup dll
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı kurma dll
printer sharing
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı paylaşımı
printer software
yazıcı yazılımı
printer status
Yazıcı Durumu
printer step
(Sinema) basım ışığı
printer tasks
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı görevleri
printer test page
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı sınama sayfası
printer timeouts
Yazıcı zaman limitleri
printer traffic
Yazıcı Trafiği
printer vendor
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı satıcısı
printer's blanket
(Tekstil) astar bezi, basma altı, blanket
printer's error
basım hatası
printer's error
dizgi hatası
printer's error
baskı hatası
printer's felt
(Tekstil) astar bezi basma altı, blanket
printer's ink
matbaa mürekkebi
printer's marks
(Bilgisayar) yazıcının işaretleri
projection printer
projeksiyon yazıcı
3D printer
(Antika) 3D yazıcı
continuous printer
(Bilgisayar) sürekli yazıcı
dot matrix printer
(Bilgisayar) nokta matris yazıcı
dot matrix printer
(Bilgisayar) nokta matrisli yazıcı
dot printer
(Bilgisayar) matris yazıcı
drum printer
(Bilgisayar) silindirli yazıcı
impact printer
(Bilgisayar) vurmalı yazıcı
matrix printer
nokta vuruşlu yazıcı
matrix printer
(Bilgisayar) matrisli yazıcı
matrix printer
(Bilgisayar) nokta yazıcı
merge to printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcıya birleştir
receive only printer
(Bilgisayar) salt alış yazıcısı
remove printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcıyı kaldır
set up printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı kurulumu
specific printer
(Bilgisayar) belirli yazıcı
barrel printer
tambur yazıcı
bidirectional printer
iki yönlü yazıcı
bidirectional printer
ikiyönlü yazıcı
chain printer
zincir yazıcı
character at a time printer
karakter yazıcı
character printer
karakter yazıcı
contact printer
değmeli baskı aygıtı
continuous film printer
sürekli film basıcı
daisy wheel printer
papatya çarklı yazıcı
dot matrix printer
iğneli yazıcı
dot printer
nokta yazıcı
dot printer
çekit basıcı
dot printer
çekit yazıcı
drum printer
tambur yazıcı
electrostatic printer
elektrostatik yazıcı
high speed printer
yüksek hızlı yazcı
high-speed printer
yüksek hızlı yazıcı
impact printer
vuruşlu yazıcı
intermittent printer
kesintili yazıcı
laser printer
lazer yazıcı
letter printer
mektup yazıcı
letter quality printer
net baskılı yazıcı
line printer
satır basıcı
line printer
satır yazıcı
matrix printer
İğneli Yazıcı
matrix printer
matris yazıcı
non impact printer
vuruşsuz yazıcı
page at a time printer
bir kerede tek sayfa basan yazıcı
serial printer
seri yazıcı
thermal printer
termal yazıcı
xerographic printer
bar printer
çubuğu yazıcı
chained printer
zincirleme yazıcı
continuous printer
sürekli başım aygıtı
drum printer
yazıcı drum
enlarger printer
finger printer
parmak yazıcı
free flight printer
ücretsiz uçuş yazıcı
graphics printer
grafik yazıcı
hard copy printer
basılı kopya yazıcı
horizontal printer
yatay yazıcı
ink jet printer
mürekkep püskürtmeli yazıcı
inkjet printer
Mürekkep püskürtmeli yazıcı
jet set printer
jet yazıcı seti
key printer
anahtar yazıcı
line printer
microfilm printer
mikrofilm yazıcı
mosaic printer
mozaik yazıcı
off line printer
satır yazıcı kapalı
offset printer
ofset yazıcı

Onların yazıcılarını ayırmıyorum. - I'm not disconnecting their printers.

Lazer yazıcılar genelde mürekkep püskürtmeli yazıcılardan daha ucuzdur. - Laser printers are generally cheaper to maintain than inkjet printers.

