Prenses rolünü kim oynayacak?
- Who will play the role of the princess?
Güçsüz bir prens olan Eric Danimarkalılar arasında büyük hoşnutsuzluğa sebep olan kötü bir para sistemi çıkardı.
- Eric who was a weak prince issued a bad coinage which excited great discontent among the Danes.
The term princely states is generally used for the feudal domains of native potentates maintained under indirect rule in European colonies, mainly British India where there were hundreds of them, while Western princes are said to reign over 'principalities'.
He is a prince among men.
His king imagines he would take part in a backstairs deceit . If Henry does not fully trust him, is it surprising? A prince is alone: in his council chamber, in his bedchamber, and finally in Hell's antechamber, stripped – as Harry Percy said – for Judgment.