تعريف prerequisites في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
Course prerequisites are indicated in the Academic Catalogue When not satisfied, the permission of the instructor is required
A student must obtain a standing of 50% or better to proceed to the next course in the sequence Students should always consider the minimum mark recommended by each academic department Most Grade 11 and 12 courses have prerequisite courses
Requirement that must be met before enrolling in a course This may be a class that is required before you can register for the next level, or it may refer to ACT or SAT test scores that are required before registering
Course prerequisites printed in the Course Schedule and/or University catalogs are not checked by the registration system However, students are advised to meet prerequisites since they may be enforced by the department offering the course
courses, test scores, and/or grade level that must be completed before taking a specific course
Courses, test scores, and/or grade level that must be completed before taking a specific courses
To succeed in certain courses, the professor may require that particular background courses be completed prior to enrollment Prerequisites can usually be found in the college catalog
In the tool kit, a link to a set of prerequisites will appear if any have been identified Prerequisites present some information about a product that, while not requirements, should be given some weight in the decision to purchase For example, on the Procurement side, a consideration in the purchase of a desktop computer system would be to maximize the amount of system RAM to the extent economically possible, because additional RAM will generally mean enhanced performance for the system in general and specifically when assistive devices are added On the Accommodation side, a consideration would be whether an existing office computer would be capable of accepting a particular assistive device For example,if a new assistive device is purchased for an employee, does their current desktop computer have enough I/O ports of the proper type to allow connection without causing conflict with existing peripherals?To list of terms
Requirements that must be completed before enrollment in the course The instructor may waive a prerequisite
Courses, test scores, and/or grade level that must be completed before taking a specific course
Each endorsement area has specific prerequisite requirements Endorsement prerequisites are those courses required for endorsement in a certain subject, but need to be completed outside the MIT program
A course that must be taken before you can enroll in a more advanced course These can be found listed in the Undergraduate Bulletin course descriptions
This is a requirement which you must have satisfied in order to be allowed to enrol in a unit, e g a pass in another unit (unless you have already passed an equivalent unit at another institution), enrolment in a specified programme, completion of Part I Only some units have prerequisites Prerequisites can be waived only by the Programme Chair of the programme offering the unit
A prerequisite is a course that must be successfully completed before another course can be taken For example, AS/LING1000 6 0 Introduction to Linguistics is a prerequisite for AS/LING2110 3 0 Articulatory Phonetics Therefore, AS/LING1000 6 0 must be successfully completed prior to enrolment in AS/LING2110 3 0
If one thing is a prerequisite for another, it must happen or exist before the other thing is possible. Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life. something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done prerequisite for/of/to
a course that must be completed satisfactorily before a more advanced level course may be taken For example, before a student can take English 287, he must complete English 101 and 102 English 101 and 102 are prerequisites for English 287
a requirement that must be satisfied, often another course, before a student can take a course Quality Point-a numerical value assigned each of the letter grades A through F The grade of A is valued at four quality points for each semester hour of credit in the course B is three points per hour, C is two, and D is one A grade of F has a quality point value of zero These values are used in calculating a students "grade point average and academic standing
a course students must take in preparation for another, usually more advanced course A different kind of prerequisite may require a student to have a certain major or a certain academic classification to enroll in the course
A course that you must take before you can register for another (usually more advanced) course For example, before you can take Calculus I, you must have completed Mathematics 29 with a grade of "C" or better (See also Co-requisite)
A condition of enrollment that s student is required to meet in order to demonstrate current readiness for enrollment in a course or educational program
Prerequisite: A successfully completed course or courses, skills, or knowledge a student must possess and demonstrate to the satisfaction of an instructor prior to enrolling and taking a class For example, knowing how to create spreadsheets may be a prerequisite for a class on business accounting
Some courses require other courses which must be completed before another can be taken For example, Acct 234 Principles of Accounting I Prerequisite: Acct 233 means that Acct 233 must be completed before a student enrolls in Acct 234 In some cases, an equivalent course for stated prerequisites may be substituted by permission of the dean or chairperson of the area in which the course is given
A dependency in which one fileset requires another fileset to be installed or configured before the first fileset can be installed or configured For example, fileset A may require that fileset B is installed before fileset A can be installed Therefore, fileset B is a prerequisite for fileset A See dependency, corequisite, and exrequisite