stylus printer
üçlü yazıcı
tape printer
şerit yazıcı
thimble printer
yüksük yazıcı
wheel printer
tekerlek yazıcı
wire printer
24 pin printer
24 iğneli yazıcı
9 pin printer
9 iğneli yazıcı
add printer driver
Yazıcı sürücüsü ekle
added printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı eklendi
advanced printer function
gelişmiş yazıcı işlevi
browse for printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcılara gözat
capture printer port
(Bilgisayar) bağlantı noktası yakala
capture to printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcıya yolla
default printer
varsayılan yazıcı, print (yazdır) komutu ile doğrudan yollanılan yazıcı
default printer
atanmış yazıcı
delete printer driver
Yazıcı sürücüsünü sil
diablo printer
diablo yazıcı
dot matrix printer
Nokta Vuruşlu Yazıcı
find a printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı bul
find printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı bul
generic printer
(Bilgisayar) genel yazıcı
hardcopy printer
(Askeri) bilgisayar yazıcısı
image printer
impact printer
vuruşlu yazıcı vurmalı yazıcı
install printer software
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı yazılımını yükle
intermittent printer
(Fotoğrafçılık) aralı basıcı
job printer
küçük matbaa
laser printer
bilg. lazer yazıcı/printer
letter quality printer
Daktilo kalitesinde yazıcı
line printer daemon
(LPD) Satır Yazıcı Sunucu Yazılımı
line printer unit
(Askeri) hat yazıcı birimi
logging printer
(Marangozluk,Teknik) rapor yazıcısı
matrix printer
bilg. matrisli yazıcı
postscript printer on..
ya bağlı PostScript yazıcı
remote line printer
(Askeri) uzak satır yazıcı
satellite printer location
uydu yazıcı mahalli
satellite ticket printer
(Turizm) otomatik bilet makinesi
satellite ticket printer
uydu bilet yazıcısı
select printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı seç
sent to printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcıya gönderildi
serial printer
seri basıcı
shared printer
Paylaşımlı Yazıcı
stylus printer
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uçlu yazıcı
telegraph printer
(Askeri) TELGRAF KAYIT CİHAZI: Telgraf işaretlerini kaydeden cihaz
temporary printer files
(Bilgisayar) geçici yazıcı dosyaları
thermal printer
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ısıl yazıcı
unknown printer
(Bilgisayar) bilinmeyen yazıcı
virtual printer
varsayılan yazıcı
التركية - التركية
bakınız yazıcı
Bilgi yazar
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A device, usually attached to a computer, used to print text or images onto paper. Also see plotter
The operator of a printing press or owner of a printing business
One who makes prints
{n} one who prints books or stains linen
A printer is a machine that can be connected to a computer in order to make copies on paper of documents or other information held by the computer. see also laser printer
(1) In electronic records, a computer output device that makes a paper copy of alphanumeric or graphic information
Peripheral device that outputs onto a sheet of paper This paper is referred to as a hard copy
(computer science) an output device that prints the results of data processing
The most commonly used printer of the home user Ink-jet printers do not offer the speed and bulk capacity of a laser printer, but are cheaper to run and can print in colour They work by a fine jet of ink being fired at the paper
This term has two meanings: 1) A machine that prints the output from a computer to paper, or 2) A person or company that produces the printed copy of a book or other item
A number of technologies exist, using various techniques The most common types of computer printers are: Band - a rotating metal band is impacted as it spins; Daisy wheel - a small print wheel containing the form of each character rotates and hits the paper, character by character; Dot matrix - characters and graphics are created by pins hitting the ribbon and paper; Ink jet - injects (sprays) ink onto the paper; Laser - electrostatically charges the printed page and applies toner; Plotter - moves ink pens over the paper surface, typically used for large engineering and architectural drawings Thermal - a hot printer head contacts special paper that reacts to heat
A printer is a piece of hardware that will print computer information onto paper
A device attached to an engine analyzer that can print out a "hard copy" of test results
An output device attached to your computer that produces printed copies on paper (hard copies)
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
a compositor; a typesetter; a pressman
A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth
A computer peripheral that’s used to output prints from digital images or data files Most inexpensive printers are inkjet models that squirt out tiny jets of ink onto paper to make up the photograph More expensive models tend to be either laser printer or dye-sublimation printers
a computer output device that produces a paper "hard copy" of information
This is a device which attaches to the computer and prints information This is necessary to give you a "hard copy" or printed output of the information on your files in the computer
A piece of computer hardware which is used to produce print outs or hardcopies of the documents found on a computer's disk drive These documents can contain both text and graphics Printers can print documents on paper, transparencies, and even cloth There are many different kinds of printers such as: laser printers, laser jet , bubble jet, ink jet, and dot matrix printers Depending on the kind of printer, they can create colour print outs as well as black and white Submitter: Rick's Group Go to the Glossary Index Input and Output Page Please see Input/Output Devices Flash: Input/Output Movie FAQ: What kind of printer should I get?
