
listen to the pronunciation of primary
الإنجليزية - التركية

Gösteri Stokçular Amerika'da koltuk psikolojinin başlıca nedenlerinden biridir. - The show Hoarders is one of the primary causes of armchair psychology in America.

{s} birincil

Diğerleri bir seçim düzenlerken, bazı devletler parti yönetim kurulu tarafından birincil adaylar seçerler. - Some states select primary candidates by caucus, while others hold an election.

Güvenlik birincil sorundur. - Safety is the primary concern.

{s} ana

On iki rengin bir toplamı için üç ana renk ve dokuz ikinci derecede renk vardır. - There are three primary colours and nine secondary colours for a total of twelve colours.

Onun başarısızlığının ana nedeni tembelliktir. - The primary cause of his failure is laziness.

{s} baş

Onun başarısızlığının ana nedeni tembelliktir. - The primary cause of his failure is laziness.

Dürüstlük onun başarısı için temel nedendir. - Honesty is the primary reason for his success.


Benim öncelikli ilgim sizin güvenliğinizdir. - My primary concern is your safety.

Nereye gideceğim ve ne göreceğim benim öncelikli ilgilerim. - Where to go and what to see were my primary concerns.

(Denizbilim) ilkil
(Ticaret) asli

Bu problem, ilkokul çocuklarının çözmeleri için çok zordur. - This problem is too difficult for primary school children to solve.

Leyla, Fadıl'ın ilk kız arkadaşıydı. - Layla was Fadil's primary girlfriend.


Üç ana renk, diğer bütün renklerin temelidir. - The three primary colors are the basis of all the other colors.

Bilimin temel amacı gerçeği , yeni gerçeği bulmaktır. - The primary aim of science is to find truth, new truth.


Güvenlik birincil sorundur. - Safety is the primary concern.

Diğerleri bir seçim düzenlerken, bazı devletler parti yönetim kurulu tarafından birincil adaylar seçerler. - Some states select primary candidates by caucus, while others hold an election.

{s} en başta gelen
{s} en önemli, başlıca; temel, ana, asıl: primary problem en
{i} ana renk

Üç ana renk, diğer bütün renklerin temelidir. - The three primary colors are the basis of all the other colors.

On iki rengin bir toplamı için üç ana renk ve dokuz ikinci derecede renk vardır. - There are three primary colours and nine secondary colours for a total of twelve colours.

{i} uçucu kanat tüyü
{s} birinci derecede
(Askeri) ANA GEZEGEN: Bir uydunun yörüngede çevresinde döndüğü cisim
{s} ilk, birinci, birincil: primary stage of development gelişmenin ilk aşaması
(Tıp) 1.İlk, birinci, birincil, ilkel, primarius; 2.Asıl, ana, başlıca

Benim öncelikli ilgim sizin güvenliğinizdir. - My primary concern is your safety.

Nereye gideceğim ve ne göreceğim benim öncelikli ilgilerim. - Where to go and what to see were my primary concerns.

(Ticaret) ilk el
en önemli
primary school

Boston'da ilkokula gittim. - I went to primary school in Boston.

Ben ilkokuldayken bir pilot olmayı hayal ederdim. - When I was in primary school, I dreamt of becoming a pilot.

primary school

O bir ilkokul öğretmeni bu yüzden o çocuklarla ilgilenmeye alışkın. - He is a primary school teacher, so he is used to dealing with children.

O ilkokulun güçlü bir futbol takımı var. - That primary school has a strong soccer team.


Amacımız öncelikle eğitimle ilgili. - Our goal is primarily educational.

Mutlu bir hayat öncelikle endişeden özgürlükten oluşur. - A happy life primarily consists of freedom from worry.

primary expenditures
Ana harcamalar, faiz dışı harcamalar
primary aldosteronism
primer aldosteronizm
primary care
(Tıp) birinci basamak tedavi
primary care
(Tıp) temel bakım
primary coil
(Elektrik, Elektronik) birinci devre bobini
primary colors
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) temel renkler
primary dealer
(Ticaret) piyasa yapıcılığı sistemi
primary goal
(Ticaret) temel hedef
primary market
(Ticaret) ana piyasa
primary market
(Ticaret) esas piyasa
primary mission
(Askeri) esas vazife
primary school
sübyan mektebi
primary school
sibyan mektebi
primary storage
(Askeri) ana bellek
primary teeth
süt dişi
primary window
(Bilgisayar) ön pencere
primary abscess
primer apse
primary amenorrhea
primer amenore
primary anemia
primer anemi
primary coil
primer bobin
primary colours
ana renkler
primary crusher
primary education
ilk tahsil
primary election
ana seçim
primary feather
büyük telek
primary feather
büyük tüy
primary industry
birincil sanayi
primary key
birincil anahtar
primary market
birinci piyasa
primary memory
ana bellek
primary radar
primer radar
primary road
ana yol
primary rocks
birinci zaman ait kayalar
primary root
primer kök
primary structure
ana yapı
primary tumour
ana tümör
primary word
temel sözce
primary word
temel sözcük
primary access
ana erişim
primary additive colour
primer toplanabilir renk
primary air
Bir nihai elemana verilen ve bu elemanda oda havası ile indüksiyon yada fan-gücü ile karışan hava; mahalle giriş yapan hava
primary alcohol
primer alkol, birincil alkol
primary bibliography
Birincil bibliyografya
primary care
birinci basamak sağlık

