
listen to the pronunciation of power
الإنجليزية - التركية

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Çin gibi farklı dilleri olan iki güçlü devlet ilköğretim okullarında Esperanto deneysel öğretimi üzerinde anlaşmaya varsalardı ne olurdu? - What would happen if two powerful nations with different languages - such as United States and China - would agree upon the experimental teaching of Esperanto in elementary schools?

Tekne güç için bir motor kullanır. - The boat uses a motor for the power.


Nükleer enerji elektrik üretmek için kullanılır. - Nuclear power is used to generate electricity.

Nehir şehre elektrik enerjisi sağlamaktadır. - The river furnishes electric power to the town.

{i} yetki

Belge, Manuela'ya tüm yetkileri verir. - The document grants full powers to Manuela.

Gözlem yetkileri üzerine bir deney sırasında, bu birimde iki yıl yaşamasın rağmen Tom oturma odası duvarında asılı resimlerden hiç birini tanımlayamadı. - During an experiment on powers of observation, Tom was unable to describe any of the pictures hanging on his living room wall, despite having lived in his unit for two years.


O senden daha kuvvetli. - She's more powerful than you.

Kuvvetlerin ayrılığı teorisi onun Kanunların Ruhu adlı kitabında Montesquieu'ya atfedilmiştir. - The theory of the separation of powers is attributed to Montesquieu in his book The Spirit of the Laws.

{i} üs [mat.]
{f} elektrik vermek
sınama gücü
sözü geçerlik
yapma gücü

Bu ülkenin askerî gücü çok gelişmiştir. - The military power of this country is very advanced.

Japonya'nın ordusu çok güçlüydü. - Japan's army was very powerful.

hızla gitmek

Hitler 1933 yılında iktidara geldi. - Hitler assumed power in 1933.

1603'te, Kral James iktidara geldiğinde, futbola tekrar izin verildi. - In 1603, when King James I came into power, football was allowed again.

güç sağlamak
{i} takât
{i} derman
bir sayın
ve kâletname

O zaman, Ethelbert, Kent'te kral olarak hüküm sürüyordu ve güçlüydü. - At that time, Ethelbert ruled as king in Kent, and was powerful.

Hükümette bazı güçlü insanlar tanıyorum. - I know some powerful people in the government.

bir başkası adına herhangi bir işi yapma yetkisi
(Askeri) SEVK KUDRETİ: Alçak infilak maddelerinin kapalı bir vasatta yanmasıyla meydana gelen gaz basıncı, kırıcı olmaktan ziyade itici bir kuvvet meydana getirir. Bu iş, infilak maddesinin gaz haline geçerken bir molekül değiştirme hassasıdır

Hukukun üstün gücüne inanıyordu. - He believed in the supreme power of the law.

1929'da ezici bir üstünlükle iktidara geldi. - He swept to power in 1929.

{f} çalıştırmak

Her geri dönüşümlü alüminyum bir TV'yi üç saat çalıştırmak için gerekli enerjiyi kazandırabilir. - Every recycled aluminium can saves enough energy to power a TV for three hours.

{i} güç, kuvvet: air power hava kuvveti. nuclear power nükleer güç. physical power fiziksel güç
{i} yetenek: the power to learn öğrenme
(Matematik) üst

Hukukun üstün gücüne inanıyordu. - He believed in the supreme power of the law.

1929'da ezici bir üstünlükle iktidara geldi. - He swept to power in 1929.

(Ticaret) etkili kişi
(Ticaret) meleke

Üç'ün üçüncü dereceden kuvveti 27'dir. - The third power of 3 is 27.

Kuvvetlerin ayrılığı teorisi onun Kanunların Ruhu adlı kitabında Montesquieu'ya atfedilmiştir. - The theory of the separation of powers is attributed to Montesquieu in his book The Spirit of the Laws.


Tom çocuklarının elektrikli aletlerini kullanmasına izin vermezdi. - Tom wouldn't let his children use his power tools.

Nehir şehre elektrik enerjisi sağlamaktadır. - The river furnishes electric power to the town.


Ölümün yüzü karşısında güçsüzdü. - He was powerless in the face of death.

O, kendi hayatı hakkında güçsüz hissediyor. - He feels powerless about his own life.

{s} güçlü

Kritik anlarda en güçlülerin bile zayıflara ihtiyacı vardır. - In critical moments even the very powerful have need of the weakest.