An output device that prints results stored in main memory Character printers print one character at a time serially Line printers print one full line at a time using a character chain or drum For desktop applications dot-matrix printer, or ink-jet printer or laser printer is used
A machine that marks on paper, preferably representing the letters or pictures you requested There are many kinds of printers The printer may be connected to your computer; if you are on a network, it may be connected to a computer elsewhere in your office To find it, just listen for the sound of printing or follow people around for a while
A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper
A printer transfers graphics and text from your computer to paper
A computer peripheral device that puts text or a computer-generated image on paper or on another medium, such as a transparency film
A device that outputs text or graphics onto paper or film Dot-matrix printers look rather like a typewriter without a keyboard Laser printers look somewhat like photocopiers that don't have a place to put the original
a machine that prints (computer science) an output device that prints the results of data processing someone whose occupation is printing Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical
A printer is a person or company whose job is printing things such as books. The manuscript had already been sent off to the printers
That which is produced by printing
One who prints; especially, one who prints books, newspapers, engravings, etc
In the realm of computers, a device for printing text or graphics on a page Printers fall into at least three main varieties: laser printers, ink-jet printers and dot-matrix printers Dot-matrix printers are the least expensive, but also offer the lowest quality Laser-printers are the most expensive printers, but also offer the highest quality; the better ones offer typeset-quality output Ink-jet printers produce output almost as nice as the lower-end laser printers, and are often less expensive
A device for putting computer output on paper, such as a laser printer
{i} computer peripheral used for exporting documents to paper; owner of a printing press; imprinter, one who stamps or imprints with ink
The individual or firm which actually prints material A printer is sometimes, but not always, the publisher
A joke in poor taste A printer consists of 3 main parts: the case, the jammed paper tray, and the blinking red light
a machine that prints
someone whose occupation is printing
a device that attaches to your computer that will convert images and text from your computer into an image on paper
as, small print; large print; this line is in print
A device connected to a computer that enables paper output The three main type are laser, ink or bubble jet, and dot matrix A laser printer uses this technology to heat the paper, and then bond the toner to the surface - very high quality An ink jet printer uses a very fine 'gun' or printing head to fire electrons of ink at the paper - high quality, and enables inexpensive colour printing The oldest of the technologies is dot matrix, also known as impact printers A matrix of pins is used to impact the characters onto the paper, using an ink ribbon similar to a typewriter - noisy and lower quality, but inexpensive
Hardware for printing documents, texts, files, photos, etc [Software is needed to run this also, along with lots of paper !!!!$$$!!!!!]