Yeni bir birinci basamak sağlık hizmeti sunucusu bulmalıyım. - I need to find a new primary care provider.

primary care trust
ana bakım vakfı
primary cell
primer pil
primary censorship
ESAS SANSÜR, TEMEL SANSÜR: Bölük, batarya, süvari bölüğü, gemi, mevki, üs ve benzeri birlik personeli tarafından, birliğe tahsis edilmiş, emrine verilmiş veya diğer şekilde birlik sorumluluğuna intikal etmiş personelin şahsi haberleşmeleri üzerinde uygulanan silahlı kuvvetler sansürü
primary consumer
Birincil tüketici
primary cosmic rays
primer kozmik ışınlar, birincil evren ışınları
primary crusher
primary current
primer akım
primary data
birincil veri
primary economy
birincil ekonomi
primary education inspector
ilköğretim müfettişi
primary election
(Politika Siyaset) Aday yoklaması
primary end point
ana değerlendirme ölçütü
primary health care
Birinci basamak sağlık
primary ionization
primer iyonizasyon
primary occupation
Birincil meslek
primary phase
primer faz, birincil faz
primary product
Birincil ürün
primary radiation
primer radyasyon, birincil ışınım
primary research
Birincil araştırma
primary shaft
ana mili
primary source
birinci elden kaynak
primary stress
birincil stres
primary structure
ana yapı, ilk yapı
primary surplus
(Finans) Faiz dışı fazla
primary task
Birincil görevi
primary tooth
(Diş) Süt dışı
primary voltage
primer gerilim
primary Boolean functions
ana Boole islevleri
primary accent
(Dilbilim) birincil vurgu
primary aging
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) birincil yaşlanma
primary aircraft authorization
(Askeri) ESAS UÇAK MÜSAADESİ: Kendi ameli görevlerinin ifası için bir birliğe verilen, müsaade edilen uçak. Esas müsaade; işgücü, destek teçhizatı ve uçuş saatleri planlarını içine alan faal kaynakların yerinin saptanması için bir temel teşkil etmektedir. Ayrıca bakınız: "backup aircraft authorization"
primary alerting system
(Askeri) İLK İKAZ SİSTEMİ: Stratejik Hava Kuvveti Karargahı tarafından, Stratejik Hava Kuvvetleri için ikaz ve icra vasıtası olarak kullanılmak üzere, şebeke halinde kiralanmış, telefon muhabere sistemi
primary arm
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) birinci kol
primary armament
(Askeri) ESAS SİLAH: Bak. "primary weapon"
primary barrel
(Otomotiv) primer kovan
primary beam
(Nükleer Bilimler) birincil ışın demeti,birincil huzm
primary bolt
birincil civatalama
primary casualty receiving and treatment ship
(Askeri) esas zayiat kabul ve tedavi gemisi
primary causer
(Dilbilim) üst-ettiren
primary cell
birincil pil
primary circuit
(Nükleer Bilimler) birinci devre
primary concern
temel sorun
primary consolidation settlement
birincil konsolidasyon oturması
primary control officer; procuring contracting officer
(Askeri) esas kontrol subayı; tedarik sözleşme subayı
primary coolant circuit
(Nükleer Bilimler) birinci soğutma devresi,birincil soğutma çevrimi
primary cortex
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) birincil korteks
primary creep
birinci akma
primary demolition belt
(Askeri) ANA TAHRİP KUŞAĞI, ANA ENGEL KUŞAĞI: Tümen veya daha üst birlik komutanı tarafından seçilmiş, bütün cephe boyunca uzanan aralıksız engeller kuşağı. Böyle bir kuşağın hazırlanması, normal olarak öncelik ifade eden bir istihkam görevidir. Ayrıca bakınız: "demolition belt"
primary deposit
(Askeri) esas mevduat
primary development/test aircraft inventory
(Askeri) esas geliştirme / test uçak envanteri
primary display
(Bilgisayar) birincil görüntü
primary domain controller
Birincil Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi
primary dos partition
birincil DOS bellek bölümü
primary element
(İnşaat) ön eleman
primary element
temel unsur
primary emission
birincil salim
primary enamel cuticle
(Diş Hekimliği) Ameloblastlarının son ürünü olduğu sanılan, mine yüzeyine tutunmuş aselüler organik madde tabakası; nasmyth zarı ve mine epitel artığı da denir
primary feather
uçucu kanat tüyü
primary file
birincil kütük
primary filter
primer filtre
primary fire position
(Askeri) ESAS ATEŞ MEVZİ: Bak. "primary position"
primary fire sector
(Askeri) ESAS ATIŞ SAHASI: Bir er, silah veya birliğin ateşi ile örtülecek belli başlı saha
primary firing position
(Askeri) ESAS ATEŞ MEVZİİ: Bak. "alternative position"
primary footer
(Bilgisayar) birincil altbilgi
primary geochemical differentiation