Askerlerin daha güçlü silahları vardı. - The soldiers had more powerful weapons.

{s} kuvvetli

O senden daha kuvvetli. - She's more powerful than you.

power segregation
Güçler ayrılığı
Kendini güç kullananarak ifâde eden
power amp
(Muzik) güç amfisi
power assisted steering
(Otomotiv) hidrolik direksiyon
power cut
planlı elektrik kesintisi
power flow
(Otomotiv) güç akışı
power function
(Matematik) güç işlevi
power law
güç yasası
power lead
elektrik kablosu
power line
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektrik kablosu
power off
(Bilgisayar) kapatma

Lütfen makinenizi kapatmayın ya da fişini çekmeyin. - Please do not power off or unplug your machine.

power off
(Bilgisayar) kapat

Lütfen makinenizi kapatmayın ya da fişini çekmeyin. - Please do not power off or unplug your machine.

power pack
(Askeri) güç paketi
power pack
(İnşaat) güç kaynağı
power point
güç noktası
power save
(Bilgisayar) güç tasarrufu
power save
(Bilgisayar) güç koruması
power steering
hidrolik direksiyon kutusu
power steering
takviyeli direksiyon
power steering
(Otomotiv) güç direksiyonu
power steering
hidrolik yardımlı direksyon
power steering
(Otomotiv) güç direksiyon sistemi
power steering
hidrolik direksiyon sistemi
power steering pump
(Otomotiv,Teknik) hidrolik direksiyon pompası
power supply
güç temini
power supply
besleme devreleri
power supply
güç dağıtıcı
power supply
elektrik besleme devresi
power supply
(Otomotiv) akü
power supply unit
güç kaynağı ünitesi
power test
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) güç testi
power unit
yürüyen aksam
power unit
güç ünitesi
power user
(Bilgisayar) çok kullanan bilgisayar
power adjust cable
güç ayar kablosu
power amplifier
güç yükselteci
power assisted steering
havalı direksiyon
power boat
power brake
mekanik eğleç
power cable
çıngı kablosu
power cable
elektrik kablosu
power coefficient
güç katsayısı
power consumption
enerji tüketimi
power control
güç kontrolü
power control rod
güç ayar çubuğu
power cord
elektrik kablosu
power current
yüksek gerilimli akım
power cut
çıngı kesintisi
power density
güç yoğunluğu
power detector
güç detektörü
power diode
güç diyodu
power dissipation
güç kaybı
power dive
gazlı pike
power driven
güç sürücülü
power economy
enerji tasarrufu
power engine
muharrik makine
power engine
power engineering
çıngı mühendisliği
power factor
güç katsayısı
power failure
çıngı kesintisi
power failure
güç kesintisi
power gain
güç kazancı
power hammer
power level
güç düzeyi
power level mode switching
güç seviye modu geçişi
power light
güç ışığı
power line
akım kablosu
power loss
güç kaybı
power meter
güç ölçer
power of attorney
power of attorney
temsil yetkisi
power of life and death
idam veya af yetkisi
power of procuration
power of procuration
power of sale
satış yetkisi
power off

Lütfen makinenizi kapatmayın ya da fişini çekmeyin. - Please do not power off or unplug your machine.

power on indicator
açık göstergesi
power output
çıkış gücü
power output
güç çıkışı
power plant
enerji santrali

İşte bir atom enerji santrali. - Here is an atomic power plant.

Sami bir nükleer enerji santralinde çalışmıştı. - Sami worked at a nuclear power plant.

power plant
çıngı santralı
power point
power point
çıngı prizi
power politics
kuvvet politikası
power reactor
güç reaktörü
power rectifier
güç redresörü
power relay
güç rölesi
power saw
motorlu testere
power saw
elektrikli testere
power series
kuvvet serisi
power shovel
power shovel
power station
güç istasyonu
power station
çıngı santralı
power steering
hidrolik direksiyon

İlk arabamın hidrolik direksiyonu yoktu. - My first car didn't have power steering.

power steering
servo direksiyon
power stroke
iş stroku
power stroke
kuvvet zamanı
power structure
güç yapısı
power struggle
güç savaşı
power supply
güç kaynağı
power supply
besleme kaynağı
power switch
güç anahtarı
power switch
güç şalteri
power system
güç sistemi
power tool
elektrikli alet

Tom elektrikli aletlerle çalışır. - Tom works with power tools.