n (1504) : one that prints as a: a person engaged in printing b: a device used for printing : esp: a machine for printing from photographic negatives c: a device (as a dot matrix printer that produces printout)
printer buffer
A hardware or software device that stores a print stream until a printer is ready to process it
printer's apostrophe
An apostrophe (punctuation mark) indicating elision
printer's devil
An apprentice printer
printer ink
The ink used for printers, cartridge ink
Printer Control Language
commands used to control a printer, PCL
printer cable
a cable between a computer and a printer
printer command
command sent to a printer which provides instructions on how the document is to be formatted
printer commands
commands sent to a printer which provide instructions on how the document is to be formatted
printer control codes
special characters which are not printed but rather are used to give instruction on how to print a document (such as bold, etc.)
printer driver
file which contains information necessary to operate a printer from within a particular application
printer emulation
The ability of a printer to change modes so that it behaves just like a printer from another manufacturer
printer emulation
ability of one printer to receive print instructions in the control language of another printer
printer emulation
A set of operating commands that determines how data sent from the computer is interpreted and acted upon Printer emulations replicate existing printers, such as the HP LaserJet 4
printer emulation
A feature of 3270 emulation that makes the printer attached to a PC appear to be an IBM 3270 printer
printer font
font which is located in the memory of a printer and used to print text
printer queue
line of jobs waiting to be printed by a printer
printer sharing
ability of a computer to allow the printer connected to it to print according to requests from across a network
printer's devil
young apprentice in a printing company
printer's devil
an apprentice in a printing establishment
printer's error
mistake made by a printer in the printing of an item
printer's ink
a semi-solid quick drying ink made especially for use in printing
printer's ink
ink used in the printing business
printer's pie
mess, confusion, disorder
daisy wheel printer
Alternative spelling of daisywheel printer
daisywheel printer
A printer that operates by striking the page with moulded characters from a rotating circular arrangement, obsolete since the late 1980s
dot matrix printer
A type of printer that prints characters using an array of small wires that produce an array of dots when striking the paper
impact printer
A printer in which each character is produced by part of the mechanism striking the paper (normally through an inked ribbon)
inkjet printer
A device for the printing of documents which that operates by propelling tiny droplets of liquid ink onto paper
laser printer
A computer printer that uses a laser beam to produce an image on a rotating drum before transferring it to the paper
line printer
A high-speed impact printer, most often used by older mainframes, that prints an entire line in a single operation
thermal printer
A printer that operates by applying heat to selected areas of specially treated paper
A printer
Bubble-Jet Printer
A trademark for a printer consisting of a grid of ink-containing nozzles that forms an image when the ink is heated and expanded, forcing it out onto the page
Government Printer
department of the Treasury Ministry which provides printing services for all government offices
bar printer
an impact printer that uses a bar to carry the type slugs
bubble jet printer
type of inkjet printer, type of printer which injects ink out of nozzles onto the paper
bubble jet printer
a kind of ink-jet printer
bubble jet printer
a type of machine for printing from a computer, that sprays ink onto the paper
chain printer
an impact printer that carries the type slugs by links of a revolving chain
character printer
printer which prints each character separately (as opposed to passing line after line and printing many characters at the same time)
character printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
computer printer
Electronic device that accepts text files or images from a computer and transfers them to a medium such as paper or film. It can be connected directly to the computer or indirectly via a network. Printers are classified as impact printers (in which the print medium is physically struck) and non-impact printers. Most impact printers are dot-matrix printers, which have a number of pins on the print head that emerge to form a character. Non-impact printers fall into three main categories: laser printers use a laser beam to attract toner to an area of the paper; ink-jet printers spray a jet of liquid ink; and thermal printers transfer wax-based ink or use heated pins to directly imprint an image on specially treated paper. Important printer characteristics include resolution (in dots per inch), speed (in sheets of paper printed per minute), colour (full-colour or black-and-white), and cache memory (which affects the speed at which a file can be printed)