birincil jeokimyasal farklılaşma
primary geochemical dispersion
birincil jeokimyasal dağılım
primary group
birincil grup
primary gun
(Askeri) ESAS SİLAH: Özellikle bir tank veya zırhlı aracın belli başlı silahı
primary host
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) başkonakçı
primary interest
(Askeri) ESAS İLGİ, ESAS ÇIKAR: Bir vazifenin yerine getirilmesiyle ilgili-tek başına olmasa da, -belli başlı menfaat ve sorumluluk. Programda tali çıkarı bulunan diğer makamların faaliyetlerini uzlaştırmak da bu sorumluluğun içine girer
primary law
(Avrupa Birliği) Birincil Hukuku
primary liability
en başta gelen sorumluluk
primary male
(Denizbilim) birincil erkek
primary matter
(Tekstil) ana unsur
primary migration
birincil göç
primary military occupational specialty
(Askeri) esas askeri sanatkar er
primary mineral
birincil mineral
primary mission aircraft inventory
(Askeri) esas görev uçak envanteri
primary mos
(Askeri) ESAS ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI: Bir şahsın faaliyetindeki yenilik derecesi ve istenilen teknik ehliyetler göz önüne alınarak, en çok ilgi duyduğu ve en uzun tecrübe ve eğitim gördüğü ihtisas sahasında, en iyi şekilde başarabildiği, en üstün ehliyet derecesini temsil eden askeri meslek ihtisası
primary needs
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) birincil ihtiyaçlar
primary network
(Bilgisayar) birincil ağ
primary node
(Bilgisayar) asıl düğüm
primary object
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) birincil nesne
primary only
(Bilgisayar) yalnızca birincil
primary other aircraft inventory
(Askeri) esas diğer uçak envanteri
primary partition
birincil bellek bölümü
primary phase
(Tıp) primoenfeksiyon
primary phase
birincil faz
primary phone
(Bilgisayar) birincil telefon
primary piston
(Otomotiv) primer piston
primary plate
(Otomotiv) primer plaka
primary porosity
birincil porozite
primary port
(Askeri) esas liman
primary position
(Askeri) ESAS MEVZİ; ESAS ATEŞ MEVZİ: Verilen vazifeyi yerine getirmek için en iyi imkanlar sağlayan mevki, yer. Bak. "position"
primary powers
temel yetkiler
primary radar
(Askeri) YANSITMA RADARI: Yalnız yansıtmadan faydalanan radar
primary radar
(Askeri) ana radar
primary rights
(Politika, Siyaset) birincil haklar
primary runway
(Havacılık) ana pist
primary sector
(Ticaret) birincil sektör
primary shaft
primer şaft
primary shaft
vites kutusu ana mili
primary stain
birincil boya
primary standard
birincil standart
primary station
(Askeri) esas gözetleme yeri
primary storage
(Askeri) ANA BELLEK: Bilgisayarın asıl hafızası
primary stress
(Jeoloji) birincil gerilme
primary system
(Çevre) birinci system
primary target
(Askeri) TEHLİKELİ HEDEF: 0 anda en tehlikeli hedef olduğu için kendisine ateş edilmesi gereken hedef
primary tissue
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) primer doku
primary trainer
(Askeri) temel eğitim uçağı
primary treatment
birincil işlem/muamele
primary water
primary weapon
(Askeri) ESAS SİLAH: Bir muharebe birliğinin belli başlı silahı. Bir piyade bölüğünde; tali veya yardımcı silah olan el bombası veya kimya mermilerine kıyasla piyade tüfeği esas veya temel silahtır. Buna (primary armament) da denir. Bak. "secondary weapon"
primary winding
birincil sargi
primary wins
(Bilgisayar) birincil wıns
primary wires
(Otomotiv) birinci primer kablolar
primary zone
(Bilgisayar) birincil bölge
primary zone/switch location
(Askeri) esas bölge/değişim mevkisi
öncelikli olarak

Şirketiniz öncelikli olarak Amerika ile iş yapıyorsa, o zaman Amerikalı bir yerli ile İngilizce öğrenmek zorunda kalırsınız. - If your company primarily does business with America, then you should be studying English with a native speaker from America.

ilk olarak
en çok
her şeyden önce
herşeyden önce
Aslında, esasen: "İt's primarily an exporting firm. - O firmanın asıl işi ihracat
en çok: They export primarily figs. En çok incir
aslında, esasen: It's primarily an exporting firm. O firmanın asıl işi ihracat
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A primary election; a preliminary election to select a political candidate of a political party
A primary school

Excellence in Cities offers a further development of this approach, whereby secondary schools operate with small clusters of primaries as mini-EAZs.