Tom çocuklarının elektrikli aletlerini kullanmasına izin vermezdi. - Tom wouldn't let his children use his power tools.

power tool
motorlu aygıt
power transfer
güç aktarımı
power transformer
güç trafosu
power transmission
güç aktarımı
power trip
güç yolculuğu
power tube
güç tüpü
power unit
güç birimi
güç destekli
makine gücüyle çalışan
güç paylaşımı
power brake
güç fren
power cell
Batarya, pil, güç ünitesi
power chord
(Muzik) 2 notadan oluşan akor
power contactor
güç kontaktör
power dissipation
güç kaybı, güç yitimi
power distance
Güç aralığı, güç mesafesi
power distance
güç uzaklığı
power down
(Elektrikli cihaz) Kapatmak
power driven
motorla çalışan
power fail logic
güç arızası mantığı
power grid
elektrik şebekesi
power harassment
power hungry mayor
yeti aç belediye başkanı
power input
güç girişi
power lifting
güç kaldırma
power line
(Mühendislik) enerji nakil hattı
power of
power of procuration
vekâlet, selahiyet
power outage
Elektrik kesintisi
power slide
güç slayt
power spike
güç başak
power stage
güç katı
power struggles
güç mücadeleleri
power supply company
güç kaynağı şirket
power takeoff
Mafsallı mil, mafsallı şaft
power zoom
otomatik zoom, otomatik kaydırma

O senden daha kuvvetli. - She's more powerful than you.

powerfully kudretle
power line
(Elektrik, Elektronik) güç hattı
power outlet
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektrik prizi
power plant

Nükleer enerji santralleri, ısı üretmek için uranyum fizyonuna dayanır. - Nuclear power plants rely upon the fission of uranium to generate heat.

Fukushima No.1 nükleer santralinde, depremden hemen sonra bütün reaktörler durdu. - At the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, all the reactors stopped just after the quake.

power steering
(Otomotiv) pover direksiyon
power struggle
(Politika, Siyaset) iktidar mücadelesi
power up
(Bilgisayar) güç açık
motorla tahrik edilen
ensesi kalın
etkili bir biçimde
güçlü bir şekilde
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
control, particularly legal or political (jurisdiction)

In the face of expanding federal power, California in particular struggled to maintain control over its Chinese population.

capability or influence

Past and future obviously have no reality of their own. Just as the moon has no light of its own, but can only reflect the light of the sun, so are past and future only pale reflections of the light, power, and reality of the eternal present.

A rate to magnify an optical image by a lens or mirror

We need a microscope with higher power.

To provide power for (a mechanical or electronic device)

This CD player is powered by batteries.

To hit or kick something forcefully
A measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy
electricity or a supply of electricity

After the pylons collapsed, this town was without power for a few days.

The probability that a statistical test will reject the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true
A product of equal factors. Notation and usage: xn, read as "x to the power of n" or "x to the nth power", denotes x × x × ... × x, in which x appears n times, where n is called the exponent; the definition is extended to non-integer and complex exponents
In Christian angelology, the fourth level of angels, ranked above archangels and below principalities
physical force or strength

He needed a lot of power to hit the ball out of the stadium.

