po·wer lunchالتركية النطق
pauır lʌnçالنطق
/ˈpouər ˈlənʧ/ /ˈpaʊɜr ˈlʌnʧ/
علم أصول الكلمات
() power + lunch Coined 1979, by Lee Eisenberg, writing in Esquire, in the article “America’s Most Powerful Lunch.”Lee Eisenberg, “America’s Most Powerful Lunch.”, Esquire, October 1979; Volume 92, No. 4 ()Article begins: “It begins in New York every working day at 12:30 P.M. in the Bar Room of The Four Seasons. It ends with the decisions and the deals that will keep you in books, clothes, wine, and ideas for the rest of the year. Look inside and see who’s eating there and who gets the best table. Unless you're very persistent – or lucky – this is as close as you’ll get.”, September 18, 2004; many references.