That which is placed ahead of others

Preferred stock has primary claim on dividends, ahead of common stock.

The first year of grade school
A primary colour

By adding and subtracting the three primaries, cyan, yellow, and magenta are produced. These are called subtractive primaries.

Any flight feather attached to the manus (hand) of a bird
To take part in a primary election
A base or fundamental component; something that is irreducible
The most massive component of a gravitationally bound system
The first in a group or series

Children attend primary school, teenagers attend secondary school.

{n} a quill fether of a bird
{a} original, first, chief, first in station
Schools with Years 1 through to 7 including State Infant Schools, Junior State Schools Such schools may also host a Preschool unit
A preliminary election to select a political candidate
In reinsurance this term is applied to the nouns: insurer, insured, policy and insurance and means respectively: (1) the insurance company which initially originates the business, i e , the ceding company; (2) the policyholder insured by the primary insurer; (3) the initial policy issued by the primary insurer to the primary insured; (4) the insurance covered under the primary policy issued by the primary insurer to the primary insured (sometimes called "underlying insurance")
of primary importance; "basic truths"
The first part of a Kerberos principal The identification of who (or what) owns the specified set of Kerberos credentials Users, services, and hosts all have Kerberos credentials; the primary may be a username, the name of a service, or the name of a host
the first part of a Kerberos principal In the case of a user, it is the username In the case of a service, it is the name of the service
coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit; "current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil"
A primary planet; the brighter component of a double star
In a carburetor, the components that operate under normal driving conditions
The input side of a transformer A non-rechargeable cell such as a torch cell
Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880 primary teachers
Said of minerals, texture and structure of rock that came into existence at the time the rock was formed (as opposed to secondary)
of Bird
A "closed" primary is a system of selecting a party's candidate for office in an intraparty election in which only registered members of that party may vote Most state primaries are closed An "open" primary is a system of selecting a party's candidate for office in which voters registered with other parties and "independent" voters (i e , unaffiliated with any party) may also vote This kind of primary is also known as a "cross-over" primary The major political parties in every state choose delegates for their party's national nominating conventions, by means of either a primary or a caucus By tradition, the state of New Hampshire has the first primary (soon after the Iowa caucuses), and so it has big impact on setting the stage for the rest of the race, even though it is a small state with so few delegates For more detail, see documents on The Nominating Process
Primary education is given to pupils between the ages of 5 and
not derived from or reducible to something else; basic; "a primary instinct"
That which stands first in order, rank, or importance; a chief matter
Earliest formed; fundamental
The input side of a transformer 4
One of the large feathers on the distal joint of a bird's wing
The transformer winding that receives energy from a supply circuit printed circuit board - A means of making electrical interconnections without using insulated wires Printed circuit boards provide a supporting and insulating medium for components and conductors in a form that is readily adaptable to mat assembly
The simplest form of an expression A primary can be any of the following data objects: A constant A constant subobject (parent is a constant) A variable (scalar, structure, array, or pointer; an array cannot be assumed size) An array constructor A structure constructor A function reference An expression in parentheses
{i} preliminary election in which party candidates and leaders are chosen
a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing not derived from or reducible to something else; basic; "a primary instinct"
See Plumage, and Illust
Establishment of plants on land not previously vegetated Secondary: Invasion of land that has been previously vegetated, the pre-existing vegetation having been destroyed by natural or human disturbance, such as windthrow, fire, logging, or cultivation Early: Cropland, grasses, weed species, pine seedlings Mid-1: Pine (shortleaf, loblolly, etc ) Mid-2: Pine with hardwood understory (poplar, sweetgum, oak, etc ) Late: Oak-Hickory (white oak, post oak, hickory, dogwood, loblolly pine etc )
most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were primary targets"
a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen
See under Planet
A cell or battery designed to deliver its rated capacity once and be discarded; not designed to be recharged
That policy which must pay first in the event of loss This would be due to the wording of the policy as in the case of an Excess Liability policy or where two policies apply to the same loss (See Excess)
Short for Primary Fermenter A vessel used to house the beer in the first 3-7 days of initial fermentation after the yeast has been pitched into the wort
Identical species names first published in the same genus
{s} first, original; primeval, initial; principal, main, prime; basic, fundamental
fermenter - The vessel in which the initial, most active fermentation takes place
An intra-party election for the purpose of determining the party's nominee in the general election
as in "primary experience of the cosmos": first in time; does not imply "most important" or "more fundamental"
A primary meeting; a caucus
First in order, as being preparatory to something higher; as, primary assemblies; primary schools
one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing
The first executable in the ROM to run, namely the kernel
First in dignity or importance; chief; principal; as, primary planets; a matter of primary importance
of or being the essential or basic part; "an elementary need for love and nurturing"
You use primary to describe something that is very important. That's the primary reason the company's share price has held up so well His misunderstanding of language was the primary cause of his other problems = main
Illustrating, possessing, or characterized by, some quality or property in the first degree; having undergone the first stage of substitution or replacement
of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondhand; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest
means the resource can be used for primary school education (usually ages 5-11)
First in order of time or development or in intention; primitive; fundamental; original
Primary status is a special status that an A-road can have Large towns, cities and places of 'traffic importance' across the country (like bridges or tunnels) are designated 'primary destinations' The best routes between these places, by A-roads and motorways, are primary routes Almost all motorways are de-facto primary routes An A-road is rarely entirely primary; most either never have primary status or gain and lose it along the route The upside of this is that navigating is simple if you follow the green signs; the downside is that it makes numbering complex since few primary routes follow just one A-road
A transformer winding that carries current and normally induces a current in one or more secondary windings
Primary is used to describe something that occurs first. It is not the primary tumour that kills, but secondary growths elsewhere in the body
The input side of an isolating device In a shore power converter it is connected to the supply mains (dock power)
Receiver: The player who is designated to receive the ball by the quarterback in the huddle
A primary or a primary election is an election in an American state in which people vote for someone to become a candidate for a political office. Compare general election. the 1968 New Hampshire primary