Power tools are operated by electricity. large power tools, such as chainsaws. a power drill. hand
{n} command, government, influence, reach, stength, ability, a host, a potentate
supply the force or power for the functioning of; "The gasoline powers the engines"
(physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second)
If someone in authority has the power to do something, they have the legal right to do it. The police have the power of arrest
Ability, regarded as put forth or exerted; strength, force, or energy in action; as, the power of steam in moving an engine; the power of truth, or of argument, in producing conviction; the power of enthusiasm
The ability to get other individuals to do as one wants them to do pragmatic party A type of political party concerned primarily with winning elections precedent A previous judicial case used as an example for deciding the case at hand preferential (alternative) ballot Electoral system in which voters rank the candidates prerogative The residual powers of the Crown that can be exercised at its own discretion Prime Minister’s Office Support staff appointed by the Prime Minister to carry out political functions priming The selective portrayal of political events and personalities by the media which in turn affects public opinion primus inter pares Latin phrase meaning "first among equals " private law Laws controlling relations between individuals private member's bill Public bills introduced in the legislature by members who are not in the cabinet privatization The sale of government-owned assets or activities to the private sector
The time rate of doing work power factor The cosine of the phase angle between current and voltage in an a-c circuit
If someone has power, they have a lot of control over people and activities. In a democracy, power must be divided. a political power struggle between the Liberals and National Party
The product arising from the multiplication of a number into itself; as, a square is the second power, and a cube is third power, of a number
12. You can refer to people in authority as the powers that be, especially when you want to say that you disagree with them or do not understand what they say or do. The powers that be, in this case the independent Television Association, banned the advertisement altogether. In science and engineering, the time rate of doing work or delivering energy. Power (P) can be expressed as the amount of work done (W), or energy transferred, divided by the time interval (t): P = W/t. A given amount of work can be done by a low-powered motor in a long time or by a high-powered motor in a short time. Units of power are those of work (or energy) per unit time, such as foot-pounds per minute, joules per second (called watts), or ergs per second. Power can also be expressed as the product of the force (F) applied to move an object and the speed (v) of the object in the direction of the force: P = Fv. See also horsepower. attorney power of balance of power hydroelectric power nuclear power power of the father police power Power Charles Gavan Power Tyrone Edmund sea power tidal power wind power Allied Powers Axis Powers Central Powers Powers Hiram separation of powers War Powers Act
{f} provide power, supply with power; set in motion, drive; inspire, motivate
Electricity supply
1 The amount of work done in a given period of time 2 The source of energy or motive force by which a physical system or machine is operated
The amount of work per unit of time Usually expressed in watts, and equal to I²R Power Supply Cord An attachment plug molded to a length of flexible cord May also include a molded on strain relief, or terminations on the end opposite the plug
Ability to act, regarded as latent or inherent; the faculty of doing or performing something; capacity for action or performance; capability of producing an effect, whether physical or moral: potency; might; as, a man of great power; the power of capillary attraction; money gives power
A nation having a strong military and/or economy
The exercise of a faculty; the employment of strength; the exercise of any kind of control; influence; dominion; sway; command; government
one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority; "the mysterious presence of an evil power"; "may the force be with you"; "the forces of evil"
The power of something is the ability that it has to move or affect things. The Roadrunner had better power, better tyres, and better brakes. massive computing power
A general term which means the capacity for doing work In the electrical environment this is usually measured in watts
The rate at which work is done and measured in watts (W) In electrical and electronic circuits, Power (P) = Supply Voltage (E) x Supply Current (I) or Load Voltage (VL) x Load Current (IL) See WATT
In mathematics, power is used in expressions such as 2 to the power of 4 or 2 to the 4th power to indicate that 2 must be multiplied by itself 4 times. This is written in numbers as 24, or 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, which equals
Control and influence over another entity and its actions
Same as Poor, the fish
(gen) The rate at which ENERGY is consumed or produced It is expressed in WATTs (W) A 1-watt source supplies energy at the rate of 1 JOULE per second (A 100-watt lamp consumes energy at the rate of 100 joules per second; the human body involved in normal activity is rated at about 100W, a significant proportion being used to drive the brain) The Sun radiates energy at the rate of about 70 million watts per square meter of its surface; at the equator the Earth receives a mean annual solar energy flux of around 1,400 watts per square meter F - puissance S - potencia
