
listen to the pronunciation of preorder
الإنجليزية - التركية
İn mathematics, especially in order theory, preorders are binary relations that satisfy certain conditions. For example, all partial orders and equivalence relations are preorders. The name quasiorder iş also common for preorders. Other notations are pre-order, quasi-order, and quasi order. Many order theoretical definitions for partially ordered sets can be generalized to preorders, but the extra effort of generalization iş rarely needed
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Of a tree traversal, recursively visiting the root before the left and right subtrees
To order (goods) in advance, before they are available
A binary relation that is reflexive and transitive

The relation of logical implication over sentences is an example of preorder.

Order to arrange beforehand; to foreordain
To order to arrange beforehand; to foreordain




    quasiorder, depth-first


    علم أصول الكلمات

    (prefix.) Middle English, from Old French and Latin; Old French, from Latin prae-, from prae in front of, before; more at FOR.