The show Hoarders is one of the primary causes of armchair psychology in the United States. - The show Hoarders is one of the primary causes of armchair psychology in America.

The show Hoarders is one of the primary causes of armchair psychology in America. - The show Hoarders is one of the primary causes of armchair psychology in the United States.

primary alcohol
Any alcohol of general formula R-CH2-OH
primary alcohols
plural form of primary alcohol
primary amine
An amine, containing a single radical, of general formula R-NH2
primary amines
plural form of primary amine
primary care
The medical attention that a patient receives upon first contact with a healthcare system; either a general practitioner or the A&E; or ER department of a hospital
primary color
Alternative spelling of primary colour
primary colors
plural form of primary color
primary colour
Any of three colours which, when added to or subtracted from others in different amounts, can generate all other colours

Magenta, yellow and cyan are subtractive primary colours.

primary colours
plural form of primary colour
primary data
Data that has been compiled for a specific purpose, and has not been collated or merged with others
primary election
A preliminary election to select a political candidate of a political party
primary hypothermia
Hypothermia caused by exposure to a cold environment
primary industries
plural form of primary industry
primary industry
An industry that processes raw materials for conversion by secondary industry into goods or services sold by tertiary industry to provide goods or services to consumers
primary key
A uniquely identifying key in the design of database tables
primary keys
plural form of primary key
primary market
The part of the financial markets that deals with the issuance of new securities
primary offense
The most serious offence of a group of offenses that a person committed at the same time, or is charged with committing at the same time
primary offense
An offence of such seriousness that a police officer may arrest the person involved, or impose an instant fine
primary offenses
plural form of primary offense
primary phosphine
any compound of general formula R-PH2
primary producer
A person or organization producing basic agricultural commodities, such as a farmer or cattle producer
primary producer
An autotroph organism producing complex organic matter, using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis
primary production
The organic matter produced from carbon dioxide by photosynthesis
primary reinforcement
A consequence, such as food or water, that fulfills a primary, unlearned drive, such as hunger or thirst, and thereby reinforces a behavior without dependence on prior learning
primary reinforcements
plural form of primary reinforcement
primary research
The research that involves the collection of data that does not yet exist
primary residence
The dwelling where a person usually lives. A person may have only one primary residence at any given time and is used for legal purposes such as determining where a person votes or pays taxes
primary residences
plural form of primary residence. Note: the primary residence of multiple people since each person can have only one primary residence
primary school
The first formal, obligatory school. Usually begins with kindergarten or first grade and ends at fifth or sixth grade

The child's mother was tearful as he boarded the bus for his first day of primary school.