daisy wheel printer
printer which has a a rotating plastic wheel and presses letters against a ribbon to produce type on the paper
daisywheel printer
a printer that uses a daisy print wheel
default printer
printer which Windows uses as a default if the choice of the active printer is not changed
dot matrix printer
A dot matrix printer is a computer printer using a device with a series of dots or pins stamped onto it to produce words and numbers
dot matrix printer
a printer that represents each character as a pattern of dots from a dot matrix
dot matrix printer
printer which prints graphics and text by pressing pins against an inked ribbon
dot-matrix printer
a machine connected to a computer that prints letters, numbers etc using many small dots
drum printer
A line printer in which a revolving cylinder acts as the printing element
drum printer
a line printer in which the type is mounted on a rotating drum that contains a full character set for each printing position
electrostatic printer
a printer that uses an electric charge to deposit toner on paper
graphics printer
printer which can produce graphical output, printer which is capable of printing graphics
impact printer
a printer that prints by mechanical impacts
ink jet printer
printer which prints by spraying electrically charged ink (mostly color printers)
ink-jet printer
a printer that produces characters by projecting electrically charged droplets of ink
inkjet printer
An ink-jet printer produces high-quality documents at a relatively low price
inkjet printer
A printing device that generates images by shooting dots of liquid ink against a printing surface Resolutions vary between 300 and 1200 dpi (dots per inch) When selecting printers, the higher the dpi, the sharper the image Inkjet printers themselves are very inexpensive, however the cost printing is relatively high because of the cost of ink Inkjet printers are almost all capable of printing in color
inkjet printer
A printing system that sprays fine droplets of CMYK ink through very small nozzles to form dot on papers The "Photo Inkjet Printers" also use the fine nozzles to spray 6 colors of CMY and pastel versions of CMY to create dots on paper
inkjet printer
A non-impact printer that sprays droplets of ink onto the media The printhead moves across the surface of the media, spraying tiny, electrostatically-charged ink drops onto it to form images
inkjet printer
A printer mechanism that sprays one or more colors of ink onto paper and produces high-quality printing Inkjet printers use a CMKY process to create color images CMKY stands for cyan, magenta, yellow and black A typical black ink cartridge contains a print head with up to 144 nozzles Each nozzle is responsible for a single dot of ink
inkjet printer
a medium quality printer that uses an ink cartridge to produce an image
inkjet printer
A type of printer that sprays tiny streams of quick-drying ink onto the paper
inkjet printer
Printer which makes characters with tiny jets of ink
inkjet printer
A type of printer that sprays dots of ink onto paper to create an image Inkjet printers are normally inexpensive Better-quality inkjet printers can attain near photo quality output
inkjet printer
This type of printer uses a printhead which has a series of little nozzles In each nozzle, the ink heats up, and bubbles When the bubbles burst, ink sprays out onto the print surface
inkjet printer
A printer that electronically directs ink from either one or more nozzles forming color dots that make up the image
inkjet printer
A type of printer that sprays ink on paper
inkjet printer
A printer that uses a tiny sprayer to print the documents Modern Inkjet printers have the same quality as laser printers, but are usually slower In many cases special inkjet paper, that has a coating on one or both sides is used to keep the ink from spreading
inkjet printer
A type of non-impact printing technology that sprays ink onto a surface
inkjet printer
This type of printer uses a print head which has a series of little nozzles In each nozzle, the ink heats up, and bubbles When the bubbles burst, ink sprays out onto the print surface
inkjet printer
A printer or an all-in-one unit that shoots fast drying ink through tiny nozzles onto a page to form characters The inkjet is currently the standard for personal computer printing Inkjets are fast, affordable, relatively quiet, and provide high quality printing in color
inkjet printer
An inkjet printer uses a print-head containing 50 or more small nozzles Each nozzle can be controlled individually by electrostatic charges produced by the printer Characters are formed by squirting small droplets of directly onto the paper Inkjets are considered relatively inexpensive, near silent in operation and capable of producing good quality results It should be noted that inkjet printers also represent an economical means of printing in colour
inkjet printer
A device that makes a print from a digital file by laying ink onto paper or canvas Epson printers, Lexmark printers, and Roland printers are examples of inkjet printers