a very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"
the amount of work or energy expended in a given amount of time For example, the watt is a unit of power, which is defined as a joule per second
A military or naval force; an army or navy; a great host
a state powerful enough to influence events throughout the world
The rate at which electrical energy is fed into or taken from a device or system, expressed in watts or dBW The signal strength on the uplink or downlink of a satellite communications system is quantified by the power of the radio wave radiated by the transmit antenna
The rate of delivery (or expenditure) of energy (measured in watts)
Capacity of undergoing or suffering; fitness to be acted upon; susceptibility; called also passive power; as, great power of endurance
The rate at which energy is transferred Electrical energy is usually measured in watts Also used for a measurement of capacity
Your power to do something is your ability to do it. Human societies have the power to solve the problems confronting them He was so drunk that he had lost the power of speech
The rate at which work is done or energy expended It is measured in units of energy per unit of time, such as calories per second
a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
If people take power or come to power, they take charge of a country's affairs. If a group of people are in power, they are in charge of a country's affairs. In 1964 Labour came into power He first assumed power in 1970 The party has been in power since independence in 1964
physical strength
A product of equal factors. Notation and usage: x[n], read as "x to the power of " or "x to the th power", denotes x × x × ... × x, in which x appears times, where is called the exponent; the definition is extended to non-integer and complex exponents
A mechanical agent; that from which useful mechanical energy is derived; as, water power; steam power; hand power, etc
The device or fuel that powers a machine provides the energy that the machine needs in order to work. The `flywheel' battery, it is said, could power an electric car for 600 miles on a single charge + -powered -powered battery-powered radios. nuclear-powered submarines. see also high-powered
the time rate of doing work or the rate at which energy is used One equation for Power
The agent exercising an ability to act; an individual invested with authority; an institution, or government, which exercises control; as, the great powers of Europe; hence, often, a superhuman agent; a spirit; a divinity
The chance that an experimental study will correctly observe a statistically significant difference between the study groups This may be considered the "sensitivity" of the study trial itself for detecting a difference when it is there
1) The rate of energy production or transfer 2) Electrically, power is expressed in watts (the product of applied voltage and resulting in-phase current Same as active or real power in contrast with reactive or apparent power Used interchangeably with although technically not a synonym of energy 3) Power delivered to a load is also termed demand
(physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second) supply the force or power for the functioning of; "The gasoline powers the engines
The amount of EMF/energy per unit of time Usually expressed in watts
{i} strength; ability; capability; authority; exponent (Mathematics); output, capacity (of electricity, etc.)
If it is in or within your power to do something, you are able to do it or you have the resources to deal with it. Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is within your power to resolve it
The rate at which energy is transferred Electrical energy is usually measured in watts The term is also used for a measurement of capacity
The rate at which work is performed Power is proportional to torque and rpm and is measured in horsepower
A large quantity; a great number; as, a power o&?; good things
You can use power to refer to a country that is very rich or important, or has strong military forces. In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance
1 The rate in which energy is transferred or converted per unit of time 2 The rate in which work is done See Horsepower, Kilowatt, Megawatt, Watt for units of power
Applied force; force producing motion or pressure; as, the power applied at one and of a lever to lift a weight at the other end
Power is the ability to get what you want, or as conflict theorist Kenneth Boulding put it, to "change the future " This can occur through force (sometimes referred to as "power-over"), through cooperation (referred to as "power-with" or exchange power) or through the power of the integrative system--the system of identity and relationships that holds people together in groups
{s} operated by a motor or electricity; assisted by a power source, partially operated by a motor or electricity
power ballad
An emotional rock song, generally focused on love, delivered with powerful vocals
power base
The source of a person's or organization's power or influence
power bases
plural form of power base
power behind the throne
Someone who appears to be without special status, but who has great covert influence on a person in authority
power box
A box that is the source that sends the electricity to the houses in that part of the neighborhood
power boxes
plural form of power box
power broker
A person or group having the ability to influence important decisions, especially in public policy, politics, and business