primary schools
plural form of primary school
primary sector
The sector of the economy that principally produces raw materials for use by other sectors
primary sectors
plural form of primary sector
primary source
A historical document that was created at or near the time of the events studied, by a known person, for a known purpose
primary structure
the linear sequence of amino acids covalently linked by peptide bonds to form a single polypeptide chain
primary teeth
plural form of primary tooth
primary tooth
milk tooth
primary valence
in a coordination compound, the number of negative ions needed to satisfy the charge on the central metal ion
primary balance
(Bilim, İlim) Government net borrowing or net lending, excluding interest payments on consolidated government liabilities
primary goods
Primary goods are presented in the important book A Theory of Justice (1971) written by the American philosopher John Rawls. Rawls identifies primary goods as the “things that every rational man is presumed to want”. Thus primary goods are the common base for the unanimous selection of the justice principle in the original position
primary care
(Tıp, İlaç) Health care provided by a medical professional (as a general practitioner, pediatrician, or nurse) with whom a patient has initial contact and by whom the patient may be referred to a specialist ― often used attributively "a primary care physician" ― called also primary healthcare
primary censorship
Armed forces censorship performed by personnel of a military unit on the personal communications of persons assigned to that unit
primary health care
(Tıp, İlaç) Health care provided by a medical professional (as a general practitioner, pediatrician, or nurse) with whom a patient has initial contact and by whom the patient may be referred to a specialist ― often used attributively "a primary care physician" ― called also primary care
primary succession
(Çevre) Primary succession is one of two types of biological and ecological succession of plant life, occurring in an environment in which new substrate devoid of vegetation and usually lacking soil, such as a lava flow or area left from retreated glacier, is deposited. In other words, it is the gradual growth of an ecosystem over a longer period
primary accent
emphasis in pronunciation, stress in pronunciation
primary aging
{i} gradual maturational processes, normal processes of aging, natural changes that take place as we grow older, natural changes that occur with no relation to illness or disease (such as wrinkles, baldness in men, menopause, need for reading glasses, etc.)
primary battery
A battery that cannot be charged See secondary battery
primary battery
A battery made up of primary cells See Primary Cell
primary care
Routine office medical care provided by a family physician
primary care
Non-specialized health care generally provided by family practice, pediatric or internal medicine doctors
primary care
Basic or general health care traditionally provided by physicians who specialize in family practice, pediatrics, or internal medicine
primary care
the medical care received on first contact with the medical system (before being referred elsewhere)
primary care
A basic level of care usually given by doctors who work with general and family medicine, internal medicine (internists), pregnant women (obstetricians), and children (pediatricians) A nurse practitioner (NP), a State licensed registered nurse with special training, can also provide this basic level of health care
primary care
Basic or general health care focused on the point at which a patient ideally first seeks assistance from the medical care system Primary care is considered comprehensive when the primary provider takes responsibility for the overall coordination of the care of the patient’s health problems, be they biological, behavioral, or social The appropriate use of consultants and community resources is an important part of effective primary care Such care is generally provided by physicians but is increasingly provided by other personnel such as nurse practitioners or physician assistants
primary care
Basic health care, generally involving children's and family care as well as internal medicine
primary care
– Physicians who are predominantly primary care doctors including general or family practitioners, internists, pediatricians, and sometimes OB/GYN doctors
primary care
Health care services that focus on preventive care and is different from health care services provided by specialists General practice, family practice, internal medicine and pediatrics are considered to be primary care Back to Top
primary care
Basic or general routine office medical care, usually from an internist, obstetrician-gynecologist, family practitioner, or pediatrician
primary care
Comprehensive, coordinated and continuous health care provided by a provider who is trained to manage most of a person’s health care needs Primary care practitioners are most often trained in family medicine, general internal medicine, or general pediatrics
primary care
The first level of health care outside hospital, it may be given by a general medical practitioner, a community nurse, midwife or health visitor
primary care physician
A physician designated as responsible to provide specific care to a patient, including evaluation and treatment as well as referral to specialists
primary care physician
the physician who provides primary care; "the primary care physician acts as a gatekeeper to the medical system
primary care physician
This type of physician provides treatment for routine injuries and illnesses and focuses on preventive care Also serves as a "gatekeeper" for managed care services in that insured patients must consult the PCP first before receiving treatment from specialists
primary care physician
Under a health maintenance organization or point-of-service plan, a primary care physician is the first contact for health care A primary care physician (usually a general practitioner) is often used as a "gate keeper" to make referrals to health care specialists, as necessary
primary care physician
In a managed health care plan, a physician, usually a general or family practitioner, who serves as the insured's personal physician and contact with the managed care plan
primary care physician
Some health insurance plans require members to select and seek treatment from a primary physican who either renders treatment or refers the member to an appropriate specialist within the approved health care network (H)
primary care physician
the physician who provides primary care; "the primary care physician acts as a gatekeeper to the medical system"
primary care physician
(Also known as Gatekeeper) A physician who serves as the patient's first point of contact with the health care system and coordinates the patient's medical care
primary care physician