inkjet printer
an electronic printer, usually connected to a small computer dot-matrix printer, laser printer laser printer
inkjet printer
A printer that fires minute jets of ink onto paper to make up a digital photo
inkjet printer
A computer printer that sprays jets of ink to print text
job printer
A printer that does miscellaneous work such as circulars and cards
laser printer
A printer or all-in-one unit that uses static electricity and heat to bond particles of toner to a page to create characters, the same technology used by a copy machine Laser printers are not recommended for fabric printing
laser printer
A printer that works like a photocopying machine, except that, rather than a paper original, the information to copy is drawn on the drum by a laser Pretty cool
laser printer
electrostatic printer that focuses a laser beam to form images that are transferred to paper electrostatically
laser printer
This device uses a laser beam to produce an image on a drum The light of the laser alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits The drum is then rolled through a reservoir of toner, which is picked up by the charged portions of the drum Finally, the toner is transferred to the paper through a combination of heat and pressure
laser printer
A printer using laser copier technology to produce high-quality printed material from computer data The laser charges an electrostatically sensitive drum to accept carbon based toners The toner is then transferred and fused to paper or transparency material
laser printer
(Some, but not all Laser Printers have PostScript capabilities ) A hardware device found in most offices that uses laser technology to form an image that is transferred to paper It is toner particles (like a copier) that actually mark the page Laser printers have an attribute of Resolution that is expressed as DPI (dots per inch ) 600 DPI lasers are most common but there are specialized lasers with greater resolution
laser printer
A digital printer that uses a dry toner process It's a fast printer but inkjet printers are ahead on price/performance for colour printing
laser printer
A printer that uses a light beam to transfer images to paper
laser printer
type of printer which prints via a ray from a laser
laser printer
A type of printer that produces exceptionally high quality copies It works on the same principle as a photocopier, placing a black powder onto paper by using static charge on a rolling drum
laser printer
While considerably more complex and expensive than most other common printer types, laser printers are capable of producing extremely high-quality text and graphics (including colour) at fantastic speeds At their most basic, laser printers apply an electrostatic charge to a drum inside the printer cartridge A laser or a light-emitting diode then discharges portions of the drum to form the characters or graphics Charged toner attaches itself to these discharged sections A charged piece of paper is passed over the drum, transferring the toner The toner is heated and fused to the sheet
laser printer
Printer that produces very high quality text and graphics using a laser beam The beam draws the characters as tiny dots- normally 300 or 600 dots per inch- on to a special drum The drum then attracts a fine black powder (called toner) to these dots which is transferred to a sheet of paper The final stage is to heat the toner which melts it on the paper forming a permanent image Laser printers are more expensive than almost any other type of printer, but are generally faster and excellent quality Other types of printer include inkjet and dot-matrix
laser printer
A computer-driven photocopier that creates an original image of the text or graphics from the output of the computer A computer-controlled laser beam "paints" the desired image inside the photocopier and then prints the image on a sheet of paper
laser printer
A laser printer scans a laser beam across a photoconductive drum according to the instructions of a computer whose memory holds a bitmapped construction of the image to be printed After the electrostatic image has developed, it is put on paper
laser printer
A printer that uses a laser beam to produce fast, high-quality output
laser printer
A laser printer is a computer printer that produces clear words and pictures by using laser beams. A printer that uses a laser to produce an image on a rotating drum before electrostatically transferring the image to paper
laser printer
a type of printer that uses a laser beam to generate an image and then electronically transfers it to paper, using toner
laser printer
A printer that produces high quality images using a method similar to that of a photo copying machine (WP, Gr 3)
laser printer
A non-impact output device that burns images on paper using toner and a small laser
laser printer
A type of printer that utilizes a laser beam to produce an image on a drum Laser printers produce very high-quality print and are very adept at printing graphics Because laser printers are nonimpact printers, they are much quieter than dot-matrix printers They are also relatively fast, printing from about 4 to 20 pages of text per minute (ppm)