The Qatar government, which runs the QIA, will become a major power-broker in determining the future of the London exchange.

power brokers
plural form of power broker
power chord
A chord or combination of notes used in rock music and typically selected to sound good at high volume and high levels of distortion. Power chords make extensive use of intervals such as open fourths and fifths
power chords
plural form of power chord
power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely
The corrupting influence of power is total when one's power is total

Lord Acton see: Wikiquote.

power cut
An interruption in the supply of power (usually electricity)
power cuts
plural form of power cut
power down
To switch off
power dressing
a style of business dress that gives an impression of confidence and efficiency
power factor
The ratio of the actual power to the apparent power in an alternating current power system; specifically, the cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and the current

The power factor is of interest because it is a measure of the power which does useful work.

power factors
plural form of power factor
power forward
A forward who is capable of both rugged physical play and scoring goals
power forward
A forward who is responsible for scoring near the basket, collecting rebounds and blocking shots in defence
power forwards
plural form of power forward
power function
a function where the independent variable is raised to some real number power
power functions
plural form of power function
power gamer
A regular gamer who plays computationally demanding games on state-of-the-art hardware
power gamer
A player who focuses on making his or her characters as powerful as possible
power hitter
a batter with a high slugging percentage
power hitters
plural form of power hitter
power inverter
A device that converts direct current electricity to alternating current electricity
power inverters
plural form of power inverter
power law
Any of many mathematical relationships in which something is related to something else by an equation of the form f(x) = a.xk
power laws
plural form of power law
power line
An electrical wire, cable or conduit, suspended in air by utility poles or transmission towers, or buried underground, used for the carrying of electricity either from a power source such as a generating station to a substation, or from a substation to a building such as a plant, commercial building or a home
power line communication
The distribution of data and other signals via electric power distribution wires
power line communications
plural form of power line communication
power lines
plural form of power line
power lunch
A working lunch at which important discussions may be held, and important decisions made
power lunches
plural form of power lunch
power nap
A short sleep taken in the daytime in order to refresh a person and generally terminated before deep sleep begins so as not to leave the sleeper drowsy
power naps
plural form of power nap
power of appointment
In the law of wills, the ability of a testator to select a person who will be given the authority to dispose of certain property under the will
power of attorney
A legal document allowing one person to act as the agent of another
power of termination
Where a grantor has created a fee simple subject to condition subsequent, and the condition of the grant has come to pass, the right of the grantor to physically reclaim ownership of the land
power pack
A portable power supply
power packs
plural form of power pack
power pill
A tablet of the drug ecstasy
power pills
plural form of power pill
power plant
The portion of a vehicle devoted to providing energy for motion; the engine or motor

A train without the power plant is just a bunch of metal boxes on wheels.

power plant
A station built for the production of electric power

All of this areas power comes from the nuclear power plant across the river.

power plants
plural form of power plant
power play
In ice hockey, the situation where a team has a numerical advantage on the ice due to one or more penalties given to the opposing team
power play
A similar situation in other ball games such as lacrosse, indoor soccer, rugby and cricket
power plays
plural form of power play
power point
A wall socket by which electricity is provided to electrical devices
power points
plural form of power point
power politics
Politics with power
power pop
A genre of popular music inspired by 1960s British and American pop and rock music, with strong melodies, crisp vocal harmonies, economical arrangements, and prominent guitar riffs
power saw
Any of various types of saw now usually powered by electricity
power saws
plural form of power saw
power set
The set of all subsets of a set. Notation for a set S: \mathcal{P}(S) or 2S

The power set of {1, 2} is {Ø, {1}, {2}, {1, 2}}.

power sets
plural form of power set
power sharing
The sharing of power by two governments, or two political parties, especially in a disputed territory

In particular the power sharing and consensus mechanisms enshrined in the process have been designed to ensure that the politicians engage in a continuous balancing process . . .

power slide
The act of pushing the skateboard sideways
power slide
The act of sliding on one's knees, often in celebration
power slide
The act of sliding with the wheels being driven
power snack
A snack eaten to give a boost to energy levels
power snacks
plural form of power snack
power source
A source of power such as a generator or mains outlet

He would have liked to use the electric drill but there was no convenient power source.

power sources
plural form of power source
power station
an industrial complex where electricity is produced
power stations
plural form of power station
power steering
A system for reducing the driver's effort to steer, by using a power source to assist in turning the wheels
power suit
A suit stereotypically associated with the 1980s, characterized by sharp cuts, wide shoulder pads, and a stiff rigidity
power suit
A powered exoskeleton

The crew chief was wearing a bulky exoskeleton power suit that enabled her to manipulate components weighing over a tonne.

power supplies
plural form of power supply
power supply
A source of power such as the mains or a generator
power supply
That part of a piece of electronic apparatus that provides appropriate voltages for the rest of the electronics from the connected AC source
power surge
an unexpected and uncontrolled increase in the output power of an engine or motor

The pilot quickly recovered from the power surge cause by the faulty fuel system.

power surge
an unexpected, temporary, uncontrolled increase in current or voltage in an electrical circuit; a voltage spike
power surges
plural form of power surge
power tap
A multi-socket plug that can be used to channel electricity from a single socket
power taps
plural form of power tap
power tool
A tool powered by a motor
power tools
plural form of power tool
power toothbrush
A toothbrush that's bristles run on electric power
power toothbrushes
plural form of power toothbrush
power trains
plural form of power train
power trip
Any activity which confers a sense of power on the person involved
power trip
The excitement that results from such an activity
power trips
plural form of power trip
power up
To become ready for operation as a result of the provision of electrical power

The office systems power up automatically at 7:30am on workdays.

power up
To turn the electrical power on to a device as a precondition to make it operational

Every morning he powered up his electronic devices, even before making coffee.