a physician that is responsible for providing, prescribing, authorizing and coordinating all medical care and treatment
primary care physician
A Participating Physician who supervises, coordinates and provides initial care and basic medical services as a general or family care practitioner, or in some cases, as an internist or a pediatrician to members, initiates their Referral for specialist care, and maintains continuity of patient care
primary care physician
under the HMO and POS Options, the doctor the Member chooses to coordinate his care PCP's are family practice doctors, general practitioners, internists, pediatricians and, if approved by the particular HMO or POS, obstetrician-gynecologists
primary care physician
Under an HMO or Point-of-Service (POS) plan, a primary care physician is usually your first contact for health care This is usually a general practitioner, family practitioner, internal medicine or pediatrician The primary care physician makes referrals to specialists when medically necessary
primary care physician
A physician chosen by an enrollee to provide primary care return to previous page
primary cause of damage
framework for payment of compensation or damages
primary cell
A cell in which an irreversible chemical reaction generates electricity; a cell that cannot be recharged. Also called galvanic cell, voltaic cell
primary coil
coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit; "current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil
primary coil
A coil to which the input voltage is applied in an inductively coupled circuit, especially a transformer
primary colour
pri·ma·ry col·our primary colours in AM, use primary color Primary colours are basic colours that can be mixed together to produce other colours. They are usually considered to be red, yellow, blue, and sometimes green. It comes in bright primary colours that kids will love. one of the three colours red, yellow, and blue, which you can mix together to make any of the other colours
primary colours
The three colours from which all other colours can theoretically be mixed The primaries of pigments are traditionally represented as red, yellow and blue, while the primaries of light are red, blue and green
primary colours
The main colour components in a colour system
primary colours
Yellow, magenta (process red) and cyan (process blue) in printing; red, green and blue in photography
primary colours
colours that cannot be made by mixing other colours: red, yellow and blue
primary colours
Those colours from which all other colours may be mixed In painting, red, yellow, and blue are the primary colours
primary colours
The set of balls coloured Blue, Red, Yellow and Black Red and Yellow are always paired together as are Black and Blue
primary colours
Magenta, yellow, and blue These are colours that can not be derived from the mixture of any other colours on the palette
primary colours
In printing - yellow, magenta and cyan In light - red, green and blue
primary colours
The set of colours that can be mixed to produce all the colours in a colour space; in additive systems they are red, green, and blue, while in subtractive systems they are cyan, magenta, and yellow
primary colours
In printing these are cyan (blue), magenta (red) and yellow inks used (with the addition of black) in four colour process printing
primary colours
Primary colours - red , yellow and blue - may not be created by mixing other colours On the contrary, they are mixed with one another to produce other colours In printing and plastic arts, magenta (a pinkish red), yellow and cyan (a blue) are used as primary colours because they are better suited to mixing, and yield better balanced secondary colours A mixture of the three primary colours produces black
primary consumer
An animal that eats grass and other green plants in a food chain; an herbivore
primary data
fundamental data
primary demand
Demand from customers for themselves or their families See also derived demand
primary demand
The level of total demand for all brands of a given product or service–for example, the total demand for motorcycles
primary dysmenorrhea
painful menstruation that is intrinsic to menstruation and not the result of a disease
primary election
election to nominate candidates
primary growth
Growth in vascular plants resulting from the production of primary tissues by a primary meristem. Elongation of the plant body is usually a consequence of primary growth
primary health care
primary care the medical care that someone receives first when they become ill or have an accident
primary key
The MSLINK column in a database with linkages Any row can be uniquely specified solely by its MSLINK column value
primary key
key according to which primary searches and primary sorts are performed
primary key
The columns in a table that uniquely identify the rows in the table
primary key
Used in ER diagrams; if you think of the contents of an entity as a series of rows in a table, the primary key is the field containing the unique identifier for each row For example, in the entity Invoice there is a row of data for each invoice, and the field Invoice Number could serve as the primary key, which uniquely identifies a given invoice
primary key
A column or columns that uniquely identifies a row in a table
primary key
The Key chosen by the database designer to be VA FileMan's principal means of identifying records in the file VA FileMan automatically displays the Primary Key during classic interactive lookup (^DIC) and uses the Primary Key to identify records brought in during a KIDS installation Exactly one Key in a file or subfile must be designated the Primary Key See Key
primary key
A field used to uniquely identify a record
primary key
In a database, a field which uniquely identifies each record See: Key (Webopaedia)
primary liability
legal responsibility of one who accepted an obligation
primary research
Research using data collected by the researcher through observation, experimentation, or examination of primary sources
primary research
Conducting original research to obtain various social indicators that can help to determine community risk and protective factors, identify community resources, and determine community readiness for prevention efforts Primary research can involve researching community laws or surveys to determine attitudes, norms, or gaps in social services See archival data and social indicators
primary research
Original research conducted to collect new data to answer a research problem or solve a marketing information need
primary research
conducting research to collect new data to solve a marketing information need See also secondary research
primary research
Information collected by interview or questionnaire designed for a specific need
primary school
a school for young children; usually the first 6 or 8 grades
primary school