laser printer
Printer that uses a beam of light to charge a drum so that it attracts toner, which is transferred to heated paper
laser printer
A printer that uses a laser and the electrophotographic method to print a full page at a time The laser is used to "paint" a charged drum with light, to which toner is applied and then transferred onto paper
laser printer
A non-impact printer which uses a laser beam and toner applied to paper to produce fast, quiet, high density (typically 75 to 1600 dpi or greater) dot matrix images
laser printer
A high-resolution non-impact printer that uses a variation of the electrophotographic process used in photocopying machines to print text and graphics onto paper A laser printer uses a rotating disc to reflect laser beams onto a photosensitive drum, where the image of the page is converted into an electrostatic charge that attracts and holds the toner A piece of charged paper is then rolled against the drum to transfer the image, and heat is applied to fuse the toner and paper together to create the final image
laser printer
(n ) A device that uses coherent light to cast an image onto an electrostatic drum, attracting toner and transferring the image onto paper
laser printer
A laser printer uses a laser beam to generate an image, and then transfers it to paper electro-statically
line printer
printer which prints information one band at a time
line printer
Contains a chain of characters or pins that print an entire line at one time Line printers are very fast, but produce low-quality print
line printer
A connectivity tool that runs on client systems and is used to print files to a computer running an LPD server See also Line Printer Daemon (LPD)
line printer
A high speed printer that can print an entire line at once
line printer
A text formatting term: A printer which prints pages (even graphics) one line at a time, as opposed to a page printer, which prints an entire page at once
line printer
A high-speed printing device, primarily used in data processing, that prints an entire line of type as a unit instead of printing each character individually. a machine that prints information from a computer at a very high speed printing
line printer
A line printer processes a document one line at a time In contrast, a page printer processes a document one entire page at a time
line printer
A printer that prints output, one line of characters at a time, as a unit Output of line printers is in constant-width characters
line printer
A type of IMPACT PRINTER using a printing unit that slides along a track and produces output a single line at a time
line printer
printer that serves as an output device on a computer; prints a whole line of characters at a time
line printer
a printing device which composes and prints a full line of characters at one time
line printer
A printer that assembles all characters on a line at one time and prints them out practically simultaneously
line printer
Any printer that prints a complete line at a time, rather than printing one character at a time ( as a dot-matrix or daisy wheel printer does), or one page at a time(as a laser printer does) Line printers are very high-speed printers,and are common in the coroporate environment where they are used with mainframe computers,minicomputers, and networked systems
matrix printer
printer which forms characters out of many small dots
network printer
printer which serves computers on a local area network
parallel printer
printer with a regular parallel connection
postscript printer
printer which can decode and print files in the PostScript printing language
Printers are generally grouped according to the technology they use to print, impact or non-impact Non-impact printers place ink, or print media, on the paper by some technology other than impact, such as ink-jet or heat Printers are classified as impact printers when they form images on paper by striking and pressing a ribbon against a sheet of paper These printers are noisy, inexpensive, and generally slower than non-impact printers are because much of the technology is mechanical An example of an impact printer is the dot matrix printer
plural of printer
Augustine, Genesius, John of God
Printers are devices for getting your work on paper There are several ways of printing in the computer centre For more details, visit the computer centre's web site
Data Collection Software Point of Sale
quality printer
printer that prints clearly and sharply
thermal printer
printer which uses heat to create images on paper
thermal printer
a printer that produces characters by applying heat to special paper that is sensitive to heat
wire matrix printer
an impact printer in which each character is represented by a pattern of dots made by wires or styli
xerographic printer
a page printer that uses the xerographic process
التركية - الإنجليزية
comp. printer
printer kısmı
printer section
etkin printer
(Bilgisayar) activeprinter
satellite printer location
stp location