power user
A computer user who seeks and uses products having the most features and the fastest performance
power user
A user of a personal computer who can utilize advanced and complex functions and programs which are outside the reach of normal users
power users
plural form of power user
power walk
To walk very fast for exercise
power walked
Simple past tense and past participle of power walk
power walking
Present participle of power walk
power walks
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of power walk
power wall
Behind retail sales counters in jurisdictions where tobacco advertising has been banned or heavily restricted, a prominent, enticing display of tobacco products

When you go into your local convenience or grocery store after May 31, 2008, you'll notice the power wall displays of tobacco products behind the counter are gone.

power wall
In retail selling, a large, visually appealing display of products intended to attract the interest of customers

The new layout features a room solutions orientation, navigational signage, lower-profile fixtures and power walls for key categories like towels.

power walls
plural form of power wall
power word
A word that often evokes an emotional response, positive or negative, in the target audience, leading to a desired outcome
power words
plural form of power word
power-associative algebra
An algebra such that every subalgebra generated by one element is associative
Alternative spelling of power broker
Alternative form of power line
power-line communication
Alternative spelling of power line communication
power-line communications
plural form of power-line communication
To engage in a power trip
The practice of engaging in power trips
A special item which, when obtained, provides the player with some asset that is necessary for or makes easier the process of beating the game
To walk very fast for exercise
power analysis
In cryptography, a form of side channel attack in which the attacker studies the power consumption of a cryptographic hardware device (such as a smart card, tamper-resistant "black box", or integrated circuit). The attack can non-invasively extract cryptographic keys and other secret information from the device
power broker
A person who exerts strong political or economic influence, especially by virtue of the individuals and votes he or she controls
power loss
A power outage (also known as power cut, power failure or power loss) is the loss of the electricity supply to an area
power outage
A power outage (also known as power cut, power failure or power loss) is the loss of the electricity supply to an area
Simple past tense and past participle of power
Having, or capable of exerting power, potency or influence
Lacking sufficient power or strength

You are powerless to stop me.

The state or character of being powerless; absence or lack of power
Third person singular simple present form of to power
plural form of power
{a} mighty, strong, potent, efficacious
{a} mightily, strongly, efficaciously
{a} weak, helpless, defenseless
power cut
A power outage (also known as power cut, power failure or power loss) is the loss of the electricity supply to an area
power loom
A weaver's loom worked by machine rather than by hand
power trip
An action undertaken chiefly for the gratification associated with the exercise of power over another or others

He was giving orders, and people were taking them. He was on a power trip (Nelson DeMille).

Power Of Attorney
power broker
An individual who arranges power sales between other parties, but never actually owns the power Power brokers are not required to register with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Essentially anyone can be a power broker
power broker
An entity that acts as an intermediary for the sale of power
power broker
A company that puts buyer and seller together, facilitating the sale of energy at a price acceptable to both sides
power broker
An entity authorized by FERC to engage in market-based wholesale electricity transactions
power broker
A power broker is someone who has a lot of influence, especially in politics, and uses it to help other people gain power. Jackson had been a major power-broker in the 1988 Presidential elections. someone who controls or influences which people get political power in an area
power broker
a person who is important by virtue of the people or votes they control; "a power broker who does you a favor will expect you to return it"
power broker
An individual who arranges power sales between other parties, but never actually owns the power
power broker
a person who is important by virtue of the people or votes they control; "a power broker who does you a favor will expect you to return it
power broker
A party that arranges the sales transaction of electricity between a seller and a buyer A power broker never actually owns the power
power broker
A central power scheduling utility that matches lowest cost power offers in the Pacific Northwest with the highest offers to buy in the Southwest
power cord
a cord to conduct power to an electrical appliance
power cut
A power cut is a period of time when the electricity supply to a particular building or area is stopped, sometimes deliberately. a period of time when there is no electricity supply = power failure American Equivalent: power outage
power cut
power outage, decrease in electrical supply, decrease in voltage
power down
interruption in the electrical supply to a computer by turning off the electrical switch
power grid
This is a system of interconnected electric lines and generators that is managed so that generation is increased or decreased as necessary to meet the requirements of the power consumers who are connected to the grid
power grid
the series of cables and control systems that transmit electricity from where it is generated to where it is used
power grid
The network of transmission lines that link all generating plants in a region with local distribution networks to help maximize service reliability
power grid
A network of electrical power lines and associated equipment used to transmit and distribute electricity
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