elementary school, school for children in grades 1-6 (or kindergarten-4 grade in some places), school which provides the basics of education
primary sector
of the economy - the extraction of raw materials from the earth, and agriculture
primary sex characteristic
the genetically determined sex characteristics bound up with reproduction (genitals and organs of reproduction)
primary standard
a pollution standard based on human health effects Primary standards are set for criteria air pollutants See also secondary standard
primary standard
The standard reference units and physical constants maintained by the National Bureau of Standards upon which all measurement units in the United States are based
primary standard
A pollution limit based on health effects Primary standards are set for criteria air pollutants
primary standard
primary storage
main memory, which holds what is currently being processed
primary storage
Temporary storage that is also referred to as random-access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM)
primary storage
Electrical device or devices that store data, resides on the bus, and is directly accessible to the processor
primary storage
A memory or storage device directly accessible to and addressable by the central processing unit
primary storage
(RAM - Random Access Memory) the memory area in which all programs and data must reside before programs can be executed or the data can be manipulated
primary storage
Primary Storage is the volatile or temporary storage (RAM) that the CPU uses for processing data and instructions As opposed to Secondary Storage which is semi-permanent, and includes devices like hard drives, floppies, CD-ROMS and tape drives When the computer is shut off or loses power, all information in Primary Storage is lost
primary stress
the strongest force that is put on a part of a long word when you say it, like the force given to 'pri' in 'primary'. It is shown in this dictionary by the mark ( ' )
primary structure
The linear sequence of amino acids in a protein
primary syphilis
the first stage; characterized by a chancre at the site of infection
primary syphilis
The first stage of syphilis, characterized by formation of a painless chancre at the point of infection and hardening and swelling of adjacent lymph nodes
primary terminal
(Otomotiv) The clip found inside the distributor on vehicles with non-electronic ignitions that allows electric current to pass from the points to the condenser and provides the insulation to keep the current from contacting other metal parts
primary tissue
Any of various tissues derived from a primary meristem, such as the precambium, protoderm, or ground meristem
primary tooth
one of the first temporary teeth of a young mammal (one of 20 in children)
primary verb
One of the three verbs be, do, and have, that can function either as a main verb or an auxiliary verb
primary wave
An earthquake wave in which rock particles vibrate parallel to the direction of wave travel. It can travel through solids and liquids
primary xylem
A type of xylem tissue derived from the procambium
Primary status is a special status that an A-road can have Large towns, cities and places of 'traffic importance' across the country (like bridges or tunnels) are designated 'primary destinations' The best routes between these places, by A-roads and motorways, are primary routes Almost all motorways are de-facto primary routes An A-road is rarely entirely primary; most either never have primary status or gain and lose it along the route The upside of this is that navigating is simple if you follow the green signs; the downside is that it makes numbering complex since few primary routes follow just one A-road
The first executable in the ROM to run, namely the kernel
In reinsurance this term is applied to the nouns: insurer, insured, policy and insurance and means respectively: (1) the insurance company which initially originates the business, i e , the ceding company; (2) the policyholder insured by the primary insurer; (3) the initial policy issued by the primary insurer to the primary insured; (4) the insurance covered under the primary policy issued by the primary insurer to the primary insured (sometimes called "underlying insurance")
Identical species names first published in the same genus
Schools with Years 1 through to 7 including State Infant Schools, Junior State Schools Such schools may also host a Preschool unit
most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were primary targets"
fermenter - The vessel in which the initial, most active fermentation takes place
one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing
An intra-party election for the purpose of determining the party's nominee in the general election
as in "primary experience of the cosmos": first in time; does not imply "most important" or "more fundamental"
In a carburetor, the components that operate under normal driving conditions
A cell or battery designed to deliver its rated capacity once and be discarded; not designed to be recharged
The first part of a Kerberos principal The identification of who (or what) owns the specified set of Kerberos credentials Users, services, and hosts all have Kerberos credentials; the primary may be a username, the name of a service, or the name of a host
of or being the essential or basic part; "an elementary need for love and nurturing"
of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondhand; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest"
the first part of a Kerberos principal In the case of a user, it is the username In the case of a service, it is the name of the service
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف primary في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

primary colors
(Jeoloji) ana renkler
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
(Tıp) Kronik bir karaciğer rahatsızlığı.Yavaş,yavaş karaciğerdeki safra kanallarını tahrib eder.Bu da safra salgılanmasını engeller.Karaciğerin uzun süreli tahrişi,hastalığın sonraki aşamalarında skarlaşma (Scarring) ve siroza yol açabilir
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
(Tıp) Karaciğer içindeki ve dışındaki safra kanallarının tahrişi,berelenmesi,skarlaşması ve daralması.Safra karaciğer içinde birikerek,karaciğer hücrelerinin hasarlanmasına yol açar.Bu durumdaki birçok kimse aynı zamanda ulcerative colitis'e de sahiptir



    التركية النطق



    /ˈprīˌmerē/ /ˈpraɪˌmɛriː/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    () From Latin primarius (“of the first, of the first rank, chief, principal, excellent”) primus (“first”); see prime. Compare French: primaire and primer and premier.

    رصف المشتركة

    primary school, primary care


    ... And the primary beneficiary of that repeal are insurance companies that are estimated ...
    ... percent cut in the primary program we help for seniors who are in nursing homes, for ...